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This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Sue Schnatzmeyer, who was born on December 23, 1945, and passed away on March 2, 2011.  She is now resting in peace, no longer suffering from pain.  She will be in all of our hearts forever!

March 8, 2011
March 8, 2011
I have known Sue for years through my Aunt Marge and Estella.Sue was always a strong person who had a good faith and great sense of humor She was a person who did not get defeated. As the irish say and respect, she was a fighter.She saw a challenge and didn't back down, rather said, What can I do and this is what I will do.I will miss her greatly as will my Aunt Marge.Our prayers are with you all.
March 7, 2011
March 7, 2011
I will treasure the memories we have made over the years Mom and you will forever be in my heart. Thank you for always being there for me - your strength and endurance simply amazed me. I know you were tired, so rest in peace now, where there is no pain or suffering. I love you with all my Heart and Soul. Love Monica
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March 3
March 3
Reading thru the stories it brought memories of the laughter that would soon turn to tears in her eyes my precious friend Sue. We shared so much like the good times and when we shared the bad times we each had a shoulder to cry on. I truly miss my friend but I am inspired by her family. Thank you Monica for sharing with me as it brings much comfort. Wonderful job on this website. Your mom would be showing it off to everybody.
March 2
March 2
You are so missed Bee . You’d be so proud of how your daughter learned so much from you on how to be the best Gigi. ❤️
March 2
March 2
Happy Heavenly Birthday Mom❤️ I can’t believe it’s been 13 years since you left us. We miss you more and more each day and love you so much.  I am not the same person since losing Melanie. That being said, I believe in God’s Divine Plan and am eternally grateful that He gives me the Grace to pick up this heavy cross of losing Melanie and persevere through each day but it doesn’t take the pain away. He is teaching me how to unite my pain and sorrows along with His pain and sorrows of dying on the Cross for our sins, as well as Our Blessed Mother having to watch her Son being tortured and crucified. Viva Cristo Rey!!
Recent stories


March 2
We are still caring for Melanie’s dog, Holly, and we took her to visit my mom today!  She loved walking around the cemetery.  She has been a blessing to Ron and I since Melanie’s passing.  She follows me around just like she did Melanie❤️ I’m not much of a dog person but I’m making an exception!!

Happier times

May 14, 2013

My mom and dad's marriage may have been a train wreck towards the end but they sure loved their grandbabies!  Melanie, Jimmy and Jason were all very close and spent a lot of time with Grandma and Grandpa :-)  We all miss you both more than words can express!


May 14, 2013

I love this picture that my mom used to keep on her dresser.  The frame said "Double Trouble" and Ron totally agrees!!  I loved getting compliments from my friends asking if that was really my mom.  She was a beautiful young looking momma, grandma and great-grandma!  We miss you mom and love you with all our hearts!!

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