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Share a special moment from Segun's life.

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November 5, 2021
I went to ICM last night and I remembered that you took me there on my 22nd birthday. 

I said I was gon take us back there but it never happened and I'm sad about it. I miss you.
November 10, 2019

Days have gone by since I first heard but tonight, for some reason, I can’t stop thinking about you and the life you lived. It wasn’t long but it was impactful. There’s a consistency in everyone’s testimony - You were good. You were kind. You were gentle. You were helpful. You cared. You deserved better Segun but God knows best. I know you are in a better place - that is my solace. Rest In Peace
November 7, 2019
We will miss you Segun.

Thank you for living an impactful life.
You live on in our hearts. 
November 7, 2019
Thank you Segun, for the many lessons. I will call you back frequently and every time you would answer me to make things clear. Rest In Peace Segun
November 6, 2019

Still can't believe this, you were such a huge asset to this generation. My few interactions with you at edubridge was really impactful. Your took PowerPoint and still this day I still rely on your models. Sleep on Segun

Rest in Peace Sunbae

November 6, 2019
He taught me PowerPoint for few weeks, ever since then I've been using PowerPoint for 3 years. Though I didn't spend much time with you, you were a motivation even from afar.

"I always go the extra mile"

Your legacy lives on.

Rest in Peace Sunbae 

November 6, 2019
Segun was a charismatic teacher. I learnt more on PowerPoint because of how he took us through it. We will forever miss you Segun. Rest in peace 

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