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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Steffanie Smith, 45 years old, born on June 6, 1966, and passed away on May 15, 2012. We will remember her forever.
July 17, 2012
July 17, 2012
Today I did something for you. We stopped at a lake to take pictures and I slid down a hill on my booty and stepped out onto a rock that was hanging over the water. I made a memory, as you would say. I am taking time to stop and do something that I normally wouldn't. I am trying to honor you. If you count my tears, you will see how broken I am. I love you. New song. You would have liked it
June 22, 2012
June 22, 2012
The dark and stillness of the night is horrible. This isn't getting any easier. Went to Pa Pa's and even surrounded by many people I felt so alone. Every second that ticks on this clock seems like an hour. No emails from you; no calls. No hearing you say "hey Tee, how are you today?" Nothing seems to dull the pain. I would trade places with you. i love you that much.
June 15, 2012
June 15, 2012
It just finally struck me that pictures are all we will have from now on. I am so thankful that we have the pictures and beautiful memories, but right now the grief is so overwhelming that nothing can bring any relief or joy. Perhaps, just perhaps, when we find out why you were so suddenly snatched from our lives we can find closure
June 15, 2012
June 15, 2012
One month ago today you left us and our hearts were broken. I wish we knew why. I'm still here helping momma and we do what we can for Garry Earl. We lost a sister, mom lost a daughter, but he lost his wife and best friend. My sorrow is so overwhelming I can't even think what his is like. What we wouldn't all give to have you back with us and hear your laugh and give you a hug. I love you!
June 13, 2012
June 13, 2012
Hope tonight isn't as bad as last night. Remember how after daddy died you would sit up and watch the western channel and eat chips? Just so you felt closer to him. I want to sit on your swing and feed the deer. Just to be closer to you. The weight of the sadness inside is so heavy. I am wearing your jammies. They are pink. I hate pink, but I love you, so pink it is. I want you back.
June 7, 2012
June 7, 2012
I played "our" song, you know "dueling banjos" and I cried and cried and laughed. I can't remember what started us doing that in the first place. I feel robbed that I only got 45 years with you. Mad that I assumed there would be more. Standing beside your grave today, I realized how stupid and wrong that was. If I could only turn back the hands of time...sorry Gump
June 6, 2012
June 6, 2012
Happy Birthday to my Gemini twin, eight years apart. Carmen says that you don't have to eat a German prune/plum cake today. But I would gladly eat it if you could be here. My ONLY comfort is knowing that you are no longer tired all the time and the headaches have stopped. Hug Dad tight for me today and know I love and MISS you forever.  LUM
June 6, 2012
June 6, 2012
Tomorrow, which is just a few minutes away, will be hard to face, but I am going to try and remember the joy of holding you in my arms for the first time. You were so small, so perfect that it brought tears to my eyes. Now the tears are in my heart forever. We were so blessed to have you in our lives. I love you forever. Mama
June 5, 2012
June 5, 2012
I changed the song to "Angels Among Us" because EVERYONE has told us over and over and over how you were an angel on earth. Daddy, Momma, Carmen, Wendi and I have always known that. Even we were amazed by how many people's lives have been made better for knowing you. Through your viewing and funeral we shook hands or were hugged by HUNDREDS of people who you've helped. An amazing angel. <3
June 5, 2012
June 5, 2012
I get up everyday and do what I have to do. Everyone is going thru their day when BAM out of nowhere it hits me that you are gone. I consider myself a somewhat intelligent person and yet I cant get my mind and heart to accept that this is real and not a horrible dream. I feel that same awful feeling well up in my chest and the tears come.
June 4, 2012
June 4, 2012
such a personable young lady, a hard loss to take. May God lift
all of you and carry you over these troubled waters into His land
of Peace for Families.

May 31, 2012
May 31, 2012
Today I am taking momma to get her shot in her knee. Something you use to do. I am trying to do all the things you use to do for momma but although we wear the same size shoe, yours are hard to fill. Woke up in tears cause I miss you so much. Have a feeling of panic inside, it's hitting me hard today. This sadness is so heavy. I miss you Gump.
May 30, 2012
May 30, 2012
To my loving Seester, Ms. Bunny and the rest of the family...may your hearts forever be filled with all the wonderful memories and laughter Step brought to you. May your life and dreams be remembered with her spirit and all the joy she held. I wish so much to be there with you Seester for I know what a deep burden this is for you and your family. I love and miss you
May 29, 2012
May 29, 2012
Two weeks ago my whole life changed. What I wouldn't give for that "One more day" to sit and laugh with you, share a meal, read an email from you about a silly post on Craigslist. I wouldn't even know where to start to tell you how much you mean to me. I can't do it now. I hope you can hear my heart....
May 28, 2012
May 28, 2012
I am so sorry that we never had a chance to really know each other.But there will still be a void where you were always in my thoughts. It will be another long mourning period for me as well as those who were closer to you than I. My heart goes out to all the ones left behind. All my love, your cousin.
May 27, 2012
May 27, 2012

My head knows you have left this world but yet I still look out the window for you. I wait for you to walk through the door in your pink sweater, flipping your hair behind your shoulders. I so desperately want you back. Your loss has shattered my soul. I love you.
May 27, 2012
May 27, 2012
My darling baby daughter; no words can describe the agony of losing you. My mind refuses to accept that this real. How is a mother who loves you so much accept that the new grave at the cemetery is now your eternal place to rest? Garry and I held hands as we tried to face what they tell us is reality. The only comfort I can find is that you are no longer in pain. I love and miss you. Mama
May 27, 2012
May 27, 2012
There are times when accepting the reality of life, that includes death is just too much to deal with. My only comfort is that you are with the Father and your Daddy. While you are missed here, I hope that you are at peace.  I wish you had taken better care of yourself as much as you did others, but whats done is done. I will love and miss you always.
May 27, 2012
May 27, 2012
To Tracy and Ron and all of your Family, I am deeply sorry for your lost. My God Bless you all.
This is a great trtibute to your Sister, nice pictures.
Best Regards,
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March 22, 2023
March 22, 2023
Steff.... it's 3:40 a.m. I'm crying. I'm mad. You have Momma and I want her back. It's not fair that you have daddy and her. You are the only sister that knows what or brother looks like. I miss all of you. I'm not done feeling the loss of you or Daddy and Momma's loss is still fresh. I'm tired of losing people. Tall is up there. Jim is up there. I don't think you ever got to meet Merv, but mom can introduce you. I'm tired of feeling the weight of death. It follows me around like poor Lunus on Charlie Brown. I miss you. It's so lonely without you still. 

Can you tell momma to visit me. Can you make sure that Richard is OK. Watch over him closely please. Hug the ones I love please.

I love you Gumpy. So much.
September 29, 2022
September 29, 2022
I miss you so much Gump. It's been years since my phone rang that morning at 6:36 to tell me you had left us to be with God. My chest stills gets tight when I think of that. Throwing clothes in a suitcase (which turned out to be all dirty with no socks or under britches). Seeing Carmen sitting and crying in Houston. They put the two of us on the plane first and let us just sit there. When we got to Killeen, Alana had left us a car.

Please come back just ran through my heart. I know it's pointless, you will never come back to me. I've been without a side kick since you left. What I wouldn't do just to put us both on the bus with our 2 fingered driver again. I would probably have not lived in the dorm because that was time we were apart. I would have ridden home on the bus with you every damn day. The hurt isn't going away. The tears still fall. My heart aches for you baby sissy. I think of you every day. What was it like to hold our brother the first time? Was Daddy just standing somewhere waiting for you? Do you miss us? Since momma left us this year, there's just 3 of us left down here. Do you miss us Steff? We try really hard. Did you see me do CPR on Momma? I'm crying so hard right now. I'm not crying for you, I'm crying for me. I miss you guys. You were the one that held my secrets, saving me from getting in trouble all the time. I hope you're resting high on that mountain with momma and daddy. I love you. My soul misses you, it physically hurts baby sissy. I love and miss you. Take care of the part that's up there with you. We're trying down here.
March 10, 2022
March 10, 2022
Right now, this minute I am pissed. You have Dad and Mom. That's not fair. I know mom missed you beyond words, but not fair. I don't have you. I don't have dad. I don't have mom. You have almost everyone. I have Carmen and Wendi, but no one who loves me no. Matter. What. 

Not fair Steff. Could you addy least hug them for me? And Tal.
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May 14, 2013
  Dresser For Sale- Possessed By Ex Girlfriend

I am selling the dresser that my ex left behind when we split. Like in our relationship, she felt it wasn't an obligation of hers to move anything along in our union or move anything out when she left.
This dresser has 9 drawers for hiding even everything from the largest load of bullshit to the smallest of emotion It's made mostly of solid wood (mirror and drawer faces) and is very sturdy and very heavy - again like my ex but with less pulp. I believe it is made of oak and not self loathing and hatred It has a huge trifold mirror that was perfect for each of her faces.
Very few bumps and bruises this dresser is a real keeper and just needs a little TLC - not years of therapy or Daddy's approval.
No reason to create the illusion of a bad childhood because this dresser is willing to provide a purpose for a family - storing clothes with no emotional baggage or snack cakes.
Doesn't bitch, never wonders where you have been and it can be friends with other pieces of furniture without being jealous or complaining. It does not believe the foot stool is a whore!
Drawers slide open freely and easily like my ex but without the aid of alcohol, cash, or credit cards
I am looking to sell it for the same amount of weight she gained in our relationship about $150. That price is not negotiable unlike my ex in any bar on a Saturday Night.
Valued at a lot more and like my ex at that price I am giving it away
Pickup only as I am just one man and like my ex - one guy just won't cut it so bring your friends!
Well worth it if you are a wingman, the adventurous type or a glutton for punishment
DISCLAIMER: Exorcism unnecessary as its evil spirits left having already draining me of anything identifying me as a man and human being

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