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His Life
May 28, 2017

Steve is one of the most amazing people I've ever met so loving and caring for everyone.Anyone who knew Steve was drawn to him cause of his personality and kindness,I've seem him on many occasions stop and give a homeless guy money or food,one summer it was every bit of a hundred degrees outside a lady and 3 kids walking down road the kids were small he of course stopped gave them a ride way away from were we was going didnt have gas or money but he still did no matter if he put himself walking or not that's just how he is many times he has given rides or stopped to help someone broke down but he is amazing like that.Many times we struggled low on food I would cook some dinner make all 3 kids a plate male him one then I would eat a little wouldn't of had nothing to eat all day but act like he wasnt hungry oh ill eat in minute then once me and kids got done if we acted hungry in least bit before bed he would give us his food and go without till I finally got to point that I would make him eat but he always wanted to make sure me and our boys had enough.Steve is just a country boy born in talladage Alabama youngest of 5 he has 2 older brothers and 2 older sisters raised by his mother Margie,of course there were trying times then anyone with siblings knows the youngest always gets the worst end of the deal but he endured any and all torcher im sure he dished it out as well he knew mom had his back the youngest he was always protected even then his family had there times Margie single mom worked as waitress making $2.15 an hour struggled to make ends meat many night she went to bed hungry to make sure her kids ate even though Steve said mostly it was corn bread and black eyed peas or corn bread and fried potatoes they didnt care and to this day they still love that stuff.He has always been big into family all of them have been close but boy Steve always trying to arrange a gathering and when they did he was trying  to cut Up and make people smile if one was angry with another,he tried to work his magic and get them speaking again of course he would get them talking again cause nobody could tell him no Steve just had that charm about him.I suppose his childhood carried over into his adult life cause when our eyes met for first time we both felt an inkstand connection from then on we never wanted to be apart our love for each other endless and a bond unbreakable anything we ever went through in life we stuck by each other I had no idea guys like him existed and certainly didnt know u could love someone so much to have Steve in My life had been an amazing blessing we had 19 wonderful years 12 in marriage 3 amazing sons.I couldn't ok asked for a better man he is so loving honest faithful and a wonderful father and husband I never had to wonder were he was cause the only place he wanted to be was at home with me and our sons he was front and center taking them to school everyday spoiled me rotten if ever I wax to tired I didnt have to worry bout a think he would cook keep house clean take care of boys when u come in from work he would have me a bath ready and clean cloths laid out my plate of food and cold drink of course I done same for him we were just give and take.So amazing in every way possible its just unbelievable to lose him something I thought would never happen but I know he is here watching over me and our boys they are still so young if I can raise them to be as amazing as Steve ill know I done good.I still struggle everyday with his lose many questions always miserable cause apart of me died with him ,nothings the same and will never be but I know he will be waiting and on that day ill be so happy we are in each others arms again but for now I thank god for allowing me such an amazing husband and father to our kids and I thank him for making Steve the way he did with a heart so full of love and care so precious and special to do many people he is a one of a kind and definitely dearly loved and missed more than u could imagine