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My brother

August 3, 2022
Steve is my big brother, my confidant and my hero.He lived his life exactly the way he wanted, a job was just that…a job, a way to pay rent.;What he really wanted was to climb and trek and just have adventures. He was the smartest person I have ever known and funny, he was so witty. It really resonated with me what Mark said about his gift of gab. We would talk on the phone for hours and laugh hysterically. We would talk about anything and everything and always ended our conversations with Love you. I am devastated and will miss my sweet brother forever.

Sweet Steve

August 3, 2022
I can’t even believe Steve passed away. He was my go to guy for every climb I booked for my husband. We were always talking about  his house in Bend.  Not too many people where as generous with their feelings asSteve.  Sweet dreams Steve. And thank you for always making my life a little brighter and of course, taking care of my husband. We’ll  miss you. but, we will see you soon. God bless the man who gave his all. That’s our Steve.

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