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February 14, 2023
February 14, 2023
Happy Valentines Day to my first valentine. The one that taught me all about love. I miss you more than imaginable. Love you forever!!!
February 14, 2023
February 14, 2023
Happy Valentine's Day, my forever love. You will always be in my heart and I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU..... ♥️♥️♥️
January 3, 2023
January 3, 2023
Heavy on my mind Mom.!!!
Bitter sweet memories. But I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU.!!!
December 25, 2022
December 25, 2022
Merry Christmas in Heaven Mama! I have so many good memories of spending my Christmases with you...some of the most treasured moments of my life. I miss you so much and love you always!
December 25, 2022
December 25, 2022
Merry Christmas in Heaven. I miss you so much, today and every day. I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU.!!!
December 25, 2022
December 25, 2022
Merry Christmas in Heaven to my personal Santa! Thanks for always making sure our Christmas was “Merry” I miss you everyday, but even more this time of year….
December 20, 2022
December 20, 2022
Holidays will never be the same grams. Every year it seems a bit more less Happy. Missing you is definitely and understatement. And the saying is true you taught us all everything we needed to knw about the Bible and life itself except how to live without you. This battle I was given is hard and test my faith daily. I try to stay in the word but at times I get discouraged and weak. Grams continue to watch over us. Love you forever
November 24, 2022
November 24, 2022
Happy Thanksgiving Mom, I miss you more than words can express.!!!! AND I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU.!!!!
November 23, 2022
November 23, 2022
I’m beyond THANKFUL that I had the opportunity to experience the gift of “you”. I miss you so much!          ~Tasha
October 29, 2022
October 29, 2022
My mama taught me everything...except how to live without her. Missing you Mama...
August 2, 2022
August 2, 2022
You always said to never questioned God. But in the times we’re in now I’m confused, lost, and just wondering Why Me,, This journey I’m about to take is overwhelming at times. Miss you grams
July 20, 2022
July 20, 2022
Heart is a little heavy tonight. The world is moving too fast and I feel like I’m stuck at a stand still. So much going on emotions all over the place. But you instilled in us the word of prayer so I will continue to pray my way through this darkness til I see light again. My heart is broken and damaged, I’m praying for better days. Grama life is getting harder and harder day by day and it seems like it’s not playing fair by me. Sometimes I feel like throwin in the towel but I remind myself I have 3 beautiful souls to take care of. The devil tries his hardest to convince me that it’s over for me. But God always step in and show me that it’s not over, it’s only beginning. If only it was easy for me to stray away from the worldly things and live in my purpose…. Continue to watch over us and help us along this journey. Love you grama
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
Mom, I know you were waiting for Ricky with open arms. But this really hits hard, I don't know how to cope but I'm praying to God for comfort and a piece of mind. Continue to watch over us and know WE WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU.!!!
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
Weirdest dream last night grams. Dreamed Ricky was doing better. Talking and everything. Seemed a bit weird bc of all that’s been reported but a statement came to my remembrance. “who’s report are you gonna believe”
Missing you and Daddy has taken a great toll on me and I’m still trying to figure my life out. Please keep guiding me and keepin me from going insane. A Grandmother’s prayers never stop. Love you grams and missing you terribly
May 8, 2022
May 8, 2022
Happy Heavenly Mother’s Day Grams!! Love you always and forever.
May 8, 2022
May 8, 2022
Happy Heavenly Mother's Day, you are truly missed.!!! But I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU....
May 8, 2022
May 8, 2022
Happy Mother’s Day to the Greatest to ever do it…….I’m forever indebted!
May 8, 2022
May 8, 2022
My mama taught me everything ...except how to live without her .

I love you always and miss you more than words can express.

Happy Mother’s Day in Heaven!

April 4, 2022
April 4, 2022
Every year it’s hard for me to come up with a song to sing lol but this year the song fell right in my heart. Didn’t get the words right as usual lol but it was in my heart. Bc he has been so good to all of us even in the midst of our pain and heartache. New homes, new job, promotions, health is good, we’re all in our right minds, new cars, so many blessings etc…so many doors he opened so many ways he made so many times he healed us so many times he blessed us over and over he’s been better than good to us!!! . It gets a little personal to me though. Because I owe God my life bc he kept me when I felt like I was gonna lose my mind. He kept me when I couldn’t even keep myself. In the midst of my storm and rain he was my shelter and my rock. He was the light in my darkest days. I can never repay him for all that he’s done for me. Thank you Grams for introducing me to this Man called Jesus!
April 3, 2022
April 3, 2022
Happy Heavenly Birthday Grams. I know that smile got heaven lit up extra bright today! Love you always and forever
April 3, 2022
April 3, 2022
Happy Heavenly Birthday Mom.!!!
Memories flood my mind each and everyday....
Deep in my heart is where you'll always stay.!!!
April 3, 2022
April 3, 2022
“If roses grow in Heaven, Lord pick a bunch for me. And place them in my mother’s arms and tell her they’re from me.”

Happy Birthday in Heaven Mama! I love you always!
April 3, 2022
April 3, 2022
Happy Heavenly Birthday Love!!! ❤️❤️❤️
March 2, 2022
March 2, 2022
Buried a big piece of my heart 7 years ago today….
February 24, 2022
February 24, 2022
7 years closer to seeing you again…..
February 24, 2022
February 24, 2022
7 years too long missing you still. So much I need to say so many question’s I need help with. Life is definitely hard without you and daddy here. Continue to watch over us as we continue to get thing thing right this thing called life. Love you and miss you dearly my sweet grama.
February 24, 2022
February 24, 2022
Seven long years and it still feels like yesterday. I miss you more than words can express. You were my everything and it's hard not having you here to help me through my challenges. But I want wish you back to endure any pain I'll just say until we meet again. I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU.!!!
February 24, 2022
February 24, 2022
It’s hard to believe it has been 7 years since you left your earthly home for your heavenly mansion. Life has not been the same but I try to keep pressing on even though it is really hard. The selfish part of me longs to have you back with me. I still need you so badly. But I know that you are resting in the arms of Jesus...right where you deserve to be. Rest In Peace Mama. I love you always!
February 21, 2022
February 21, 2022
Seven years ago my family gathered together in the chapel of Wayne Memorial Hospital and Andre sent up a powerful prayer. I felt your presence like never before! I guess you were letting us know that you were there and that you always would be. For that I am thankful.
February 15, 2022
February 15, 2022
Happy Valentines Day in Heaven Grams.
February 14, 2022
February 14, 2022
To My First Valentine...

Over time I have learned that there is no love like a Mother’s love. Thank you for showing me what unconditional love looks like and feels like. I will always love you!!
February 14, 2022
February 14, 2022
Happy Valentine’s Day Love ❤️…….thanks for the true and unconditional love!
December 25, 2021
December 25, 2021
Merry Christmas in heaven Grams. Love you forever!
December 25, 2021
December 25, 2021
Merry Christmas in Heaven Love…….thanks for everything……..I’m forever indebted
December 25, 2021
December 25, 2021
Merry Christmas in Heaven Mama! The holidays just aren’t the same! I miss you and I love you always!
November 25, 2021
November 25, 2021
Happy Thanksgiving in heaven grams. We love you and miss you dearly down here. Continue to watch over us.
November 6, 2021
November 6, 2021
I know you're in a better place but sometimes I just wish you were here. I thought about you today as I do every day but today was the parade and we know it was one of your favorite days so we gathered at he same spot with your presence in our hearts. I hope you know I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOUR
October 30, 2021
October 30, 2021
You saved my life before I took my first breath...the definition of true love. Forever grateful...forever loved. ~ Tasha
August 8, 2021
August 8, 2021
Your wings were heart was not. Still missing you...
July 28, 2021
July 28, 2021
Grams it’s been kinda rough on me. I have to fight demons daily and I know the battle is not mine but sometimes it seem like that’s all I do is FIGHT. Fighting for my life. Peace and happiness. I wonder why I was chosen to live this life. Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed and feel like I can’t handle what’s thrown at me. Grams please help guide me in the right direction. We miss you so much. The family has taken a few blows where nothing is the same anymore. Connections are lost, bonds are broken, we’re all hurt and broken. Continue to look over us grama. Love you forever
May 9, 2021
May 9, 2021
My mama taught me everything...except how to live without her. Missing you so much mama! Happy Mother’s Day in Heaven!
May 8, 2021
May 8, 2021
Happy Mother’s Day to the GREATEST to ever do it!!!
May 2, 2021
May 2, 2021
My mama taught me everything...except for how to live without her.

I’m trying but it is a struggle. But I am holding fast to my faith like you showed me...trusting and knowing that a breakthrough is on the way.
April 3, 2021
April 3, 2021
Happy Heavenly Birthday Granny , Love you !!
April 3, 2021
April 3, 2021
Your life was a BLESSING, your memory a TREASURE. You’re LOVED beyond words and MISSED beyond measure.

Happy Birthday in Heaven Mama! I love you forever!!

March 28, 2021
March 28, 2021
With so much going on I miss you some kinda bad. I wish I could talk to you.!!!! I really miss you and I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU.!!!
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