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February 19, 2021
February 19, 2021
Nell you will always be my best friend we had some great times working at Walmart and I will never forget you or your smile and I miss you so very much thank you for blessing my life We will meet again and when we do I want to hear all your stories Always In My Thoughts
February 18, 2021
February 18, 2021
When I came to say I love you , and to tell you good bye, I couldn't understand what you were saying, because of the bipap on your face. As I looked into your eyes and you into mine, I understood what you wanted to say , as I'm sure you felt the same way with me. Our parents never had to say I love you to us kids, we just knew.For 70 years we spent together as sisters and as friends we seem to always understand each other.As you were only a little over a year older than me, you let it be known you were the big sister.when I did something wrong or that you didn't approve of, all you had to do was give me that look. I knew right away I had to straighten up. Sis I've missed you since that evening and I miss you today. I'm sure I'll.miss you the rest of my days. I'm sure God is with you, same as Mom, Dad, baby Johnny and many more family members.Ill see you you with all my heart.
February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
You have always had time to set and talk or just lesson if needed and a smile and a hug for anyone needing it. You will be missed by everyone. I know you are in Heaven now with no more pain and was meet with open arms and rejoicing with family. Until we meet again. Love you Aunt Nell.
February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Nell. She was the best friend to my mom and such a wonderful person with the most beautiful smile.  She was such a a comfort when I was losing mom, and when she and Buddy showed up at dad’s funeral, it was so comforting to all of us.  The many, many years of friendship between them and my parents! I wonder how many cups of coffee they visited over? Just doesn’t seem right that we have to say goodbye - although it’s only temporary.  We will all meet again! Love to you all, miss you and the good ole days.  Awww, the memories! I’ll never forget the California Raisins Halloween!  
February 13, 2021
February 13, 2021
Momma you were my best friend, my personal therapist, my backup, my rock! I am completely lost without you! I know I will be for a long while. But your not suffering and for me I'll take the trade.

I am happy knowing I was with you all my years. We talked everyday and we both knew the love we shared.. it was deep. I will miss our talks and being able to call you or see you. I'm glad to say I have no regrets. If I had one it is that I couldn't be with you for the weeks you were fighting. But even then we talked until we couldn't then we videoed. I thank God I got to hold you before you left. Always always you will live in my heart ❤
February 12, 2021
February 12, 2021
May you rest in peace. You will be missed by many. love you

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