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NASCAR F1 and Indy races

July 24, 2021
It's Saturday there's no races this weekend and the biggest thing I'm going to miss is my brother calling me and saying " hey you watching the race did you see that oh, what an a-hole"
July 23, 2021
I saw this and wanted to share it.

God saw you getting tired
And a cure was not meant to be.  So he put his arms around you
And whispered ‘Come to Me’.
With tearful eyes we watched you
As we saw you pass away.
Although we loved you deeply,
Your Golden Heart stopped beating,
Hard working hands at rest. God broke our hearts to prove to us.
He only takes the best.Those we love remain with us
For love itself lives on,
And cherished memories never fade
Even though a loved one is gone,
Those we love can never be
More than a thought apart,
For as long as there is memory
They’ll live on in the heart.

Mazzeo Family

July 22, 2021
I know things are hard to understand right now. You have lots of questions. Just remember all the good things that have happened. It will help later. I will always remember him at the Wheels of Time. So much fun we had with him. My prayers and blessings are with each one of you at this time. May God bless you all. Love Pam

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