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His Life


May 7, 2020

Published on Apr 27, 2020
左盼右顧。思念無從去。七十二年生死路。奏響人間樂譜。 亦師亦友鴻儒。忘私忘我授漁。只為增持世道,千秋萬代魁殊。
悼念王世道老師 三藩市利向陽 

侨报四月二十日报道| Obituary Press Release by The China Press

April 20, 2020
Obituary Press Release by The China Press
April 20, 2020

抗疫系列:中国加油 三月七日 | Fighting Pandemic: Cheering for China​, March 7th

April 20, 2020
抗疫系列:中国加油 三月七日

March 7, 2020
Fighting Pandemic: Cheering for China

抗疫系列:中国加油 三月八日 | Fighting Pandemic: Cheering for China, March 8th

April 20, 2020
抗疫系列:中国加油  三月八日

March 8, 2020
Fighting Pandemic: Cheering for China

一身风雨笑红尘 王世道 词唱 Song: "You Raise Me Up" in Chinese Lyric

April 20, 2020
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王世道 词唱

Original Song: "You Raise Me Up"
Title: “With Wind and Rain, I Smile at the World”
Chinese Lyric written by Shi Dao Wang (English translation below)





Title: “With Wind and Rain, I Smile at the World”

Do you remember, my belief was pure in the beginning,
if I encountered difficult circumstances, I could still walk forward,
Who would ask me, do you feel regrets in this life?
Among the people, all the Youths smile with tears.
Who would ask me, all the pain and difficulties in life,
walk a thousand miles, Heaven knows the winds and frost we experienced.
I have never regretted, I don’t feel sad about the past and I smile often,
In the hands of heaven, my original heart has not changed. 

Having served the world, youth would not resurface,
My white hair is like frost, how could I not be sad?
Straighten up my spine, I am determined to smile,
Let’s encourage each other, comrades and friends.

Always keep love, my life have always been simple and kind.
I sing in a low key, am never greedy, and I can face the Heaven without fear.
Looking over the green mountain, the flowers are blossoming everywhere,
Always with gratitude, and the Heaven will bless me.

(We are the Chinese Cultural Revolution Youths!)
Always with gratitude, and the Heaven will bless me.

夏之二 Summer (part 2)

April 19, 2020
夏之二 Summer (part 2)

To be translated

关于创作 On Creativity

April 18, 2020


"Our creative work has to follow this principle of holding two ends.  On one end, it needs to be taken seriously, to strives for excellence.  It has to stand on a high ground, looking far and vast, without an ounce of selfishness and materialism.  On the other end, it needs to be understated, to be close to the earth, to connect to the times and the culture, only then can it be filled with life and energy.  Whenever we wander away from these two ends, our effort would be useless.  This is a little bit of what I understand from studying about it all my life."
- Shi Dao Wang

欢声笑语六十年 题 Intro to Red Leaves: Immerse in Laughters After 60 Years

April 19, 2020
欢声笑语六十年  题

Intro to Red Leaves

"Living is wonderful. The meaning of life is to exist. As long as we live, all pain and sorrows will pass. Today and tomorrow are our real destiny. Let's be content, be grateful, and to cherish. As we live to this day, let everything be immersed in joy and laughters. " - Shi Dao Wang

得失歌 Song: Gain and Loss

April 19, 2020
得失歌 Song: Gain and Loss
王幸生  词
王世道  曲
Lyric by Sister Jenny
Music by Shi Dao Wang

大叶飈红之六:假作真时真亦假 / Red Leaves: Chapter 6 - On Fake vs. Real and Kindness

April 15, 2020
Background: My dad volunteered to go from Guangzhou city to the remote region of Guangdong province to help open up farmlands at the edge of a rare national forest in 1965. He was only 18 years old.  Because he challenged the thought that Mao's Thoughts could not be the pinnacle of philosophical development, he was sent to solitary confinement for a year and was regularly dragged out for public criticism and humiliation.  He never apologized and insisted that truth would be on his side one day.  This experience only deepened his faith in the kindness of humanity.


When Fake Becomes Real, Real Becomes Fake

What is most real, are the red maple leaves, golden and red.

When the Cultural Revolution started, the movement at our countryside also began.  The theme: To greatly criticize "Wang Shi Dao, Hu Ming Kun, and Lu Zijian."  There is a saying, "If you want to condemn someone, they will always find a reason."  Even though they know it's not real, yet they could make it real.  Otherwise, how did they create class struggles among people?

According to this group, they were reading Mao's and Stalin's thoughts - and because they were discussing politics, if they wanted to make us a scapegoat, how hard would that be?  Whether it was true or not true, it was not important.  What was important was to know what was needed to create a movement.  There are all kinds of hats in a hat store, one just needs to see which hat fits.  Even though they knew it was not true, gave them a hat, said a few words, then it became real.  That was the era when the truth did not matter, the era when fake became real and real became fake.

However, fake and real are the both sides of the same coin, they are twins, often tied together.  If there weren't fakeness, there wouldn't be truth.  Without truth, it could not show fakeness.  On the stage, the public criticism was fake.  Off the stage, life was real.  Every time after being publicly criticized and humiliated, I was being sent to an old farmer's home as my confinement.  The farmer who watched me was Jin Sheng She.  He didn't fake anything, all he did was real.  Perhaps he had been through many political movements and had rich life experiences.  Every time after the public criticism, he would boil a big pot of hot water, and helped me wash and relax my neck [my dad was carrying a wired board on his neck that was typical of the time].  He made a pot of congee and added sugar, and I drank it all at once, the warmth went all the way into my heart, made me feel so much better.  This is real, it is a real kindness in this thousand year old mountain, without an ounce of fakeness.  The red maple leaves witnessed it clearly.  His wife always said to me, "Don't worry, once the movement passed, everything will return to normal.  You are such a young student, how could you be an anti-revolutionary? We don't believe it.  You're a good person." 

Gain and loss is hard to judge in one's life.  What I lost was temporary freedom, but what I gained was the deep care from Mr. She's family.  His real kindness, made me deeply believe in the kindness in human nature.  "There is real kindness in the world" became my mantra all my life.  The movement said that we needed to be re-educated by poor farmers, this is real re-education.  Twenty years later, when I brought my wife and daughter back to the mountains, back to that farmhouse, I couldn't hold back my tears.  The She family was not only poor, they also had a crippled daughter who could only crawl.  In their circumstances, they still gave me so much care in such a selfless way.  There was no reason for that care, no karma that made it so.  Yet what made one act like that was one's conscience and kindness. The distance  between fake and real is so far, and yet so close.

And on real and fakeness, one time an old friend told me that in a reunion of this group, someone said to her, "I haven't seen Wang Shi Dao for so many years.  If I had a chance, I really want to apologize to him."  That is because his reflection on fakeness.  History is ruthless because of its truth.  For me, what is most real is the kindness from She's whole family.

The maple trees in the mountains are still golden and red.  Those maple leaves witnessed the beauty of my relationship with Mr.She's family.  Of course, it also witnessed the fake show on the stage.

When fake became real, real became fake,
it is rare to be innocent like Mr. She.
There is real kindness in the world,
they will remain glorious in the green mountain. 

大叶飈红之十六:小河有弯树有弯 / Red Leaves: Chapter 16 - On Forgiveness

April 15, 2020
On Forgiveness

大叶飈红之十六:小河有弯树有弯 / Red Leaves: Chapter 16

To be translated

大叶飈红之四:救人一命胜造七级浮屠/ Chapter 4: Saving a Life

April 15, 2020

Chapter 4: Saving a Life

To be translated

大叶飈红之二:谈死 / Red Leaves - Chapter 2: On Death

April 15, 2020
Red Leaves -Chapter 2: On Death

To be translated

Life is precious, but the human spirit is divine.

April 15, 2020
By Shi Dao Wang

Life is precious, but the human spirit is divine.

A man’s soul gives his life meaning. It s expression displays the various aspects of the beauty of life. It fills his world with energy and hope.

A year ago, on 9-11, when thousands of victims tried to escape from the attack on the World Trade Center, there was one man who seemed fearless and rushed into the disaster site without hesitation. His name was Zack Zeng. We can still see him saving others courageously in the videotape today. When the second tower collapsed, he never made it back. The scene of Zack Zeng’s heroic action showed us the highest level of humanity—selflessness and sacrifice. What could be more valuable than the spirit of being willing to give one’s own life in order to save others? Zack is not only the pride of all Chinese but also all Americans.

The spirit of growth and sacrifice is the power behind this simple, ordinary, and real man toward his heroism. Zack became the paragon of Chinese immigrant history.  His name will remain in everyone’s heart forever.

As survivors of the 9-11 tragedy, when we look back at Zack’s courage and bravery we should ask ourselves how we value our lives and how we can learn to treasure every day.  To pursue meaning and value in life is the highest virtue of humanity. We should strive to improve ourselves every day. Only then is life precious and meaningful. A man who feels no regrets when he reaches the end of his life is enlightened and content.

As we go alone reading this booklet, following the footsteps of Zack’s short but meaningful life, we should reflect on life in general. A hero is not created in a moment, but by the accumulation of actions over the course of a human life.

Zack Zeng, you will always be my hero.

Recognized by the New York City Council, 2016

April 16, 2020
Recognized by the New York City Council as an outstanding citizen contributing to the community

Recognized by the New York State Assembly, 2016

April 16, 2020
Recognized by the New York State Assembly, 2016