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Stanley could fill a room with personality

April 5, 2020
Stanley was so full of life from the first second I met him on a 65 foot custom Donzi boat Named the Concrete Machine in the 80’s.  He was often the fishing angler. Boy he loved to fish and tell stories with the boyz! He always had a smile from ear to ear. Generous was Stans middle name. Whenever Or whatever he was there for everyone. He loved his family, he served his country and we talked about that only once after too much whiskey as I was in dessert storm and he shared about being a helicopter pilot in Vietnam. Knowing Stan he was a hero. God took someone special. You will be missed. I would bump into him from time to time and we would reminisce. Latest was in Mizner Park. Have a cold coors light up there and keep the light on! ❤️ My condolences to the entire family 

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