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Stephen Mazzeo - loving husband, father and grandfather, born January 30, 1943 in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Steve passed away peacefully in Florida on July 21, 2021. 
January 31, 2023
January 31, 2023
Happy Birthday Steve, Realizing your making the most of everything happening upstairs. We both just have the feeling that you have them standing around shaking the heads in wonderment. Aud & I know that there are no unturned stones around anymore as you've already had the time to look under everyone of them. And yes, of course we miss you and we wanted let you know that, well __it seems we ate your share of Judy's Christmas cookies this year and as always ____ they were "Awesome". 
January 30, 2023
January 30, 2023
Happy Birthday pop pop , I love you so much , I miss you more than any word could explain. Nothing is the same since you’ve been gone. All I want to do is hear your voice. But I know you’re having a helluva time up there. Burn the damn rubber off every tire you got pop pop. I love you.
January 31, 2022
January 31, 2022
Happy Birthday Steve, just wish we all down here could be sharing it with you.
  I just have the feeling, you've worked things out and have a group gathering, somewhere up there in Heaven. Just a few guys sitting around listening to you tell your funny Earth stories, all laughing their butts off. To say Aud & I miss you, is a bit of an understatement.
January 30, 2022
January 30, 2022
Happy Birthday Pop Pop , I love you so much , I miss you so much. We all miss you. I wish you were still here so I could pay for myself to fly down and get us tickets to the Daytona 500 and the whole race week , and be able to see the “Next Gen” cars in person. I wish I was home to give Mom and Mom Mom the biggest hugs today. I miss them a lot , but I know moms always busy.
Mom Mom sent me the recipe for Rice Krispie treats s couple days ago, I never got to picking up the stuff to make it because I ended up working 17.5 hours during a snow storm, didn’t sleep Friday because I clocked in at 1:00am Saturday , didn’t clock out until 6:30pm Saturday night. Woke up today , and it was your birthday I really wanted to go out to breakfast at a diner like Sammy Js up here , but I didn’t , it wouldn’t have been the same. I really wanted to make the Rice Krispies today but I couldn’t bring myself to make them.
And so today Carlys mom went out and bought everything needed for the Rice Krispies and made them for me, they’re so good. But they’re nowhere near as good as mom moms , I already ate most of it myself , but everyone else in the house loved them!!
I miss you so much pop pop.
I miss mom and mom mom so much too. Please stay watching over them , and Stevie.
Tex misses your butt slaps , and all the snacks you used to give him. I’m sure Whitecat and Lucifer miss them too. I miss the cats alot too. I wish I could talk to you still. I wish you were still here.
Hey, also make sure you give Boo Boo and Mistletoe some extra love for me up there please<3 !!
I dont want to stop writing because this is the closest thing I have to talking to you. Man I hate this. I hate this so much. I wish you were still here to make me laugh about the political state of our country, but I can’t laugh at it anymore, I am honestly a little scared for my future with how things are going.
I’m done now , I won’t make you read a longer, I hope you had your comfy chair while you read this.
I Love You Pop Pop.
January 30, 2022
January 30, 2022
Hey, sweetheart, this may be long again, so grab a comfy chair. Well, here we are at the end of January and it is your birthday. Missed you getting up and saying "Presents" because it is your birthday. Even though birthdays weren't a big deal for us anymore it still would have been great to have you here asking for your presents. I hope you were able to find Walter up there. He came up on the 7th of this month. So you have Barbara, Walter and Brian to hang out with.
So now that we are into another New Year, it has been really shitty so far. You would be proud of all the truckers in Canada protesting the mask mandate. They say there are 50,000 trucks and about 500,000 people. Also, President Trump held a rally last night in Texas. Huge crowd, maybe the biggest one yet.
Miss having you here to talk about what is going on with the country and like we said before you left it is a good thing we would only be on this earth for another 10 to 15 years and being seniors, there is not much that would change the rest of our lives. But as we agreed, we feel so worried about the future of our grandchildren and Kayleigh. Even for Stephanie and Stevie, I am concerned what is ahead for them in the next 25 to 30 years. So sad. Unless it can be turned around, or should I say go back to what it was like before.
As far as how we are doing, well we are getting by. I am taking good care of your truck, just had the oil changed and new air filter put in. We were able to sell some of your die cast cars and quite a few of the Lego kits you had. Still have several.
Last Sunday Stephanie took me and Stevie to see The Rat Pack at the Ormond Performing Arts center. She bought us the tickets for Christmas. Show was great, especially the person impersonating Dean Martin.
Yeah, Christmas was quiet. Just the three of us as Hunter was and still is up in Pennsylvania with Carly staying at her mothers house. He is working but boy did he have to go shopping for warm clothes. He's been doing landscaping and also pre-salting before the snow weather.
Mattaus is still working full time and has Kayleigh a lot with the help of Maddie of course. So I don't get to talk to him much, always busy. Tom and Terrie stopped in at Sammy J's for breakfast this past Tuesday in hopes of surprising me, but Stephanie didn't go in that morning. They did talk to Harry and he said how much he misses you too, that you always were funny.
I am sure you have a lot of questions and I wish there was a way I could answer them, but I am trying to keep you up to date. Hunter posted some pictures on Facebook of you and him and he wished you a Happy Birthday. He really misses you.
Having very cold weather this weekend, but trying to stay warm. Whitey is doing the same. Just washed here ears and put neosporin on again this morning. If you remember, the vet gave us pills but they are so hard to get them in. Even bought a pill-popper but still hard. Tried crushing them in her food but somehow she tastes it and won't finish her food.
So for now, I am working on the taxes, always a pain to do. Other than that, mostly passing the time with a little work and watching TV. Did drop the cable and just have internet. Cut the bill down a lot.
Guess that is it for now. Love you and to say I miss you (we) miss you is an understatement, but please don't worry about us, we are doing OK. Love!!
December 25, 2021
December 25, 2021
Merry Christmas Pop Pop. This Christmas just isn’t the same without you pop pop. I love you. And I miss you. I’m not really in the spirit much at all this year. I didn’t have you to talk crap on the stupid stuff I wanted or to tell me to slow down on unwrapping presents.
Man , I miss you so much pop pop. I really wish I was home right now. Carly’s family got me a whole car detailing kit and I know I could just get your truck shining nice and bright for you. I love you so much. Carly also got me a build a bear with a recording of a voicemail you left me, it’s amazing I love it so much. I love hearing your voice through it. I put your skull mouthed neck gator on it to add a little bit more of you to it. I really want to find a Jeff Gordon outfit for it or atleast a nascar one to add alittle more ‘you’ to it. I really wish I was home with mom and mom mom for Christmas this year. Without you, it sucks so much. But I know you’re living your best life up there. In the best of health. And I’m sure you already got your ole Hudson back and up n runnin. Burn some rubber for me , leave some black marks on those golden roads. I love you so much pop pop. Give Heaven Some Hell for me.
December 24, 2021
December 24, 2021
Well dear, I hope you have a comfortable chair, this may be long. I hope you found Brian up there. It was sad to hear that he got pneumonia. It is Christmas Eve, the first one in 57 years that you are not here with me, eating the cutout cookies which you never help me make. Really didn't feel right baking them without you hovering over my shoulder, test tasting every batch that came out of the oven. Hey, you won't believe it, but I didn't burn a single tray this year. I even had to leave the last tray of cookies in extra long so they would get brown so I could mail them up to Carol. You remember how she always liked the "burnt" ones. And of course, I kept remembering our Dusty Gray dog, how she loved those Christmas cookies, how she would whimper as soon as she smelled the first batch baking.
So I am sitting here alone, Stevie went out to dinner with some friends and Stephanie will be over in a little while to watch TV with me. She had to work until 5 today. She and I went to Giovanni's for dinner. Oh, I forgot to tell you, Rick sold the business to a real nice man, Miguel, weeks ago. We made him some new banners that say "Under New Ownership".
I did put up the Christmas tree and Stevie and Steph's friend Tim put up the outside lights. They did a pretty good job although not as perfect as you would have. I didn't have much shopping to do because Stephanie needed a new vacuum sweeper and Stevie needed front tires for his van. So that was easy.
What else, oh I've been taking real good care of your truck but I don't know when the oil was changed last, so I am taking it to be done next week. I washed it a few times but that is a real job to do. Have to keep moving the step ladder around in order to reach the top.
Nothing has changed around the neighborhood. No one new moved in and no one moved out. So that is good I suppose.
I have been keeping in touch with Walter although he is having a lot of problems. He decided to sell the house down here, so we are going to help him with selling the belongings and maybe taking some of his things he wants to keep up north for him. We'll see.
Also I have been talking with Kornphlake regularly and Jay. I do need to call Mike and Toots tomorrow. Hope she is doing OK.
Weather has been absolutely beautiful for weeks and weeks. Oh, we did take that trip to Las Vegas that we had talked about last year. We took Stevie to the Grand Canyon and did the Skywalk. Also went somewhere new, The Valley of Fire. Kornphlake suggested it. Stevie really loved it. And the pinball place moved into a much larger building with a huge sign out front that says "Pinball Hall of Fame". Also went to Freemont Street. They fixed it up during the
Virus lockdown because it looked pretty good. Still has all the wierdos walking around though. We didn't win much money but did have a nice time. Weather was perfect. Really missed you. I know how much you like going there. We did have to wear masks in every building and restaurant though. Also did the High Roller again. Stevie was really impressed. So we have been working steady, not real busy but enough.
We went to Tom and Terri's for Thanksgiving but other than that haven't really seen them.
Stephanie took me to a Christmas musical at the Flagler High School for my birthday. It was 3 women that do a lot of 40's songs. No band, just them singing. They are called The American Sirens. One of the girls actually graduated from Flagler High School. Oh and Stephanie and Tim took me to the casino in Tampa, also for my birthday. Won $142 the first game I played. And of course, masks were required unless you were smoking or drinking.
So I will get back to you and let you know how tomorrow goes. Just won't feel right. Not sure if I told you, but Harry lost his mother a few months ago. He really isn't into the Christmas spirit either. A little more sad news, John Betz daughter is in the hospital with kidney problems too. Sure will be glad when the year 2021 is over. Was a terrible year. No, I won't get started on politics. I could write a book about it. Nothing is good. Hoping next year will be at least a little better.
OK, time to watch a little TV before I fall asleep on the sofa. Say Hi to Brian for me when you see him. Love you and miss you. Kisses.
November 23, 2021
November 23, 2021
 Audrey & I, literally think of you everyday. Myself, well I especially miss our multiple weekly chats over the phone and yes, I know you've things handled up there in Heaven. You're at the second best place you can be right now, the first being, with your family.  
November 23, 2021
November 23, 2021
I’m here in PA pop pop. For a little bit , can’t wait to go around and see how many of the car guys are still putting on shows. I miss you so much. I love you.
August 29, 2021
August 29, 2021
oh Hot Dog I always liked U. Never had nothing bad to say about anyone. Loved your smile and always made us laugh. Oh so sorry we could not make it down but only family was allowed to visit. I hope your at peace now.
August 18, 2021
August 18, 2021
Wishing you were here to talk smack about our new place here in Tampa. Wishing you could have been here to help stand n watch us move everything while you drop your best one liners. Ugh , I miss you so much pop pop. I love you.
August 4, 2021
August 4, 2021
I had only known Steve for a few years and in those few years I was privileged to get to know him and call him a friend. He was kind, easy to get to know, funny with his quick wit. He will be missed by those who knew him. RIP Steve
July 30, 2021
July 30, 2021
Steve was a good guy and a great friend to all of us in the Wheels Of Time Street Rod Club. He will be missed by everyone who knew him. Our sincere condolences to you and your family.
July 29, 2021
July 29, 2021
Dear Sis, what a wonderful life you shared with Steve!  Some sisters have a brother in law, others are fortunate enough to have Steve!!! ❤️ He had such a special way of making us feel so welcome. Always greeted me with that big smile, followed by a hug and a kiss on the cheek when I came to visit. As I read many of the memories others have shared it is so plain to see how much Steve was loved and the love he had for others. His playful sarcasm , tough exterior yet gentle heart. He had a smile that would light up the room! Such wonderful memories others have shared. it is fun to read their stories and many made me smile and laugh. One of my own favorites was when he would say something I didn’t agree with and I would give him a look, and he would do a head drop, eyes up look at me and say “WHAT”?? And my very favorite was when he would be out and about and then when he came home he would yell ………JUDY I’M HOME!  You know he is watching us and laughing as we share our special memories and celebrate the life he lived. He touched all our hearts in so many ways.  The Pastor in church Sunday said…. “To die is to be human and to be human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable is manageable.” This is so difficult when one who was so full of life is no longer with us, but our memories will live forever because Steve left an unforgettable imprint on our heart. And through this it is manageable. Steve you will truly be missed, but we will keep your spirit alive remembering all the good times we all shared with you! Thank you for being so loving to my sister. The Lord has wrapped his arms around you. Be at peace, and someday I will see you in paradise. I love you!❤️
July 29, 2021
July 29, 2021
I’m very saddened by the loss of Steve but I assure you that his memories will be with me forever. One phone call to Steve years ago and Steve solved my braking system design issue during the call. His laughter and fun filled spirit will live in the Wheels of Time for a long time. May he break all the speed limits in heaven and God be with Judy and family during this most difficult time.
July 29, 2021
July 29, 2021
I really liked Steve, (and Judy too) , as we worked together to make the Wheels of Time a memorable club. I highly respected Steve, and loved his workmanship and choice of craftsmanship he put into cars. Steve influenced me a lot. Steve gave me my start in the Club, as Secretary, which I still hold that position today. I took Steve's advice as the best. I'm really really sorry to see Steve leave us. Ziggy.
July 29, 2021
July 29, 2021
I know it's been a long time since I've seen you, Steve. But every memory I have involves your smiling face and ability to tell a funny story well. You'll be missed. Judy, our thoughts are with you in this difficult time.
July 29, 2021
July 29, 2021
Pop Pop, as Carly and I are 2 hours into this drive to St. Louis for this hockey tournament, all that’s on my mind is you, and the long drives to PA growing up to see the rest of the Mazzeo family. And all the crap you used to talk when road raging through every twist and turn of every state we went through, I can’t get too into this right now, it still hurts way too much as I already am sobbing typing this. I would kill for another drive with you, another laugh , another NASCAR race , next year for my 21st , I will be going to Vegas and gambling as much money as I possibly can on some bright and fun slot machines that I know you loved so dearly. You even had tons of slot machine games on your phone that you were always playing.
Here I am still going , man I really wish I could’ve built some Legos with you , I really do. I’ll never look at those dang toys the same again.
My mind is everywhere pop pop , I still don’t know how to process this. I love you. So much. And I don’t think I ever told you how much I honestly do. All I want is five more minutes.
July 28, 2021
July 28, 2021
I have been trying to come up with thoughts to share, but how do you share a lifetime of memories in a few sentences. I’ve known the Mazzeos practically my whole life because Judy’s sister Pam is my best friend since I was 5 years old. Steve was a wonderful man who loved to make people laugh. I loved talking to him about NASCAR, cars in general, favorite TV shows and especially how to get deals on everything. My annual trip to Florida will never be the same. Steve, you will be truly missed. Rest in peace.
July 27, 2021
July 27, 2021
Judy, Steph and Steve,
We just learned about Steve's passing and were sorry to hear that. We enjoyed his company when you still lived in PA and we had a great visit with you in Florida. He was a great friend who always was fun to be with.  He will be missed. Jerald & Joanne Lagler
July 26, 2021
July 26, 2021
Steph , Judy and Steve I wish there was more we could do to ease your pain in this time of your family's loss . I can only share with you my deepest sympathy and some very powerful positive thoughts of what Steve ment to me. As you all know I was fortunate enough to be close to your family at a very impressionable age and time in my life. From being around Steve I learned much more than just mechanical & technical knowledge of cars , trucks , streetrods and R/C stuff. I was lucky enough to witness first hand his deep desire for family values and the love he had for all of you. Like so many other friends ,family and co workers we all got to love his signature combination smile and grin everytime he tried and usually always succeeded in making everyone laugh. I also remember his unbelievable talent of getting his way either a great deal on an item or a service or talking his way out of trouble. I was fortunate enough to tell him a couple years ago how much I appreciated him and Judy and only hope someone reading these great tributes to him find the courage to let someone close to them or that ment something special to them to also let them know because life is too short. GODSPEED Steve and as others have gave us hope WE WILL SEE YOU on the otherside. 

July 26, 2021
July 26, 2021
Judy, Stephie and Speed. I got to meet and know Steve through the Wheels of time. We became friends immediately. Years of crazy car adventures. A summer vacation spent at amusement parks with our families. You getting patched up after flying out of the alpine slide, Me holding all the purses while everyone was on the rollercoaster. Threatening to burn down the hotel who lost our block of rooms for the street rod nationals. You could Talk your way into whatever you wanted or your way out of anything. I know Judy must love you very much, for all your crazy antics she put up with. From My family to yours Stay strong and celebrate a life well lived. You will be forever missed and forever remembered.

July 25, 2021
July 25, 2021
Steve was a great friend from way back. Was a member of The Wheels of Time Car Club when it was started and got me to join. We both worked at Mack Trucks, Inc. Steve worked in the test lab and I worked in service engineering and had to visit the lab for their assistance with service issues and Steve was always there to help. I moved to Florida in 1987 and lost track of Steve until I ran into him a number of times when he was delivering new trucks to some of my dealers. Sorry I didn’t get to spend more time together since we both lived in Florida. Steve always had a way with cars and I could not keep up with all he owned. We’ll all miss you Steve. You always put a smile on everyone’s face. May God be with You. Gabe & Janis (my wife wants to send our regards to Judy and the family.)
July 25, 2021
July 25, 2021
I will forever be thankful for the knowledge Uncle Steve shared with me. The memories of him waking me up and going to yard sales while vacationing is something I will always cherish. He was Always there to lend me a hand and share his wisdom about selling on ebay. I Was always amazed at Steve's capabalities and accomplishments. The stories we shared about racing will surely be missed as well as his wise sarcasm! Love you man, Til we meet again. RIP Uncle Steve
July 25, 2021
July 25, 2021
Steve worked for my husband, Jim Geake in Macungie, PA for many years.
One year Jim sent my sister & I to the Daytona race in February of 2000. We stayed with Steve & Judy. The day if the race my sisters driver beat Steve’s driver. She wouldn’t let him live it down. It was a fun time.
Now you & Jim can hang out
RIP my friend.
July 25, 2021
July 25, 2021
Cookie and I want to express our sympathies to the family on the passing of Hot Dog.
July 25, 2021
July 25, 2021
Steve I will miss you, say hello to Barbara for me, I'll miss our Saturday evening meals. I was looking forward to coming home for the winter and you being there to keep me from being lonely. rest in peace buddy
July 25, 2021
July 25, 2021
   What can one say, when you lose one of your very best friends, someone you shared weekends with, spoke to on the phone 3 to 4 times every week of the year. " Hey, what happening " _____ is the way our calls always began and they'd last at times, up to an hour plus. You were someone that you just never seemed to run out of words chatting with. You're call from your hospital bed literally hurt more than could ever be put into words. Gosh!!! I'm just at a total lost when I try to figure out why God decided to take Steve from us. Honestly, the day Steve passed, a part of both Audrey's and my heart died with him. Our future is surely now destined to have a lot fewer smiles, less time spent with Steve and Judy during our annual winter hiatus in Cape Coral. Our trunk will no longer be filled with Yocco's hot dogs, Brass Rail steak sandwiches and of course your favorite Amish ring balognas, as we venture down for our annual Florida winter stays.
    Lord, please treat him a bit special, as he was that to all of us down here on Earth. You happened to gift us with Steve and he was a stand out human being while with us.
   Now to Steve ____ you were the straightest of shooters, always had more energy than any of us and everyone of us just loved you for it. Each of us will miss you more than you could have ever imagined. One more thing, I just want to tell you, it's really tough writing this while tears are streaming down my cheeks.
   Steve, God Bless You ___ rest well my friend, as you've been such a "PLUS" in so many of our lives. Audrey & Bob Wuscher   Emmaus, PA     
July 24, 2021
July 24, 2021
Always and forever my pop pop. Gosh, I miss you so much already. You always had a way of putting a smile on my face. Whether you were telling ridiculous jokes, sneaking cookies and candies or just rubbing away at that belly joy always surrounded you. My girls didn’t get enough time to cherish you. Maddi had just met you and immediately loved and enjoyed your laughter and company. She was so excited to get to know you more. Kyleigh, we’ll that girl always lights up so bright when she talks about mom mom and pop pop. We all love you so so very much. You will forever be in our hearts and minds. We miss you, we love you, we’ll see you again. I love you pop pop.
July 24, 2021
July 24, 2021
Always a smile on your face. You will be missed. Rest In Peace Steve.
July 24, 2021
July 24, 2021
   Where does one begin? He was the guy you went to if you wanted information on just about anything. If he knew the answer to the question he would tell you and if he didn't know he would also tell you. He liked a good joke and also he liked joking around with you. We had some great times together, enjoyed our hot rods together, and when I started the Wheels of Time he said Schmitty you be president and I said no you be president and I'll be vice president, and so the club was formed and he became our first club president. We drove a lot of miles together and had a great time doing it. I knew him for 51 years and I can truly say you were one of my best friends.    
     Rest in peace, I'll miss you, I love you buddy see you on the other side.
July 24, 2021
July 24, 2021
Larry and I are so thankful for the times we spent with Steve and Judy. Steve always made us smile.

Judy. We extend our deepest sympathy and Steph.
July 24, 2021
July 24, 2021
Stevie will be missed. I knew him for a long time, he was always happy and put a smile on your face. Traded daily emails and really looked forward to those. He knew every alley and road around, I remember driving with traffic slowing down and he would say turn here and there to beat the jam. He never got lost, he might be gone though I’m sure he’s not lost now. Gonna miss ya buddy. RIP Stevie.
July 23, 2021
July 23, 2021
Steve was a funny man, always trying to crack people up. Whether it was a funny joke or something he saw on social media that he'd share. He sure liked to tease me. If I went to do something he was helping me with and I was having a little trouble with it, he'd always loudly blurt out " Get out of the way, don't touch it, you don't know what the hell you're doing". And then he would proceed to fix the problem knowing it would take me longer to do it than him. We also had a running joke about me "stealing" or "taking" diet Mountain Dews from his fridge in the garage. He'd always would put his hand out and ask for some astronomical price like $5 or $10 for 1 can of soda. Anyways, he was pretty cool. Godspeed Steve Mazzeo.
July 23, 2021
July 23, 2021
He will be missed. I have so many fond memories of Steve. I knew Steve and Judy back in Allentown. His family was blessed all the years he was in their lives.
July 23, 2021
July 23, 2021
Judy, Steph, Steve: My deepest condolences on the passing of Steve. So many great memories . From watching he and Judy dance to the music of Jay Sands to working with Steve for many years. Always making us laugh, and doing some pretty crazy things. He definitely made the job bearable. Rest In Peace Steve. I will surely miss you.
July 23, 2021
July 23, 2021
I have so many wonderful memories of my Uncle….Dancing with Aunt Judy to Muskrat Love playing on the jukebox or record player in the living room, the doll houses, his uncontainable excitement over his pre-lit Christmas Tree that had endless combinations of bulb colors and light sequences, Roaring Rapids, Wheels of Time, ripping up a parking ticket in front of the cop at OCNJ, consequently getting kicked out of the state of NJ, “You drunkin’ rummy sucker, you”, yearly trips to NYC for the latest electronics (still not convinced he's not part of the mob) and FAO Schwarz, the bag of forks he bought me from a flea market… but the thing I loved most was listening to him tell stories. He was fantastic at storytelling, and listening to his childhood memories that included my dad were both hilarious and horrifying at times! He loved his family. Most of my family ancestry research was confirmed by him. He was a great man. He will be missed by many and this world will be less interesting without him. I love you Uncle Steve and will miss your laugh! May you rest in the peace of our Father's arms. Until we meet again... <3 Heather
July 22, 2021
July 22, 2021
Dear Judy, Steph and Stevie
I want to express my deepest sympathy to all of you for the loss of your dear husband/father. I was shocked to hear of his illness and of his passing.
   I knew Steve way back when we were teenagers. He was very handsome and a fun guy. And a pretty good dancer too. He loved cars. And when he met you, Judy, you were the love of his life. (And he was the love of your life also) You two were inseparable. You were the cutest couple ever!
      Only God and time can heal the hole in your heart and the painful sense of loss you must be feeling right now.
      Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you all.
     With my deepest condolences
July 22, 2021
July 22, 2021
I met Steve seven years ago, through the radio station. We hit it off right away. He started coming to our Wednesday get togethers for breakfast, and everyone welcomed him to our little group. We shared a lot of interests and a lot of laughs through the years. He will be missed by many, but stay safe in our hearts.
July 22, 2021
July 22, 2021
To my crazy ❤ loving husband. I am sure by now you talked your way through the pearly gates. I know you will be watching over us, watching to see if we do as good a job cutting the grass, and most definitely that I don't get a scratch on your pride and joy red truck, and that I make sure to add enough water to Whitie Cats food. I will be thinking of you every time I watch your favorite TV shows, every time I don't flip the light switch the right way in the garage, and every time I forget to put the driver side window down in the car when I pull it into the garage. Or every time I forget to put a tool back in the right drawer of the tool box. And most definitely when I make something to eat, especially chilli. Nobody can make it as good as you do. So, yes we miss you so much already and will every day forever. You truly are one of a kind, although your brother sure comes close. Please be at peace knowing we are loved by family and all your wonderful friends ❤. I love you so much. I will miss hearing you say "whatever you want" any time I would ask about doing or getting something. You were funny, loving and always happy. I love you and miss you.
July 22, 2021
July 22, 2021
All my memories of my Uncle Steve are full of laughter and love. I only wish I had just one more chance to tell him.
July 22, 2021
July 22, 2021
Our father died when Steve was 7 and I was 6 months old. He was my main father figure growing up and looked after me. As adults we shared many interests and our families did tons of things together. Some good some not. I could write a book but I won't bother you with the details. Life won't be the same without him.

Stevie just know I love you and will miss you forever. Tom
July 22, 2021
July 22, 2021
Rest In Peace Daddy. You were truly my hero and I will miss you so very much. Thank you for all the great memories. I’ll cherish them forever. I love you more than ever and one day I’ll see you on the other side.

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January 31, 2023
January 31, 2023
Happy Birthday Steve, Realizing your making the most of everything happening upstairs. We both just have the feeling that you have them standing around shaking the heads in wonderment. Aud & I know that there are no unturned stones around anymore as you've already had the time to look under everyone of them. And yes, of course we miss you and we wanted let you know that, well __it seems we ate your share of Judy's Christmas cookies this year and as always ____ they were "Awesome". 
January 30, 2023
January 30, 2023
Happy Birthday pop pop , I love you so much , I miss you more than any word could explain. Nothing is the same since you’ve been gone. All I want to do is hear your voice. But I know you’re having a helluva time up there. Burn the damn rubber off every tire you got pop pop. I love you.
Recent stories

NASCAR F1 and Indy races

July 24, 2021
It's Saturday there's no races this weekend and the biggest thing I'm going to miss is my brother calling me and saying " hey you watching the race did you see that oh, what an a-hole"
July 23, 2021
I saw this and wanted to share it.

God saw you getting tired
And a cure was not meant to be.  So he put his arms around you
And whispered ‘Come to Me’.
With tearful eyes we watched you
As we saw you pass away.
Although we loved you deeply,
Your Golden Heart stopped beating,
Hard working hands at rest. God broke our hearts to prove to us.
He only takes the best.Those we love remain with us
For love itself lives on,
And cherished memories never fade
Even though a loved one is gone,
Those we love can never be
More than a thought apart,
For as long as there is memory
They’ll live on in the heart.

Mazzeo Family

July 22, 2021
I know things are hard to understand right now. You have lots of questions. Just remember all the good things that have happened. It will help later. I will always remember him at the Wheels of Time. So much fun we had with him. My prayers and blessings are with each one of you at this time. May God bless you all. Love Pam

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