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July 28, 2019
July 28, 2019
Love and miss you, awesome Mom! Larry's 75 today. I made him a chocolate pie, his favorite. Everyone who knew you, misses you! We had wonderful times, and memories. Thank You God! Thank You Mom!
July 25, 2019
July 25, 2019
Hi Mom, another day in Paradise! Miss and Love You! All the good times we shared, always makes me smile. Grateful, and Thankful. School starts around the corner, Xavier's gonna be a freshman. OMG! Time flies when you're having fun. Bonanza Bengal, August 12th, first day of School, High School! Amazing!
July 23, 2019
July 23, 2019
Good afternoon Mom, I woke up again! Everything's wonderful! Day by day. I love ,
and miss you.
July 22, 2019
July 22, 2019
I Love You Mom, keeping the faith. Thanks God, Jesus, and you Mom, for teaching us about faith!
July 21, 2019
July 21, 2019
Not a day goes by, I don't think about you, and miss you! Everything's good, I've been having some trouble breathing, my throat's been hurting. Doctor Monday, I rearranged Xavier's room today, and it turned out awesome! I love you God, Jesus, Mom, and thank you for this life, goodnight! Day by day!
July 16, 2019
July 16, 2019
As time passes, I miss, and love you more each day! Just wanted to tell you, Thanks God, Jesus, and Mom, for the gift of life, and everything else! Life is beautiful!
July 15, 2019
July 15, 2019
Hi Mom, just wanted to touch base, thinking of you, and missing you! Everyone's good. Talk to you soon! God is good!
July 11, 2019
July 11, 2019
Hi Mom, We went to see the Spider Man movie, it was pretty good. Missing you all day, everyday. Doing pretty good. Feel a little sketchy, please watch over me! Dear God it's me Margaret, give me the answers!
July 9, 2019
July 9, 2019
Happy Birthday Mom! All day, everyday, I have the fondest memories of you, and us! Hawaii, the beach, booze cruise, the pedicabs, what fun we had! Thanks God, Jesus, and You! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
July 9, 2019
July 9, 2019
We had a nice 4th, miss and love you! Happy Birthday Eve, beautiful, courageous Mom!
July 4, 2019
July 4, 2019
Happy 4th, Of July Mom, Happy Birthday! I miss you, love you, and think about you, everyday! Thankful for you, and all the good times, and fun we had. Thank you God, for our Mom! We're going to the Springs Preserve, to see fireworks!
July 1, 2019
July 1, 2019
You're my hero Mom, you never showed fear! Thank You Mom, God, and Jesus! It's a beautiful day! Miss, and Love You.
June 29, 2019
June 29, 2019
Hi Mom, we're off to a great summer! Love, and Miss You! Day by Day. Thanks God, Jesus, and Mom, for everything!
June 27, 2019
June 27, 2019
Dear God ,and Mom, hi sometimes I worry about my health. I know you got this God! Just wanted to say hi Mom, I love, and miss you! Thank You God, and Mom, for all the great times. We visited with Jim, and Sherry yesterday, and hanging in there!
June 25, 2019
June 25, 2019
I love you Mom, we went to a dollar movie today, it was The Paddington Bear, tomorrow it's Teen Titans, something to do. It's pretty hot, my breathing has been iffy. I haven't walked to Walmart, since before New York. I'll build myself back up, slowly, but surely. Thank You God, and Mom, for everything! You're my hero's!
June 24, 2019
June 24, 2019
I just wanted to tell you, I love and miss you so much! Goodnight!
June 21, 2019
June 21, 2019
I love and miss you, you're our Birthday Girl. The party should be starting real soon! Fireworks, and everything you like. Wish we could see you, but we know you're still with us, in spirit!
June 20, 2019
June 20, 2019
Just wanted to say hi, Feeling up, and down. Day by Day, Jim's feeling real yucky, new meds, missing you a lot. Love you, and thank you, and god for keeping an I on us! Tom's mom is losing her vision, and he worries. Thank You God, for Tom. My breathing is rough this week. Always keeping the faith!
June 18, 2019
June 18, 2019
Everyday I think about you, I miss and love you! Thankful for every minute with you, and everything you taught us, Thank You God , for Mom! Thank You Mom! We had great fun in N.Y, Steve took us to the Mets game, the Beach, in New Jersey, Xavier put some of your ashes, in the water. Summer's starting out great!
June 15, 2019
June 15, 2019
Happy Fathers Day Daddy, Charlie, Chuck Uncle Steve, Mom, and everyone up in heaven, I didn't mention. We love and miss you so much. I saw Bruce yesterday, after his fall, and release from the hospital. Looking good! Thanks for watching over us, we made it home from N.Y. in one piece, Thank You God, and Mom! Happy Fathers Day, Father! YOU'RE AMAZING!
June 10, 2019
June 10, 2019
We made it back from you're stomping ground! AWESOME, thank you GOD, and MOM! Had a great time with the family.
June 1, 2019
June 1, 2019
I Love you Mom, we're off to you're hometown! Talk to you real soon!
May 31, 2019
May 31, 2019
We saw Bill, he's looking like he's doing well! We had a nice visit! God keeps coming through for me. Love and miss you Mom, Please God, and Mom watch over Tom, while we're gone. And watch over us, on our travels! You'll be with us! Exited, and a little nervous! Thank You Mom, and God!
May 30, 2019
May 30, 2019
Bill, Tom, Darrell, finally met. NYC bound, summer fun, love, and miss you. Thank You God, for everything, Thanks Mom, for being Mom!
May 28, 2019
May 28, 2019
I just wanted to tell you that I love you. I saw Bruce, he looks great. Chest X ray tomorrow, before the trip. Hopefully, all is well! You're kind ways, and original special things you always did, I'll never forget!
May 27, 2019
May 27, 2019
I love you mom, Bill is here with Tommy Vivilo, hopefully we get to see them, so Tom, and Xavier can meet them. We're headed to New York, on Saturday! Watch over us please God, and Mom, for safe travels. And that my final chest X-Ray, allows me to go! Bruce will pop in tomorrow!
May 25, 2019
May 25, 2019
Happy Memorial Weekend, to all that departed before us! We love you guys!
May 24, 2019
May 24, 2019
I love and miss you more, and more each day! We're taking Xavier to New York next week, please watch over us, as we ask God, for safe travel! And praying my health holds up! Thanks God, and Mom!
May 23, 2019
May 23, 2019
Thanks for being with me today, and always! Miss, and love you.
May 20, 2019
May 20, 2019
I Love and miss you bigtime! Xavier's 14, wish you were here, even though we know you're here! Wish we could see you. thankful for the times we shared! We have awesome memories, because you made it happen! Thanks God, for our Mom, and every little, and big thing! I Love You!
May 18, 2019
May 18, 2019
I love, and miss you Mom, with all my heart! Bruce made it home from the hospital! Thanks God, and Mom.
May 16, 2019
May 16, 2019
Not a day goes by, that I don't think about you, and thankful for you being our mom! the kids are alright! Bruce is in the hospital again, we've been taking turns lately! I'll keep you posted! Thanks for everything you taught us, we love you! The weather is pleasant, cooler than usual!
May 13, 2019
May 13, 2019
You're my hero! I miss, and love you, goodnight!
May 12, 2019
May 12, 2019
Happy mothers Day Mom, Thanks for everything you taught us. I miss, and love you!
April 24, 2019
April 24, 2019
Thank You Mom, God, and Jesus! It's a beautiful day. I miss you, and love you, and so thankful for the time we shared, It was priceless!
April 23, 2019
April 23, 2019
I love you, and miss you everyday, Happy belated Birthday Charles Marshall! Tomorrow I get that test to see if my lungs are working O.K. kind of nervous, since my hospital visit. Please God, let me pass this test, keep looking out Mom, Thanks!
April 21, 2019
April 21, 2019
Thank You God, Jesus, and Mom, Happy Easter , Thanks for you're forgiveness, and watching over me. Miss and Love You Mom! We feel your spirit with us always! We're doing pretty good, Day by day.
April 19, 2019
April 19, 2019
Love You Beautiful Mom, Happy Good Friday, Miss You Big Time!
April 17, 2019
April 17, 2019
I love you, Bruce , Alonso, Xavier, and I, are doing much better, Thanks God, and Mom. Happy Holy Week, Grandma, Mom, and everyone we love, who went up, before us! We miss you guys, and think about all of you, all the time. Thanks for watching over us!
April 16, 2019
April 16, 2019
Happy Easter Mom, I miss, and love you everyday! All is well.
April 12, 2019
April 12, 2019
I love, and miss you. Thinking about you, like everyday, so I wanted to say hi!
April 11, 2019
April 11, 2019
Hi Mom, I'm doing good! I miss, and love you! Day by day!
April 7, 2019
April 7, 2019
Everyday I think about you, and wish I could see you. So I talk to you instead, thankful, and blessed, for the time we shared. You're amazing! NYC, here we come! Thank you God, for every little thing!
April 5, 2019
April 5, 2019
Hi mom, I'm feeling much better! Miss you everyday. Thoughts of you, keep me looking up. Thanks for keeping the faith, and teaching us. Thank You God, for our Mom, we love you!
April 4, 2019
April 4, 2019
I had a little health scare on Sunday, but you knew that. Thanks for watching over me! Love, and miss you. I made it home! Thanks God, and Mom!
March 30, 2019
March 30, 2019
Thank you God, and Mom! Miss and love you, all day, everyday!
March 29, 2019
March 29, 2019
Wish Me Luck Mom, I want to be adventurous, just like you! Love, and miss you. Tom's Mom Beryl, turned 82 yesterday, so we popped in briefly. She's hanging in there!
March 27, 2019
March 27, 2019
Hi Mom, good morning! I love, and miss you! Everything's good.
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