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April 14
April 14
Sue and I met back in 1993 on a Contiki Coach Tour through the United Kingdom. We had an amazing time together, and it was the beginning of a friendship that spanned decades.

Even though I live in Ontario, Sue and I kept our long-distance friendship alive with letters, phone calls and gifts. I always looked out for special stamps for Sue. My brightest find for her was a package of hockey themed stamps commemorating the Soviet-Canada Summit Series in 1972.

I always looked forward to sending a card, a note, a letter with a special something to Sue.

And I always looked forward to her missives in response.

Sue will be deeply missed.

Rest in peace, good friend.
April 2
Sue & I met at Ranch Park Elementary as kids, and I was lucky enough to spend time travelling to and from the okanagan with Sue in 2016 for our elementary school reunion. Those hours really gave us time to reconnect. It was so fun to see her again in October 2023 at our high school reunion. She was and always will be a shining light to me. How I admire her! Her zest for life, courage and positive spirit will be how I always remember Sue. I'm lucky to have known her even a little bit. May she rest in peace.
March 16
March 16
I was very sad today to read the passing of Sue Hindle, I knew Sue many years ago when she lived across the street with her family, Sue spent a lot of time babysitting my little daughter Caroline, they became quiet good friends. Sue was a wonderful person, we lost contact when we moved away to the island, I am sure this wonderful soul will be missed by many. My condolences to her family. RIP Sue
March 8
March 8
Right from the first day I met you 21 years ago at Millside, you have touched my heart and have been such an inspiration. Could always count on you to put a smile on my face. Miss you terribly. And the countdowns to whatever holiday is coming up just isn’t the same now.
January 29
January 29
I met Sue in the year 1995 at Glenayre Learning Center. Sue was one of several staff who acted as positive and knowledgeable teaching role models for me as a new teacher. I appreciate Sue's love for travel and her positive outlook. I see her as a peacemaker and someone who is quick to comfort others. I extend my condolences to all who knew her, especially family and close friends.
January 29
January 29
Oh Sue, I just heard the news and was devastated. You, my lovely, were such an inspiration to so many people...myself included. I'll miss our chats about New York and musicals and I'm so happy we had a chance to see each other a couple times over the years. If I ever get to New York on a solo trip, I will take you with me in my heart. My only regret is not seeing you more recently...another lesson for all of us to not put things off <3. Your smile...your positive outlook and excitement to see the world and celebrate life will always keep me motivated to do better. I will miss you. Thank you for being a part of my world. xoxoxo
January 29
January 29
The world lost a kind soul...and we will miss your bright smile and always positive demeanour Sue. You lived your life to the fullest, travelling to see the world on your own terms. I admired your strength and courage. Rest in peace my friend.
January 29
January 29
Sue, I am going to miss your positive outlook and your supportive comments. Meeting you thru Como Lake United Church was a blessing and I’m going to miss our interactions.
January 28
January 28
I’m devastated by your loss Sue. You were and always will be close to my heart and forever in my memory. Sending thoughts and prayers to everyone that had the privilege of knowing Sue Hindle.
January 28
January 28
Sue…. we met 42 years ago when we were in high school at Centennial together…. We stay connected through FB and then when I was considering SD43 as my employer I reached out to you and you highly recommended it…You were the first to support my kids fundraisers I posted and I enjoyed our meet ups at Tim Horton’s to exchange the goods you bought to support the girls. You are gone far too soon but know you will be missed…..
January 28
January 28
Susan’s posts and photos were always upbeat and featured her smiling; this is how I remember her, even from high school forty years ago.
Too few people continue smiling throughout their lives and I am grateful to have known Susan then, and to follow her journey on FB.
May her memory be a blessing to her family.
January 28
January 28
Sue, You were always with Rhonda and and the two of you shared time and joy together. I am so very sad that I had to move away from you but never forgot you. I loved your joy and laughter. May God protect you always! Maybe you and Rhonda will be together again. May God bless you and keep you in His loving arms!! Love, Rhonda's mom, Dawn
January 28
January 28
Dearest Sue,
We have been friends for many years and like many have said, what a kind, generous and thoughtful person you are. I will miss our friendly competition of exchanging the most hilarious birthday cards, hearing about your travels, holidays with your family and vacations at Shuswap during our breakfast visits and more recently your emails (which often contained at least one lol). Thank you for your friendship, you are truly missed.
January 27
January 27
I clearly remember the day Susie came into the life of the Hindle Family. It was such an undertaking for my parents and at the same time such a wonderful gift. We all had a role to play helping raise our new sister.
As we all came of age and left the house, it only left Susie with Mom and Dad. They loved her to pieces! I used ito tell her that we paved the way for her to be pampered and spoiled. She laughed and made the mistake of telling me that Dad used to drop a twenty dollar bill on the floor and then tell Susie she dropped her money. I laughed and called Susie “the golden child” and that became one of her nicknames.
The truth is she was a golden child and then a golden woman. I miss her so.
January 27
January 27
Dearest Sue, The markets will never be the same again. I could always count on a lovely visit with you, and your support over the years means the world to me. Who am I going to make lemon curd for? May you rest in peace till we meet again friend <3
January 27
January 27
There is no one quite like you, my dear Sue. Your adventurous spirit, your positivity, your zest for life, your laughter - I miss them all already. You have been a treasured part of my life these past 32 years, and I hold in my heart all the memories we’ve shared. I will love you always, my fwiend! ❤️
January 27
Auntie Susie you have always been a part of the fabric of my life for as long as I can remember. Celebrations, holidays, vacations, family dinners, daily positive Facebook /Instagram posts… I find it impossible to conceive you are so suddenly gone.
I will remember your kindness and thoughtfulness. I will remember how we loved to joke. I will remember your laugh. I will remember your zest for life and love of travel. I will remember your love for your family. I will remember how you cross your arms high on your chest when you get tired. I will remember how you hooted like an owl when Robyn and I jumped on you to wake you up Christmas morning. I’ll remember how you always offered to carry on your childhood tradition of sitting on some boyfriend’s lap and asking if they were going to marry your loved one. And yes, I do remember you want to be called Sue instead of Susie but old habits die hard.
So many memories. It breaks my heart that we will not have the chance to create more. Love you forever ❤️
January 27
January 27
Sue was a dear friend from church choir. I was so sad to hear of her sudden death. She was such an energetic person, giving to community in volunteerism, loved traveling, and loved her family and friends.
She influenced many lives in her teaching. She was all that is good and kind and had such love. Condolences to all her family and friends.
January 27
January 27
The breadth of Sue's influence on the community is very wide. So sad to hear of the loss but, I am comforted that Sue made so many people's lives better, more full of kindness and hope.
January 27
January 27
Sue was such a shining star in this world. Her light was contagious. Her smile brighten any room. The world has become a little dimmer. Thank you Sue for always being positive, encouraging and loving. Some people truly make an impact on other people’s lives and Sue sure did. You will be missed. ❤️
January 27
Watching your countdowns, seeing the pictures from your adventures and your infectious smile, all things that are going to be missed.

Your love of life, and family were always so clear to see. You were a light to many in our times of darkness, always ready with a hug and smile.

I will miss our lunch dates, walking around Granville Island and having you join us at the Lions games.

You are missed so very much my friend, until we meet again 
January 26
Our Auntie Sue. We have so many wonderful memories and we were all expecting to have so many more with you, and we are all grappling with the reality of that.
Susie really was the gentlest of souls. She was just so easy to be around. Genuine, kind, caring.
By no means did Auntie Sue have an easy life, right from birth she faced enourmous challenge and had to overcome countless adversities. But not once did I ever hear her complain, show resentment, or feel sorry for herself. Nothing. She was just sweet and kind, plain and simple. It couldn't have always been easy.
Susie is an inspiration for us all. She was so loved and she gave so much love. And that is all that really matters in this short time we have on Earth. We will always love you Sue, you are very missed.
January 26
January 26
Oh Hindle, it’s been a week of disbelief and sadness. You were the kindest soul with a little mischievous twinkle in your eye. I will miss your countdowns to every upcoming school break and holiday. No one has been more supportive to everything local: music festivals and farmers markets to name a couple. I will miss my special deliveries through the district mail. Rest easy my dear friend, you are loved and missed by so many.
Your friend, Rogers.
January 26
January 26
My dearest Sue. Words cannot express how your passing has affected me. Our lives were intertwined from our beginnings to your end. Through church, family (you always said you were an honorary Hielscher sister), school, music and a lifetime friendship, we’ve never wavered. Thank you for making me laugh and being a soundboard when I was struggling. Thank you for connecting all our gang when I went through serious health challenges. Most of all, thank you for being the light in this world that you were. I love you my friend and miss you terribly.
January 26
January 26
Dear Sue,
Our friendship was so brief, but it touched my life forever. We met when fate tossed us together as roommates on one of your wonderful adventures, an amazing journey to Vietnam in 2011. Your passion for travelling, experiencing and learning, and your obvious joy in life made us fast friends. I was so inspired by your strength, positive spirit and sense of adventure in just simply enjoying life and all that it has to offer. And life threw you many challenges! Your radiant smile is forever etched in my soul and you will remain an inspiration. May your adventures continue in the life beyond.
January 26
January 26
I met Sue when we worked at Glenayre Learning Center in the 90’s and have kept in touch since. We would meet for our dinners with fellow Glenayre friends but haven’t in awhile.Later on we both ended up working for the school district.

I like everyone else was shocked to hear of her passing, hard to believe she is gone.
Sue will be missed by everyone who knew her, she was a genuine, sweet person.
Condolences to her family and to her many friends who are all grieving her loss, she will be missed…❤️❤️

January 26
January 26
Sue - such a wonderful, kind, thoughtful and caring person. I will miss you and our time at the lake, our meet ups for lunch and our walks. You were such an inspiration and lived life to the fullest! You will be so terribly missed by your family and friends. Until we meet again my friend.
January 26
January 26
I was shocked and saddened to hear of Susie’s passing. I will miss her dearly. She was such a loving person who cared deeply for those around her. May you rest in peace Susie.
January 26
January 26
Dear Sue,
Travelling to Vietnam or chopping up hamburger together at the lake. It was always so easy to be around you.
Thank you for all of the laughs and the kindness you gave to everyone.
January 26
January 26
Such a loss. A wonderful person, always smiling and ready for a laugh. Will miss you at the lake and especially on the "booze cruises" you loved so much.
We will save you a seat.
January 26
January 26
To my Dear Auntie Susie,

Words can not express how much we will all miss you.  You were our inspiration always.  You lead with your heart and with such passion and understanding. 

I will dearly miss your countdowns and all of your support every week. 

I know how much you loved your family and friends, and you always made time for those you loved. 

I have peace in my heart knowing you’re with Grandpa, Nana, Auntie Diane and my Mom

You are forever in my heart

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