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May 22
May 22
Happy Birthday in heaven, beautiful cousin. I think of you often and so badly wish you were here. Sending you big heavenly hugs today. Love you, Sharon. xoxo 
May 29, 2020
May 29, 2020
Three years! I miss you every day! So many wonderful memories . Love you!
May 29, 2020
May 29, 2020
Wow 3 yrs now I have not heard or seen your smile I think of you often when piper and I are on are walk/hikes and think to myself aunty would love to walk with me and I have been painting rocks to hide for others to find and I’m always like aunt Sharon would love this one I did love you your always in my heart
May 22, 2020
May 22, 2020
Happy 64th birthday aunty not a day goes by that I don’t think about you xoxo hope your having a party with grandpa and my dad (Clinton)
May 29, 2019
May 29, 2019
I can’t believe it’s already been 2yrs not a day goes by that I don’t think about you whether it’s just seeing a beautiful flower garden that makes me think of you or watching the hummingbirds it brings a smile to my face/heart I miss you every day aunty xoxo I hope your up there with grandpa and my dad having a good time watching over all of us!.
May 22, 2019
May 22, 2019
I miss you every day. Nobody could ever be as lucky as me to have you as a friend and neighbor. Love you like a sister!
June 3, 2017
June 3, 2017
No words to be said, except Sharon was a wonderful friend of mine-I know she isn't suffering anymore she worked hard at this cancer thing for 3 years--I will always remember how sweet an good times with Sharon--going to miss her
June 3, 2017
June 3, 2017
I love and miss you so much aunt Sharon ♡
June 3, 2017
June 3, 2017
You were an incredible woman who will be greatly missed. I will always remember when you lived next door and we would visit iften. You were always had the biggest heart and incredible talent. Love you!
June 3, 2017
June 3, 2017
There's an angel in heaven who spread her wings far and wide here on earth for all of us who were fortunate enough to have her in our lives. She shared her laughter, her warmth, her kindness, her compassion and she left us with lasting memories. The fun times, White Owl and The Imposters, kayaking down the Kennebec, spending time together at the cottage on East Grand, walks along the Rail Trail, numerous motorcycling adventures, good times just being together, our last hoorah on the beaches at Bradenton, the list of memories goes on and on. Thank you for being one of my very best friends, for being part of my family, for loving chocolate and always knowing where to find the Lindts, for loving us as much as we loved you. You're in our thoughts and in our prayers. God bless you. You're our angel. (I expect you'll be holding the gate...giggle giggle!)
June 1, 2017
June 1, 2017
I know you were at peace and ready for your journey to heaven. It is the ones left behind who will miss you. I will always remember the adventures we had growing up. There weren't many vacations that we didn't spend together. We grew up and married our Navy men. Rick will always be part of our family. Soar with the angels now, no more pain. Love you
June 1, 2017
June 1, 2017
An Angel on earth is now an Angel in heaven. Sharon you will be so missed here on earth but, we know you are singing with the other Angels and watching over all of us.
May 31, 2017
May 31, 2017
Aunt Sharon, I can't believe you're gone. You have been so strong, so full of grace and kindness and love and laughter and light. The world is still turning, but it's not the same without you. From my start, you've been another parent. You've been an inspiration. You've been family.
i have so many memories, and none of them are bad. You invited me into so many wonderful adventures and projects. You played with me and supported me. You spoiled me in the best ways. And you made me see things in different ways. I'll always associate certain colors with you, certain art styles, the feeling of being so drenched by rain and then turning the experience into a celebration of comfort, and of course, frozen m&ms.
I miss you so much already that I don't want to accept it's true. But I know if there is a heaven, you're there. Mom says you're holding the gate open for her. I hope you're basking in sunshine and peace and comfort. I love you forever.
May 31, 2017
May 31, 2017
I know you will always be with us, but I still just miss you so much. And I'll miss you forever.

"May angels lead you in"
May 30, 2017
May 30, 2017
I don't need to light a candle because you lighted up life all around you. Now you are showing the light to Jesus that He gave you. He can see that it will shine brightly for those you have left behind. So sorry, Rick, nothing will be the same, but i think the same light shines for you.
I'm not saying this well. Everything i picked up or watched today seemed to be a tear jerker and made me more aware of how much I will miss Sharon.
May 30, 2017
May 30, 2017
Dear Rick,
It has been so many years since I have seen you, but I saw the loss of your wife through mutual friends on facebook. Just wanted to let you know I am very sorry and my thoughts are with you. Sue (Sainio) Edwards
May 30, 2017
May 30, 2017
Almost 29 years ago I had the good fortune to buy the house across the street from Rick and Sharon, the best friends and neighbors anyone could ever hope for. Sharon, since my first week in that house you have been a friend, confidant and support system, always there with a helping hand, a kind word, and a good old fashioned giggle . You exemplified love, especially for family and friends...and critters. You have given us all so many wonderful, fun, silly, and beautiful memories for us to forever hold on to. Even in illness you were the picture of strength and grace, and love. I love you like a sister and always will. Rest in Peace my dear, dear friend.
May 30, 2017
May 30, 2017
What can you say about someone as special as Sharon. My cousin, my "summer sister", my friend. So many wonderful memories. I love you.
May 29, 2017
May 29, 2017
There are no words that can fully express my feelings. You have been a constant in my life no matter how far I ventured. No matter what I have ever needed, even when I did not know I needed anything, you have been there - my Aunt, my Godmother, a friend, a listening ear, a cheerleader, a supporter ... You have always believed in me even when I did not. You have always been a bright spot in my life. 

You are truly the most loving, the most giving person I have ever known. You are also one of the few people I've never been able to get mad at - whether jumping on me in bed in my teenage years (after noon) to wake me, or calling me at 6 a.m. in California laughing that you woke me! I will forever miss you, love you, and strive to find the positive in every situation, as I saw you do. You are and have always been my idol, my hero, my angel. I love you and a piece of me is with you now in Heaven.
May 29, 2017
May 29, 2017
i dont know how to process all the emotions that are going through my head right now. you were such an amazing person so kind,loving understanding someone I could talk freely to and would help me feel better I will remember the little things we did together like you showed me how to make home made apple sauce the days at the lake shopping you have alway been there for me when I need your advice I love you you will be forever missed and will remain in my heart and memories until we meet again xoxoxo

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