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July 19
July 19
Just a note to thank you for keeping all of us together through our memories of you and the many many ripples you created while you were here with us. Though these anniversaries come with some grief and sadness, they also bring great reflection, pause and tremendous gratitude - they also bring many of us back together to share your memory and ponder what you would make of all that is going on in the world now and what wisdom (or wise crack) you might share. This in itself reminds us of your strong character and that we can do better - and reminds us to be the best person we can be. Miss you more than you can possibly imagine.
July 18
July 18
Johnny Moses, well said. I'm thinking of Brother G today and missing his smile and wry sense of humor. He was the self-proclaimed "luckiest SOB on the planet" up to the day he passed. Fair seas and following winds Brother G. Bliss
July 18
July 18
Stephen, thinking of you and missing our brunches together at
Lori's. Miss your funny stories, too.
July 18
July 18
Your fellow Amherst Lord Jeff ruggers remember your ever present welcoming smile Mac. Ball in and get it out to backline!
February 21
February 21
Brother G, your Amherst Fellas will be gathering in a few weeks for March Madness, swap some glory days stories, watch Bliss win the pool and talk about you. Fair winds friend. Bliss
February 20
February 20
Cheers to you my dear friend. The 17th reminds me of the wonderful times we shared with you making pear martini's and listening to David Gray....Happy Heavenly Birthday...I will have to sing along for both of us....

Make me a boat
Away I'll float
Into the stillness of a pure blue sky
There's nothing here to hold me now
And I got no more tears to cry
February 19
February 19
Hi Knuckle Head #1. Each year now, the 17th of Feb. has become more fulfilling as so many of your friends send their bday wishes for you along with mine. It is a special and wonderful feeling to achieve these. Missing you more than ever, Knuckle Head #2.
July 18, 2023
July 18, 2023
Mac, came to Amherst College in the fall of 1978 wearing brown bell bottoms and with a full thick head of reddish hair. Being from San Francisco we nicknamed him "Brother Groovy" and when he served as our fraternity President we would serenade him with the Brother Groovy song to the tune of the 59th Street Bridge song by Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel. Mac was a good sport about it and whenever I hear that song I think about our friend and his sheepish smile and kind ways. RIP Brother G!
February 17, 2023
February 17, 2023
Hey brother, today was usually just another day me. One where we did our best to ignore it as anything special. Now it is a most memorable day each year...
Thank you for gracing our lives with your presence and guidance, and for sharing your soul with my existence. Cheers.
October 23, 2022
October 23, 2022
Hi Stephen. Hoping you are doing well wherever you are right now. Today I have been thinking a lot about how to become the best version of myself and you constantly came up in my mind. The way you lived your life and influenced the people around you was incredible and I find myself thinking about you more and more as I grow and experience the world. You are missed and I hope you know that you are still influencing the world for the better.
July 19, 2022
July 19, 2022
I was recently in Montreal and Québec and everywhere I went I thought how much Mac would like it. There were Irish pubs all over the place. I heard a mum say to her child, “ you have two ears don’t you….so you need to pay attention”. I immediately thought of him. I miss our talks, his wisdom and his guidance explaining to me how my college age boys will “find their way”. Miss you more than you will ever know.
July 18, 2022
July 18, 2022
Mac, think of you every time I have to review a checklist or missed something because I failed to review the checklist. Your article on the importance of checklists lives on. Rest easy Brother G.  Bliss
July 18, 2022
July 18, 2022
Though we discussed numerous topics over the years where your thoughts and guidance helped me understand and appreciate things, we didn't really discuss the loss of special loved ones. I appreciate your wisdom and guidance more than ever these days - at least once a day I stop to watch the pelicans as they silently soar with such grace across the water - just spend that minute or two with you seeking guidance on another issue....More than ever, I listen closely for your wry response. Miss your grin today.
February 17, 2022
February 17, 2022
Happy heavenly birthday Mac. I miss our combo birthday dinners in Solomons sharing healthy options so we could enjoy the second glass of wine. I am so lucky to have such fond memories of you and how you tackled each and every day. Those memories keep a smile on my face each time I think of you
February 17, 2022
February 17, 2022
A bittersweet Feb. 17th - a day you and I always did our best to ignore has now become a day I will always treasure. Today I spend every moment thinking of how incredible 02/17/1960 was - how lucky you were to have me as your first Bday present - how you moved through this world - and how you moved the world with your presence. When the "missing you" sadness moves in - I remember how incredibly blessed we all are to have had someone so special to miss. Love you.
February 17, 2022
February 17, 2022
Happy birthday Stephen. The good memories that you left bring you back to us today... and every day.
March 19, 2021
March 19, 2021
I was stationed with Lt McInerney at HC-5. He was the Ops Officer and I was his yeoman entering all the pilots log hours. I remember him convincing me to take a FAM flight and HE was the pilot flying the helicopter to Saipan. He had a special kindness. He was the only officer that spoke to me without bars on his shoulder. We talked about anything and everything. When I got in trouble, he was there to protect or get me out of it. Even when I decided to get married and he boldly told me NOT to do it. I should have listen. The funny thing is I had a dream I was back in uniform (I'm retired) around old friends .... and he was in it. Today, I decided to try to find him and to my dismay .... to find out he passed away. I'm beyond sad to see this. Fair Winds and following seas shipmate. Salute to you. 
February 19, 2021
February 19, 2021
Happy belated birthday Mac, i wish you were here to celebrate our birthdays together like we do every Feb. Mac always had either NPR on the radio or musicians like Ray LaMontagne or David Gray playing in the kitchen. He is the one that turned me on to the band Adam Ezra. I was at an appointment today and i heard some music playing in the waiting area. I just started to cry, it was Adam Ezra’s “The Toast” boy did I get some looks haha
Cheers to you Mac! I miss you more than you can imagine.
“Raise up your glasses
Let us drink to the heavens above
Some say it's a glimpse god's great design
Some say it's the science of all things combined
May we look up and always feel wonder
Here is to us and all that we see
Here's to our hearts and the air that we breathe
Here's to a round in good company
Here's to the drink that we share
February 18, 2021
February 18, 2021
Happy Birthday Stephen and Brian. I am so grateful you were born into my world. I think of you often, miss you always and hold you in my heart with all the love I have.
February 17, 2021
February 17, 2021
Happy birthday Stephen. I wish we could text or call as usual but I'm wishing you peace. We all miss you and can't wait until we can get together for a proper memorial. Until then, I keep imagining your bright eyes and smurk as you shake your head about the nonsense happening in the world. It's been a crazy time and even crazier without you here. Missing you...
February 17, 2021
February 17, 2021
Happy Birthday Stephen (and Brian). So many of us who love and miss you are thinking about you today. I read in a book recently, "A life's impact can be measured by what it gives and what it leaves behind, but it can also be measured by what it steals from the world by its loss." What you gave to so many and the legacy of greatness you left behind, are exceeded only by the loss and sorrow we feel with your absence. I am praying hard today for all of your family and friends and am trying to replace some of the grief with gratitude for having had you in my life.
February 17, 2021
February 17, 2021
Brother are missed beyond even what you could have imagined - and you had limitless imagination and belief in others. You picked up the mantle when Dad passed, and I have tried to lift yours - but to date, it has been too great a weight to bear.  Yes, as your "Knucklehead Irish Twin" I feel your quiet counsel and each day I strive to carry your mantle forward and fill some of the void you left in this world.  But today... the sense of loss is just too deep, too heavy... today, our shared day, I will simply sit with you. Bmac
August 11, 2020
August 11, 2020
I only had the pleasure of meeting Stephen a few times, but always impressed me as a very wise and caring man. And one with great stories and a marvelous sense of humour!!

"Lord, guard and guide the men who fly.
Through all great spaces in the sky.

Be with them traversing the air.
In dark'ning storms or sunlight fair.

O, hear us when we lift our prayer.
For those in peril in the air."

- The Navy Hymn -
August 5, 2020
August 5, 2020
I have only met Mr. McInerney on a few occasions but during each time, he was always very kind and friendly. I know Dan, his son, very well and I know that because Dan is such a well put together young man, that his father must have raised him very well. I believe that the qualities that Dan emulates reflect brightly upon Mr. McInerney's legacy and the lessons he left his children, family, and others he met throughout his life.
July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
Stephen. That smile! Behind it, wisdom, intelligence, humor, a heart of gold and a magnetic aura like no other. A man of character and substance, Stephen attracted all of us to him with his humility and genuineness. Although I only knew Stephen for a year, and should rightfully leave an attempt to describe him to those who had more time with him, I feel compelled to share a few thoughts.

Despite having an extraordinary and heroic naval career (which one could only learn of through pressured prodding), it was clear that what Stephen loved and valued most was his children, his family and his life-long friendships. He was immeasurably proud of Daniel and Nicole, though when speaking of their accomplishments, he never failed to say, "luckily they got their mother's brains." He might only take credit for possibly endowing them with a little Irish stubbornness and tenacity. The depth of his love for them shone through when he spoke of them.

This is what became evident in conversations with Stephen. He thought deeply and cared deeply. He cared about the world and wanted to make it a better place. His moral compass was consistently set at true North. It was important to him to live a meaningful life and he always felt that he should be doing more. He said that he had been given so much and wanted to be worthy of it by always giving back. All of that seriousness aside, Stephen was simply hilariously funny and entertaining. Humor and exceptional story-telling ability were his trademark.

Stephen was special. We, and truly the world, have lost so much. As we struggle to come to terms with the shock and sadness of his early departure, we can only hold tightly to cherished memories and try to live by the values he demonstrated: love deeply, put others before self, learn continuously, read everything, travel as much as possible, be curious, be brave, show gratitude, smile often, and always try to find the humor.

We will all miss the man who dubbed himself "the luckiest SOB on the planet," because we know, without a doubt, that it is we - those who were given the opportunity to know and love Stephen - who are the lucky ones.
July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
Family and Friends of Steve,
It was very sad to hear about Steve; but I can see him smirking knowing he got us all together. I pulled out the Navy fitness report I wrote for Steve and I think we had him pegged correctly. His follow on tours as a Skipper and Carrier Airwing Commander (CAG) bear testament to that. Comments I made about Steve were:
Ready to Command now. Although this is his first TACAIR squadron tour, his performance says he has been doing Strike Warfare since he was walking."
The pilot who will lead my squadron and CVW-9 into combat! He has the Air Wing Commander's complete trust and confidence. A gifted aviator who holds every airborne qualification possible. LCDR MCINERNEY is invaluable to the U.S. Navy and my command. I would without hesitation PIN MY COMMAND PIN ON HIM NOW. 

After all these years (43 for me in the Navy) it is comforting to know how incredibly talented Steve and his squadron mates were in Attack Squadron 165. Steve had transitioned to us from flying H-46 helicopters, but he embraced the challenge and his tactical skills were eye watering. Steve was our Tactics and Weapons Officer and led the squadron through a turnaround cycle that resulted in a Freedom of Navigation foray into the Straits of Taiwan.

I am standing by to travel to wherever to support Linda and the children however I can. 
All the best,
Ron "Hombre" Stites
July 25, 2020
July 25, 2020
Skipper Mac was a true friend and mentor to so many across the Naval Aviation community. He was an inspirational leader, grounded in compassion, empathy, competence, confidence, and humility. He was an outstanding role model as a Commanding Officer, and I'm glad to have had the opportunity to learn from him. Alison and I fondly remember our many conversations with him, and recall that he always had something amazing and interesting to contribute on any topic that came up. This intellectual curiosity and his broad interests had led him on a very unique path through life. This perspective gave weight and balance to his advice, ultimately making a big difference in many of our lives.
July 25, 2020
July 25, 2020
I was a young AMEAN-AME3 at VAQ-136. He was my first CO and the bench mark that that I looked for in every CO I have had after. I had a troubled relationship with my Mother when I Joined the Navy. CDR McInerney found out about this and made me call her from his office Phone once a month. I would not have the great relationship I now have with my mother if it was not for his care for all that worked for him. I never got a chance to thank him after. His Family and all that knew him well are in my prayers.
July 23, 2020
July 23, 2020
I was his Command Master Chief at VAQ 136 in Japan, at that time he was CDR Mac, I must say he was an awesome Commanding Officer and I always bragged about him because he was one of the best C.O.s I served with, he was truly a great leader and mentor. May he RIP and my prayers to his family.
July 23, 2020
July 23, 2020
Thank you for all the guidance and leadership Skipper. It was an honor to serve with you and under your command.
July 23, 2020
July 23, 2020
One of the finest officers and truest gentlemen that I ever met. Mac and I served in CVW-9 and then together in VAQ-138, where he was a superb Maintenance Officer and Leader whom I trusted implicitly. Even opted to ride in his back seat for a few "night traps". A true professional in every sense of the word. I thoroughly enjoyed our time together and miss our days on Whidbey with you and Linda. Only wish that I had known you were living so near me now my friend. You will be missed by so many, because your light brightened our life. WE were lucky to know YOU easy now, we have the watch...
July 23, 2020
July 23, 2020
Stephen and I shared an enduring friendship over a span of 45 (!) years, which started during our high school trip to Washington, DC. We were mostly out of touch during our college days and early in our careers and starting our families. Luckily we reconnected during a high school reunion 20 years ago, and sporadically stayed in touch via social media. The amazing thing is that over the past few years, during his "retirement," we were able to stay in touch more and reminisce about our childhoods, families, parents, and now our own kids. In our hours of conversations, the topic that stood out the most was his immense pride over his two kids. Everyone speaks about his intelligence, humbleness, leadership, generosity, humor, etc. All of that is 100% true. However, the ONLY thing I ever heard him brag about were his two kids and how proud and impressed with them he was and the young people they were becoming --and true to form, he took absolutely zero credit for that as well.

I will miss Stephen in so many ways - he obviously meant so much to so many. He was the eldest in a great family of brothers, who he also loved and spoke highly of, as well as his nephews. I will miss our conversations about books, movies, recipes... everything. I feel so lucky to have had his friendship for so long.
July 23, 2020
July 23, 2020
Most Sailors would say that their CO was the best. Skipper McInerney was the best! A great man to work for. I felt honored to have had him give me my promotion letter to Third Class Petty Officer. Thanks for everything, Sir. You may have left many of us on earth, but you were greeted by a heavenly detachment of your men, that would follow you to hell and back.
July 23, 2020
July 23, 2020
 He was my commanding officer at my first command, VAQ-136 in Japan. I wish I had known he was working around here, I probably would have hit him up sometime. He was a good man, and 60 is too young to go these days.
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
Rest easy Mac. We have the watch. 

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds, — and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of — wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there,
I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air . . .

Up, up the long, delirious burning blue
I’ve topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or ever eagle flew —
And, while with silent, lifting mind I’ve trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

John Gillespie Magee, Jr.
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
I first met Mac in the early 1990's. I was a nugget (new pilot) on my first deployment in a Prowler squadron and he was a department head in our sister Whidbey Island A-6 squadron. While our interaction was limited, I knew even then he was incredibly well respected by his peers and the rest of the carrier airwing. As a young impressionable junior officer, I intuitively recognized his quiet and simultaneously forceful leadership skills. "Forceful" isn't quite the right word...because I don't ever recall him being an "in your face" person, however, his gracious, yet quiet self-confidence made me believe that he not only cared about me but had a great deal to offer.

Our paths continued to cross multiple times in the following years. He and Linda were gracious hosts when I went I spent a few weeks in Japan - he was the now the CO of a Prowler squadron - and I was tasked with providing him aviators for his squadron. They both made me feel incredibly welcomed and part of the Prowler team he was eager to build.

We subsequently became closer friends when he was CO of the Prowler RAG in Whidbey Island and I was CO of one of the squadrons. Our sons played on the same sports teams; our families spent time together and Mac - in his ever subtle manner - taught me the importance of true leadership.

Years later we again crossed paths as consultants. We spent two weeks together on an oil rig off the coast of Ghana. Our mission was to provide leadership coaching to the senior crew members and assist them in leading mostly local nationals. The senior members were a mix of Europeans made up of mostly Scottish/English personnel. Once again I relied heavily on the expertise of Mac. He was genuine. There was nothing contrived or fake about him. And he was a great leader. Most companies are over managed and under led. Mac not only knew leadership but he also had an innate ability to connect to people all over the world in truly genuine manner. He made our clients better and continued to be my mentor.

Mac was a thinker. There were times you could almost see the smoke coming from his ears as the gears were grinding in his head. He also really did care about the people that worked for him and those he worked for. People sometimes say these sorts of things in tributes to be polite. I'm not trying to be polite. He was the real deal. There was nothing fake about him. Moreover, I know that not only I am a better person for knowing him but I'm certain there are many more people that can claim the same.

Mac. It was my great pleasure to meet you. You will be missed. My best to your family. Fair Winds and Following Seas Shipmate. God Bless.
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
RIP Sir. It was a pleasure to know and serve with you. Calm seas and clear horizons.
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
Rip Skip, thank you for all the great memories and all your words of wisdom! You’ll be greatly missed!
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
RIP Commander (Captain) McInerney -- you were a phenomenal CO, and it was an honor to have served with you as a Gauntlet.
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
I first met Mac when he visited Down Under shortly after becoming our Fleet Liaison lead. I was an Aussie squadron commander at the time, and we were soon deep into it — flying, command, service, and geopolitics — all with an appropriate beverage in hand. His camaraderie was immediate, his intelligence and easy worldly wisdom a pleasure.

Last year I had the privilege of catching up with Mac a few times. His support to the Aussie team in several formal interactions stateside was decisive and much appreciated. His company — both on those occasions, or when he again travelled Down Under — as always was relaxed, insightful, and thoroughly enjoyable.

During our discussions Mac and I discovered we flew on operations together while he was a squadron commander. There was one particular day I recall where his squadron was providing much needed support to my formation. We never got round to comparing logbooks, but I’d like to think it was Mac himself who had my back that day. If it wasn’t, it was some of the lucky SOBs who had Mac as their commander.

Fair winds mate

July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
I was fortunate enough to hear some of your stories, but I wish I could have heard more directly from you. Thank you for your service. Rest easy, we have the watch.
July 21, 2020
July 21, 2020
I was one of the McAteer high school student government/cross country team gang. I knew Stephen mostly because of my older brother, Bryan Pentony, who generously introduced me to his group of friends who were all one year ahead of me, and who adopted me on faith, when I arrived at McAteer.

Stephen was an athlete and scholar, an impish, soft spoken, hard -driven principled conundrum and a leader.
Even then.
And even then, he was one of the kindest, most gentle, brilliant, emphatic warriors I would ever come to know.
Stephen and I parted ways after high school, seeing each other for the first time in 40 years in 2018 at the 1978 McAteer High school reunion.

Then in September 2019, he, I, Selah Brown, Sarah Malerstein (Millstein), Dennis Millstein and my husband, Mike Hardiman, all came together for a reunion in Wisconsin on the banks of the Yahara River. We stayed up late (I mean LATE ) making Alexa play music from our high school years, battling, changing the songs back and forth, while watching an incredible mid west thunderstorm out the window and laughing and laughing and laughing and laughing (and yes, even dancing). The first night together we watched one of the zillion democratic presidential debates-not having a clue of what disease was brewing and the impact it would have on world history.

We cooked and ate good food, walked the dogs and hiked during the day; we boated, we watched the sunset and mostly we celebrated the chance to finally be together again as we were when we were young.

It struck my husband Mike, who had not known Stephen before, just as it did me, that Stephen was gracious, hard working, humble, funny, fun, tortured, kind, understated and a diplomat- a true leader.

He spoke of crying on the beach when he finally ended his tours of duty and he spoke of questions he had about his role. But mostly he spoke of the love he had for his two children.

Stephen was a compassionate thoughtful and flawed (he would say) hero. We had all planned to be together in September for the next reunion on Whidbey Island in Washington state. We had reserved an Airbnb and he was "in". If this virus doesn’t keep us home, we will be there to celebrate Stephen’s life, but this was not what we had planned....

With so much love appreciation, respect, and gratitude for his caring service to our world and the love and Stephen-ish grin he shared with us and so many. We were so very lucky to have counted him as a friend- and we understand clearly, just how many lives he has touched around the world.

Lisa Pentony

July 21, 2020
July 21, 2020
Stephen and I were young together. We met when we were 12 and I had a crush on him. We became friends. Good friends. And along with a group of other good friends, we grew up together. Well, kind of grew up. We did all the firsts together; first crushes, first driver’s licenses, first dances, first kisses, first girlfriends and boyfriends, first hangovers, first paper routes and first jobs, first forays into sex, first heartbreaks, all the first teenage adventures. Every Friday night we would pile into our friend Bryan’s van (poor Bryan always got stuck driving, and I don’t think we ever said thank you. Thank you, Bryan, you gave us the gift of our times together). We shared all the typical teenage angst and accomplishments. Then college, and careers, and marriage, and families, and children, and distance, and for Stephen an intense side of life that for the most part he kept locked up inside. About six or seven years ago we all started reconnecting. Birthdays, children’s graduations, parents passing, fundraisers, retirements…we would find any reason to spend time together and feel that same easiness we did with each other when we were kids and because Stephen and I both lived in Washington State, we got to see each other fairly often. More often over the last few years and I am so grateful for those breakfasts and bourbons and dinners and long talks. We had our 40th year High School reunion a few years ago (Go Jaguars) and that same group of older now teenagers vowed to meet once a year…forever. Last year we spent a week in Wisconsin to celebrate Lisa’s retirement, this September we were meeting on Whidbey Island. There will be a physical hole in our get together's now, but I know his spirit will be with us whenever we are all together. I started loving Stephen when we were 12 and I will love him always. We will all love him always. Fly well, my friend.
July 21, 2020
July 21, 2020
Stephen. A brother from a different mother… Too few the times we got to hang out. Love the story of the first V-22s to visit you on the Carl Vinson. Guess you’ll have to get used to a different set of wings now. Give Peter a hug for me and yes we will be toasting you both often. 
Dennis & Siobhan

July 21, 2020
July 21, 2020
Stephen was a friend that I have known since the 70s. His humor, intelligence, intrepid spirit and generosity is what resonates with me. I am struggling putting into words what his friendship meant to me and my utter shock at his loss. His pride in his family and fidelity to his friends was so strong and true. I will miss him more than I can say. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; Love leaves a memory no one can steal.
July 20, 2020
July 20, 2020
Stephen was my neighbor that it turns out I had a connection thru Stephanie and Jeff. Like Jeff, we chatted at the dock in front of his house, or over a beer or three at the Tiki Bar. We often followed each other home from work down Main St. in Solomons. Great guy, even though I only knew him for a short time. Always generous and willing to offer up anything he had to help out.
July 20, 2020
July 20, 2020
The Australian team brought Mac and I together. He is the only person I know that could make me a cup of tea like my mum did and who could roast a rack of lamb like they do in New Zealand. I learned so many things from him during our walks around Solomons Island or dinners talking for hours. Subjects Included international culture, history, current events, and of course our current political climate. I am incredibly blessed to say Mac was a dear friend of mine and I will miss him tremendously.
July 20, 2020
July 20, 2020
Mac was a co-worker with my daughter who I spoke with on many occasions while checking on my stepsons crab pots. We had many a short conversation about life, the Navy and flying because he was usually at 'work' and I retired 33 years ago. Fair winds and following seas shipmate.
Jeff Homewood and Mary Anne Groat Homewood

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