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Running through Savannah

October 17, 2020
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May 2003

- "And how long you think the shoot will take?"
- "Ahh, maybe an hour, two tops"

Scott and I were training to become Flame artists and I had this wonderful idea to shoot a fake Adidas commercial of him running all over town and in to the sky. One of the best parts of each retake was towards the end at the final pier scene - I just kept asking him to jump as close as he possibly could to the railing without hitting the edge - over and over and over again. Some of the raw footage almost landed him directly in to some pretty pissed off fishermen and Scott would just walk off laughing and smiling.

He ended up running for 8 hours straight that day across who-even-knows-how-many-miles. I sat in an air conditioned car filming on top of a cheap bag of rice out the window while Brette, my now wife, drove her car and followed him. Luckily, we all know Georgia isn't that hot or humid at all and clearly that's seen by the dryness of his shirt.

The comp and grade on this fake ad turned out to be just awful, but hey it was 2003, and somehow being around Scott always made me feel like we were creating pure gold together no matter what the limitations.

There aren't many people out there who offer up so much of themselves and ask for so little in return. He was one of them and he did it with such love for everyone around him. I am so unbelievably lucky to have had him in my life as such a caring and thoughtful friend for these past 18 years.

Watching him run across the moonlit sky above the Atlantic waves turned out to be only a shimmer of what he would be capable of from that point forward. I'm going to miss you so incredibly much.

My Favorite Scott Story

October 14, 2020
March 30, 2000
I started having contractions at 5am. We got to the hospital and I was immediately asked if I wanted an epidural by a nurse. Absolutely! We went with the nurse and he asked her if she was qualified to give the epidural.  Luckily she was qualified! They got us into a room right away and the waiting began.  After about two hours, Scott decided to go in search of food.  He was gone about 3 hours! We waited until 7pm before the doctor was ready to go in and get Taylor. After the pushing wasn't working, the doctor grabbed the forceps. Scott said, "Should you really be using those? Can't you use the plunger thing instead?"

Always a Team Player

October 13, 2020
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Scott was always an incredible team member for the project we worked on together.  We worked together not at one, not two, but 5 different studios together!  Every time I would come in, his smile would brighten up the room and he'd let out a big good morning.  We would grab lunches together and talk about his latest personal adventures.  

He always loved and thoroughly enjoyed all projects we had hands in together and would pep up the team.  It was moments like this video, after we were finishing up a project, that he would let everyone know that he loved them and respected their work as fellow artists.

Here's to the many bars that we shut down together and all the art and magic we brought into the world!

To Scott!

Bye Disney, Hello Universal!

October 11, 2020
Wow. This is painful. 
I’m going to tell a Scott story he would (and did) laugh at.

In the opening days of the Voyage of the Little Mermaid show in early 1992 at the Studios, there were more Prince Eric shifts than Prince Eric performers to fill the role.
Previously, you had to be a set/parade/stage/any type of appearance 100% approved Prince Eric to do the role in the show.
Scott and I were both Prince Eric during that time prior to when they started approving “stage only” Eric performers that couldn’t appear anywhere else but on that darkened stage with their back to the audience. 
The only reason I even mention this is because some of us were doing Prince Eric in the Mermaid show 7 days a week for multiple weeks at the time and we were getting tired and slightly burnt out.
One day, Scott came into the Mermaid green room and he was irritated at something. The house phone on the wall rang and he picked it up and slammed it back down.
One performer (who will remain nameless, but should recognize this story when he reads it; and more importantly he still works at Disney) calmly stood up in his normally collected manner and said something like, “Uh, what’s wrong, Scott?”
And Scott in his early 20’s (not saying that’s an excuse) was upset about something and replied some angry response.
The calm performer said, “Well, if you feel that way and are going to behave like this, you know you can leave.”
Scott (who had just auditioned for Universal Studios) replied, “You know what?!? I will leave!” And turned to the rest of the green room and said, “F you! I’m going to be a Ghostbuster at Universal!”
I’m on one of the couches laughing, but many other cast members are getting mad and up in arms over his comments.
He grabs his stuff, walks out of the green room into a backstage area and then out another door into another backstage area that was outside.
This area was just next to where the Backstage Studio Trams picked up guests and started their tour.
Scott walks across the street still exchanging insults and other words with some of the Mermaid cast.
At this point, Scott is on the sidewalk in front of the boneyard where cars and vehicles from films like Blade Runner, Flight of the Navigator, and Dick Tracy were on display.
A tram full of guests are approaching and he’s yelling at the Mermaid cast across the street, “I quit! I’m going to Universal!” as the tram passes.
I’m watching with the rest of the cast from across the street and I’m dying laughing. 
I knew he had just been offered a Ghostbusters contract and I was appreciating the spectacular ridiculousness and full blaze of glory in which he was leaving Disney.
A few days later I spoke to Scott to see how he was doing and we laughed at how he chose to go out.
This story is ridiculous and so was his behavior that day, but Scott knew it and was able to laugh at himself.
We reconnected years later on social media and sent PMs to each other every so often and hoped to get together again one day.
He worked in visual effects on films like Avengers: Age of Ultron and Beauty and the Beast.
We’re FB friends and I just saw he had deactivated his page.
I send love to his family and friends that knew him, but especially to his daughter, Taylor.
For unknown reasons, Scott took his own life.
Yesterday, October 10th, was #WorldMentalHealthDay. 
Please reach out to someone anyone if you’re feeling alone.
I’ve been through the highest of highs and lowest of lows in my life and I know how dibilitating it can be.
Please take care and know people care about you.
Horrible news. Sad day. 
And I’m tired of saying goodbye to friends and coworkers.
Scott Allen Minter 
July 14, 1967 - September 30, 2020
He was only 53 years old.
Love to all. 
Be excellent to each other. ✌ x

The Jacket Story

October 9, 2020
One of my last memories of Scott was walking with him in Soho. He was wearing his nice leather jacket --- something he always prized in his wardrobe --- and accidentally brushed up against a wall of wet green paint. He looked at me in shocked disbelief that he had just ruined his jacket. I looked back at him and said, "well, you know what you have to do right?" Before I could even suggest it, he knew right away and reacted without hesitation. He turned around and jumped into the wall with his other arm to balance out the destruction. A guy walking by yelled at him, "good call!" Scott loved it. His face lit up and suddenly he was super proud of the ruined jacket. Shortly after this, we walked into the James Perse store and the woman working there looked at him and said "hey, great jacket." Scott did his signature posture correction and was quickly walking a bit taller. I loved this moment. For Scott, the jacket wasn't ruined at all. It was finally complete with a sentimental moment and a great story. 

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