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This memorial website was created in the loving memory of my husband, Stanley N. Jones, who was born on December 1, 1954, and passed away peacefully on January 1, 2011, at 8:11 PM. 

Loosing the year-long battle to that unexpected and vicious CANCER. But, My Love... you gave it your all; and I'll treasure all the memories of our fighting it together. 

Thank God for all your true friends and select family members who were there for you.  You know who they are... I'm sorry that the one sibling you thought really loved you was nowhere to be found during this tumuluous year (2010).  But, as you said towards the end... "when least expected, she will get hers." 

Not to worry for a moment "My Love" for I'll keep you in my heart always.  We (your friends and loved ones who were there for you while you were sick) will always remember your magnetic smile and the "Power of Example" you demonstrated for over the past 20+ years with AA & NA.  You are a keeper, and you'll never be forgotten... you are "My Forever True Love and SoulMate." 

Stan, you touched more lives than I believe you even knew... you're going to be missed terribly.  Sweetie... I love you now and forever... 'till we are joined again...  Thank you for the 16+ years we shared...  Thank God for the memorable good times that towered the small valleys we at times traveled... it's all relative as we now look back at our lives together.

Stan, God saw that you were getting tired and a cure was not to be, so He put His arms around you and whispered "Come to Me my son."  With tearful eyes I watched you peacefully fade away.  Although I loved you dearly, I could not make you stay.  A golden heart stopped beating, hard working hands now rest.  God broke my heart to prove to me He only takes the Best.

I'm happy you were able to finally let go and take God's hand when you knew we had done all we could to fight the cancer.  He brought you home with Him, and I know you're now in no pain and in a better place living your reward.  You always knew how much I truly and unconditionally loved you... and, I will forever love you my sweetness.

Thank you Stanley for teaching me that taking that leap of faith and loving you would be so worth it... you taught me to love again... and for that, I am forever grateful to you for being the love of my life.  Now "My Love", it's  time for you to Rest In Paradise. Your wife "Winnie" 

January 1, 2020
January 1, 2020
My forever love; what can I say that I haven’t said before... you are and will always be my one and only true love in this life and beyond. It’s your 9-year anniversary since GOD brought you home to be with him. You’re now 65 years old and we’re still together... my love hasn’t died, as a matter of fact you know my live has grown even stronger. Remembering holding you with my finger on your artery on your neck as you slip away from me feels like it’s just happening. 8:11 pm is engrained in my brain and the mist special time for me... love you babe...  finishing this tribute to you right at the 8:11 mark. Happy New Year 2020 my love... I still feel your presence and I can’t thank you enough for keeping your promise that you’ll always be here and looking out for me. Continue to Rest in Paradise “My Love”. Your wife, “Winnie “
December 1, 2019
December 1, 2019

Another year, and I pray my darling that you’re still Resting In Paradise (as I’m sure you are).  You brought our first snowfall of the season... another day to remember you. I hope you’re wearing those girls out, dancing all day long! I miss you baby; and want your happiness to be everlasting. Love you always! Your wife, “Winnie”
November 2, 2019
November 2, 2019
Hello Love, I haven’t forgotten you... just got caught up in the crap going on down here. I guess you heard Ida’s son Al Jr. just passed on Wednesday due to complications or body tired of 20 years of dialysis, 3 times a week... I’m tired just thinking about what his body has gone through. I hope and pray you’re still resting in paradise as I feel you are. Still loving you as if you hadn’t left me some 8 years plus... we’re coming up on the 9 year anniversary of your passing on January 1st... can you believe it? You’re going o be 65 in almost a month, December 1st, can you believe that either? Lovingly you till the day I die and join you once again. Your wife, “Winnie”
September 1, 2019
September 1, 2019
Hey Sweetie, since January 1st, 2011, at 8:11PM, I was with you as you took your last breath and began your travel to paradise where you remain today... I pray you’re happy and no pain of any source. I am sad that our forever happiness was cut short, but know fee in my heart I know God knows what’s best for all of us. I still love you dearly, and thank you for keeping an eye on me as you promised... oh how I miss you. I will always love you! I am grateful that this website exists, because it is a means for me to continue talking to you and letting you how much I still love you through all that is going on down here. I’m just not finding the happiness I shared with you... I wish we had produced a baby while together so I would always have a part of you with me... as you can see I’m feeling quite reminiscent and didn’t plan it to go this way. Ok, now I need to get on a cheery mood. You’ve been gone a long time and I don’t see it getting better... so bye for now. I love you Stan! Your wife forever, Winnie
August 2, 2019
August 2, 2019
My Love, My Love for life, I pray you’re resting peacefully in paradise... that is and always will be my wish and prayer for you. I am thankful you’re still blessing me with your presence during the month, for I think of you daily. Let’s keep this communication going, for I look forward to your visits. You know my thoughts will never stop of you, for they keep me soooo happy. I love you Stan, and my heart is always yours. Lovingly, your wife forever, “Winnie”
July 1, 2019
July 1, 2019
Hello Sweetheart! !! 8 years, 7 months... I still can’t believe how the time has passed it seems so quickly. With you keeping your promises to always look after me and stay close to me and my heart, I am forever grateful!!! I love you today like I did so many years ago ; and you sticking by my side keeps me happy when I’m feeling low and down with the world. To know you’re with me gives me courage to go on everyday! Continue to Rest-in-Paradise my Sweet Love!! Forever your wife, “Winnie” ❤️❤️
May 1, 2019
May 1, 2019
Hey there My Love, you’re so good to me... you haven’t forgotten your wife, and I thank you for that. I haven’t forgotten you either; I still love you and look forward for the day when we can be with one another again. I don’t have too much to tell you this month, it’s been quite boring, other than it’s starting to get warm some days... Spring is finally here... you know how much I hate the cold weather. This rain is a pain in my butt, but I’ll take it over snow any day.  Continue to rest in Paradise My Love and I’ll write to you soon. All my love, all my life! Your wife forever, “Winnie”
April 4, 2019
April 4, 2019
My Love, it’s April, 2019, and you’re still standing close to me... I am forever thankful. Not a day passes that I don’t wish you were still here sleeping next to me nightly. I feel you here with me and that makes me feel safe; no matter where I am at that particular time. I know you’re resting peacefully and for that I’m grateful to God! I Love you Stan... forever your wife, “Winnie”
March 2, 2019
March 2, 2019
Hello My Love, Thank you for visiting with me many times this month... when the times are fewer than I think they should be, I wonder if you’re angry with me for one reason or another. You have made me quite happy with knowing you haven’t made forgotten me. I feel so warm and safe when you’re near me. I love you so much and the feeling never lessens. Continue to stay close by me My Love as I treasure our times together. Lovingly, your wife for all eternity “Winnie “
February 13, 2019
February 13, 2019
Hello My Love, I started my note to you on the first of the month, them got pulled away... I know, like you, that Valentines Day is tomorrow and it’s the time of year that loved ones declare their forever love to their soulmate. Well, I’m here doing just that... you and I will forever be husband and wife... our love will never die. Continue Resting In Paradise ‘till we meet in heaven. Your wife for life, “Winnie
January 1, 2019
January 1, 2019
Good morning my love, it's 8 years today... can you believe it? You're still my first thought every morning, and last every night. How are you doing these days? Thank you for your visit last night... I felt you, I will always love you my darling. Continue watching over me as our love connection remains strong. I so miss you Stan. Back to resting my love... Your wife forever... "Winnie"
December 1, 2018
December 1, 2018
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE... Today you’re 64 and I’m sure dancing ‘till you drop at your party in heaven. Since you love dancing
November 23, 2018
November 23, 2018
Happy Thanksgiving My Forever Love, Remembering our Thanksgiving togetherness gave me comfort yet I still missed you terribly! I love you and always keep you close to my heart ❤️ daily. Rest in Paradise My Love who is gone too soon.
November 4, 2018
November 4, 2018
Hello My Love, It was so nice to hear our granddaughter, Ezell day she knows how much I miss you... and st 5 years of age, what does she really know of missing someone??? She said that with looking at our pictures she can tell that I still miss you so much and that is out of the mouth of a baby. I do still miss you sooooo much and especially now that your birthday nears and the anniversary of your death follows not to far behind your birthday. Continue visiting, as I look forward to those visits to know you’re still with me as you promised. Love ❤️
October 4, 2018
October 4, 2018
Hello My Love, the website has been updated and crazy me didn’t know how to find how to leave you a tribute... or write to you. I talk to you all the time and I am sure you hear my prayers to you each night. I almost came to you last month according to one of my doctors. This Graves Disease almost took me to the grave due to catching the flu twice back-to-back and being too weak to catch my strength which is weakened. I lost 10 pounds one week and started looking real grey in color... by the time I got to the doctor, she said “OMG WINNIE, YOU LOOK LIKE SHIT!”
So blunt she is... but I couldn’t see it, I got weak, but didn’t know it was so serious. Feeling better now and gained almost 3 lbs in a week... YEAH...YUCK... I like being skinny. Okay
August 15, 2018
August 15, 2018
My Love, I know it's a little late writing you, but on my phone, it takes me to the site where I am only able to view the site and not able to send a tribute to you... but, that's not important since we speak everyday. Thank you for hanging in here with me; I don't feel alone when I know you're here. You said you would always watch over me and you're keeping your promise. I love you sooooo much! I thought my feelings and love would fade after some time passed, but that isn't the case. It's been 91 months and 14 days since God brought you back home with Him, but in my heart, it feels like yesterday. I know your mom, dad, sister, my brother Louie, and my mom are keeping you from being sad or lonely. You already know you are the light of my life and I promise to always keep you close in my heart. 'Till next time, continue Resting In Paradise My Love... you wife forever... "Winnie"  (11215)
July 2, 2018
July 2, 2018
My Love, I can’t stop thinking about us... I have questioned God so many times WHY he brought you home with him and leave me behind to deal with reality. I miss you still so very much... I never knew my ❤️ could hurt as much as it does... I can’t get over you. My love grows stronger vs. deminishing for you. I have asked God for his help and guidance in what and why on everything involving me. I want you back if I am to live... I don’t know what I want my life to be. Keep looking after me! I love you.
April 26, 2018
April 26, 2018
Sweetie, I can't believe I forgot to write on your site... I've been talking to you all month waiting for the beginning of the month coming up to write you again and something told me to check-in to see if anyone else had written you. Low-and-behold I see that I didn't write myself... shame on me. I love you; as you have heard all month, and apologize for missing my official hello. I haven't forgotten you one-little-bit, just thought I did. I'll be writing you again in a couple days. Luv Ya! Winnie (10936)
March 2, 2018
March 2, 2018
My Love, you’re still very much a major part of my everyday thoughts and being. I dream of you constantly during the month and they are so vivid that it feels like you’re still here with me. I know I am not crazy but, the love I have for you is real... so real that reality doesn’t really matter when it comes to you. You constantly visiting me makes my life worth living. I thought with this last car accident you were calling for me and I was ready to join you but, God hasn’t finished with me yet. I will follow God and do whatever he has for me yet to do.  I love you now and forever. Lovingly, your Wife (10801)
February 4, 2018
February 4, 2018
I’m back... I hope you’re still resting in paradise as you so deserve. I so love you and can’t put you on the back burner in my life. You are watching over me as we both know, so I don’t have to hash out what is going on in my everyday life. I feel like your passing was just yesterday and can’t mentally cope sometimes. I love you still, probably more with each passing day... I look for that same love I so miss that we shared. It's hard to accept that I'll never be as happy again. I love you Stan... I pray to God that He will help me and guide me to where I need to be. Your wife forever, "Winnie" (10743)
January 1, 2018
January 1, 2018
Thinking of you "Stan da man!" Seems unreal that so much time has past since your welcoming into everlasting life on New Years day. You are missed, my mother misses you to no end. Please continue to look over her and lead her to happiness as I am worried about her. Although you both love each other I love her more and I need her with me. I know it's selfish but I am that way as you and I know our love for her is strong. Continue to be at peace and watch over my mom like you've been and keep her safe as she continues to love you every passing day. Peace & Love. Shanie
January 1, 2018
January 1, 2018
Hello My Love (for life). Can't believe it's been 7 years since I've had the chance to hold and kiss you. At 8:11 PM I was devastated and blessed at the same time to have shared your last breath and heartbeat. Playing Smooth Jazz all night for our last night together, and caring for you until the morning, allowed me to be able to accept the fact that you were really gone... that was the coldest and longest night I'd shared with you as I was able to watch you peacefully and calmly travel up the stairwell to heaven.  I have kept my promise that I'd never love another the way we loved one another. The largest portion of my heart went to heaven with you... and I don't expect my feelings to change any time soon. My life will be complete once I'm back in your arms. Thank you for continuing to visit me, for I still need you and your continued love. My love; continue to "Rest In Paradise!" Your wife forever, Winnie  (10680)
December 2, 2017
December 2, 2017
Happy Birthday to you,,, Happy Birthday to you,,, Happy Birthday My Love Stanley,,, Happy Birthday to you! 63 years, can you believe it? Hope your Mom, Dad, My Mom, Louie and all your friends had a great time at your party... thought I'd give you a holla when you came back home tonight (SMILE). come on and jump into the bed where we can cuddle all night. Love You Sweetie! 10609
November 17, 2017
November 17, 2017
My Forever Love, I have been so depressed lately that I almost didn't write to you. Though I speak to you daily, I am especially weepy these days. I want God to give you back to me... At times I don't want to be here without you; and then I know God had other plans for you that I shouldn't question, but I sooooooo miss you. Your birthday is in a couple weeks and I wish you were here to celebrate it with me and your family & friends... Forgive me for not being able to let you go in my heart, for I still love you with all my heart. Okay I'll stop babbling about something I can't change. I continue to say the SERENITY Prayer and wish you continued Rest in Paradise! Your Wife Forever... "Winnie" (10590)
October 5, 2017
October 5, 2017
My Forever Love ❤️ I'm checking on you though I speak to you daily; I want to make sure you're still resting in paradise. Isn't this crazy world going straight to hell with these crazy shooters taking the lives of innocent people? A few weeks ago I was there in Las Vegas as you well know but, I know you were watching over me as you promised you would. I wish it was the two of us there or in Puerto Rico again.. before Hurricane Maria destroyed it. Maybe again I can go and you will be there with me. Well, wishful thinking and dreaming. One day we will be together again, just stay near and hold me clean we to you heart. Loving you forever! Your wife, Winnie
September 9, 2017
September 9, 2017
HAPPY 8th ANNIVERSARY My Love... Can you believe it? After 14+ years loving one another, we finally get married,,, God sees how very happy each of us are finally, and then He brings you home to be with Him.. How ironic! One thing that has remained, is that I never stopped loving you! I thank God every day that we had the time together to show each other that no matter what was in our past with other people, we were able to give unconditional love to one another. I thank you for being My Soul Mate for Life. I love you Sweetheart... Continue to Rest In Paradise My Dear! Till next time! XXXOOO
August 7, 2017
August 7, 2017
Well My Love, I keep getting on the webpave at work and then get called to come out on the sales floor to work. We're so short staffed now that I turn into a true Diva Bitch until I can get off the floor and go back to my personal work area. I know you're watching over me because sometimes I can almost smell you. Thank you so much for continuing to visit with me, because I love you more with each passng day. Sorry for the delay in writing you, but you know we speak dailily and that is so comforting. Continue Resting In Paradise My Love and know I'm always here for you and your visits! Your Wife Forever!
June 1, 2017
June 1, 2017
Hello My Love, Another month of feeling the same but stronger love I had/have for you since the night GOD brought you home to finish the remaining eternal life with him. I always thank you for never really leaving me... we're just a thought away from one another. You have been my soulmate since the day I let down my shield and allowed you into my heart. I have never and will never love another as I love you. Continue to watch over me and visit me so I don't feel afraid or alone. I thank GOD for bringing us together, and I thank you for always loving me as you promised you would on your dying bed. RIP My Love! Your Wife for Life. "Winnie
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
Hello Sweetheart, 76 months has passed... can you believe it? My love, my feelings are even stronger today and I thank you for continuing to visit with me weekly. What wonderful memories I have and it seems more often you pop into my mind during the day, like you're with me now... it's like the feeling someone is watching you. Then the comfort envelopes me and I feel your presence and no longer frightened. Ok Sweetie, you continue to Rest-In-Paradise, and know I'm always holding our pocket of love in my heart warm for you. Lovingly, "Your Wife Always!
April 2, 2017
April 2, 2017
Hey Sweetie, hope you're resting in paradise. You've visited me so much lately I forgot to update this webpage. You're with me daily so you know what's happening with me. I miss your touch and laughter but love that you've decided to stay as close as possible, and I appreciate it. I have never stopped loving you and don't believe I ever will. Till next month, keep watching over me. Luv Ya! Your wife forevermore!
April 2, 2017
April 2, 2017
Hey Sweetie, hope you're resting in paradise. You've visited me so much lately I forgot to update this webpage. You're with me daily so you know what's happening with me. I miss your touch and laughter but love that you've decided to stay as close as possible, and I appreciate it. I have never stopped loving you and don't believe I ever will. Till next month, keep watching over me. Luv Ya! Your wife forevermore!
April 2, 2017
April 2, 2017
Hey Sweetie, hope you're resting in paradise. You've visited me so much lately I forgot to update this webpage. You're with me daily so you know what's happening with me. I miss your touch and laughter but love that you've decided to stay as close as possible, and I appreciate it. I have never stopped loving you and don't believe I ever will. Till next month, keep watching over me. Luv Ya! Your wife forevermore!
April 2, 2017
April 2, 2017
Hey Sweetie, hope you're resting in paradise. You've visited me so much lately I forgot to update this webpage. You're with me daily so you know what's happening with me. I miss your touch and laughter but love that you've decided to stay as close as possible, and I appreciate it. I have never stopped loving you and don't believe I ever will. Till next month, keep watching over me. Luv Ya! Your wife forevermore!
January 1, 2017
January 1, 2017
Hello My Love❤️ It's your wife forever sending my love to you on your 6th Anniversary of our last kiss good night and goodbye. Continue resting in paradise knowing I will always love you as deeply as before God called you home. Thank you for continuing to visit me and watching over me daily... as I feel your presence. Do know that our love is still as strong as ever, and I will do my part to keep my love for you as precious as the day we wed. 'Till next time I talk to you. You wife " Winnie
January 1, 2017
January 1, 2017
Stan, I can still hear you say, " my ducks may not all be in a row but I am still doing okay!! Well, me too my friend! As a matter of fact those ducks have a mind of there own sometimes!!! I sure miss you & all chats & the big guy misses the heck out of you too!! Until we meet again good buddy!! Peggy & Victor
December 1, 2016
December 1, 2016
Hey Pal... HAPPY BIRTHDAY... don't know where to start? Here we gozzz I only know you for 3 short years... but when I started with the county you made me feel welcomed and showed me everything you also had the best advice, your sayings and "Stanisms" still live on... to this day I'm always using them... "BETTER HAVE IT AND NOT NEED IT THAN NEED IT AND NOT HAVE IT" , "you gotta have humility in your life or you'll get humiliated", you were one of my favorite bosses I ever had always willing to help even though u acted like you didn't want too!! LOL... I'm sure you know what's going on with me... I have a 4 year baby boy named Lorenzo and wish you could have met him... I also moved up in the world on April 29 2013 I got hired for the Westchester county corrections department! I know you would have been sooo proud and happy I got out of the road maint! You always used to tell me Kamal "If you don't like your Job than I suggest you find your self a new one" LOL! Ok SJ it's been great writing this! May your keep resting in paradise with my grandma Eve... and continue watching over all of us!!! Love ya man!!! Add me
December 1, 2016
December 1, 2016
Well My Love, today you're 62 years young; can you believe it? And, we're still holding on strong... I am so grateful that you and I still have a love that has lasted years after God called you back home to be with him and the rest of the angels up there in heaven. I feel your presence when you visit me on a daily basis... that's why we will always be connected until I join you one day. I will keep you in my heart as I promised I would, and love you 'till eternity. Continue Resting in Paradise My Love. "Winnie
October 1, 2016
October 1, 2016
Hello My Sweetheart For Life... you know it was our 7th Wedding Anniversary on the 9th of September... and I couldn't stop thinking about how it would have been for us if you were still here. I felt like not writing you the month of September because it hurt too much. I still love you as much I ever and can now talk to you since it's now October 1st. I'll be speaking to you soon. Continue to Rest In Paradise My Love. "Winnie
August 2, 2016
August 2, 2016
Hello My Love... As I felt your presence, you know I got married last Sunday. I am happy and I know I have your approval on my pick, Ron Hines. Ron is a wonderful man and I love him... but, you will always have a part of my heart. Rest in Paradise my love as I still feel your love around me daily. Lovingly, Winnie
July 1, 2016
July 1, 2016
Hey My Sweetie, I am back sending my love your way. hope all is well with you and you^re Resting in Paradise as I always wish for you. I thank you for keeping watch over I pray will always be. I will speak wirh you soon... Lovingly, You wife for life, Winnie
June 11, 2016
June 11, 2016
Stan, My Man... You know I haven't forgotten you as I speak to you daily. I haven't written on your memorial website for a minute, but as you know, I've been a bit busy these days. I keep saying I'm going to write tonight... then, by the time I wind down, I fall asleep. You know me and my sleeping sitting up. Well, today I said no matter what was going on with me in this crazy life of mine, I'm going to write you and put it in writing that you're still with me every day, and always will be. Keep watch over me as I am still needing your comfort. Love Ya Babe! Winnie :-)
April 20, 2016
April 20, 2016
Hello Sweetie, THANK YOU for still visiting me. I think you've visited me more this month and I am trying to listen to any message you're trying to give me. I apologize that I haven't heard it yet, but I do appreciate all your visits none-the-less... You still have my heart, so not to worry... Continue Resting-In-Paradise, My Love. Winnie
April 1, 2016
April 1, 2016
Hello My Love, I know your ears have been burning today.  Another month has passed too soon ahson, but I am still here loving you with 99% of my heart. I'm sharing 1% with another man in hopes you approve of the man I've chosen. I want you to give me a yeah/neah in your next visit. I trust you have my best interest at heart and will do me right. I could never compare him with you, but I would do the same it the tables were turned. I know you want me to be happy, that's why I am sharing this personal decision with you. Looking forward to your next visit. Loving, your wife... "Winnie
March 12, 2016
March 12, 2016
Hey Sweetie, I know I'm a little late writing you, but I speak to you every day and forgot the date. I'm still attached in spirit with you, and always will be... 5 years and 70 days since I last kissed you and I miss you terribly. I know life goes on, and I keep you updated with what's going on down here as you can see for yourself. I said yes to Ron Hines on getting remarried. He's the man you met many, many, moons ago at a birthday party to Joy's 1st son's, and Joy's uncle. He is a divorced man who finds me quite interesting, sweet, kind, and he'd like to share the rest of his life with me. Ron is a wonderful, kind man and I believe you would approve of him being my partner for the remainder of my life. I will always love you and he can't remove that pocket that I have reserved for you that will always be yours... but I am opening my love to someone else now. I will never compare our love because there is no comparison but, I think it's time to move on. Lovingly, your wife forever... Winnie"
February 6, 2016
February 6, 2016
Hello My Love, 5 years and one month... can you believe it? It still feels like yesterday. I find myself speaking to you daily as always and it hasn't slowed down. Ezell looked at our picture on Thursday and said, "Bubba, you look so happy, who's that (talking about you)?" I told her, "Yes Bubba is very happy, and that's Pop-Pop Stan." She said, "Okay, you look so happy!" She smiled at me, and then went on in the living room to continue playing. You're missed everyday, do know that. I'll always love you, my dear... Lovingly, your wife forever, "Winnie
January 4, 2016
January 4, 2016
Here we are another year, you ain't missing a thang Stan. Wishing you a Happy New Year even though its not as happy without you physically here, but you definitely are in spirit, you in here! Keep a watch over my mom and continue to rest in peace. Much love, always, Shanie ;)
January 1, 2016
January 1, 2016
Five years today, My Love, and it is just as vivid as it was in 2011. I still love and miss you terribly. I know you would want me to go on with my life, and I am, but, you will forever be in my heart. I am praying that you are enjoying your time in your new life after this one on earth, and are at peace. I Love You! Your wife forever, "Winnie. XXXXXXOOOOOO
January 1, 2016
January 1, 2016
Time is going past fast doesn't seem like it's been 5 yrs already. I hope that you are continuing to rest in peace and that the after life is as glorious as we were taught that it would be. I hope that you and Grandma are enjoying each others company, hey would you look for my Uncle Leroy, he went home in November he is hilarious and has a heart of gold. You will know he's family cause he just makes you feel like home. Love n miss you guys. Take care of one another....til we meet again.
December 2, 2015
December 2, 2015
Happy belated Birthday Stan....sorry I didn't get to it yesterday!I know that you and GmaRogets are cutting up....miss you...keep watch over her.
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September 1
September 1
My Love, Another month has passed us by and you know you’re missed immensely. Thank you for watching over me while I’m in this car that’s giving me trouble now… how I wish you were here. Freddie has tried to keep me calm and I know you’re there helping him with what the problem may be. I’m going to be asking you for direction on what I should do… should I invest in fixing the car, or should I start looking for another? I’m going to need your help in that area. I pray all is going well with you and you’re enjoying paradise as you so deserve. Love you babe; and always will. Yours forever! “Winnie”
July 2
My Stanley, My Love… yesterday all day I said to myself, I’m going to leave a tribute to you, and waited until it’s now after midnight… so here I am. I spoke to you all day, but was so comfortable speaking with you I didn’t take the time to open this ap. I love you my dear; and always will!!! I’m cat sitting for a week at Rejina’s, she’s on vacation for a week to Florida, then on the 4th I’m invited to BJ’s to watch the fireworks… not sure yet if I’m going, but we’ll see. Lashan’s leaving tonight to visit with Anthony in Texas to see her new grandson, Anthony, Jr. I might just want to chill and do nothing… like I said, we’ll see. I pray you’re enjoying Paradise, as you should… you deserve it. ‘Till next time my love, keep watching over me, and thank you for hanging in here with me. Your wife, “ Winnie”
June 3
My Love, I’ve been saying “ in a minute I’m gonna leave a tribute to Stan, and time moved on and today right after midnight on the 2nd, I finally opened the app to leave you a message… I love you my Sweetie like forever !!!  I went to the casino with you on my mind and enjoyed it like when we used to go… didn’t loose too much, but enjoyed the atmosphere. I want you there with me the next time I go and maybe you can work some kinda heavenly magic . Till next time continue resting in paradise! Lovingly, “Winnie”
Recent stories

Howl At The Full Moon

February 12, 2012


Every Full Moon I look up to the sky and smile knowing how we had our favorite times laughing and acknowledging the effects the Full Moon had on us... (SMILE).  I love remembering how you would come out at night on the patio or in the driveway and HOWL at the moon knowing I'd be in the window looking at how giddy we would get.  They aren't the same, but I will always remember them with you.  Hope you look down and smile too.

"Winnie"   (SMILE)     

Happy Birthday Stan!

December 2, 2011
Stevie Wonder - Happy Birthday To You

Today is a special day to remember, year 2011 and the day is December 1st…today is so very special because I will be celebrating your birth ~ Giving thanks to the creator up above for making no mistakes when he created you…now you can do all the thanking in person, up close and personal ~

Even though it feels like yesterday when you had to go on a journey far away…the love and memories you left behind, will always be with me, in my heart to stay ~

I know you would’ve probably celebrated today with Winnie your wife…some nice jazz music, some salad, a home cooked dinner and dessert, all by candle light ~ Or even gone out with my mom & friends to a casino…then win like crazy, take all the casino’s money, smoke a cigar and then say “I’m ready let’s go” LOL! ~

No matter how you look at it you would’ve been celebrating it along with ice cream and cake some place…so there are no room for these tears of mine that are now rolling down my face…I shall wipe these tears away, go clean my face because I believe you are truly in a better place ~

I will turn my frown upside down, and look up into that bright light, because I know that’s YOU smiling down ~ I hope you continue to visit anytime you please, I say this in prayer, with hands folded tight, down on bending knees…

Happy Birthday Stan the man!

Love you, your daughter Shanie 


My First Apartment in Recovery!!

January 20, 2011

Stan stopped by and Victor took this picture of us sitting in front of the fire place, my apartment in recovery!!!

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