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July 31, 2023
July 31, 2023
Happy Birthday Sabine ! You are in our hearts and minds.
I send you flowers to whereever you are. Sigi
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
Every Christmas I carefully unwrap several treasured Christmas decorations which I have acquired over the years as gifts from you Sabine or during visits to you in Weisloch, touring endless Christmas markets. My favourite is the smoking woodcutter man. He smoked in your honour yesterday and one more time today before being carefully packed away for next Christmas.
So many things remind me of you.
January 4, 2023
January 4, 2023
Dear Sabine,
it has been three years since I returned home after the darkest hours. I am thinking of you and lighting candles today (as always). Miss you.
July 3, 2022
July 3, 2022

On a beautiful sunny July morning I went to find Sabine's bench and sat a while, enjoying the view across Russell Square Gardens feeling her presence in the cool breeze as it moved the leaves on the trees all around me.
April 14, 2022
April 14, 2022
Dear Sabine, I wish I could see the flowers and your bench in Russell Square myself today. It has been 29 years since I saw you first. I was late for the first class at university and when I sat, there you were sitting across from me in class. It was 20 past two pm and you have been (and are) in my heart and thoughts ever since then. ꝏ +3, my love.
January 4, 2022
January 4, 2022
Lighting a candle for you today, my friend. We terribly miss you. During this time of the year thinking of you even more, remembering you, your positivism, your unforgettable smile and laughter. Still no week passes without talking about you. You are the thousand winds that blow, and the diamonds glints in snow. Rest in peace my friend. You remain with us. Sigi
July 31, 2021
July 31, 2021
Dear Sabine,
today is a special day, your birthday. So today I have been thinking about you several times. But no week passes without thinking of you, missing you, talking about you. The whole team keeps on saying, "Sabine would know the right answer, Sabine would love this one (our collection of worst brand infrictions, you remember), Sabine would just laugh and keep on moving and make us move too." 
As Laura just wrote, you are always with us and in our hearts and thougths.
Your brightness keeps on shining on us and your positive attitude remains a gift.
Sending you lots of love for your birthday today.
I miss you a lot, my friend. Sigi
July 31, 2021
July 31, 2021
Dear Sabine,
Sigi, Barbara and I think of you all the time. Whenever something happens at work that makes us laugh (or cry out laughing), we say “Oh Sabine would have enjoyed that one!”
We miss your beautiful smile, and your ability to always look at the bright side and keep us moving forward.
Sending you birthday love today.
Miss you dear friend, xoxo
January 4, 2021
January 4, 2021
Today is such a sad day, as we lost you one year ago. As a colleague, as a friend, as a companion in difficult and great times.
You are forever and terribly missed, Sabine.
Marc, my thoughts are with you and Sabine´s and your family these days.
There is not much to comfort us other than the beautiful moments we were able to share. And remembering your unforgettalbe way to laugh and smile.
Rest in peace, Sabine.
December 24, 2020
December 24, 2020
Christmas was so special to Sabiné, each year she thoughtfully collected little gifts and made Christmas biscuits to send to friends near and abroad. When we visited Marc and Sabine in December 2015 we trawled no less than 4 Christmas markets (or was it 5?). I picked up some proper glühwein spices and a recipe, we went home with the inevitable glass mugs. This year I have finally used those spices to serve glühwein to over 30 of my neighbours on Christmas eve, socially distanced as appropriate in this era of pandemic. This seemed a fitting memorial to our dear Sabiné who would never have allowed a pandemic to limit her neighbourly efforts. Sabiné you are dearly missed, tonight we raised [quite a few] glasses to your memory.
December 23, 2020
December 23, 2020
As 2020 comes to an end, I think back on the year and how much I have missed our dear Sabine. When I was in Germany last year, we weren't able to meet up and you said to me, "do not worry, we will see each other next time." There are so many times I have thought about you and remember you fondly with our dear colleagues Sigi and Barbara. I light a candle for you today in honor of your beautiful soul. Sending love to Marc, your family and all that miss you sweet Sabine. Sending you hugs and love, xoxo Laura
December 16, 2020
December 16, 2020
I am lighting a candle for you - Sabine - today.
So many moments we hold our breath and think of you. So many people miss you. We cannot believe it is almost a year that you are not among us. But absolutely true, that you are in our hearts and on our minds. Us is Laura, Barbara, Sarah, Ann-Sofie, Steffi, Heather.... Everyone simply misses you. Lighting a candle in these times of darkness. Love to you. Sigi
July 17, 2020
July 17, 2020
Still unbelievable.
Still every week - at least - one occasion to think of you, to miss your incredible expertise, to miss you as the fanstastic colleague and the great person and friend.
Still on my mind and in my heart.
Still hearing your incredible laugh.
Laying a flower today - as you are so present this morning to me.
Still your loss makes me so sad.
June 4, 2020
June 4, 2020
"Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear."

Dear Marc and the Vogler family, I continue to think of you all every day. Sabine was such a beautiful soul and when I'm sitting either at work, or just by myself, I feel blessed when she comes to my mind because that is accompanied by memories of wonderful times with her. I miss her positive attitude and making sure that we all knew we would get through whatever challenge we were dealing with. I miss our talks about meditation and other spiritual topics. I truly believe she is around us and I smile when I think of her beautiful smile. As Sigrun said, we have Sabine with us often and send big love out to her and all of you. I know today must be even more difficult as six months has passed, but please know that she is loved by so many of us and we all hold her close in our hearts.
May 25, 2020
May 25, 2020
Even almost 5 months have passed - Sabine is on our mind pretty much every day. As every day we have to deal with topics where we would need her incredible expertise, her "let´s do it" mentality and last but not least her spirit.
Barbara, Steffi, Ann-Sofie, Laura, Sarah - we all think and speak so often about her and how much we miss her.
Thus today I will leave a flower here at least.
Sabine - you will be forever missed.
May 22, 2020
May 22, 2020
I am devastated to learn today that Sabine passed away. I am shocked. Dear Marc, dear family Vogler, please let me express my deepest condolescence to you.
I worked with Sabine at SAP from 2003 to 2010 in the SAP INFO team. And although we never became close friends, I shared with Sabine a sense of common understanding in many ways, also on private topics. I could - and did - trust Sabine with very private matters when I felt unhappy or shaken and she found words of ease or had an empathetic look, that always helped me. Sabine had also a fine, cultivated sense of humor I found very delightful and her straight out laughter was legendary. She cared for her work and our team and she fought for both. I am very grateful for Sabine's commitment on a professional and personal level. I am sad I did not manage to keep the contact after our time at SAP.
I wish you all the strength you need.
"Her absence is like the sky, spread over everything." C.S. Lewis
January 29, 2020
January 29, 2020
Actually I do not remember a time, that I did NOT work with Sabine. We almost shared two decades of true collaboration at SAP and also became more friends than colleagues over the time. Our collaboration was on eye-level, driven by our passion for the brand, our common pragmatic approach and most of all - of fun.
Sabine was the true expert for anything connected to both languages, German and English, for brand voice @ SAP - she was my trusted advisor over all those years. I many times thought, we are the perfect match to solve problems, overcome challenges, survive political cirmcumstances and find together a constructive solution.
In many situations her laugh, her positive way of looking at things was a breakthrough - to get back to common sense, to react the way we should react and to bring everybody on the same page and care for a good mood again. And above all, she was a caring person. She would meet even the toughest deadline and one of sentences I heard the most from her was "Das kriegen wir hin". ("We can do this.")

Most of all warmth and closeness were the characteristics of our relationship that we had over all those years.
I see her face in front of me, I hear her voice and her laugh a lot these days - she is so present to me.
My heart is so heavy, my thoughts are with you, Marc, her family and friends.
She will be forever my companion, as she has a big space in my heart. I truely miss her every day already.
I promised to myself that as a tribute to her I will try to learn from her and carry on her positivism and contribute to make this world a bit brighter - this is her biggest legacy.
"Today is a good day to be a good day." - she quoted this and it has become my motto now.
Sabine, my dear, you are with us every day, in our hearts, in our thoughts, even you are not anymore.
January 24, 2020
January 24, 2020
Sabine was more than a colleague, she was a friend. Her enthusiasm, professionalism and sense of fun made every interaction with her a pleasure that I will cherish forever. She is, and will always be, sorely missed. My deepest condolences to Marc, Sabine's parents, sister, brother in law and beautiful niece. I hope you can find some comfort in these messages from her SAP 'family' who were lucky to have known and worked with your beautiful Sabine.

I know Sabine liked poetry. I think she might like this one "I am standing upon the seashore".

I am standing upon the seashore.
A ship at my side spreads her white
sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean.

She is an object of beauty and strength.
I stand and watch her until at length
she hangs like a speck of white cloud
just where the sea and sky come
to mingle with each other.

Then, someone at my side says;
"There, she is gone!"

"Gone where?"
Gone from my sight. That is all.
She is just as large in mast and hull
and spar as she was when she left my side
and she is just as able to bear her
load of living freight to her destined port.
Her diminished size is in me, not in her.

And just at the moment when someone
at my side says, "There, she is gone!"
There are other eyes watching her coming,
and other voices ready to take up the glad shout;
"Here she comes!"

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