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Happy Marriages

July 6, 2017

This picture was taken at the wedding of Michael and Lindsay Hammer. It's special for me because Sharon has been one of the Great women who have helped my marriage to be the Great marriage that it is. Julian and I were not able to spend a lot of time together due to travel with work. Sharon knew this. She one day shows up at our door with a picnic basket filled with Julian's favorite foods (Lol!) and proceeds to order us to go upstairs to our room, lock the door and have our own picnic date. No one has ever done something for us in this way. Julian and I could never forget the care and Love that Sharon added to our marriage through this spectacular gesture. She is apart of the history of our marriage forever!!! Julian and I have an amazing marriage and she is one of the ingredients that has gotten us here. My entire family has felt the Loving effects of you Sharon. When you help to keep a marriage together, you help to keep an entire family together. All my Love and Until we meet again. Charmaine.

God broke the mold!

July 6, 2017

My mother used to tell me (when she was upset with me:) that "God broke the mold when He made me!" haha... but unlike the back-handed compliment my mom used, this is truly the case with Sharon. She was as wonderfully unique as they come! 
We shared lots of stuff in common and it was an instant bond with her. She was easy to love, so I can see why so many people felt that way about her. Her (sometimes brutal) honesty, her irreverant humor, her generous spirit, her infectious laugh, her never ending jovial attitude and positive outlook on life, were all qualities we loved and admired about her.
She will be very much missed! 

I pray that you may find comfort in God, whom she loved much. I pray He wraps His arms tightly around you all at this time. May you be blessed with a "peace that surpasses knowledge". 

Much love,

Renee Holme

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