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His Life

Seth the Son

August 1, 2017

After raising three birth children, we decided we were not done raising kids yet. We decided we wanted to adopt a boy, or boys. So we went through training courses, and a home study. We were called about a month after receiving our Foster care license. There were two little boys that were already in foster care that weren't in an adoptive home. We met them , and knew they were to be our new sons. Seth was a cocky little boy of six. He stood in front of me at attention and shouted out his full very long name. By the end of the evening he ended up on my lap sucking his thumb. That was a habit that remained for several more years. As he got older I would find him sucking his thumb while sleeping. I still remember the feel of his rough little thumb. After several more visits with the boys, they were told we were going to be their forever family. I sent them postcards, notes, and pictures in the mail which I was told Seth treasured. Seth's Dad, and I went to their school  the morning after the boys were told they were coming to be a part of our family. As we walked into Seths classroom there stood little Seth missing one front tooth proudly holding a picture of us to show his teacher. He was very surprised but happy to see us, and show us off in person. After moving in with us Seth started calling us mom, and Dad right away. He formed a strong bond with all of us right away. He was so easy to love.  A memory I will never forget is him standing in the garage about to get into the car. He looked at me with tears in his little eyes and said did you really say you wanted us? I replied yes we did. He ran to me hugging me, and said Thank you! Looking through his things after he passed, I found that he had written things in his life that worried him, and under valued experiences he put being adopted. I loved that boy with all of my heart, and when he died a piece of my heart died with him. His memory , and kind soul will never be forgotten as long as I live. Seth Lenhard Pfizenmaier forever my son. 

The Best Uncle on Earth

August 1, 2017

Seth always had a way with children. When our first grandchild Ella was born he bonded with her immediately. He was only 10. He would lay on the floor and entertain her for hours, pulling her around on the hardwood floor on her blanket.  She was completely infatuated with him. She would always run to him first when they came to visit us or us them. A few times I went to visit her, and came alone. That was a huge disappointment to her, and to Seth. The bond Ella, and Seth had was very strong. He would always ask me how's my pretty Ella? She would tell me tell Seth this or show Seth this. Karson quickly became infatuated with him also. Now Ella had to share him which she did not like. I remember Seth telling her now it's Karsons turn. He had so much patience with them, and made them feel important. When he was on leave for his last Christmas with us we went to Chicago, and met with birth siblings he didn't know he had until a few months before. He formed an instant bond with new nieces. After we left he would say oh is that Cora adorable. Little Griffy was no exception he squealed  with delight as Seth played with him, and ran around the house carrying him. He would wake up saying where's the baby I want to play with him. I know he would have been the best Uncle on earth to baby. Claire also. He was no doubt the best Uncle on Earth.

My son the Man

August 1, 2017

Everyone that really knew Seth knew what a kind heart he had.  He was always thinking of others, and was there to help them. When he started High School in Illinois, then Texas  he sought out those who needed a friend. He was part of an anti Bullying project in School in Texas. I received so many messages from so many telling me he was truly the kindest person they had ever known. Many who were in Army training with him told me he got me through. He was always there for me with that huge smile of his, and eyes that went through right to his soul. He friended people we were afraid of him friending. Some had drug issues, others  severe emotional issues. He always put others before himself. That included his family. I remember him grabbing my arm to make sure I wouldn't slip on the ice when visiting Chicago for his last time. Many times he would express worry over his Dad's or my own Heath. He would tell his Dad I will cut the lawn you shouldn't be doing it. Any chore he was asked to do he did without complaint. I once asked him to tidy up the bathroom and he scrubbed it down until it shined. I said Seth I didn't mean clean I just meant wipe down the sink, but thanks it looks great! Several times he had said to me don't worry Mom  I will take care of you, and Dad when you get old.  I never dreamed it would be from Heaven. 

Seth the little boy

May 26, 2017

Seth moved into our home on  June 6, of 2004. From the very beginning we knew he had a huge heart. He was an active little boy, who loved playing in the mud, riding his bike, and catching snakes, and tadpoles. He got huge stacks of books out of the library, on birds, and wild animals. He was fascinated with wolverines, and hawks. One day we had a King Fisher out in our front garden he was so exited, and watched then researched it the rest of the day. He trapped, raccoons, squirrels, and opossums in our back yard. I used to find him laying outside in the sun. Once he was on the drive way just laying in the sun. Another time on a cold winter day he fell asleep on the top of our dryer. We laughed together and called them dryer naps. We had huge trees in our home in Illinois. He would climb up them bringing a book to read. I had a bell to call him home for lunch or dinner. He would hike behind our property bringing home all kinds of rocks, and animal bones. For several years he would build tiny little snowmen in our front yard against the road. The neighbors would wait for the yearly snow men. In the warmer weather he would spend hours playing in the mud, in our front ditch which often had tadpoles. Seth was soft spoken, and choose his words carefully. If  Seth spoke we all listened because his words had much meaning.