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March 5, 2017
March 5, 2017
Taiwo Olusa! I still can't comprehend the shocking news of your death! You was such a gem and a rare one to be sincere! You was an epitome of greatness! I have seen a complete gentle man in you! Taiwo was very humble despite his outstanding/astonishing look. He bows to greet anyone irrespective of age and size! I use to admire him during my little age as he comes to visit his friends in the person/s of etehteh and Laolu who resides in my neighbourhood! I use to admire his relationship with Edwina during their friendship days! I use to admire him as a senior learned friend during our faculty of law years in ui. Taiwo's life was of great quality and I thank God for his life was well spent. May the Lord grant him eternal rest till we meet to part no more! Fare well Ejire Isokun, Edunjobi, Borokini Omo Oba Olusa, Oju lowo oko Edwina Nuga Olusa! You will be greatly missed! Sun re o
March 5, 2017
March 5, 2017
Mr Taiwo the little time I spend wit you I don't ever regret one day... It painful that you are gone witout notice. May your gentle soul continue rest in peace.. Customer llike a father.. Good bye.....
March 5, 2017
March 5, 2017
Taiwo, u will be forever missed by all. Your maturity for your age comes to mind and your humility despite your pedigree was admirable. It's my prayer that God grant your wife and your entire family the fortitude to bear your loss. You are blessed!.
March 5, 2017
March 5, 2017
Life is a mystery.... we have so many questions and so few answers.
Rest in peace Taiwo. May God comfort Edwina, Kenny and the entire family.
March 5, 2017
March 5, 2017
Mr. T as I usually call you. This is big B as you usually call me. No be like this we plan am na? No goodbyes, no warning? You were like a brother to me. What a good Neighbour you were. I'll miss you so much T. Your quite calm disposition. Am in real shock. God alone has all the answers. Sleep on gentle T. I'll see someday not too long from now.
March 5, 2017
March 5, 2017
Am unable to find the right words, so sad. Rest in peace and continue on the glorious journey my brother.
March 5, 2017
March 5, 2017
I'm still in shock !!!!!!!! So that's how taiwo left without saying goodbye. Your death was too sudden and I can never get over it. It's never going to be the same without you. I remember the first time we met, we clicked almost immediately. Even tho we fight all the time but we still find a way back into eachothers lifes . You automatically became that elder brother I never had. You were so protective of me and I knew how much you loved me. We shared a lot of moments together and dats all I ve left. It's not okay that you are gone and it's never going to be okay.Gods noble man(Oluwapatrick) it's hurts so bad dat you are gone. My prayer goes out to your family ,May God give them serenity and strength. I love you Taiwo Oluwapatrick Olusa and I'm grateful for bin a part of your life.Till we meet to part no more.
March 5, 2017
March 5, 2017
Taiwo, my heart suddenly became heavy when i heard of your passing. Only memory brought you back once more, to the day i met was a great day indeed! It was just a few things you had said and you made me really happy, immediately i told mow, "great guy you know" and she concurred.
There is a sad but sweet remembrance of you that would never grow cold. BUT all is well that's done by The Lord God Almighty. Sleep tight!
March 5, 2017
March 5, 2017
Don't know where to start from,I know you through your wife who is my colleague,sister and friend,you were such a good husband to your wife and father to your son,you have Godly character and your ways are straight,I bless God for your life,you live a fulfilled life,you will be greatly missed,Adieu Taiwo Olaseeni Olusa.
March 5, 2017
March 5, 2017
Taiwo you will most certainly be missed. However, I take comfort in the fact that you impacted so many in your all too short earthly sojourn. I said to my son the other day, if you grow up to be half as decent a man as Taiwo was, my job as as parent would have been done. Rest in peace knowing that God will not leave Edwina, Seni and your loved ones. May the angels receive you and the saints welcome you into their number.
March 5, 2017
March 5, 2017
You'll be forever missed have finished your race well. May God be with everyone you left behind...Sun re ooo.
March 5, 2017
March 5, 2017
I was deeply shocked and it really saddened to hear of your death Taiwo Oluwapatrick Olusa.. Taiwo, was an extraordinary man. I was very fortunate to have meet and worked with you.He was a very kind person who was always willing to give his time and knowledge.
I am deeply saddened that we will not have him around us anymore.
There are many in the community who will mourn deeply your passing as his was a life of service, love, compassion and excellence. 
I send my deepest condolences to his family may God strength and be with u all always..
May your gentle soul rest in peace - Taiwo Oluwapatrick Olusa... Sun re ooo..
March 5, 2017
March 5, 2017
Adieu Taiwo!

You were an excellent gift from God who impacted so many people positively. You will be sorely missed. My prayer goes out to the loved ones you have left behind. Rest on Taiwo till the resurrection morning.
March 5, 2017
March 5, 2017
Taiwo. I've not seen you since we left secondary school but news of your passing still hurt so bad. Firstly, because I know Edwina and know what she's going through. But also because of the memories from back then so many years ago. Though you were one of the 'big boys' in school, you always said hi and smiled whenever our paths crossed. It was a small gesture but it meant a lot to that small quiet insecure kid. Thanks. Rest in peace bro.
March 5, 2017
March 5, 2017
Taiwo... hmmmm Taiwo! I tremble. I feel numb. Questions floodingmy mind....hmm Taiwo Oluwapatrick 'cosmos' I will miss you and your contributions to the class chat group. You were a fine gentleman. Your departure too sudden. Ejire ara isokun sun re. To your wife and son, Keny, parents and siblings I pray the Lord heal your hearts and comfort you.
March 5, 2017
March 5, 2017
I'm heartbroken by the news of your passing. You were so full of life and I can't believe you're gone. I'm thankful we got to reconnect in recent years. Thanks for all the years of friendship and love. Both you and Kehinde are in many frames of my ISI memories.
Edwina, Kehinde, you are in my heart and prayers. May God wrap you up in his arms and comfort you and your families at this difficult time.
Taiwo, though shorter than any of us wish for, yours was truly a life well lived! Your generous, warm, thoughtful and easy going nature will never be forgotten. Rest in glory my friend.
March 5, 2017
March 5, 2017
It is saddening to learn of your transition, Taiwo. I pray the Lord gives your family the strength to bear the irreparable loss and the grace they daily need to carry on without you! May you continue to sleep in peace!
March 5, 2017
March 5, 2017
Oluwapatrick Taiwo Olusa. ...unbelievable that you are no more with us. Though we last saw years ago in UI, it was easy to follow you and Edwina's love story from ISI to marriage...thanks to social media and mutual friends. Thankfully, we reconnected last year when Lifeboy set up our Class of 94 ex-ISI group. You easily became the 'life and soul of the party', energising the group and becoming a rallying point for us your buddies. I loved the way you and Kenny bantered and protected each other in your easy and funny way.

Been trawling through your posts and lovely pics from the group... since I heard. Taiwo, you were so alive in the group....a really great dude... pips deferred to you and you made a lot of sense! You made things happen fast, and were instrumental in the speedy implementation of our first alumni give-back project to ISI.

Lord knows best why you had to go now....even as we prayed, believed and waited eagerly for your return to health and to the group!!! May Edwina, Kenny, the Olusas, the Nugas....other family and friends find some strength to go on. Your passing on has left this gaping hole....and only the mercy and comfort of God can fill it. RIP Taiwo....may God accept your kind you will be the life and soul of the party up in heaven!!!
March 4, 2017
March 4, 2017
Taiwo just remembering all the fun we had together growing up as kids from celebrating birthday to all the stories of when we were in elementary school, GCI and when we were in ISI. You will be truly missed. You were one of the first friends I knew. I celebrate ur life Taiwo
March 4, 2017
March 4, 2017
Big bro, your mature manly calmness was admirable. I wish you eternal rest. Edwina, dear 'Shorlah', I wish u even more strength than you've shown recently.. and grace.
March 4, 2017
March 4, 2017
When I think back to the boys you were always one of us and yet always your own man. Adios Taiwo too early way too early Gbolahan .
March 4, 2017
March 4, 2017
Taiwo...I remember the days we started at the coal face trying to build businesses from our shared office. You were one of a kind. A rare gem seen only once in a while. I am glad I met you . I pray for fortitude for your loved ones left behind to bear the loss. Rest on bro...We love you but our Father in heaven obviously loves you more...
March 4, 2017
March 4, 2017
I hadn't seen you in over 16 years so hearing the news came as a huge shock. My Ashi Ibadan neighbor, I still remember all those ISI days spent together and me expressing how unique your handwriting was. You will surely be missed. Rest in perfect peace bro.
March 4, 2017
March 4, 2017
Your calm demeanour at all times is what I will always and forever remember, that way you inspired me greatly to approach situations with calmness and finesse. May the angels gather around you and lift you to God's bossom as you go ahead of us till we meet again. May tour gentle soul rest in peace. Amen.
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