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Her Life
March 26, 2017

Sheila was born June 14, 1966 and passed away January 28, 2017. She is survived by her children: Chris Heffner and Ashley Heffner, her siblings: John (Deborah) Rosendblad, Vicki (Rich) Fedor, Lisa (Dale) Freeman, Kelly Taylor, and Bill (Faye) Taylor, her fur grandchildren: Carrick, Shadow and Tiny Tim, as well as many other family members.

After being born Sheila quickly took on the nickname "fuzzy", which she hated. She had one heck of a ride growing up with many struggles, including her big brother and one of her role models leaving to join the Air Force to help support her and her siblings. At the young age of 15 Sheila gave birth to her first child, Chris. Though she was young she did anything she had to, to take care of him. A couple years later she met the man she would later marry and have her second child with, Tom Heffner (passed November 9, 2013). They married in the summer of 1987 and welcomed Ashley in January 1988. Sadly, a few years later Tom and Sheila divorced. As a mother Sheila did what she had to, to make sure her children were fed and had a roof over their heads. She also always made sure they had presents on their birthdays and Christmas as they grew up. She loved her kids more than anything in the world!

Anyone who knew Sheila knows she was an extremely strong woman and never complained no matter how many struggles she faced or how much pain she was in. Over the last few years she faced and concurred numerous health issues, never one complaining. After being diagnosed with lung cancer in 2012, she took it on and won, even though it was by no stretch of the means an easy fight. After being in remission for 3 years cancer reared it’s ugly head again in 2016. Once again Sheila took it on and won. If there is one thing I have learned it is that I had one hell of a strong Mom whom refused to be defeated.

Sheila’s favorite things, besides her family of course, were reading and cooking. There is no doubt in my mind that she at some point had cooked for most everyone she knew. Anytime I was unsure about how to cook something I would always call her rather than looking it up, she gave the best cooking advice. It was obvious she always cooked with love!

 Whenever she could she had her nose buried in a book and her favorite author was Stephen King, she couldn’t get enough of his books. If you were to stack up every book she ever read, it would probably be taller than the Eiffel Tower.

Sheila knew she wasn't able to give as much as she would have liked to in life so she made the choice to give everything she could in death. Due to the previous cancer diagnoses she was unable to donate her organs as she would have like to. So about 3 1/2 years ago after the original cancer diagnoses and being unsure how much time she would have she knew she needed to do something.The last thing she ever wanted was to leave her children/family with any kind of financal burden. After some researching I came accross the Cleveland Clinic's Body Donation Program. We got the information about it and Mom knew that was what she wanted to do. She registered that day and told me she would make a difference and that she did. A few days after her passing she made the journey to Cleveland Clinic where she helped the next generation of doctors, current doctor's and possibly even make strides towards a new medical discovery. So the next time you see a Cleveland Clinic doctor think of her and all of the other wonderful people whom selflessly gave the greatest gift by donating their bodies to help others. The legacy of my Mom will live on forever in the final gift she gave to all of us!

Though Sheila is no longer with us her memory will live on within each of our hearts and she will never be forgotten!