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September 2
So today makes 8 years that my baby girl has been gone I know that she is in a better place but it still hurts so so bad that my only girl is know longer with me but I want her to know that I love and miss her so so much and that we will be together again one day I love you so so much babygirl love you..
December 21, 2023
December 21, 2023
My babygirl I miss you so so much you were and always be the light of my life I will forever and always miss you until I am with you again you continue to rest in heaven with the rest of our loved ones we will see each other again I love you so much my sweet girl.
April 26, 2023
April 26, 2023
So today is your day baby girl and I miss you so so much I have been doing everything that I can you stay happy on today because you would have been 15 years old today and I know you are with your grandma and that she is taking very very good care of you and I know that I will be with you again someday but missing you and so hard but I want to said happy heavenly birthday and that I love and miss you so so much and to enjoy your day in heaven with the fullest until we are together again  you.
December 22, 2021
December 22, 2021
It is almost Christmas baby girl and I am really really missing you so so much but I also know that you are in the hands and arms of your grandma and God and that you are not feeling anymore pain and that you are happy so that makes me happy and I smile when I think about you running and playing and just being a kid I love you baby girl always and I will never ever forget you so tell your grandma and the rest of the family I said Merry Christmas and Happy Heavenly New Years and I love them all and until I see you again rest well my baby girl.
September 2, 2021
September 2, 2021
So today makes five years without my baby girl and I have to say that it is so so hard being here with out her but I try to remind myself that she is with my mom and my brother and my grandmom and all of my other family that have passed on and then I think to myself how much fun she is having right now and that she will always be in my heart and that I will remember her always I just miss seeing her smile but then I look in the mirrow and then I see that smile that she always had because it came from me my girl will always be with me and I no that it is just hard on this day and her birthday the most because she is not here but I want my baby girl to know that I am always with her and that I will love her forever and I know I will see her again some day I promise but for now just keep watching over me and your dad and your brothers and sisters and all of the other family and that we all love and miss you so so much rest easy baby girl love you.
September 2, 2020
September 2, 2020
Good morning baby girl I know God called you home to be with him because you were in so much pain but I want you to know that the will always miss you I still can't believe that you have been gone for four years I wish it was me and not you but I know that you are in a better place and that your grandma is taking care of you until I get there with you but I want you to know that everyday is so hard for me being here without you but that I love you more than you could ever know so you continue to rest in peace and I will see you again I promise I love you my sweet baby girl.
April 26, 2020
April 26, 2020
Today baby girl would have been 13th years old I no my baby is in a better place but I still miss her more than anything in the world everyday I think to myself that I did something wrong for her not to be here but I know that I did everything right buy her but it just hurt to know that I will not see her face again until I get to heaven with her but right now I just want to scream all the way to heaven to tell her Happy Heavenly Birthday and to tell her I love her and I promise I will see her again someday love you baby girl.
September 2, 2019
September 2, 2019
Today makes three years that my baby girl has been gone but it seems just like yesterday that I was singing and holding my baby I miss her so so much but I know she is with the family and that she is doing great but I want her to know that her mom and dad loves and misses her so so much and that we will be together again some day and to continue to rest in heaven.
April 27, 2019
April 27, 2019
Yesterday my baby girl would have been 12 years old I miss her so much and I cry everyday that she is not here but I know she is in a better place and that my mom is taking very care of her until I can see her again but I want to wish her a very very happy birthday to let her know that her mom and dad and brothers love her so much and e miss her so much every day but for now we want her to continue to watch over us and we will see you again someday we love you my Angel.
April 26, 2018
April 26, 2018
Today my baby girl would have been 11 years old I just want to let her know that I love and miss her so so very very much and that I know she is okay because she is with her grandmom and her two great moms and that I know that they are take good care of her but that it doesn't hurt any less because I really really want her here with me but I know god called her home for a reason I just wish I had alot more time with her but that me and your brothers and dad are doing are best to get thought life without you and that we love you now and forever always so you continue to rest in heaven until we see you again we love you my princess.
September 2, 2017
September 2, 2017
Today makes a whole year that my babygirl has been gone and it has been one the worst years of my life I have been trying to make thought all of this but it is so dam hard everyone keeps on telling me to let go and let god and I keep on asking myself what is he going to do he is the reason that my babygirl is no longer here and I want to believe that he called her home so that she will not be in anymore pain and I tell myself if that is the reason why he called her home then I am greatful for him doing that because I really hated seeing my baby in pain but it still feels like I lose her yesterday and I really reallt miss hearing her talk to me and smile at me and I miss holding her and singing to her but most of all I miss her fat face I tell myself everyday that she is ok and I know that she is but I am not ok and I can't even hug her or kiss her face because my babygirl made everything better when she was here and now she is gone and I don't know what to do with anything in my life I thought thay buy me having my sons and my husband and my step daughter and my grandbabies that it would be enough but it is not eveyday that I wake up I don't want to get out of bed I just want to sleep my life away so that I can be with my baby again but then I hear her or see her telling me that it is ok to miss me but you have to move on with your life and it is not fare because iam here and she is not I feel like she is suppose to be here living a beautiful life with her neices and newphews and her brothers and sisters but she is not and everything is not alright I just want my girl but I just want to let her know that I miss you my angel with all my heart and soul and I love you with all my heart and soul always and forever so you just keep on resting and we will see each other again some day I love you.
May 26, 2017
May 26, 2017
" I remember when she was just a few months old when Missy brought her to Chicago. She was the most beautiful angel I have ever seen. Takiya was beautiful inside and out and she will never be forgotten. May she continue to rest in peace.
May 23, 2017
May 23, 2017
The day that the Lord blessed me and your dad with you is one I will never forget and the day that he called you home is always always with me and even though it hurts like hell I know you are with my mom and the rest of the family and I know they are taking care of you until I see you again but baby girl I want you to know that I love and miss you so so much everyday it feels like my heart breaks a little more but I know you here with me everyday and that you did not want to leave us but that you were tried of frighting the pain you were feeling and I love you for giving us the most amazing nine years of your life and I am so so grateful that I got the chance to be your mom and I will see you again but for now you rest in heaven with my mom until then I love you so so much my angel.
May 23, 2017
May 23, 2017
I remember when I first met Takiya she was lying in bed listening to old school slow jams. I was absolutely feeling that she was enjoying the music, so I started singing and she just started moving and smiling it was a beautiful sight to see. Love you sweetheart RIP.

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