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July 19, 2017
July 19, 2017

Dad, you have gone yet your good works speaks, You lived an exceptional life which is so rare among many. Sometimes, I take a pause and ask myself if you are a human being or an angel sent from God, because your life was such an outstanding one. Your life was an expression of love to God and humanity. You did all to better everyone around you and gave all to God’s project.

Baba Wakati, was a wonderful Dad, a man with a large heart, a giver, a philanthropist, a lover of all without exception, old or young, poor or rich, bad or good. Everyone was equal before him and he treated all the same.

In my journey of life, I am yet to see a man so committed and loving to his wife and family. While I was in the higher institution, I prayed a prayer in a letter to my dad, saying “Dad, my prayer in life is to have a husband like you. I admired the relationship with him and his wife, Dad buys the smallest face powder and body cream and says the kind of styles she would sew or wear. He was always there for her and the greatest surprise is that I have never saw them keep malice.

     Honestly, I couldn’t have had a better father and I doubt if any can take your place in my life. My Dad! Have left a vacuum in my life. He was a friend to us; his children, a companion and a counselor in all situation. We run to him whenever we have issues and he was always there to see to things for us. Everyone is dad’s favorite, you can never know who he loved most, he related to us equally and lovingly. He was so humble that we were free to express our minds even when we had issues against him, Dad would say “sorry to us”

     I use this medium to appreciate him even though he is gone because he has impacted us with virtues and values. He trained us all to be ministers of the gospel. He often told us to love and care for people. He ensured we respect ourselves and others. He told us, no matter the grace of God on you, respect and regards for people is a must.

     I remember while we were much younger, Dad used to gather us around him to pray and bless us. He often share the story of Abraham, Jacob and his children. The daughter of Zelophehad, the Recab’s children etc. to exhort and pray for us.

     To the best Dad ever, today you are gone but you are worthy to be celebrated for good and Godly life. Baba mi owon, Evang. Dr. Micheal Olaolu kadri. You lived and did well!

     Sun re o! I LOVE YOU DAD 

July 19, 2017
July 19, 2017
This tribute was added by Ogbonaiye Olugbenga Samuel on 15th May 2017
A Tribute to My Father-In-Law Superior Evangelist Michael OlaOlu Kadri
Your departure from the world brings nothing but grief and this greeting will forever live on in my heart and soul. How fortunate am I to have witnessed your very last moment on earth and to have known a man beloved by many; and to have Superior Evangelist Michael OlaOlu Kadri accept me as the husband to his third daughter (Adesola). What a privilege.

I recall the first time i met you, you struck me as someone who paid great attention to see souls save from destruction and looked out for his loved ones. Your virtues as a lover of God and peace maker can be attested to by many during your sojourn on earth.

He instilled prayer, wisdom and the importance of God's word with my family and because of that we have a sronger relationship with God and a stronger marriage.
I am thankful for the seeds of genuine love, peace and kindness he has planted. May we, the children (biological, spiritual) he left behind be fruitful and plant these same seeds in our own children and generations to come.

May we, as his children, uphold his legacy, keeping the fire for Christ burning within our hearts and allowing it to dictate our actions, words and thought.
so, although I will miss him laughing at my children OluwaForefunmi and OluwaGbadefunmi, and miss our prayer time, conversations about stories of his life, but praises be to God for his Spirit lives on.

Rest in peace, Daddy! Rest in peace Baba Wakati Adura Mi!! Rest in peace Baba oninu ire!!!
Gbenga Ogbonaiye - +2348035849509
July 19, 2017
July 19, 2017
Tribute to a Great Man
"Sorrow came in great waves.... But it rolls over us, and though it may almost smother us. It passes and we remain'' Henry James.
My Grandpa was a humble man, who never like to be the centre of attention in life and now in death, he wouldn't want us to focus on him. A man as humble and loving as Grandpa will always be remembered by those of us who knew him and loved him.
Although, we will miss him, his smile, his love but we take consolation in good feelings of our memories.
Grandpa was always a great teacher to have. He made his grandchildren feel good inside. I can see where my father got his loving spirit from. To everyone around him, he was selfless and kind hearted. He loved being a parent and Grandparent.
Grandpa, I will always miss you, but I have memories to hang on to. You were a role model, and a friend. Your guidance and love will carry me through to the end of my days. I love you Grandpa, until we meet again. Rest in perfect peace.
Ogbonaiye OluwaForefunmi Elizabeth.
July 17, 2017
July 17, 2017
My father, a great man of God, a father with a motherly heart, a man who never gets tired of praying for his children even when the children have done wrong.
This five letter words SORRY are not far from my father’s month, a father that says sorry to his children when he did something wrong without looking at their age for peace to reign.
Baba Wakati Adura Mi will never leave any of his children to suffer, he was always there at every point of their lives. When I was going to the hostel during my primary school days, he took me to the hostel and he ensured he bought things for me in twos because he never wanted his children to lack or men taking advantage of his daughters. A man that help his children to plan their future, he started buying sanitary towel for me even before I started menstruating. He even knows the size of everyone’s under wear including his precious wife and my brother. He is a man that never gets tired of putting smiles on the faces of his children, the ever smiling Olaolu, an ICON, a man always full of life and vigour.
My father had six wonderful daughters and a lovely son, who he never lay his hands to beat them no matter the gravity of their offence but he spends quality time in counselling and praying for us at a very tender age and this made us to fear and respect him and never wanted to hurt him because of the love we have for him. For this reason, we never lived a wayward life. My Dad will always wake his children as early as 5am to pray for us which he did still his death.
Evangelist Olaolu trained us in the way of the Lord, and we are all ministers of God. This great man is a father ordained from God to be a special and cool father to his children. A man that has listening hears to his children. He will never blame you for anything but appreciate every little thing you do. My father taught me how to love, care for myself and people around me.
At times when I look at this great man of God, Baba Wakati Adura Mi, I always say is he is not an ordinary man but an angel because he caring to a fault. A man that will always for you at every contact you had with him.
My Dad cared so much for my Mum. We tell our mum, that you have worked in heaven and have come to receive your reward here on earth because you married a wonderful husband who made everything available for his precious wife always. If you ever ask him that, see, your wife is looking very young, he will just smile with a response ‘am managing her so that she will not age quickly’.
A man that had quality time for family despite his busy schedule. This great man of God taught me how to study the bible. The first time I had to minister he inspired me on how to minister the word of God to the congregation and said daughter go well and do well.
My father is not just an ordinary man of God, a man that speaks even after his death, my Dad told me on JUNE 20th, 2017, ‘my daughter am not dead but I am sleeping and I will wake up. Allow me to sleep’.
Sleep on daddy until we meet at the feet of our lord Jesus Christ in heaven on that beautiful resurrection morning

Adieu my lovely Dad.
Adieu this great man of God… Evang. Dr Olaolu Michael KADRI.
Your Dazzling daughter,
Fumilayo Funmilade KADRI.
July 17, 2017
July 17, 2017
My father, a great man of God, a father with a motherly heart, a man who never gets tired of praying for his children even when the children have done wrong.
This five letter words SORRY are not far from my father’s month, a father that says sorry to his children when he did something wrong without looking at their age for peace to reign.
Baba Wakati Adura Mi will never leave any of his children to suffer, he was always there at every point of their lives. When I was going to the hostel during my primary school days, he took me to the hostel and he ensured he bought things for me in twos because he never wanted his children to lack or men taking advantage of his daughters. A man that help his children to plan their future, he started buying sanitary towel for me even before I started menstruating. He even knows the size of everyone’s under wear including his precious wife and my brother. He is a man that never gets tired of putting smiles on the faces of his children, the ever smiling Olaolu, an ICON, a man always full of life and vigour.
My father had six wonderful daughters and a lovely son, who he never lay his hands to beat them no matter the gravity of their offence but he spends quality time in counselling and praying for us at a very tender age and this made us to fear and respect him and never wanted to hurt him because of the love we have for him. For this reason, we never lived a wayward life. My Dad will always wake his children as early as 5am to pray for us which he did still his death.
Evangelist Olaolu trained us in the way of the Lord, and we are all ministers of God. This great man is a father ordained from God to be a special and cool father to his children. A man that has listening hears to his children. He will never blame you for anything but appreciate every little thing you do. My father taught me how to love, care for myself and people around me.
At times when I look at this great man of God, Baba Wakati Adura Mi, I always say is he is not an ordinary man but an angel because he caring to a fault. A man that will always for you at every contact you had with him.
My Dad cared so much for my Mum. We tell our mum, that you have worked in heaven and have come to receive your reward here on earth because you married a wonderful husband who made everything available for his precious wife always. If you ever ask him that, see, your wife is looking very young, he will just smile with a response ‘am managing her so that she will not age quickly’.
A man that had quality time for family despite his busy schedule. This great man of God taught me how to study the bible. The first time I had to minister he inspired me on how to minister the word of God to the congregation and said daughter go well and do well.
My father is not just an ordinary man of God, a man that speaks even after his death, my Dad told me on JUNE 20th, 2017, ‘my daughter am not dead but I am sleeping and I will wake up. Allow me to sleep’.
Sleep on daddy until we meet at the feet of our lord Jesus Christ in heaven on that beautiful resurrection morning

Adieu my lovely Dad.
Adieu this great man of God… Evang. Dr Olaolu Michael KADRI.
Your Dazzling daughter,
Fumilayo Funmilade KADRI.
July 17, 2017
July 17, 2017
My father, my mum’s best friend, my best friend, my mentor and encourager. A father that doesn’t get tired of praying for his children. A father with a woman’s heart.
I remember growing up as a child, he had always been present at every stage of my life, because he will never leave you to suffer. When I was a little girl, despite his busy schedules, he spent quality time praying for us and also taking us out to the cinemas. He will carry me on his shoulders and hold my big sister by the hand to go watch movies.
When we all left home for the hostel in my secondary school days, my Dad will come visit us three times or four times in a week and each time he comes he prays for us, he will buy two pairs of everything for us. Then I asked him one day. Why do you usually buy things in twos? He told me that because you are all girls, ‘I want you to have more than enough so that you will not have any reason to beg or men taking advantage of you. When I was in Offa Polytechnic, Kwara State, he will travel to visit myself and my little sister, Shola. He is not just my father, he is a father with a motherly heart.
Even though he never had the privilege to have attained a secondary school education like I did, He encouraged me when I got home crying that my first attempt in SSSCE was not too good. Instead he gave me the confidence that if re-sit the exam I will do better, which I did.
He will never beat his children. He is a caring father to core that will never lay his hands on his children no matter the gravity of the offence. He thought us how to love and smile always. My dad will always appreciate every little thing you do.
January 2nd, 2017, my dad called myself, my elder sister and his spiritual son, Mr Omidiji that he wanted to travel but we advised him to stay a little while till April/May that the weather is very cold which he agreed and made a statement afterwards, ‘if am still alive till then’ not knowing the travelling was all about his death. That same day we spoke at length and he said sorry to me that I should forgive him because he had offended me, but was surprised at his statement because he never wronged to me. Not knowing he was begging me ahead of his death.
On May 4th, 2017, I called him to let him know that the next day was my birthday and wanted him to pray for me which he agreed but on getting home he refused to talk to me, and I hoped he will recover very soon. Coincidentally and while not too surprising, He stopped talking on my birthday May 5th, 2017, because he had already asked for my forgiveness so that I will not have to morn his death on my birthday but rather he waited 4 days after my birthday and departed for heaven.
Two days after his death while we were folding his cloth, the presence of God was very evident in his room that we all felt God’s power that we were all fighting over his cloth. Baba Wakati Adura Mi, is not just an ordinary man of God, he is full of anointing even after his death his cloth carries the presence of God.
With all these, I believe my dad is not a failure, even in his grave his work still speaks for him. He was a very successful man, and he is a pastor Celestial Church of Christ never had. A man well-known all over the world when it comes to evangelism both in white-garment churches and other denominations. A man that will always say the truth and stands by it.
He lived a much fulfilled life, as he had 6 golden daughters and a darling son, who are all graduates and ministers of God. Amongst whom are a Prophetess, four Pastors and two Deacons.
I saw him pass on, I miss you so much my best friend. Love you always Popssy
May 20, 2017
Rakas Baba, tässä kirjoittaa kaipaava poikasi Uncle Kay. Meillä on niin ikävä , mutta rakkautesi ja muistomme sinusta kantaa meitä päiviemme läpi. Meille oli suuriarvoista omistautumisesi Jumalasi palvelemiseen, se rakkaus ja huolenpito jota osoitit kaikkia ja erityisesti perhettäsi kohtaan. Kiitämme Taivaan Isää rikkaasta elämästäsi; opetit meitä jokaisella teollasi ja sanallasi kulkemaan kohti Taivaan valtakuntaa. Suojelkoot enkelit taivasmatkaasi! Kiitos rakkaudestasi!

We miss you Baba! Thank you for your love!

From your only Uncle Kay and family from Finland: Mamma Tuula, Pirkko, Annu, Filippa Olusoji, Daniel Ayomide Olaoluwa, Olubusola Saara Johanna
May 16, 2017
May 16, 2017
One of the only three spiritual fathers I celebrate in the Celestial Church of Christ is gone heavenwards.

At 10.45am Tuesday May 9, he passed unto higher glory in Lagos, Nigeria - the peaceful passage of a righteous and true Man of God.

Superior Evangelist OLAOLU OLUWANISHOLA KADRI gave the greatest grace and support to the teaching ministry of my late twin brother, Dr. Alexandra Omololu Oladosu.

And he was the Life Grand Patron of the London parish of my brother from my other mother, Sup. Evang. Babatunde Paul Soile.

Daddy Olaolu Kadri founded and nurtured CCC Wakati Adura Mi Parish, Ojodu, Lagos. His radio ministry was the best CCC ever had. His parish is exemplary.

His four eldest daughters are my spiritual daughters and a delight to ShaddaiVille Ministries - all Deaconesses and wonderful ministers of the Gospel.

God honoured his calling and gave Daddy Kadri enough time to build and settle his biological and spiritual legacies.

Those of us who called him Daddy, who were allowed into his bedroom and who held elevated talks with him, will miss him sorely.

He gave the Celestial Church of Christ all of himself and was a pioneer Fellow of ShaddaiVille Ministries.

Our hearts condole with his lovely wife and wonderful children and the Wakati Adura Mi Family. Yet we rejoice greatly because we know that another good soul has been called heavenwards. Alleluia.
May 16, 2017
May 16, 2017
One of the only three spiritual fathers I celebrate in the Celestial Church of Christ is gone heavenwards.

At 10.45am Tuesday May 9, he passed unto higher glory in Lagos, Nigeria - the peaceful passage of a righteous and true Man of God.

Superior Evangelist OLAOLU OLUWANISHOLA KADRI gave the greatest grace and support to the teaching ministry of my late twin brother, Dr. Alexandra Omololu Oladosu.

And he was the Life Grand Patron of the London parish of my brother from my other mother, Sup. Evang. Babatunde Paul Soile.

Daddy Olaolu Kadri founded and nurtured CCC Wakati Adura Mi Parish, Ojodu, Lagos. His radio ministry was the best CCC ever had. His parish is exemplary.

His four eldest daughters are my spiritual daughters and a delight to ShaddaiVille Ministries - all Deaconesses and wonderful ministers of the Gospel.

God honoured his calling and gave Daddy Kadri enough time to build and settle his biological and spiritual legacies.

Those of us who called him Daddy, who were allowed into his bedroom and who held elevated talks with him, will miss him sorely.

He gave the Celestial Church of Christ all of himself and was a pioneer Fellow of ShaddaiVille Ministries.

Our hearts condole with his lovely wife and wonderful children and the Wakati Adura Mi Family. Yet we rejoice greatly because we know that another good soul has been called heavenwards. Alleluia.
May 15, 2017
May 15, 2017
My Precious Daddy in the Lord. Sup Prophet Laolu Kadri aka Baba Wakati Adura mi.
A Seasoned Crusader and Evangelist of the Lord, A Teacher of the Undiluted Word Of God, A Tested and Highly Anointed Prophet of the Most High, An Agile Prayer Warrior till his old age I could not compete with his agility in our night vigils, My Father indeed, My good Mentor, A Lover of the truth, A fighter to the end. What another great loss we have suffered in CCC again this year.
Baba you came, you fought, you conquered. I will not forget your love towards me and my children. I will not forget the your words of encouragement and exhortation. I hold in high esteem and close to my heart your last words of encouragement to me..I still meditate on them. I cannot forget how your program in the 80s made me to get late to church because I had to ensure I heard your prayer program before attending service.
Baba till me meet at the foot of Christ. May your great works speak for you in heaven..Sleep well in the Lord Daddy till we meet again at the foot of Christ..
May 15, 2017
May 15, 2017
Was so taken aback when I saw the post that announced your death on Facebook ,and the first thing that came to my mind is the fact that celestial Church as lost one of its finest and greatest revivalist. The time I spent under your calling still remain fresh in my memory and things I learnt under your tutelage can't be forgotten. One thing I can boldly say is the fact that you were a father figure to all that came across you. Daddy ,you ain't dead as your legacies will sure live on. Adios to a worthy teacher,father,revivalist and prophet
May 14, 2017
May 14, 2017
We thank God for a life well spent and happy landing.
You touched millions heart with your programme on radio, of which ours was one.
May your soul rest in perfect peace. Amen!
Adieu Baba Wakati Adura.
From: Funmi & Adeola Taiwo.

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