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Her Life

A cool ride and a wonderfully beautiful life

December 31, 2020
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It is the time of year when you dive deeper into the Pensieve than usual. When I reflect on it all, I do not look back on the bleak year that lies behind us, but on the many happier years, especially 2019. It was a year where Sabine and I did not postpone anything and lived life to the full. 
Of course, there were the frequent and seemingly endless doctor‘s visits, examinations, analyses, and alternatives; trying to master and fighting the arising frustration. But those memories fade.
What stays is Sabine‘s smile, her disarming laughter, her ceaseless creativity and her unfaltering love. Her unrelenting braveness and her fierce courage in spite of it all. 
As remain all the happy and loving memories we have been blessed to share. 
In time-lapse, it is incredible how many blissful moments and experiences fit into a year. How many beautiful places we explored. 
On our last day, Sabine told me: „If this is it, it has been a cool ride and a wonderfully beautiful life.“
It has been, indeed. Thank you, my love.

April 20, 1993, 2:20 pm

January 22, 2020
It was my first day at university, I was being late for my first course "Oral Communication", returning from a rehearsal week-end. I dragged myself and my cello through the door, apologizing profusely for my tardiness, sat down in the last chair, and looked across the table. This is when I saw Sabine for the first time, and I knew that she is the one.