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This memorial website was created in memory of our beautiful mother, Shari Campbell wh passed away on October 7, 2010. We will remember her forever.
February 26, 2019
February 26, 2019
Happy Birthday I never had the privilege to meet you but I have the privilege to know both your daughters and I can see the wonderful job you did while raising them and the continued love they have for you. Happiness up above. ❤️
February 25, 2019
February 25, 2019
Happy birthday mom! Thinking of you and celebrating your beautiful life. ❤️
October 8, 2018
October 8, 2018
Colorful flowers, avon lipstick samples and the prettiest mama I know! Your daughters are two of my most favorite people in the world. Thank you for sharing them with me! ❤️ We love and miss you, Shari.
October 8, 2018
October 8, 2018
Shari hoy en tu aniversario 8 extraño tu entusiasmo talento y energia pero sobre todo tu amistad tu cariño y fortaleza, te mando un abrazo muy grande hasta el cielo
October 7, 2018
October 7, 2018
Sheri, we Miss you so much! We remember you with a lot of love! Present on your birthday
October 7, 2018
October 7, 2018
Dear Shannon & Kerry, I miss your mom so much. We shared so much, talked, laughed & enjoyed you so much. Jim & I were just talking about how she probably would be one of the first people to visit us in Arizona. She would say Geez, your grandparents a your age!!!. Smart, beautiful, hard working creative & best friend ever. Love Marie Wilson
October 7, 2018
October 7, 2018
It's hard to believe she's been gone for 8 years ago today. I miss her terribly and think of her every single day.
October 7, 2018
October 7, 2018
Dear Shannon and Kerry thinking of you both in a very special way today! Much love, Marlene ❤️❤️❤️
October 7, 2017
October 7, 2017
Often thought of, never forgotten. I often think of you Shari.
October 7, 2017
October 7, 2017
Thinking of you both Shannon and Kerry in a very special way! My prayers to Shari up in Heaven❤️
October 7, 2017
October 7, 2017
As the song goes, You are Always On My Mind, never more true.
October 7, 2017
October 7, 2017
I was just talking about the cable resin table you made. You were always creatively fearless. You had 1 gear, it translated in passion and love. You continue to inspire me my dear dear friend. I want to tell you Bryan has a beautiful, smart & happy baby girl. Her name stands for fair hair warrior. I miss you. Marie Wilson
October 7, 2017
October 7, 2017
Will be in PV next month! Miss your lovely energy
At your store. Sharon your friend from Long Island
October 7, 2017
October 7, 2017
It's hard to believe it has been seven years since I last saw my mom.

The world lost one of the good ones that day....she was loved by so many, made friends with strangers wherever she was, kids adored her, animals always found their way to her....her fun personality and love for life was infectious.
October 7, 2017
October 7, 2017
Thinking of you and remembering lots of fun, silly, and happy stories. I miss you lots.
February 25, 2017
February 25, 2017
Wow, one more year and its your birthday one more time. I have come to know Shari these past few years through the eyes of her daughters, and it's fascinating to get to know you even though you are no longer
on this Plane Earth with us, Happy Birthday up in heaven.
February 25, 2017
February 25, 2017
Thinking of you is just the best way to start everyday.
February 25, 2017
February 25, 2017
Thinking of my Sister, Shari, today on what would have been her 71st birthday. Today I am remembering many special times we shared together over the years, and I wish she were her to celebrate her birthday. Love and miss you, dear Sister!
February 25, 2017
February 25, 2017
Shari I am sure you are so proud of your daughters as they continue to show their love and gratitude for you as the great individual you were. You are in my thoughts always. Love You Christine
February 25, 2017
February 25, 2017
Happy birthday Mom! Thinking of you. Hope you are surrounded by gardenias, plumerias, and beautiful flowers. I love you.
October 9, 2016
October 9, 2016
Shari, What a wonder you continue to be. The mere fact that so many of us feel you presence, think of you while still refusing to believe you are not here. To have lived a life, which still makes us smile, be in awe of all the things you took on, achieved and accomplished. My dear friend I still want to share all the good & bad in life in my life with you.
October 8, 2016
October 8, 2016
Can hardly believe it's been 6 years since we said goodbye to my Sister, Shari. I have some very fond memories of special times with her - one that comes to mind tonight is when she took me to spend the weekend with her at her sorority at the U of O. She was 19, and I was 8, so it made quite an impression! I still remember getting to sleep on the sleeping porch with triple bunks and electric blankets and how special I felt that I got to spend that weekend with her! I looked up to her so much when we were growing up. Jesus, please give my Sister a big hug for me tonight, and tell her I love her!
October 8, 2016
October 8, 2016
Your store is so empty without you!! I go there every year I am in PV
But nit the same warm energy. Miss U!! All your customers feel the same! Great to connect with your lively daughter Shannon
October 8, 2016
October 8, 2016
It's been 6 years and I still miss you terribly. I miss your smile, your hugs, our long lunches, your newsy emails, your big heart, your cute and stylish fashion sense, your stories, your bouncy energy, and everything about you. I miss you Mom.
October 7, 2016
October 7, 2016
I have been blessed by having the pleasure of meeting her two beautiful daughters and it's obvious that they reflect their mother's wonderful qualities! I am sure that She is looking down on them with a big smile
October 7, 2016
October 7, 2016
The best part of the day are the memories.
October 7, 2016
October 7, 2016
Only 57 years since I started to love Shari, not that many more to go.
October 7, 2016
October 7, 2016
"Forever missed with your energy, charisma and attitude... Always Present Shari"
October 7, 2016
October 7, 2016
Thinking about my mom and wishing I could go back in time and be with her one last moment. Missing her every single day for 6 years now.

Life isn't as wonderful without you in it, mom.
February 29, 2016
February 29, 2016
She is still my best friend. I consult her and think of her as I make decisions and think "what would Shari do?" I love her so.   Heather
February 28, 2016
February 28, 2016
Thinking about you a lot this past week, wishing you were here to get your advice about life. Sometimes a daughter still needs that. You should have been turning 70 a few days ago and it's not fair you weren't here to celebrate it. It's Sunday night and I miss writing my Sunday night emails I wrote to you every week. I always looked forward to your emails and still have them all...miss them and you.
February 26, 2016
February 26, 2016
I miss my beautiful, sweet niece Shari, but I do know that she is happy with family in Paradise. Love, Aunt Irene
February 26, 2016
February 26, 2016
Vaya con Dios, mi Amor. Dentro de poco.
February 26, 2016
February 26, 2016
Forever missed. Your friendliness knew no bounds. I think of you and your kindness.
February 26, 2016
February 26, 2016
My dear Sister, Shari, was deeply loved and is missed by all who knew her. It's still hard to fathom at times that she's not just down in PV living & loving her life, working at Caprichoso with her amazing artistic flare and endless energy, and enjoying the wonderful connections with the people she encountered. Wish we were celebrating your 70th (yesterday) with you, big Sis, but someday we'll be together again:) I love you and miss you!
February 25, 2016
February 25, 2016
Through your daughter Shannon I have come to know about You and wish I had the privilege to have known you in person. You are now looking down and protecting your two daughters from heaven above!
Happy Birthday!
February 25, 2016
February 25, 2016
Through your daughter Shannon I have come to know about You and wish I had the privilege to have known you in person. You are now looking down and protecting your two daughters from heaven above!
Happy Birthday!
February 25, 2016
February 25, 2016
I laugh every time I think of the "pig". Closely followed by many other memories of good times
February 25, 2016
February 25, 2016
...only to leave evidence of our memory! Happy Birthday!
October 7, 2015
October 7, 2015
Still think of you all the time, just the best memories.
October 7, 2015
October 7, 2015
I did not know Shari but a clear evidence of an amazing person, spirit and parenting, is those left behind, such as their daughters whom are salt of the earth and one of the most amazing people I have ever meet. Kerry, thanks for sharing a part of your life and of your Moms with me. RP
October 7, 2015
October 7, 2015
I think of Shari every day. 
I think to myself, "what would Shari say" when I have a decision to make. She was so close to me for so many years. Even when miles apart. We met in the fall of 1968 when we both started university. 
She was a wonderful artist, had a great sense of humor, was able to do 10 things at once, well, was beautiful inside and out....was my dear friend.
October 7, 2015
October 7, 2015
Dear Shannon I cannot thank you enough for having shared this memorial of your beloved Mom with me. She will always be within your heart and the many others that loved her and as close as a beautiful memory as all of these tributes. How amazing! I am sorry I never met her as it is obvious what an amazing human being she was. Today on her 5th anniversary from having departed from this planet earth may her warmth, kindness, and gentle spirit be with you forever.
October 7, 2015
October 7, 2015
I can't believe its been 5 years since we lost you. Not a day goes by where I don't think of you or hear your voice. I miss having the only person in the world here who was able to finish my sentences and know exactly what I was thinking without me saying a word. There are so many moments where I wish I could pick up the phone and call you. Life is so unfair sometimes and takes the best and kindest people from this world away way too early. Life hasn't been the same since you left and will never be the same.

You are missed more than I can even put into words. I love you, mom.
October 7, 2015
October 7, 2015
Mom I love you. There is nothing like a mother's love. You always made me feel loved. You always believed in me. You always hugged me when I needed it. I wish I could hug you now. I miss you so much.
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Recent Tributes
February 26
February 26
Dearest Shannon and Kerry thinking of you both today in a very special way and sending Birthday wishes to your mother up in Heaven. ❤️
February 26
February 26
Thank you to Kerry and Shannon. Just the best memories for me. Marc
February 25
February 25
Happy birthday Mom! Happy Mexico move day. I wish we were celebrating your birthday with a long lunches at Outback or dinner at La Palapa or Daiquiri Dicks. I miss you! Love you
Recent stories

Everything was fun with Shari

February 25, 2019

Our families had brunch at Sammy’s Restaurant many times after church, went camping, shared holidays and birthdays.  Our children played together.   We planned House colors, landscaping, holiday cookies and decorations. She always elevated everything to a higher level. If there was “anything” in unset magazine, Sharie could do it! Like a sunroom.  More importantly she was a friend and confidant.  Still the most beautiful person I’ve ever known with an enormous capacity to live and love. 

An inspiration to me

December 30, 2010


Shari was a strong, independent, beautiful and loving woman and she raised her daughters (Kerry, my best friend from the age of 12 and Shannon, whom I've always adored as well) to be the same.

I can honestly say that without Shari's influence, I'm not sure we would have our son, Nate. By witnessing the loving bond between my Kerry and her mom and her sister, I was able to see that love knew no bounds. Kerry and Shannon were the sisters I wish I could have had and their connection was one I would have wanted, if I'd had a sister of my own. Kerry and Shari were closer than most mothers and daughters I knew and there were times when I envied that closeness (and still do!). When we were waiting for Nate to come home from Korea, because I had the experience of knowing Shari and Kerry, I had no doubt in my being that Nate would be my son, 100%. That I could love him every bit as much as I loved Hailey and Eli and that they would love him and he would be their baby brother, just as if he had been born into our family. Once Nate was older and we had questions about parenting an adopted child (because there are differences and special situations that arise), I looked to Kerry and her mom for advice. I asked Kerry about how her mom had handled certain things because, in every way I knew, Kerry was comfortable in her skin and had an amazing, confident nature. This, even though Kerry was raised in a small Oregon town with little-to-no access to other adoptees, Korean adoptee role models or Korean culture. Because there was a small university in town, Shari found someone to come and teach Kerry Korean for a short time...until Kerry was no longer interested. But her main focus was on raising Kerry to be a loving, strong, independent and intelligent young woman.

Growing up, Kerry's home and family were my second home and family. I have so many special memories...I feel more connected, in many ways, to Kerry's family than to my own. Some of my favorite times with Kerry were spent rummaging through tiny Avon lipstick samples. Shari was an Avon lady and she was BEAUTIFUL! Her makeup, skin and hair were always gorgeous and I looked to her for beauty secrets and products. There were summer days spent doing manicures and rubbing skin-so-soft lotion into our arms and keep the mosquitoes at bay while we lounged in the grass in their yard! I can't see an Avon catalogue on a doctor's office table without thinking of Shari. As an independent business woman, I've thought back often, to the warm way Kerry's mom dealt with her customers and the personal notes signed with her name that she sent out. I've tried to maintain relationships with my own customers in the same way.

Shari's meticulous housekeeping was something I always admired! In all the time I spent at Kerry's house growing up, I never saw it messy! Kerry explained her mom's special "card system" for keeping things clean and how she enlisted her family in keeping it up. Now, she WAS a natural clean-freak, so I think that kind of organization came easier to her than it has for me....but she has definitely been my role-model in this department, as well!

This spring, as Kerry was getting ready to graduate from college, Shari's doctor in Mexico discovered a cancerous tumor. Shari decided that she would come up for Kerry's graduation and put off the operation so that she could enjoy this moment with her daughter and spend a few relaxing days with her. I asked if I could take some photos of the two of them, while she was here because I knew it was a special time for them and because, selfishly, I wanted my own nice photos of these two really awesome women that I loved. Because of her illness, Shari was nervous about the photos and nervous about seeing us. She felt she looked awful. I thought she was beautiful and I promised to adjust the coloring in the photos, to take out the yellowish hue that had emerged in her skin. Even though this ugly disease was attacking her body, she stayed strong and positive.

As the sun set on this amazing mother's life, I'm thankful for everything I've been able to learn from her. I know that Shan and Kerry carry with them this strong, amazing woman's spirit and in my ongoing relationship with them, I'll see Shari again and again, as her lovely spirit is reflected in who they are and will be.

Thank you, Shari...for being who you were and sharing yourself with me through your sweet girls!


Mi Prima, Shari

December 7, 2010

My cousin, Shari~

I remember as a child in Tucson, AZ when Shari & Jack lived not too far from us.  Shannon was born on my birthday, July 5th; then they were blessed with Kerry & they made the most beautiful little Family!

Shari & Jack moved to Oregon, afterwhich we were able to make regular visits.  Shair's mom, my Aunt Peggy, stayed close to daddy (her bro) & our Family was always close. 

I moved to Oregon in 1981, where Shari & I got closer.  I got to see the family regularly as I worked part-time for Jack & played "baby-sitter" to the girls. :)  When I was in a hit-by-car accident in '82 Shari was so good to care for me. ... she was a God-send, helping when I really needed someone~a good Friend.

When Shari moved to PV, I was able to take my first-ever 'real' vacation to visit her & Antonio;  I was in love with everything Shari showed me!  The first day there, She & Antonio took me on a very thorough tour & introduced me to so many special people there, altho I still don't speak Spanish well & couldn't tell you all their names~when we got back to the house in the eve.I asked Shari what she had said when she introduced me to everyone & Antonia laughed as she said, "I told them, 'This is my cousin, Julie, if you should see her....just make sure she gets home safely."

I was able to see all the wonderful things that Shari had done wtih the time in Mexico; able to see her begin her business~handmaking clothing:dresses, shirts with a beautiful Chili Design on them.  Together we went to visit her artist-friends & to visit an elderly woman in "Buenos Aires" (?)...I still can't remember her name, but I remember how everyone loved Shari.  She had that kind nature & glowing inner strength about her...

I came home from the beach one day & she smiled at me & said, 'What's wrong, you're walking funny?"  I replied, "I burned my chi-chi's..."  & she said, "Those aren't your chi-chi's...these (as she showed me...) are your chi-chi's; THOSE are your pompas!"  :)

I miss you so much!  I remember the day I learned of your illness & my daddy called me directly & I just sobbed...not my Shari!!!  Since then I've grown closer to Pam & Shannon & Kerry & 3 of Shari's Mexi-kitties, which I've adopted.  In this way, I will always be close to you.  And it is only my Faith, in God, in Eternity, that helps me through~but I Thank You, my beautiful Shari, for bringing me back onto the lives of your beautiful girls~now wonderful Women!  They have your strength of Spirit.  & I treasure your kitties, ... Sabado loves his new couch.  :)

I'm sorry it took me so long to come visit you again; I was afraid I couldn't stand the pain of you leaving & missing you all over.  But, I'm here...


~Julie, 'with the Beautiful ears'

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