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His Life

A life well lived

July 20, 2020
Stephen entered the world in San Francisco on February 17th, 1960 as the first child of Maureen and Peter McInerney; the first of three knuckleheads to follow. That was the beginning of many firsts for Stephen in his successful life.  He leadership roles started early as Student Body President at McAteer High school graduating in the top of his class. His journey continued to Amherst College where he enjoyed playing rugby and soccer and earned a political science degree in 1982.  
Upon graduation he traveled the world solo backpacking through Europe and ending up working and living on a kibbutz in Israel for six months.  He was always in search of knowledge and loved experiencing different cultures and traditions.  After traveling the world, Stephen felt a duty to country and made the decision to enter the Naval Flight Academy in Pensacola where he was again top of his class earning his coveted golden wings in April of 1986.  
As Captain McInerney, Stephen continued to distinguish himself as a valuable leader.    
Captain McInerney’s initial Fleet assignment was to Helicopter Combat Support Squadron FIVE, flying the H-46 in Guam.  He completed two deployments with the MIDWAY Battle Group, participating in tanker escort missions during Operation EARNEST WILL.

Transitioning to the A-6 Intruder and the Medium Attack community, CAPT McInerney completed two Western Pacific/Arabian Gulf deployments, twice participating in Operation SOUTHERN WATCH.

It was during this time that Stephen met his wife Linda Fanthorpe with whom he started a family. His son Daniel was born in 1997 and was the new shining light of his life. Two years later his daughter Nicole was born completing the family and bringing Stephen immense joy and happiness.

As his young family grew Stephen's naval career also continued to grow as he transitioned to the EA-6B Prowler and the Electronic Attack community.  CAPT McInerney participated in Operation SOUTHERN WATCH and in combat operations in support of Operation ALLIED FORCE.

Assuming command of a forward deployed Electronic Attack squadron in 2002, Stephen flew the opening strikes over Baghdad in combat operations in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM while aboard USS KITTY HAWK (CV 63).

In December 2003, CAPT McInerney reported to the Office of the Secretary of Defense as Country Director for the United Kingdom, Canada and Ireland, providing political and military advice and assistance to senior Defense officials. 

In 2005, CAPT McInerney assumed command of the EA-6B Fleet Replacement Squadron.  In command 28-months, he coordinated the transition of the Electronic Attack Training Squadron into a dual EA-6B/EA-18G squadron.

Qualifying in the EA-18G Growler and F/A-18 Super Hornet, CAPT McInerney commanded Carrier Air Wing SEVENTEEN (CVW-17) in January 2009.  As CAG, he led the air wing in combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq while on board the USS CARL VINSON, flying the F/A-18F, EA-6B and H-60.  It was during those operations that Osama Bin Laden was killed and buried at sea.  

Captain Stephen "MAC" McInerney retired in 2012.  During his 27 years in the Navy he logged over 4,900 hours and 800 carrier landings in a variety of jet and rotary wing aircraft.  His personal awards include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star (2), Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (2), Air Medal (2), Strike Flight Medal (8), Navy Commendation Medal (2) and Navy Achievement Medal (2).

Stephen retired out of a desire to be home with his children as they were entering their teenage years. He truly enjoyed being a father and loved Daniel and Nicole dearly.  They were the most important thing in his life and he wanted them to know he would always be there to support them until they could realize their own dreams.  

Stephen was so proud as his son Daniel entered George Washington University and graduated with a degree in biology and pre-med.  And he was very proud of his daughter Nicole as she was accepted into Santa Clara University.   His post Navy career continued as he supported his family in their dreams.   Stephen spent two years teaching Operational Efficiency and Risk Management to personnel working on off-shore oil rigs in Europe, Africa and the Middle East and as a Leadership Coach in Thailand.  

Since 2015 he has been the Lead for the Royal Australian Air Force’s EA-18G Growler Fleet Liaison - Naval Air System Command (NAVAIR).   His unique combination of leadership, experience and knowledge made him an invaluable asset.  

Stephen was the epitome of a continuous learner.  His never ending thirst for knowledge and new experiences gave him incredible perspective and humility.  He was a man of great character, great humility,  great knowledge and worldiness that has to be second to none.

After blazing an incredible path through the world and touching the lives of so many, Stephen was suddenly taken from the world far too early.  His family misses him dearly.  His colleagues and friends miss him dearly.  And although he would hate us saying it, the world will miss him dearly.  

When asked how we was doing, Stephen's reply was always "I'm continuing my reign as the luckiest SOB on the planet".   We all will remember him forever and will love him as he continues his reign into eternity sharing his life stories with his mom and dad in heaven.