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June 16
June 16
Another day without you. And yet you are with me every day. Just wanted to remind you what a good father you were to Maya and Xander. Forever and always in this life and beyond.
June 16
June 16
Happy Fathers day dad! I miss you and love you very much. Im sure you were thrilled to see both Manchester United and Real Madrid pick up big trophies this season :)
October 31, 2023
October 31, 2023
Happy Birthday my love. Tonight Joan, Gary and I celebrate you with some of your favorite foods…..Beef Wellington served with your favorite Chateauneuf du Pape from Beaucastel….Gary outdid himself with the beef. But the piece de resistance was the crème brûlée….and it was not soup! He has redeemed himself. Of course he did go to culinary school so I guess we could have expected that. Wish you were actually sitting at your place at the table. 
October 31, 2023
October 31, 2023
My friend you are dearly missed and today we celebrate with crème brûlée and you know why - a place at the table will be there for you today and always
October 31, 2023
October 31, 2023
Dropping in to say hello on your Birthday Surinder. i miss you and I love you brother.
April 22, 2023
April 22, 2023
Nancy, Maya, and Xander,

Our entire family mourns Surinder’s passing and also celebrates his life. We feel so fortunate to have shared experiences with all of you. Nancy and Surinder were such a great complement to each other and they treated everyone as a friend. Surinder’s laugh and smile are contagious and a gift. His passion and love for Nancy, Maya and Xander were apparent to everyone! We love our memories of sharing meals and stories. Surinder and Nancy were always supportive of their children. We were fortunate to share Pepper Rabbit and Passion Pit concerts and seeing their excitement about Maya’s work with children in the Arts! We love the entire Singh family for the gift that they are.
April 12, 2023
April 12, 2023
I had the great pleasure of calling Surninder my friend for over 45 years. We first met back in the late '70's when we were both working for Chase in Hong Kong. It was in those years that he decided to take cooking seriously and he began to attend cooking classes. I can remember being invited to Sunday lunch and asking if I could come early to watch him make a curry. His Amah had all the bits sliced and diced and Surinder made it all look so easy. It was not until I moved to London 4 years later that I tried to replicate what he did - and suddenly realized that making a curry from scratch was hard work! But to me - that was Surinder. He made difficult things seem effortless when in fact he put his all into everything - with such grace, charm and humor. It is his smile and laugh that I think I will miss the most. Over the years we kept in touch. He and Nancy were guests at our small wedding in Philadelphia in November of 1984 and we visited each other over the years in NY, London and Seattle. To say that he will be sorely missed is an understatement. My love and prayers are with you Nancy, Maya and Xander. I hope you and the children will keep up the family tradition and come and stay with me in London! Lots of love, Anne-Marie 
April 7, 2023
April 7, 2023
I knew Surinder "Suri" in his senior year at The Delhi Public School. He was the Head Boy and a formidable personality, leavened with a sharp sense of humor. He was also an accomplished debater, and many of us remember his thundering speeches, ending once with the rallying cry "It's now or never!" - a nod to Elvis.

I finally caught up with Suri last year and was looking forward to picking up where we left off. Sadly he departed too soon and will be missed. People who inspire us when we were young are to be honored, and Suri will be remembered with the highest respect. 
April 1, 2023
April 1, 2023
Dear Nancy, Maya, and Xander,

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Surinder was a wonderful person and friend. I will never forget the love he and all of you showed us as we navigated Jonathan's diagnosis and subsequent passing. I know Jonny greeted Surinder with a big hug!

Love, Marie Smyth (and Bill, Kate and Jason)
March 31, 2023
March 31, 2023
So very sorry to hear. RIP Surinder dear. Condolences to Nancy Maya n Xander. He will be remembered always.
March 30, 2023
March 30, 2023
I met Surinder almost ten years ago while majoring in International Business at the University of Washington, and man did he make his classes everyone's favorite. Surinder created a balanced atmosphere, from open ended discussions to covering important topics that would shape our thoughts and lives.

He was an amazing human, teacher and mentor, always carrying a smile or having something witty to say. He warmly welcomed me into his home and introduced me to his family and friends. We would eat, drink wine, have great conversations, watch movies and the premier league... Always arguing who was the better team ⚽️ 

I'm happy I got to spend time with him in and outside of the class room, appreciating him at his full self. Throughout the years he encouraged me to pursue my art and passion, even with life and family pressures of getting a degree and working a career job.... I will always keep his advice close by. I was heartbroken to hear about his passing, but I know his words, sense of humor, care and passion will always live on with the people who knew him. Sending a hug and my deepest condolences to his family and friends ❤️

- Javier Schialer
March 29, 2023
March 29, 2023
Elvis was a booming voice, a warm, caring person. He led FMR India to many milestones. So many events, so many aspects of security (I was in corporate security at FMR India), so many aspects of leadership, so many aspects of crisis...and above all so many aspects of being a better human learnt from him. May God Almighty bless you wherever you are. Elvis is no longer in the building and this world. RIP
March 29, 2023
March 29, 2023
Very saddened to hear of Surinder’s untimely demise. We were close friends in school and reconnected after a couple of decades- thanks to Surinder’s efforts. A wonderful friend and a human being who will be missed by all he came in contact with. Rest in Peace dear friend till we meet again.
March 28, 2023
March 28, 2023
Nancy, Xander and Maya
I was saddened to hear of Surinder’s passing. We had the opportunity to work together at Fidelity. He was an amazing individual whose warmth, kindness and humor had a positive impact on everyone who knew him. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
March 27, 2023
March 27, 2023
Nancy, my deepest sympathies to you and your family. I always knew it was going to be a good shift when you and Surinder came in to Seastar. always so full of life and energy and happiness. He will be sorely missed.
March 27, 2023
March 27, 2023
Surinder was that special kind of brother-in-law that you’re lucky to welcome into your family. His humor kept you on your heels, family dinners were always full of laughter, and his very loud unique singing style which varied between Elvis and opera. His warmth made you feel loved. He loved my sister dearly. He offered tremendous support to my parents in their later years. After my divorce Surinder helped me navigate my new life‘s  journey by providing me support getting my finances in order and negotiating the purchase of my condo when I was completely overwhelmed. Surinder, you are loved and missed. Have fun up there keeping mom and dad laughing.
March 27, 2023
March 27, 2023
Dear Nancy, Maya and Xander,
Words cannot express the sadness I feel for you. Surinder was such a kind man who fiercely cared for everyone he loved. I’m forever grateful for his support of Xander and Luc’s band Pepper Rabbit. He was a beautiful soul with a smile that lit up the room.
With deep care and love,
March 26, 2023
March 26, 2023
A warm and wonderful guy, I knew him well from his days in Hong Kong….he will be sorely missed. Neil Sweeny
March 26, 2023
March 26, 2023
I was a fresher at Fidelity India when Surinder joined as Head of the organization. While I never had the opportunity to interact with him , it was an act of kindness that remained stuck with me till date and perhaps will to my grave. While folks were discussing should the facility of cabs be provided for free or charged , I remember Surinder firmly saying till such time as he holds the reins this employee benefit will not be taken away. While it may seem a simple decision for many this day, that time it made a world of difference to me. I saw a man who cared  and dared to make a difference to lives. Mine is just one , I am sure that he would have made such impacts to many .Truly the world has lost a good soul.
March 24, 2023
March 24, 2023
Deeply saddened by the loss. I had an opportunity to interact with him during early days of my tenure in Fidelity India. He was a charismatic leader and a very patient listener.
There was a lot to learn from him just by observing him. I prey to god to give Nancy and family the strength to bear this loss.
March 24, 2023
March 24, 2023
I had known Surinder since 1969 when I moved to Citibank Calcutta. He was a caring senior colleague who helped me integrate and assimilate with the the branch culture and with other colleagues. Later, he was an excellent boss for me in Citibank New Delhi. His memory will always be with me.
March 23, 2023
March 23, 2023
I have such fond memories of Surinder ji from the one trip we were on together when we were setting up Fidelity’s India operations. Such a warm friendly and thoughtful soul.
Thoughts & prayers with all 3 of you.
I see him smiling down on all of us as he has some of best Pinots up there with the Gods
March 23, 2023
March 23, 2023
My heartfelt condolences dear Nancy. It’s sad to hear about your loss. It was such a great connection with Surinder while working at Fidelity India. Always loved his warmth, clear focus, direction and also hearing his punjabi words with a cheerful smile during our conversations. I still remember a graduate ceremony and Surinder adding to the charm with his Bhangra dance. Thinking of him in my prayers !
March 23, 2023
March 23, 2023
Deeply saddened to hear this news. Heartfelt condolences to entire family. I had a privilege to interact with him , when he was heading Fidelity India. His passion, energy and how he connect with people was so inspirational. Wonderful human being , so successful, but so much down to earth. He would be really missed. May God bless the soul and give courage and strength to family to bear this loss.
March 23, 2023
March 23, 2023
I was most saddened that we lost such a good friend, mentor, and more importantly a wonderful human being. Surinder was full of life, always positive and personally instrumental in shaping my career in Fidelity.

He will always remain in our hearts.

Our heartfelt condolences to Nancy, Maya, and Xander.

God bless
March 23, 2023
March 23, 2023
Dear Nancy
My heartfelt condolences. Surinder was a wonderful person, bonhomous, humorous, compassionate and lively. It was never a dull moment, with him around. Behind the wit and sparkle, lay a sharp and astute mind that he underplayed. Wherever he went he brought cheer, brightness and energy. He will be remembered as a lovely human being, the centre of any gathering, and as a kind man with a good heart. He was a role model to all of us.
March 22, 2023
March 22, 2023
Dear Nancy, Maya and Xander,
Dharam and I are very sorry for your loss. 
With Surinder’s passing, I lost a very dear friend. We worked together in India. As the Country head for Fidelity India, Surinder exuded immense passion in building the organization and developing the leadership. He was very personable and inspiring, very friendly and warm. There was never a dull moment when he was around. His love for music, in particular Elvis, and his passion for Soccer could not be missed by anyone around him.

Over the years, Surinder and I developed a wonderful camaraderie.  He was a very enthusiastic listener, so it was fun to share the updates about our children.  We felt comfortable sharing.  We spoke about the experiences from and about India and other travels.  And enjoyed a lot of laughs as we looked back on our wonderful shared time in India.  His love for Punjabi food and Punjabi language was evident as we always broke into a bit of Punjabi and I told him about what I had cooked that day.

I will miss him tremendously.   I wish I had called him more often.
March 22, 2023
March 22, 2023
Nancy - Neil and I are so sorry to hear of Surinder’s passing. We enjoyed his wit and sense of humor. He made us feel so comfortable when we were around him. We so enjoyed having an opportunity to spend time with you both when you attended Neil’s birthday party. Neil has fond memories of talking with Surinder about the English Soccer Premier League even though they rooted for different teams. We hold you in our prayers and hope that the wonderful memories you have of Surinder fill your heart with comfort during this difficult time. With love Neil and Carolee
March 22, 2023
March 22, 2023
Dearest Nancy, 
Dennis and I feel blessed to have known Surinder. We will remember him fondly for his kind and gentle nature and his love of wine! Sending love and prayers as you and your family navigate this journey of grief together. ❤️
March 22, 2023
March 22, 2023
Nancy, today we remember the life of Surinder. He was such a role model to most of us in terms of how we ought to care for and love one another on this side of life. I am sure, he will make similar mark on the other side as well!

I had the opportunity to work with Surinder at Fidelity. I always enjoyed my conversation, discussion and healthy debates with him at work. He had the heart that cared completely, he had the smile that brought so much pleasure and most importantly, he had the love that brought joy beyond measure. He will be greatly missed.
March 21, 2023
March 21, 2023
When many saw trouble, Surinder saw an opportunity. This best describes my undergraduate years, back in 2014 when Surinder was introduced to me as a mentor. Through Surinder's coaching and guidance, I was able to successfully graduate college and navigate the corporate world - in Surinder's words, "to contribute to my Social Security retirement."
Surinder's best-explained life advice: Life is like a chess game, we utilize our current/available resources to produce the best outcome possible. Surinder's positive attitude, humor, and candidness will forever be remembered.

You are in my thoughts and I will always think about you, Surinder. Thank you for your kindness.
March 21, 2023
March 21, 2023
Nancy, Xander and Maya, I can't imagine the hole in your lives that Surinder's passing has left. As you know, I had the pleasure of working with Surinder at Fidelity. I always looked forward to spending time with him as he brought a special combination of intelligence and humor to every interaction. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you all during this difficult time.
March 21, 2023
March 21, 2023
What a joy it was to know Surinder! We only knew him for 4 short years, but we felt we had known him forever! He was funny, kind and intelligent and always wore that sweet smile that crinkled up his eyes. We never knew him when he was tearing up a dance floor or doing his Elvis impersonation......but we can totally see it! He exuded happiness even in the face of adversity.
Nancy, Maya and Xander, may he be your guardian angel in the years ahead and may his lovely legacy sustain and give you strength as you learn to live without his presence. May Naveen and Raveena remember him with fondness as they grow up and learn of his amazing life accomplishments. We will miss him!
March 21, 2023
March 21, 2023
Nan, there are no words of comfort when you loose a great love, partner, buddy and best friend. Surinder was clearly all those to you.
He was full of life and love, and he will be sorely missed by our family.
Always loved and never forgotten. Deb
March 21, 2023
March 21, 2023
Nancy and Surender were our new neighbors and sadly we only met Surender once. However, after reading his lovely obituary we could easily see all the character traits mentioned. We could picture him as Elvis with a Mike in one hand and a scarf in the other. RIP
March 21, 2023
March 21, 2023
Hello Nancy, I am honored that you and the family were able to share this site with me. The pictures of Surinder have allowed me to see how loved he was and how much he loved and cared for his family! My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
Scott P.
Marisol García
March 21, 2023
March 21, 2023
Every Monday it was a pleasure to arrive at the Singh house and see Mr.Surinder with a bright smile on his face always filling the room with joy. He Always greeted with a “Good morning, how are you?” He would also always ask me how to translate phrases in Spanish and would always ask how my kids were doing. I send much love and prayers

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