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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Timothy Chukwukaelo Ejimkonye OKOYE (Eziokwu Bu Ndu), 82 years old, born on March 9, 1939 and passed away on May 5, 2021. We will remember him forever.
We miss you dearly Daddy and are all still struggling to come to terms with your departure as we lean on the everlasting hope that we will meet again to part no more.
May 5
May 5
Daddy, I thought it would be easier by now, but I still miss you so much. I know you are resting but my heart still aches... I still miss you so so much, many times seltill I want to call you amd share news and just long to hear your voice and laughter. ❤️
March 9
March 9
Rest on Dad, I’m forever grateful to God for the salvation of your soul. I’m happy you are in heaven and will see you one day. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
March 9
March 9
You would have been 85 today Daddy. I still miss you so so much, and I still tear up, but still I lean on the knowledge that ypu are resting, away for a time, then we will meet again. I love you forever.
May 5, 2022
May 5, 2022
One year exactly today just about this time too that you left this world Daddy. Thankful for your life, your Impact, your prophecies fulfilled, your legacy, your labour of love. Grateful for the times we had, sad that it was not more. You're the best Daddy ever and I still miss you so very much. Continue to rest in peace my dear Daddy. Love you so much. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
August 2, 2021
Dear Uncle,

I write this tribute with a lot of heaviness in my heart. I had known that you were not feeling 100 percent well, but the last thing I expected was that you would be called to Glory so soon.

You were a good permanent fixture of my childhood. I still very  clearly remember my 12 year old self meeting my sister’s respectable and admirable Dad. A gentle giant.

Aunty and all your children are a great testament to what a wonderful, hardworking, dignified, distinguished, very honest husband and dad that you were. Chinwe and I spoke at length about your end days and also your last wishes. The lessons therein for me is the graciousness in simplicity and humility. A great reminder that it is not all about being flamboyant.

We shall not mourn like unbelievers. I am of the opinion that as Chinwe is my eternal bestie, that we shall all meet again in a place where there is no crying or sadness. Adieu Uncle! Continue to rest in His bosom, Amen
July 25, 2021
July 25, 2021
Tribute by Samuel Okoye.
My grandfather would always let me know to be proud of where I came from as well as proud of who I am. To never forget my Nigerian heritage. With so many grandchildren, he would find the time to talk to me and my siblings and see how we were. I know he will be sorely missed.
July 25, 2021
July 25, 2021
Tribute from Andrew Okoye
My grandfather was a kind man. When we spoke over the phone we would always try to speak in Igbo, It’s one of the things that had me wanting to learn it. We would laugh when I messed up simple greetings such as kedukeme. We all will miss him dearly and the impact he had on our lives.
July 25, 2021
July 25, 2021
From Adaobi Okoye
Tribute to my grandpa.
I remember him calling me from time to time and encouraging us to speak igbo.
I would've liked to see you more often but we lived too far away we will miss you dearly grandad. Rest in peace
July 25, 2021
July 25, 2021
Grandpa Enugu (as you were fondly called) have left behind a legacy and blueprint to follow. ALL your children, you raised to be honourable, God-fearing, astute intellectuals and also...kind people in a wicked world. You set the standard high.

Even in your passing, you typically exuded frugality by your final instructions and ensured there was no extravagance or burden on those you left behind. That speaks to the humility, thoughtfulness and practicality you always personified.

I remember speaking with my dad just before you passed and hearing of how you had grown close to Jesus. That gave me so much joy because you left as a champion.

Thank you for all you did for us and all you were to us.

Rest well in the arms of your Saviour!!
July 25, 2021
July 25, 2021
My tall , handsome Uncle Tim with the charming smile that lights up the room . You are one of the major highlights of my childhood. Your driving us to school- the banter, jokes , quick wits and reprimand when necessary covered with so much love can’t be put in words . You were effortlessly funny , selfless, generous and warm. Thank You for helping to shape me to what I am today in your own ways that I hold dear . The best we know are going home . Heaven has gained another beautiful soul . We will meet on resurrection day . Farewell till we meet Uncle . Keep Resting in God’s bossom .
@ Nkiru Nwabunike Nnabuihe .
July 24, 2021
July 24, 2021

Brother Tim, my elder brother, I will miss your charm and sense of humor. I keep replaying some of our last conversations in my head. I called to know how you were faring with your medical check up and remembered laughing with you about almost all we discussed. You’ve always cracked my ribs with jokes and your unique way of explaining issues or saying things. Your diverse stories were unending and never boring. Hanging around you right from childhood was fun and informative. You were very simple and easy going. Still as a teen, I admired your hard work, resilience and belief in yourself which made you never settle for less to be an amazing father and husband.

You have finished the race and have kept faith so, rest in the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ till we meet again.

Goodnight my brother!
Jee ije gi nke oma!!

Ijeoma Anazodo.
July 23, 2021
July 23, 2021
farewell, grandpa,
although I had not spent so much time with you, I will not forget the little we spent, I was shocked to hear about ‘Grandpa Enugu passing. because it was not up to a year from when I last saw you. I want to thank you for the constant encouragement and belief you gave me during does few days. The stories of the airport taxi driver will always be a drive for me to keep working hard.

Love Emmanuel.
July 22, 2021
July 22, 2021
It is true you've departed this mortal earth, but your good spirit still lives on, we feel you my dearest uncle,if not for one thing, you made me believe in myself, I remembered over a decade ago, you asked me to connect electricity into the provision store in your house, in Abakpa housing estate Enugu, I told you, I've not done it before, I was just an apprentice, you encourage me that there must be a first time, we learn from mistakes, those statement of yours were very powerful and motivating to me, luckily then my dearest cousin (Oguejiofor) was around who also believed in me, together we did power the shop with electricity, although we made several mistakes during the connection, but at the end we triumph, I also remember your words after that great task, you said I should'nt say I cannot do it, rather let me put in my all to any task I am facing, that by then solutions will come, I am grateful to you my lovely uncle Tim, I grew up with those words from you, it is imbeded in me, and has been fruitful all this years.
You are also a man that likes telling the truth and frowns so much at deceit. you are a peaceful man, very hard working and enterprising.
Adieu, Uncle, I know you are happy because you lived a good life, may God continue to grant you eternal rest in His bosom, Amen.
Rest on, rest on.......
Your's nephew,
Uzodinma Onyema.
July 22, 2021
July 22, 2021
It is still like a dream for me,but who am I to question God. I am eternally thankful to have had a brother like you .I am who I am now because I had a wonderful brother like you who has always been there for me, even after I married. You are a brother with a kind heart, a peacemaker, and a brother who always stands for the truth, no matter the repercussions. You are a man that loves and fears God, you never hold grudges with anyone.
I'm torn between sadness at not seeing you again and joy at knowing you're in the Lord's presence.
Goodbye, my brother, till we meet again.
Mrs Onyema Evelyn
July 21, 2021
July 21, 2021
Uncle Tim was my senior brother, peace loving, hardworking family man and honest and truthful man who looked after his family and raised his children to become the successful children that they are today.

I am so pained that I didn’t get to tell him that he was my Godfather since I found out. I was hoping that the next time we come back home, that I would let him know. Aunty Regina knows because I told her. I am so sad that both of us didn’t have a relationship as Godfather and Goddaughter. I called 3 times when I heard that he was ill, but never got to speak to him the only time I got through. I wished we spoke being that we haven’t seen for more than 20 years now.

I believe that he is resting at the bossom of the Lord because he lived a good life. Rest In Peace ‘ Eziokwubundu ’ our lovely brother! Je Ijegi nkeoma .
July 21, 2021
July 21, 2021
Dearest uncle Tim,
It pains me to say that I never really spent much time with you but I was always aware of your presence. I saw you last in 2011 when we spent the New year at Nnewi, I never thought about the day when you would no longer be there, but thank God your presence still remains with me wherever I am. I thank God for your life, I know you are with Him in everlasting glory. Rest in perfect peace with the Lord my dearest uncle, may God continue to watch over your legacy, your loving family and all those who loved you that are left behind. We love you but God loves you the most. Adieu. Your niece Uchenna Okonjo.
July 21, 2021
July 21, 2021
Dear Grandpa,
I can't believe you're gone...but I have relief in my heart because I know you walked with God through your lifetime. I still remember the time I sat down to talk with you last year August. Two hours went like twenty advised me about life, made me laugh, made me think. I appreciate you for saying so much to me. I pray you rest well in heaven because I know you lived a great and impacting life. May God reward you. I love you.

From Chisom Iwuajoku.
July 20, 2021
July 20, 2021
Uncle you will be greatly missed. Death came like a thief and stole you from us. I remember talking with you some days after my mom passed and you consoled me of the loss, little did I know you were going to join her soon. Your jokes and laughters will be missed. We saw last in November 2019 when I last visited and you told me how happy you were to have retired in Nnewi. You told me that some of your friends who came from Enugu for a funeral were asking you what was the secret of your good health. You had answered them that the secret was coming down to Nnewi. It gladdened my heart that you were happy being back home.
We laughed when I told you that my dream is retiring in the village as well just like all your brothers including my Dad as you were all happy.
My late mom used to call you Prof because you were so knowledgeable
You lived up to your name ‘Eziokwu bu ndu’ as you never departed from the truth
May you continue to Rest In Peace
July 20, 2021
July 20, 2021
hmmmmm, it took me more than 2 weeks to sum up courage to write this, I'm really missing you dadieee as I call you, still remember all the goodies and beautiful gifts I do recieve while growing up. Even as the stubborn one in the house you still love me so much, when it comes to sharing formula I get the biggest share and I keep wondering why you do that.

Or the times you have gone out of your way to do the things you said you won't do or go where you said you won't go, but you did it all just to see that I am okay. My hero, my voltron, my optimus prime as are my nicknames for you. Once you are around, there must be fun, a na eri eri a na ánu ánu.

Even when I said I wasn't going to school again, you said that will never happen that I must graduate and you made that happen. You are always there to give godly counsel and advice when needed, all my friends that grew up with us in Enugu miss you too, they miss your advice and counseling.

Last year 2020 that I came to see you, you really fought a good fight to get well, but this time around you said we should let you go that you where tired that you want to go home and I remembered the story you told me about the encounter you had and that made me know that you are going to a better place, I'm so proud of you dad especially knowing that you finished well, knowing that you made it to the bossom of our lord. Daddy, you will always be in my heart and I will always love and miss you till we meet again.
July 20, 2021
Grandpa, I remember the last time we came home to Nnewi, you were very happy to see us. You always encouraged us to go outside and play and not watch too much TV. I still remember how you would allow us watch cartoons until it was 8pm when you would announce that it was time to watch the news.

You didn't like to miss the news except for when Ifechukwu would cry so loud and you would give me the remote and tell me to change it to the cartoon channel for her.

You liked to watch us play while sitting on your favorite chair on the patio. Your love for ube (pear) made us want to try it. I was looking forward to coming home again to see you and Grandma.

When daddy told us that you are no more, I felt very sad. My sister and I will miss you very much. Goodbye Grandpa, rest on.

Chinaemelum& Ifechukwu Okoye
July 20, 2021
July 20, 2021
It hurts to write this, it took me a long time to gather my thoughts and I put off writing this for as long as I could.

Where to start from? Growing up around your family most of my life even before I married into the family made me aware of you and mummy, albeit from a distance. And as it turned out, my grandfather knew Okoye Guard and my dad and uncles knew your family well. I remember that my igba nkwu ceremony was a big reunion between both families.

I remember that after my wedding, I didn't have a lot of opportunities to get to know you. The few times we met in Lagos were a blur because we didn't really spend so much time together.

2019 December, I had the opportunity to come home and spend a few weeks in Nnewi. I could have stayed in Okpuno with my parents but I decided I would stay home with you and mummy and I'm glad I did.

You never missed a chance to tell me "this place is your home, I want you to feel at home" and feel at home I did because we had such a lovely bonding time. When it was time to go back, I almost didn't want to return to Lagos.

When you became ill in 2020, I didn't consider it a burden coming home with my husband and kids to take care of you and I'm glad we did. God answered our prayers and gave you the extra time needed for all of us to show you how much you meant to us.

Daddy, your death was a shock because we felt our time with you was not enough, but God knows best. Rest on in the bossom of our Lord and know that you are greatly missed.

Mrs Gloria Okoye.
July 20, 2021
July 20, 2021
My dear Uncle Tim. You always had a smile for us children (and you were also ready to let us know when we needed to shape up). It is so painful to have lost you. I am ever thankful I got to see you two years ago. It is only at this time that I realise you were quietly a shining example of a great father and husband, a trusted brother and a caring uncle. I miss you. Love always uncle.
July 20, 2021
July 20, 2021
This summer, I was excited to meet with you again to learn more about and make new memories with you. Now I'm left with an overwhelming regret that I had left something so essential for too late.

Our time together was brief. I don't have much to remember you by, but a memory remains forever imprinted in my mind: your smile.
I will never forget how your infectious smile beamed with such a passion for life.

As I remember the countless blessings you ordained on my life, I hope that you know how much of a blessing you were to all of ours.

Rest in perfect peace Grandpa.
Chukwuemeka Nze

July 20, 2021
July 20, 2021
Tim, we really lost a lot when we lost you. Who would tell me all the things that happened before we were born which you gathered from our Uncle and Dad (both serious and funny)?

One came to you to enquire of traditions almost forgotten or not observed and why? You threw light on those matters and one was satisfied.

You were so strong and healthy that one never thought of death where you were concerned. But surprisingly, it happened.

You were so kind hearted, very caring, hardworking, a disciplinarian, a problem solver.

We thank God for giving me the opportunity to spend quality time with you while you lived.

God gave and has taken. May his name be praised.

Eziokwu bu ndu-ka chi fo. Adieu good brother till we meet to part no more.

Sister Beatrice Okoye.
July 20, 2021
July 20, 2021
It was very exciting from beginning to the end. When we first met, I thought you would bounce me instead you gave me a big hug. I thought you will detest my lack of knowledge of native laws and customs instead you embraced and started teaching me. You exposed me to Ibo proverbs. I can never forget our late night stories and the giggling.

I still wander what really went wrong!! Went to hospital, transferred to another hospital and then the news that you had passed on to glory.

Our faith was stretched to the limit expecting a miracle. We prayed and still expecting our Mighty father would intervene. We have accepted HIS verdict. We are comforted because you accepted and preached about the one who has called you to glory.

Today our feeling is that of celebration not mourning. We are not sorrowing, but praising because you finished the race, you finished your course, you received the crown of righteousness which the Lord awards to those who faithfully served Him. Your street evangelism towards the end bears testimony to your glorious exit.
Your title "Ezi okwu bu ndu" earned you a place in the annals of our history as you lived up to it to the very end.

You were a defender of the defenceless. The helper of the helpless. The counselor who speaks from the deep recesses of his mind.

Your dignity was never in question. Your truth was always latent.A man of unquestionable integrity.

My dad, I miss you so much, our noisy laughs, our sincere conversations and candid advise!

To borrow the words of J K Rowling which said "to the well organised mind death is but the next great adventure". And Christopher Holloway had this to say "the life of one who loves is never lost, it's influence goes through all the lives it ever touched"

We rejoice greatly that you had all the qualifications that heaven needs to earn you a place in His presence. Daddy I will always love you. Goodbye we will meet you on the resurrection morning.

Dr. Godfrey Nze (son in-law).
July 20, 2021
July 20, 2021
Tribute to my beloved uncle.

Eziokwubundu....A strong and loving man, a man with strong family values, you were ever laughing, ever gentle, ever truthful, so kind and loving.
I got a call from my aunt concerning your health challenges, we all prayed for you, hoping that you would bounce back, I never knew the appointed time was near, but God knows best and we are consoled that you are at rest and also at peace with your maker because you were indeed a man of peace.

Uncle Tim played a fatherly role in my life.
I spent ten good years of my life living with his wonderful family, all I saw was peace, love and discipline which really made a great impact in my life.
Eziokwubundu was truly a role model, I will miss his genuine smiles and truthfulness.

It's a fact that life on earth is temporal, however it is very devastating to loose a jewel like uncle Tim but I will choose to celebrate and not to mourn you.

You will be forever remembered as a disciplinarian.

Jee nkee oma

July 20, 2021
July 20, 2021
Grandpa I'm so sad you're gone. You are and were so loved. Most of my memories of you are from when I was very young but I can always vividly recall your calmness and quiet but firm guidance. There was so much that I wanted to ask you about yourself and your life and I am regretful that I will not get the opportunity to.

Your memory will live on in our hearts and I'm sure I will continue to hear wonderful stories about the many ways you impacted those around you. I'll always remember your laughter and kind eyes. I hope and will do my best to honour your legacy and make you proud.

Love from your grand daughter,

July 20, 2021
July 20, 2021

To me, my Daddy, as I fondly called him, was the best father anyone could have. By nature, he was a simple man. He lived strongly for the truth, and was always more than ready to stand by it no matter whose ox was gored. Hence his nickname, ‘Ezi Okwu Bu Ndu’ — Truth Is Life. Ever ready to defend the truth, regardless of whatever could be at stake.

He was a very self aware man and this motivated him to accomplish whatever he desired. If I poured my heart out fully to describe all of his admirable traits, there simply wouldn’t be space enough for others to put down their tributes, but it is important that I mention a few of them.

He was a good man, very industrious, hardworking, sacrificial, a disciplinarian, caring, had a good sense of humour, peaceful, intelligent, analytical, and had a deep understanding of his God. Anyone who had a close relationship with him would agree.

He would give out of his possessions to the needy even before checking if what he had was sufficient enough for his family, because he believed that God had blessed him with the strength to work, and that when he did, provisions would be made.

He sacrificed so much to ensure that all six of his children received a quality education. I remember him saying “I will train you all to university level and any other furthering after that, the fees will be borne by you.” He meant it and left no stone unturned in accomplishing that. From my nursery years up until my university days, my Daddy conveyed me to and fro.
Even when I went for my NYSC all the way to Akwa Ibom state, he was still there to convey me to the state. Could anyone have sacrificed this much? So many of my friends knew him, and he was very relatable.

He was always a present parent despite his demanding occupation — transportation. His level of care and sacrificial giving were next to none. Meeting him was an experience to all that did because there was always an important life lesson to learn from him.

He and I had a very special relationship, whenever he needed to let off some steam, gist, laugh or even pick unnecessary quarrels, I was his first point of contact. Once, to his older sister and I, he had said “This is Timothy Okoye in woman form.”

Our thoughts, analysis and opinions were similar more than often. And I also cannot forget his strictness and how he didn’t hesitate to dish out discipline when it was needed.

I will really miss you Daddy, and I’m stuck now wondering who my new laughing, joking and shouting partner will be. I will miss our fun, long, weekly calls.

In his wise way, he knew that his work here on Earth was done and when he had a dream of his homecoming, he shared it with me. He also told me of the few things God had wanted him to do and after doing them, he also informed me. That was when I knew that the journey to the hospital was that of no return, and like he told me to, I braced myself for his return to our maker.

Daddy, your wishes for an immediate burial were carried out. No shaking Daddy, because I know you have gone to where you wished to be after that dream.

Goodbye Daddy, I love you.
From your daughter, Ifeoma Uche Iwuajoku
July 19, 2021
July 19, 2021
The last time we met I was 4,
I wish I had seen you much more.

Whenever we’d talk on the phone speak Igbo, you would say so.

Your death was a shock to hear, but I know not to fear because you are resting with the Lord.

Love from Onyinyechi Nze
July 18, 2021
July 18, 2021
'Ezi okwu bu ndu'
(Truth is Life)
I miss your love, truthfullness and integrity, I miss your discipline, plain and simple opinions. I miss your gentle care and corrective measures. I miss your quiet spirit and laughter when tickled. I miss your Igbo proverbs and analysis of situations. I miss your orderliness and meticulous habits. 

I am so privileged to the first child of such a caring father like you dad, all through my childhood, from Nursery to primary school, you carried me daily to school, you always asked after all that happened in school everyday. I remember the only day you missed coming early to wait for the school to be over to hug and lift me into the car when I was 6years old at Ekulu Primary School Enugu, I walked the streets as if the world was ending. But loo you came through and still made my day. You came by to see me every time you passed Nsukka as you did your Transportation business during my undergraduate days, in fact Bello hall students all knew you and would rush to call me anytime you entered the school gate; I was the envy of most female undergraduate students then in UNN because they saw the so much love you showered me.

Daddy I pulled through in spite of the difficult academic days just to make you happy and proud because you sacrificed so much including your personal pleasures, money, care, love, time and genuine desires to make sure I became a graduate. You modelled me morally, never allowed me wear mini skirts and gowns like other students. You frowned at me the first day you saw me with make-up and looked so disappointed that I decided that day I would never make up again, thanks dad I will keep to the Christian virtues you imparted me with.

You were a noble man. A Hero to all your children, a divine helper to every needy person that had the opportunity to meet you, the best counsellor, and much more.

I really miss your early morning loud bible readings when I come to check you every morning when you stayed in our home at Ibafo. I miss your twinkling eyes when we impress you. 

Daddy what more, my greatest joy is your last few months encounter with your Lord and your confession and evangelism to all that cared to listen to your encounter with Heaven. Thank God you made it to Glory and in the bossom of the Lord indeed, this was my greatest prayer and heart desire for you and God answered me.

As I was in the hospital in Germany waiting for my husband to be discharged, you visited me before giving up the Ghost on that faithful day on the 5th of May and you said "Ngooo Anaba go kwam, kachifo". Thank God for also granting me other revelations to tell me it's time for you to leave this world, I am assured you made it to heaven. I weep as I write this not because I am sad but because I wished I had that my second desire to hold you and watch as you move from this world to heaven.

Bye for now dad, see you!!!
'Ngoo is missing you'
Ngozi Achonwa
July 18, 2021
July 18, 2021
In My opinion, this is the most appropriate title for Daddy Timothy, Chukwulelo, EjImkonye Okoye.

I wish to pour out my thoughts beginning from the appropriateness of his names. Considering his Life styles, his names were prophetic.

Like Timothy in the Bible, his religious convictions were greatly influenced by his mother, he joined the choir from a very young age. Like Timothy who was raised to be committed to truth (the scriptures), he committed his life to truth. Everyone who knew him observed his irrepressible boldness to tell the truth. I had him repeat the same stories several times. Unlike many of us, he always kept to the facts of the stories no matter the number of times he told them. Paul said to Timothy "what I have committed unto you, commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also". Daddy fought hard to transfer to others the concepts from his father, his priests, respected friends and superlative Igbo proverbs. He was fearless in the delivery of concepts that he was convinced about.

The last few months of his life manifested commitments that could be found in the letters of Paul to Timothy. Like study to show yourself approved unto God, being a summary of his amazing commitment to Christian music and to the word of God.  Do the work of an Evangelist, was manifested in the aggressive personal Evangelism he undertook in the last few months of his life.

Be instant in season, out of season, was demonstrated in his recurrent testimonies of God's goodness to him and his family, coupled with witnessing.

Having been a diligent business man, one was amazed at the ease with which he parted with money to satisfy his moral concepts and convictions. He had a child like learning attitude when it came to spiritual things.

The prophetic dimensions of his second name Chukwukelo (In my opinion meaning God's thoughts supersede human thoughts) are amazing.

In several ways he passed through irregular trainings and businesses. The hand of God was evident in his unusual routes in life. God prospered whatever he laid his hands upon. God blessed him, his wife, his children, his in laws and Grand children. None of his mates can truly boost of having accomplished superior achievements on family matters. God in his own ways made him a contented and happy family man.

EJIMKONYE implies I am not  grabbing what belongs to another person's. Daddy was never greedy, never envious, and never oppressive. He believed in and lived a life of fair play, justice and righteousness.  He was a man of integrity. He would rather lend than borrow. He had a lot of faith in divine provisions.

The two weeks we spent with him in the last months of his life has been so memorable that I cannot but mention the glories of it. We retold many old stories, we read and listened to audio bible together with much prayers. God also kindled the fire for evangelism in his heart and bones. We ensured that he obtained the uniform that he saw them wearing in heaven. He visited my wife and myself in Germany at the hour that he went to be with the Lord. We feel the pain of the loss, but rejoice in the gain of the cross. Thank God it is not goodbye; but goodnight, because we will meet again in the morning.    CHARLES ACHONWA
July 18, 2021
July 18, 2021
Tribute to my younger brother Mr. Timothy Chukwukaelo Ejimkonye alias Eziokwu Bu Ndu Okoye.

The indomitable brother, fare thee well. You were a replica of our late father. You never accepted defeat easily. You were strong, brave and daring. You were the one in those good old days who did the tough and hard work of the household and similarly climbed the palm tree to cut ripe palm nuts for our late Mum while your other brother was very afraid. You showed courage and determination in whatever you accepted to do. You were the strong man of the family and kept it up when you had your own family until God called you home in May 2021.

You stood for truthfulness, toughness, hard work, determination to succeed and grew up with these attributes. You also endeavoured to pass these attributes to your children and others you had contact with. You never accepted “I can’t do it” and so you got it tough with those who do not believe that you stoop to conquer. You abhorred laziness and idleness and was able to train and educate your children up to University level and above. You lived a simple and godly life with determination to succeed in life in your endeavours. I thank God that you succeeded though not easy.

May God receive your soul and take care and control of all those you left behind to mourn you. May God wipe away tears from our eyes Amen. Rest in real perfect peace our esteemed brother, father and friend.

Your Sister Pauline U Okonjo (Mrs.)
July 18, 2021
July 18, 2021
I am saddened that on this dreadful day the 5th of May, 2021. You departed this world to join the saints. Daddy, Losing you means losing a super hero but focusing on the good life you lived, all the incredible memories you shared and the amazing father you were to us and others, it helps bring light into my day.

I am privileged, honored and extremely lucky to be your son. A strong, intelligent, dedicated and honest man who led by example and who sacrificed his years doing good for his family and others in need.

You taught me life lessons of what it takes to be a man. You impacted my world with your words, love, generosity, perseverance, and humility. You were everything to us. You did everything for us.

Thank you for all the times you were by our sides to help and support us. Thank you for teaching us by example, the value of hard work, good judgement, courage and integrity. Thank you for carrying other people's burden like it was yours. Daddy, I can't thank you enough for all the sacrifices you made.

The legacy you left behind will forever outlive you. The unity you always bring amongst your family will never be forgotten .

You have left a big void in my life. I will do my best to carry on in your footsteps dad. Your memory will never die in me. You will always be in my thoughts, prayers and in my heart

My solace is the fact that you lived a righteous life. Every moment of your life was like a book on a path towards heavenly bliss and I know you are in a better place and have finally found the purest form of peace. 

I will always love you and miss you dad. Rest in the Lord true soldier till we meet to part no more.

Eziokwu bu ndu! Nna m jee nke oma.


Your loving son
Engr. Chinedu Mmutaka Okoye
July 16, 2021
July 16, 2021
I had a wonderful grandfather,
One who never really grew old;
His smile was made of sunshine,
And his heart was solid gold;
His eyes were as bright as shining stars,
His smile was infectious.
I will always remember
that special smile,
that caring heart,
that warm embrace,
you always gave us.
You being there
for Grandma and us
through good and bad times,
no matter what.
I will always remember
you Grandpa because
there’ll never be another one
to replace you in my heart,
and the love we will always
have for you.
July 16, 2021
July 16, 2021

This is not the plan. I did not plan to write this, at least not this year. I remember our last call, the one where we discussed covid, when you finally accepted, there was a chance, travelers were bringing it home.
We talked about the loss of my mum and there was no indication that this was goodbye.
How do I describe my father in law? I will start with the value he attaches to truth telling. One of our earliest encounters went well, because I was brave enough to admit being inside the house when he arrived.
He welcomed me to the family in an excellent way. In another conversation, he once said to me, oburo k'esi nu, no kesi bi. (not how you marry but how you live) and he added reassuringly na Amawbia etera aka. (a sense of belonging).
He reminded me to join the Nnewi women's meeting and asked my mother in law to make this possible. Yes, he was caring and kind.
He held firm views and was direct with the truth.
He convinced his grandchildren on the value of learning Igbo as a heritage.
There is so much that we will miss.
Migration robbed us of your daily presence in our lives and now we cannot even call. It has not fully sunk in.
2021 has left an indelible mark but in my melancholy, I think of what your response would be and I know that you would ask us to move forward.
We will miss you.
You loved God and we are assured of your peaceful rest.

Adaeze Okoye
July 16, 2021
July 16, 2021

Things happen for a reason, and this is one of them that I find hard to explain. God knows best.
It’s been a difficult time for all of us, not being able to be by your bedside, as we all would have wanted just before you passed on but we were hopeful that you would pull through but God wanted you more.
The solid foundation you laid for us right from start and inculcated hard work, discipline, humility and fear of God in us, is what continues to hold us together and strengthen us.
I have great respect for you, you always worked hard to make sure we had what we needed as a family to live a good life. You did it with joy and the hope you had in us.
I have not always been around to have a heart to heart talk with you, but when we did, I understood and could sense that deep love you had for every one of your children and wanted us to be the best we could.
The level of dedication and discipline, with the help of your committed and loving wife, my mummy, you were able to make sure we had what we needed to grow up as confident adults and aspire to be successful and give back to the community in the best way we could.
You have always been a charitable man, and sometimes at your own expense.
You were a peace maker but also the one that would stand for the truth. Eziokwu bu Ndu.
Daddy I cannot forget how committed you were as a father, during my secondary school days, you made it a duty to drive almost 7 hours every term to Wukari from Enugu, to ensure I was safely back to school and not only that, you also visited during the half term to ensure I was well. Good old days.
I cannot forget the day I felt I had disappointed you as a teenager and deserved punishment, but I was shocked and at the same time encouraged that all you did was to seat me down in a quiet room and talked to me like a loving father would to a son. I recall that it was a revelation to me that words of wisdom and a loving heart is much more than a thousand instruction and a hundred whips. That is a precept that guides me, even today.
I also remember the day I stood to collect my medical graduation certificate and the embrace and loving kiss you gave me on the cheek. I never knew you could be emotional. The many sides of my hero.
I will miss your words of wisdom, your proverbs and idioms.
Daddy, I know there were things you wanted done and other things you wished could have been done better, but deep in my heart, you will always be a great dad and a loving father. You did your very best and your best was good enough. I am proud to be your son and to carry on the mantle.
Rest in peace with the Lord, daddy. Adieu.

Obiora Okoye
July 16, 2021
July 16, 2021
Eziokwu bu's a painful exit but God knows the best.I have known you as a man of truth and peace.
You will find the same peace where ever you are.your counsel and advise often has made a dramatic change in my life. Thank you for everything and you will always be remembered..Go well God is with you

Okey Okoye
July 16, 2021
July 16, 2021
Grandpa, though I didn't know you well, I will never forget your smile. I regret not being able to see you more but I am grateful to God that I still have memories of you. Your death has not shattered me as much because I know you are enjoying the fullness of Joy with our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. But maybe it will hurt more in the future knowing that I won't have a chance to get to know you more now that I am old enough. Nevertheless, you will be missed dearly. I was so encouraged when my mum told me that you were preaching repentance and Jesus before you died and that you died in Christ, it doesn't make your loss any easier on anyone but it definitely means there is hope. Your last days on this earth were not the easiest and I wish I was able to see you again but I will one day in eternity when all is made new and we can both rejoice together in Christ.
RIP Grandpa, from your grand daughter Uchechi Nze
July 15, 2021
July 15, 2021
Last summer, we spent the most time we’d ever had together, albeit between shuffling through different hospitals and squabbles to take your medicine. The most humorous moment being you padlocking the house gates and making me late for work because you were insistent on heading back to Nnewi with immediate effect.

Lagos isn’t really the most ideal place for a breath of fresh air, we both agreed on that.

In one of our few conversations that weren’t centered around your health, you said something that I found rather profound and slightly terrifying at the same time.

“Once a man lives up to 70, he has tried and can finally die. So, all other time spent after 70 is just an extra blessing.”

I wasn’t too keen on the probability of expiring at 70, but I guess such an epiphany can only be realised with old age and mature wisdom.

But I do certainly hope that you got to fully enjoy your twelve extra blessings, though the entire family might echo uniformly that you did, but I hope that deep down, you truly did.

Though we spent a few moments together, I still got to witness firsthand your wisdom and charming wit. And I will definitely look back to the funny conversations we had about soup, reckless Lagos drivers, life in Enugu, and our shared love for Ford cars with great fondness.

Whenever I see a Ford car drive past, I will smile on your behalf and nod my head in approval. And when I see a Honda drive past, I will click my tongue and flare my nostrils in disapproval with an added scoff for emphasis (once again, on your behalf), because we both agreed that Honda drivers, are bad drivers.

The last tease I remember you made at me was, “Ifunanya, you still can’t speak Igbo.” in the usual playful tone you always did which never made it feel like much of the jab that it was supposed to be. Well, Grandpa, it’s been a year since that tease, and I still cannot speak Igbo.

But, nevertheless, ka chifoo.
Ifunanya Iwuajoku.
July 15, 2021
July 15, 2021
Papa Enugu As I liked to call you, I didn't have the privilege of spending so much time with you. The news of your death came to me as a hit because it brought back vivid memories of your awesome personality.
I always loved coming to Enugu, because even in such great quietness, your love was felt truly. There are no moments spent with you that I regret or want to reverse but I will cherish them.

You were a great man and I would never forget your warm smiles and correction in love. How I wish I got the opportunity to tell you how amazing you are, but my joy rests in knowing you are in a peaceful place.

You will always be remembered Papa Enugu.
July 15, 2021
July 15, 2021
I wish that I could just sit beside you one more time,
Feel the way you would hold my hand so tight and secure and pray for me.

When I heard the terrible news it seemed like my heart fell and crash landed on the floor.

Now I can’t see you, can’t feel you or hear you,
But I know I will never stop loving you as you live in my heart through memories.

I’m proud to be your grandson, and I hope you’re proud of me too.

Love, Joshua
July 14, 2021
July 14, 2021
My heart sank when I heard about your demise grandpa.
Whenever I think of you, the first thing I remember is your strength bravery and courage. Your impact and blessings on me can never be forgotten. You were a man of integrity, diligence and very disciplined.
I remember the last moments I spent with you. I loved as I listened to you talk about Jesus Christ in Igbo language. It was so gracious. I have peace in my heart knowing you are in a better place.
Adieu grandpa
July 13, 2021
Just a glance at a picture and a drive down memory lane of you seem though all I heard are false, I'm bittered to know it's fact. But here, the inevitable death has taken hold of a counselor and a groomer.
At the passage of time, his wonderful character seems to evolve in my eyes, especially as a truth-loving father who was sensitive even to the tiniest change in character and desires. To society, he was more than just a sincere and honest father without discrimination. Daddy was just a definition of a man characterized with the integration of straightforwardness and his well-meaning personality earned him the utmost regard in society. His bold and consistent counseling filled with affection has touched me deeply; remolding and reshaping the developmental years of my life without curbing out inherent inclination. His love and corrections took a bold and wide vacuum in me and which has kept me going.
Daddy, you will forever be remembered for your good deed to everyone

Rest in Peace EZIOKWU BU NDU
July 12, 2021
July 12, 2021
I will always miss his frankness and positive assertiveness. Ezi Okwu Bu Ndu as he was otherwise known is a perfect name that reflects his person.
As a young man armed with a vision and passion for success, he gave me a major leap when against perceived odds, he expressly gave his blessing when I requested for his daughter’s hand in marriage. The counsel I got that day and subsequently remains profound and ever fresh.
He played a father role after my father went to be with the Lord and that occupies a pride of place in my heart.
He was an embodiment of vision, drive and execution and above all, God fearing.
Rest on in the bosom of the Lord.
John Iwuajoku
July 10, 2021
May The Lord Almighty Comfort The Family and Give Everyone The Strength Needed. GOD BLESS.

July 10, 2021
July 10, 2021
Farewell Papa. We shall meet on resurrection day where we shall part no more. U lived a good life to be emulated. Our good father in law with a difference. Adieu!
July 6, 2021
July 6, 2021
I was shocked and broken to hear about ‘Grandpa Enugu passing. Nevertheless, I’m comforted to know you are in a better place. Also, our conversations were interesting especially because he always listened and made insightful contributions. Your memory will forever warm my heart till we meet again.
July 5, 2021
July 5, 2021
To my loving and caring father in law Eziokwu bu ndu, your love was an indication of my over all marital happiness i did not know how sweet you were until my children and I started spending time with you during holidays, you showed me how grateful you are to have me as your daughter in law. Daddy I already miss the way you smile, hug and call my son's name with so much love Chukwuemeka m I feel peace, loved whenever you call him that name it means a lot to me. i already miss your jokes and stories.
How sad to loose you now that am getting to know and love you more. So Will I ever hear that voice that calls my son Chukwuemeka m.
Eziokwu bu ndu you lived an honourable life worthy of emulation

I am already missing your smile and intergrity!! You will forever be remembered!!!! Your legacy will be lived!!!!! Rest in perfect peace dearest father in law.
Ogechi okoye
July 5, 2021
July 5, 2021
Papa anyi, though I was not opportuned to meet you but lucky enough to have met your look alike darling daughter, Uche through whom I can see clearly the stuff you were made of, obviously you've got a heart of gold.
Though the tribute of your dear wife made my eyes teary but consoled by the fact that you live on in the hearts of your loved ones.
You left the stage when the ovation was at its loudest hence; the reason I am joining others to celebrate the glorious exit of a 'gallant soldier' in his own right who came, saw and conquered!
May the Lord uphold your family.

More to say but less to write, Papa, ga nke oma!
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May 5
May 5
Daddy, I thought it would be easier by now, but I still miss you so much. I know you are resting but my heart still aches... I still miss you so so much, many times seltill I want to call you amd share news and just long to hear your voice and laughter. ❤️
March 9
March 9
Rest on Dad, I’m forever grateful to God for the salvation of your soul. I’m happy you are in heaven and will see you one day. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
March 9
March 9
You would have been 85 today Daddy. I still miss you so so much, and I still tear up, but still I lean on the knowledge that ypu are resting, away for a time, then we will meet again. I love you forever.
His Life

Education and Career

July 27, 2021
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His childhood was full of adventure and good memories. The family lived in several cities in the Northern part of Nigeria where his father worked with the Nigerian Railway Corporation. In 1942, he lived in Kafanchan; moving to Minna in 1943 and then to Kurra in 1944, where he began his kindergarten education in nearby Jos. He had lovely memories of life as a child in Northern Nigeria, in those days. He used to tell the story with a grin.
The family moved to Nnewi from the north and in 1945 he began his primary school education at the Elementary Central School, Nkwo. He attended this school between 1945 and 1956 where he played a prominent role in the choir which sang regularly at St Stephens Anglican Church Nnewi, showing an early special interest in the things of God as a child.
In 1956 he began his secondary school education at the famous Okongwu Memorial Grammar School where he continued till 1958. In 1959, discovering a talent and skill for cars and vehicles; he opted for a technical training education and completed this in 1962.
He then set up his own automobile repair business upon completion in 1962 in the bustling city of Port Harcourt whilst managing his father’s property estate.
In 1968, the young family returned to Nnewi because of the civil war where he joined the Research and Production (RAP) unit Ozubulu; which was then stationed at Zikson Grammar School, working in the car production division.
With the war’s end in 1970, he moved to Enugu with his young family (now blessed with 2 daughters) and began a new business in the transport industry.  He had a fleet of taxis providing useful needed commuting services. He also continued business in the car workshop as a technician and employer until 1977.
1977 marked a turning point in his life, when he gave up his job and business as a motor vehicle technician on medical advice and moved into a new business environment, within the Airport Industry. He began a car hire service at the Enugu Airport, an occupation which he enjoyed till he retired. He was blessed and due to his hard work and need to help others, he grew in the business and became an employer while also involved in management within the workforce.
While at the Airport, he held several positions within the union, most notably as Chairman and Assistant Chairman for several years.
He semi-retired at the age of 70 retaining his drivers and vehicles before fully retiring a couple of years after that. He settled down in Enugu attending various community meetings to contribute to community development and enjoyed his early morning Sunday devotion at the Cathedral of Good shepherd.
Having been a very active, very busy and hardworking man juggling work, family and various community activities, he found retirement difficult to handle after a few years while remaining in the same environment and he started yearning to return to his hometown where he could be with his siblings and kindred to make further useful contributions. 
He was very happy to return to the village and he shared this with everyone who cared to listen - we know it lived up to his expectation. His desire had always been to return to the village after his 70th birthday. He used to say that 70 was a good landmark which he really wanted to celebrate, and every year afterward was extra blessing. 
It was great to have celebrated your 70th birthday.


July 20, 2021
Timothy Chukwukaelo Ejimkonye Okoye was born to Mr. Timothy Chukwukaelo Ejimkonye Okoye and Mrs Bertha Okoye (nee Azubuike) on the 9th of March 1939 at the Ikeokwu Maternity Hospital Port Harcourt. He was the 7th child, 4th son of his parents; lovingly named after his father perhaps because Papa as he was fondly called saw himself in him.

Marriage and Family

July 27, 2021
He met Miss Regina Nzom in 1966 and after a period of courtship and Regina’s training at the Domestic Centre Onitsha, they were married in April 1967 at the St Cyprians Church, Port Harcourt. 
His wife Mrs Regina Uchenna Okoye was the gentle and powerful force behind him throughout their 54 years of marriage.  She ensured that no stone was left un-turned in ensuring that their vision for their children and family was fulfilled. 
Daddy was a devoted family man who strongly believed in the education of the young child. Together with his wife, they ensured all their children were educated at least to University level, with most of them completing master’s degrees and still pursuing further education. Daddy would tell us if we did not study we would end up being petty (manual) workers struggling to make ends meet.
He is blessed with a lovely wife, six children, and many grandchildren.
His first daughter, Mrs. Ngozi Achonwa has a master’s degree with Distinction in Educational Administration from the university of Lagos. She also holds professional certificates in Childhood education and entrepreneurial studies. She is the Proprietress of one of the Leading Government Approved  Primary and Secondary school in Ibafo Ogun State.  She is also the Founder and Chief Executive officer of the very influential Facebook page for Middle aged Men and Women "Aging with Grace" with over thirty thousand Fans and Followers. She is married to Pastor Charles Achonwa who is one of the Leading Pentecostal Ministers in Nigeria and the Visitor of the Impact Institute, they are both the Founders of Doulos Ministries.
 Mrs. Chinwe Nze is the second daughter, she holds a master’s Degree and a Computer Science degree as well as IT professional qualifications. She is a Manager of IT in the financial services sector and is married to Dr. Godfrey Nze a Business and Financial Consultant/entrepreneur as well as a Pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God.
 Mrs. Ifeoma Iwuajoku the third daughter holds a Master’s degree in business administration and is a Chartered Banker working in one of the biggest banks in Nigeria and is married to Mr. John Iwuajoku who is the Managing director of a prominent health maintenance organization in Lagos.
 His first son Dr. Obiora Okoye is a Principal Medical Doctor and is also a Trainer of junior doctors. He is married to Barrister(Dr) Adaeze Okoye a principal (associate professor) University lecturer and also a visiting professor in Coal city University.
 His Second son Engr. Chinedu Mmutaka Okoye  is an Electrical Engineer. He is a player in the house finishing and furnishing industry in Nigeria and diaspora. He is married to Mrs Ogechi Okoye a public servant and a player in the pastry industry with the brand name Bracha's Cake n treat Nig. Ltd.
 His third son Mr. Kenechukwu Okoye holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration and is a businessman, married to Barrister Gloria Okoye, a Human Resource Manager and Company Secretary in a leading company. 

Recent stories

My teacher, supporter

July 17, 2021
I remember when I was in nursery school and Daddy was driving me home from school, the street vendors in traffic had carrots for sale and I excitedly asked for "callot". You said you would only buy if I was able to pronounce it correctly. That was my first phonics lesson. You told me to start with the rrrr first and guided me through it patiently until I said carrot! And you bought it and did it taste good! I learnt from that early age that if I worked hard at it I could accomplish. 

I remember the day we had the entrance exams and interview for Federal schools. I was ill with a fever but did not want to miss out, you encouraged me and stayed at the venue the whole time so you could take me home if I felt I could not cope. When I was able to finish you took me home and let me miss after school lessons to rest and recover. That stuck with me. So many stories of you always being there.

When we chose Gboko as secondary school option, it was with great thought to location, distance, performance and recommendation you sought. That taught me to not be shy to analyse and investigate before taking major decisions.

Throughout secondary school you were just a letter or phone call away. When I had health concerns I wrote you not minding you were a man, now I think of it I wonder how awkward it must have been reading some of my letters! 

You drove many many long hours to drop me off at Gboko, visiting multiple times and making the unplanned trips when I broke my glasses, forgot my box of books at home whilst taking the box of provisions(), just to ensure I was okay. I enjoyed the very long journeys especially when it was just the two of us, you were able to drive so carefully and fast and smooth while holding deep conversations!  You taught me what a mirage was on those long stretches of road, talked about growing up and your Dad, our Grandpa Okoye guard. Wonderful memories I will always cherish.

I remember your pride and sparkling eyes when you took me to collect my WAEC result. You offered to take my friends too so we did not go in an empty car ensuring they were all dropped off home. 

Can I forget your many journeys to Nsukka, sometimes first thing on a Sunday morning while I was sleeping off the morning after the Saturday night party, just to drop pocket money off and head back to Enugu - my friends always marvelled.

My Darling

July 4, 2021
 What is this you have done to me? Where have you gone? Why have you left me and the children at this time? This is the period for us to enjoy the fruit of our labour, now I am left to gather and nurture at this bad time. Words cannot describe how much I miss you.

I am inconsolable. My emotions all over the place.

When you were in the hospital you kept saying  my darling let us go home I don’t want to be in the hospital again. I always said you should get better so you can come home and finish the obi you were building, and you said to forget the obi. I never thought it would be this way, that you would not come home.

All your children did their best possible to see that you got well, that you came through providing whatever was requested. I tried my possible best to see that you came home. What more could we have done? We submit to the will of God. We cannot question God.

I miss you dearly but know that you are in a better place. Rest well my darling.

Your darling wife, Mrs. Reggy Okoye

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