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His Life

Our Son

April 29, 2017

He was a blessing I needed the day he was born, My mother only 41 had passed 9mths before I had him, he filled the empty hole in my life I believe God and Mom knew I needed him. He brought so much joy into mine and many others life, Always a happy baby. He grew into such a loving human being,he had a gentle soul. I will never forget the day he was at the cleve clinic for chemo treatment, he stepped outside for a cigerette, wheeling his IV cart by his side, and a elderly gentlemen's car had broke down in the street and as sick as he was there he was with his head under the hood of this car in the rain working to help get this car started. His nurse wasn't to happy when she found him out there. He was a wonderful son,not saying he was perfect but in my eyes my children are close to it. (LOL) He made me so proud when he graduated. I was afraid he wasn't going to get threw that last year. He worked several different jobs but he finally found his love and that was art. Tattoo artist  and I'am so glad his art is on so many friends and family. He was a young father at 24 his precious baby girl Madisyn came along then his son Ryan, he lived for his babies. He touched so many. He battled his disease like a warrior. Never giving up hope. We miss him so much but were so grateful that God blessed us with him for 27 years. RIP my baby boy till we meet again.