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His Life

A Life Well-Lived

October 7, 2020
Scott Allen Minter - father, son, brother, friend, artist and bright shining star - died on Wednesday, September 30, 2020 in his Brooklyn apartment. He was 53 years old.

Born in Newport, Rhode Island on July 14, 1967 to Charles and Carol Minter, Scott was electric right from the start. He was a talented artist and creator at a young age but found his passion when he got his first computer in 1981. The limitless potential and creativity of writing code began a lifelong passion of manifesting the wild beauty of the world in digital form.

But, for those who knew Scott, the creative part of his brain was best experienced by a long, vivid and humorous conversation. He loved acting and could tell rapturous stories. He was the light in every room he entered. Wherever he went, he danced. He loved early hip hop, funk and New Orleans blues. He had a generous spirit and always wanted to include others in every success he achieved and trip he took. He loved humankind and to witness culture, tradition and life up close. He was passionate about travel and also sports. He never passed a volleyball game he didn't want to join. 

After a circuitous route that took him to the stage and screen, and serving and entertaining patrons at many bars in New York, Scott found his way back to digital art, graduating from Savannah College of Art and Design in 2004. He worked as a stereoscopic and nuke compositor in television and film, most notably for Blue Sky Studios working on Ice Age, Epic, and Rio 2. He loved creating an experience that felt true to life, using the 3D technology to enhance the film and bring it into the viewer’s own world. Perhaps his favorite part was sharing the final experience with his daughter and nieces and nephews.

Scott was like a phoenix. He burned bright, but he could also burn himself out. When he did, he would rise again in a new passion. In 2020, when the world was going through a global pandemic, Scott took an idea and fueled an entirely new company, bringing in friends and family who believed in his vision.

But this time, Scott reached his final fire and his final limit. For reasons his family and friends will never truly know, he chose to end his life just as the future was looking so bright. He is survived by his precious daughter, Taylor, his parents Charles and Carol, his sisters and brother Julie, Heather, and Michael, and a host of extended family, friends and colleagues who bore witness to just how spectacular he was.

An online funeral will be held on October 25 at 7 pm EST. All are welcome. ZOOM LINK BELOW. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be sent to The National Alliance of Mental Health (NAMI): The largest grassroots organization supporting people with mental illness and their families since 1979.

Scott Minter Memorial & Celebration

Time: Oct 25, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 869 2515 9934

Passcode: SCOTTY