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May 30, 2023
May 30, 2023
It's been difficult coming to terms with the fact that more than a year has passed since I last saw, talked with, and hugged my Sonshine. He was born and raised in Fort Collins, so memories of him literally live in every part of this city.

This first year was spent questioning, doubting, digging for information to help me understand and definitely lots and lots of tears. We are 1 week into the second year and I've decided to focus on the great and happy things in his life. His humor, accomplishments, growth and more. There's no stopping the pain and grief, but I'd like to bask in the story of his LIFE.

I know so many are still hurting, please be good to yourself. He would've wanted this for you.

~ Ryan's Mama
November 28, 2022
November 28, 2022
I was the funeral director who had the honor of caring for Ryan and his family. It's always sad to lose someone so young, but Ryan's death touched my heart. I never knew Ryan, but I can say without a doubt that he was deeply loved by so many of his friends and family, and when our time on earth ends, that's the most wonderful thing any of us could hope for. To his beautiful mother, Candi-every time I'm worn out emotionally from my work and question if this is the right path for me, I think of you and Ryan. Your strength and grace are my inspiration to keep going. 
October 23, 2022
October 23, 2022
My Sonshine  We lost you 5 months ago this evening. My heart breaks every single day, I love and miss you so very much ~ Mama
October 10, 2022
October 10, 2022
It has really taken me a moment to realize just how much Ryan truly meant to me, not only as a lending ear whenever I needed advice, but as a big brother I wish I had always had. Though I had never actually met Ryan in real life, we’d talk almost everyday and you couldn’t even tell had you hear the conversations we always be having; there are so many funny memories of me doubting myself or having low self esteem and Ryan making me absolutely bust out laughing when I heard “Bro shut up your literally cute, all the shorty’s want you” each and every time without fail it would catch me off guard and I miss it so much. I’m going to always look back and remember the great times about talking fashion with him and how much he truly loved jewelry; those talks meant everything to me looking back on it now and I’m going to cherish it forever. Everytime he’d join up on the PlayStation party there was never a full moment because we’d always be laughing at stupid memes, making weird monkey noises, or just talking about how crackhead people are sometimes. I’m so sorry I couldn’t be there for you more Ryan, if I truly knew what was going on with you that week I would’ve done everything in my power to help you through however you were feeling; you were as much as a pillar to me as you were with all of the people that you touched. I feel like crying whenever I think about how much of a gentle soul you were and how much I strive to be like you one day. Please keep watch over me, all of your other friends, and family. I love and miss you so much brother❤️
October 9, 2022
October 9, 2022
Ryan’s passing is one of the hardest things I’ve had to accept in a long time. I met Ryan online through our mutual friend Gabe and funny enough we didn’t really hit it off at first but more and more parties we were in, laughs we shared, memories we made, he became one of my closest friends.
Ryan was charismatic, outspoken and funny as hell. With Ryan in the mic party, there was rarely a time of awkward silence, he would always know how to lighten the mood or break the ice. There were times we would talk on PlayStation every day for HOURS, albeit for our mutual love for fighting games or talking about shows we’ve watched or our just talking about how our day went. Talking with him could lighten your day. You can have one of the worst days ever and pop on a party with him, and he’ll find some way to make you laugh. Either with his witty remarks or dad jokes, THE DAD JOKES DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE DAD JOKES!

The more and more I spoke with Ryan, the more he became more of a brother than a friend. And in brother fashion we butted heads a lot, like A LOT. And no matter how bad or stupid the argument was, we’d go right back to playing video games with each other, cracking jokes, laughing and having a good time.

Ryan would always put his friends before himself, that’s just how he was. He would go out of his way to make sure any of us were ok. No matter what he was going through personally, he would always ask about us. He was so strong that was always something I admired about him and also something I took for granted.
I wish I could’ve been there for him just like he’s been there for all our other friends, family, his co-workers, the numerous people in his life. I wish I could’ve been there for him, just like he’s been there for me. Ryan Nelson was the definition of a good friend.

I’d be lying if I didn’t say it hurts like hell the way we left things off. The gut-wrenching pain that I’m feeling of regret and pettiness, coming to the realization that I’ll never see” Ryan Nelson has joined the party” again…..It hurts.

I love you man and I will never forget you or the times I was lucky enough to share with you.
September 22, 2022
September 22, 2022
You were a really good friend and had a very big impact on my life even if you didn’t know it. I really enjoy the time that we shared together and the memories that were made.
I love you man and will never forget you
September 20, 2022
September 20, 2022
I was lucky enough to be supported by Ryan throughout my music career. When I released my first album, I released these shirts and he was one of the 3 people who ordered one. He’d always rep and share my music around simply because he connected with these words I wrote, he’d even check in on me from time to time which meant the world to me. As much as I thanked him each time, I can’t help but feel like no amount of words could express my appreciation towards him. Finding out that we were the same age makes it extremely hard to process his passing, but regardless my condolences goes out to all of his friends and family. Much love always.

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