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February 19
Mom made us feel  special each birthday,  I remember one where she created a hoop skirt for a new doll suspended over a wire frame with a pink frilly dress. Each girl at my party pulled their party favor from under the dolls skirts with a ribbon. Only looking back do I realize that she likely spent hours creating something unique for us each year. I never missed going on an expensive outing. I didn’t even think of it. 

From Friends/Neighbors/Preschool Family

July 11, 2020
My boys and I enjoyed many wonderful years of SueMiller School. They loved their time with her! What a treasure to be able to march down the trail to the schoolhouse on the beach.  I cherish all those great memories of moms' coffee hour, field trips, and graduation on the beach in Bayview.  
One of my favorite stories was when [my son] was very new to preschool.  [He] didn't like to sing during longtime.  When he was barely 3 years old he came home one day and said that he liked SueMiller School because she told him "That's okay, you don't have to can just enjoy listening to the joyful music." It meant so much to me that she respected who he was as a little boy.  Sue and I reconnected in later years at the art festivals and thankfully we all have beautiful stained glass ornaments and pot holders to hold her memory with us.  Sue was such a kind and gentle lady, an amazing teacher and so supportive of our children and us as moms...we were so very fortunate to have her in our lives.  What a gift we were given!

From Crickett

July 11, 2020
"...Stacey was in Sue's preschool with Krissy, and Troy was best buds with Abby. Later Wendy and Abby were close friends, so we have known each other for about 40 years.  We would talk about the unique adventures we all had living so far from town and going to preschool where moms could share coffee before we left the kids with her and then we would meet for the playday group another time in the week.  We seldom know friends in a neighborhood who could be so unique from one another and raise our children in such different ways, but we all enjoyed each other and our kids for years.  Sue made such a difference because the preschool was almost a foundation for the moms and when requested our prayers as well.  Sue will be missed, but we will all certainly remember her."

From a Family Friend and Neighbor

July 11, 2020
I have great memories of Sue!  We came to B-E the same year to teach, married classmates and had little girls the same year.  50+ years of memories and so glad to reconnect on Samish Island! Susan was a special, talented and down to earth woman! She will be missed by so many!
July 7, 2020
Fred,Kristina and family,so sad to hear about Susan’s passing,I remember her warmth and hospitality to Rose and I when we visited the lovely Samish island,I always hoped to visit again one day and perhaps hopefully may do so in the future,she kindly made a beautiful patchwork  quilt  for me and sent it to my home here in England,a multi talented lady. You have a million wonderful memories to hold on to.                                                                                       Warm wishes to you all ,Virginia

From Thais Armstrong-fellow artist and Islander

July 5, 2020
Sue gave me wings. She challenged me to paint the dunlin flying. It was a challenging mission. One filled with agony and disgust as well as satisfaction and grace.  I was validated by Lee Mann having his nose to the glass at an Edison Eye art show-inspiration for his series of dunlin flight photos.  Her inspiration had a large wing span. I was thankful she bought my painting and more thankful to have had Sue Miller in my life.  

From a Neighbor/Family Friend and Preschool Student

July 11, 2020
I have always had such fond memories and a warm place in my heart for your mom. It started with pre-school...or "Suemiller School."  I was so excited to go each week with my little box of art supplies waiting there and to find out what fun project she had planed for us.  Then over the years I spent so much time there playing, sleepovers, cooking and she was always there for us, so calm and loving.  She was quiet, but I always felt her big heart shining through and I was always amazed at her creativity and the patience, time and care she spent on all of her beautiful creations over the years.  So many wonderful memories in my heart. 

From Friends/Neighbors/Preschool Family

July 1, 2020
What sad news that the world has lost Sue.  We're so sorry for the loss to her family, but also a great loss to our community.  She had a profound influence on all the children that LOVED her and loved going to her preschool.  She helped all the children's mothers keep their sanity as well.  Her artistic influences at the many years of Arts Festival meetings and events, as well as her dedication to writing the definitive history of Samish Island have touched the lives of almost everyone on the Island, even if they didn't know her personally.
Sue had a quiet way of speaking and laughing and I can hear and see her in my mind as I write this.  I will treasure my memories of her, and I hope you will all feel the great support this community feels for you.   Sue was one of the reasons Samish Island is such a special place to live and for our children to grow up.

From a Preschool Family/Neighbors/Friends

July 1, 2020
Sue was such a kind, generous, talented and thoughtful person.  Her preschool is an island legend-she was so important to and influenced so many children.  
We have such fold memories of our daughter coming home from "Suemiller's" and singing us a ditty or showing us how well she could count.  Sue created such a happy atmosphere and kids loved it.  As adults, they still talk about it...Know her legacy lives on with the children of Samish Island.  

From a Preschool Family/Neighbors/Friends

July 1, 2020
While watching home movies last evening, we reminisced of Pooh (a 4 foot tall stuffed version), who lived at the preschool, spending a sleepover night with our daughter for her fourth birthday. It was a whimsical party with Sue Miller's permission for Pooh to visit her.  

"If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever"

Winnie the Pooh

From a family friend

July 1, 2020
Some of Sue's beautiful creations live at our house: potholders, placemats and my favorite little glass sandpiper that hangs in front of our kitchen window. I think of her often because of these lovely things she made.

From Erica Wingard

July 1, 2020
My earliest memory of Susan is when you and Susan came to visit us in Medford, traveling with Don and Annie. I just remember a beautiful woman with a shy smile.  Susan in many ways was an early teacher to me. I watched her every move in the kitchen, how she kept her home, how she cared for and loved her children.  I loved just watching her. It seemed like she knew everything. My favorite days at her table were leftover days! It seemed like so much wonderfulness. It was so wonderful to learn from her.
Susan's art is in my home and I cherish it. She was a beautiful artist. I am so sorry she is gone.

From a Preschool Family/Neighbors/Friends

July 1, 2020
We are saddened to hear about the passing of Sue. We all have so many good memories of preschool mornings, mama chats and the community of children she raised. She was the hub of the wheel and we all revolved around her.  Edison School always said Sue Miller's graduates were the prize students! So many memories! 
And the wonderful Samish Island History you both wrote! She has left behind such a list of contributions! We are all so grateful!
I am lucky enough to have asked her to make me a pair of stained glass windows in our house that I look at everyday, and smile in remembrance of her.  
We are wishing you strength to face the days ahead. All our love.
June 27, 2020
Lieber Fred, liebe Krissy, liebe Jeanine, 
wir sind sehr traurig.
Wir haben Susan als wunderbare Gastmutter für ein Austauschjahr unserer Tochter in Erinnerung.
In stiller Anteilnahme 
Bärbel und Wolfgang 

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