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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Timothy Chukwukaelo Ejimkonye OKOYE (Eziokwu Bu Ndu), 82 years old, born on March 9, 1939 and passed away on May 5, 2021. We will remember him forever.
We miss you dearly Daddy and are all still struggling to come to terms with your departure as we lean on the everlasting hope that we will meet again to part no more.
July 4, 2021
July 4, 2021
My darling husband, my love, my friend, my helper, joy, happiness, my story maker and storyteller. My gister and my defender. I still find it hard to control my mind and the tears rolling down my cheek everyday I remember you are no more. I would never know that I would go to the Teaching Hospital Nnewi with all the efforts for you to be well. I never knew that I would not come back home with you. I never believed it will get to this. God in his infinite wisdom knows why it happened. All I can say is “IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL”.
After all we went through together in life, I thought we will now relax and reap the fruits of our children and our toiling to the glory of God. I never knew it will be like this. God’s ways are never our ways as He knows better.
Ezigbo dim, although I mourn your demise, I am thankful to our good Lord because I know you are in His bosom. I thank God for your faith in Jesus Christ. You lived a life of sacrifice, you preached, you evangelized your whole village. You touched many people’s lives; you are supportive in all angles. You are a strong man always determined, brave and you will always fight for what you believe in. You always stood for the truth in your gentle style and fight for the truth not minding whose ox is gored, hence your name “EZIOKWU BU NDU”.

Your late lovely father gave you all his name in his full name T.C.E.O that is great and proud for you. In 1st Timothy 1:2 and 2nd Timothy 1:2 praphrased - "to Timothy my dearly beloved son, faith, grace, mercy and peace from God our Father and Christ Jesus our Lord". Indeed, you are faithful, graceful, merciful, and peaceful from God our Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.
You are a wonderful husband with a wonderful wife and wonderful lovely children. I am grateful to God for the days the months, the years we spent together were glorious with peace, understanding, love, tolerance, patience etc. is the answer. I thank the Almighty God for how we toiled together and our prayer to see that our wonderful children and others acquired the best education there is. You laboured for their present and future and with God their heart desires were possible for them.
I appreciate God for giving us such wonderful and caring godly children. Thank God for our lovely and godly sons in law, the minsters of God they are so loved, and they are taking good care of us and others. I am also grateful to God for our beautiful, lovely, and caring daughters in law and our sweet grandchildren. May the Lord continue to lift them higher and higher forever. They are missing you, your gist, story maker and teller, your funny cartoon and smiling to them.
Thank God for your brothers and sisters they so loved you and they took good care of you. They are missing you and your love for them. The leaders and members of St. Stephens Church are missing you.
I will miss you terribly my darling! I take consolation in what St Paul said in 2nd Timothy 4 verse 7-8 : You fought a good fight, you have finished your course, you kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for you a crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge shall give you on that day.
Ezigbo dim oma, I love you, but God loves you best. You are already with your creator. I am only consoled with the fact that I will meet you in heaven on the last day.
Adieu my darling, adieu Eziokwu Bu Ndu, till we meet to part no more.
Your beloved wife. Blessed Reggy Uche Okoye.
July 4, 2021
July 4, 2021
I miss you so so much Daddy, I love you so so much, I am struggling to come to terms with the fact that I will no longer hear you call me Chii with so much affection. No one else can fill your space… I have put off writing anything since that day, still so vivid in my mind. I remember my conversation in prayer with the Lord, begging to meet you alive, to say goodbye and even be with you as you transitioned… I realized that evening that it was not to be, I remember letting go and asking God for His will to be done. I knew you had gone before I got the phone call – it did not make hearing the confirmation any easier.

Daddy… I know very well your time had come, I know you were ready, I know you were not afraid as you knew where you were golng to… It helps but it still hurts so much…

We planned to come and sit with you, to hear your stories, to laugh and see your twinkling eyes – your “hidden” expression of pride in us. 

You were and still are my super hero. I loved you so much Daddy, I still can't believe you are gone. I have so many precious memories... I wanted to make so many more especially with your grandchildren, my children who did not have the opportunity to know you well living so far away. I told them so much about you, so often that they were really looking forward to our planned trip for summer 2020, but Covid struck and cancelled our trip.

You modelled truth, integrity, hard work, community, love for peace, love for the less privileged, love for education (you opted out voluntarily but promoted it for every child – you drummed the importance of education into us from early on), accountability, discipline, humility, culture and tradition… to name a few. You left a huge void Daddy, like a part of me has been torn off….

This reality is hard to accept, I am trying because I know you would want me to move on, to remember the fond memories, your sacrifices too numerous to name, your labour of love, your forthrightness, your commitment to good and God.

Rest on my handsome, genuinely loving Daddy... till we meet again in glory where there will be no more pain, sorrow, grief, pain and illness, where we will behold the beauty and glory of God.
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May 5
May 5
Daddy, I thought it would be easier by now, but I still miss you so much. I know you are resting but my heart still aches... I still miss you so so much, many times seltill I want to call you amd share news and just long to hear your voice and laughter. ❤️
March 9
March 9
Rest on Dad, I’m forever grateful to God for the salvation of your soul. I’m happy you are in heaven and will see you one day. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
March 9
March 9
You would have been 85 today Daddy. I still miss you so so much, and I still tear up, but still I lean on the knowledge that ypu are resting, away for a time, then we will meet again. I love you forever.
His Life

Education and Career

July 27, 2021
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His childhood was full of adventure and good memories. The family lived in several cities in the Northern part of Nigeria where his father worked with the Nigerian Railway Corporation. In 1942, he lived in Kafanchan; moving to Minna in 1943 and then to Kurra in 1944, where he began his kindergarten education in nearby Jos. He had lovely memories of life as a child in Northern Nigeria, in those days. He used to tell the story with a grin.
The family moved to Nnewi from the north and in 1945 he began his primary school education at the Elementary Central School, Nkwo. He attended this school between 1945 and 1956 where he played a prominent role in the choir which sang regularly at St Stephens Anglican Church Nnewi, showing an early special interest in the things of God as a child.
In 1956 he began his secondary school education at the famous Okongwu Memorial Grammar School where he continued till 1958. In 1959, discovering a talent and skill for cars and vehicles; he opted for a technical training education and completed this in 1962.
He then set up his own automobile repair business upon completion in 1962 in the bustling city of Port Harcourt whilst managing his father’s property estate.
In 1968, the young family returned to Nnewi because of the civil war where he joined the Research and Production (RAP) unit Ozubulu; which was then stationed at Zikson Grammar School, working in the car production division.
With the war’s end in 1970, he moved to Enugu with his young family (now blessed with 2 daughters) and began a new business in the transport industry.  He had a fleet of taxis providing useful needed commuting services. He also continued business in the car workshop as a technician and employer until 1977.
1977 marked a turning point in his life, when he gave up his job and business as a motor vehicle technician on medical advice and moved into a new business environment, within the Airport Industry. He began a car hire service at the Enugu Airport, an occupation which he enjoyed till he retired. He was blessed and due to his hard work and need to help others, he grew in the business and became an employer while also involved in management within the workforce.
While at the Airport, he held several positions within the union, most notably as Chairman and Assistant Chairman for several years.
He semi-retired at the age of 70 retaining his drivers and vehicles before fully retiring a couple of years after that. He settled down in Enugu attending various community meetings to contribute to community development and enjoyed his early morning Sunday devotion at the Cathedral of Good shepherd.
Having been a very active, very busy and hardworking man juggling work, family and various community activities, he found retirement difficult to handle after a few years while remaining in the same environment and he started yearning to return to his hometown where he could be with his siblings and kindred to make further useful contributions. 
He was very happy to return to the village and he shared this with everyone who cared to listen - we know it lived up to his expectation. His desire had always been to return to the village after his 70th birthday. He used to say that 70 was a good landmark which he really wanted to celebrate, and every year afterward was extra blessing. 
It was great to have celebrated your 70th birthday.


July 20, 2021
Timothy Chukwukaelo Ejimkonye Okoye was born to Mr. Timothy Chukwukaelo Ejimkonye Okoye and Mrs Bertha Okoye (nee Azubuike) on the 9th of March 1939 at the Ikeokwu Maternity Hospital Port Harcourt. He was the 7th child, 4th son of his parents; lovingly named after his father perhaps because Papa as he was fondly called saw himself in him.

Marriage and Family

July 27, 2021
He met Miss Regina Nzom in 1966 and after a period of courtship and Regina’s training at the Domestic Centre Onitsha, they were married in April 1967 at the St Cyprians Church, Port Harcourt. 
His wife Mrs Regina Uchenna Okoye was the gentle and powerful force behind him throughout their 54 years of marriage.  She ensured that no stone was left un-turned in ensuring that their vision for their children and family was fulfilled. 
Daddy was a devoted family man who strongly believed in the education of the young child. Together with his wife, they ensured all their children were educated at least to University level, with most of them completing master’s degrees and still pursuing further education. Daddy would tell us if we did not study we would end up being petty (manual) workers struggling to make ends meet.
He is blessed with a lovely wife, six children, and many grandchildren.
His first daughter, Mrs. Ngozi Achonwa has a master’s degree with Distinction in Educational Administration from the university of Lagos. She also holds professional certificates in Childhood education and entrepreneurial studies. She is the Proprietress of one of the Leading Government Approved  Primary and Secondary school in Ibafo Ogun State.  She is also the Founder and Chief Executive officer of the very influential Facebook page for Middle aged Men and Women "Aging with Grace" with over thirty thousand Fans and Followers. She is married to Pastor Charles Achonwa who is one of the Leading Pentecostal Ministers in Nigeria and the Visitor of the Impact Institute, they are both the Founders of Doulos Ministries.
 Mrs. Chinwe Nze is the second daughter, she holds a master’s Degree and a Computer Science degree as well as IT professional qualifications. She is a Manager of IT in the financial services sector and is married to Dr. Godfrey Nze a Business and Financial Consultant/entrepreneur as well as a Pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God.
 Mrs. Ifeoma Iwuajoku the third daughter holds a Master’s degree in business administration and is a Chartered Banker working in one of the biggest banks in Nigeria and is married to Mr. John Iwuajoku who is the Managing director of a prominent health maintenance organization in Lagos.
 His first son Dr. Obiora Okoye is a Principal Medical Doctor and is also a Trainer of junior doctors. He is married to Barrister(Dr) Adaeze Okoye a principal (associate professor) University lecturer and also a visiting professor in Coal city University.
 His Second son Engr. Chinedu Mmutaka Okoye  is an Electrical Engineer. He is a player in the house finishing and furnishing industry in Nigeria and diaspora. He is married to Mrs Ogechi Okoye a public servant and a player in the pastry industry with the brand name Bracha's Cake n treat Nig. Ltd.
 His third son Mr. Kenechukwu Okoye holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration and is a businessman, married to Barrister Gloria Okoye, a Human Resource Manager and Company Secretary in a leading company. 

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My teacher, supporter

July 17, 2021
I remember when I was in nursery school and Daddy was driving me home from school, the street vendors in traffic had carrots for sale and I excitedly asked for "callot". You said you would only buy if I was able to pronounce it correctly. That was my first phonics lesson. You told me to start with the rrrr first and guided me through it patiently until I said carrot! And you bought it and did it taste good! I learnt from that early age that if I worked hard at it I could accomplish. 

I remember the day we had the entrance exams and interview for Federal schools. I was ill with a fever but did not want to miss out, you encouraged me and stayed at the venue the whole time so you could take me home if I felt I could not cope. When I was able to finish you took me home and let me miss after school lessons to rest and recover. That stuck with me. So many stories of you always being there.

When we chose Gboko as secondary school option, it was with great thought to location, distance, performance and recommendation you sought. That taught me to not be shy to analyse and investigate before taking major decisions.

Throughout secondary school you were just a letter or phone call away. When I had health concerns I wrote you not minding you were a man, now I think of it I wonder how awkward it must have been reading some of my letters! 

You drove many many long hours to drop me off at Gboko, visiting multiple times and making the unplanned trips when I broke my glasses, forgot my box of books at home whilst taking the box of provisions(), just to ensure I was okay. I enjoyed the very long journeys especially when it was just the two of us, you were able to drive so carefully and fast and smooth while holding deep conversations!  You taught me what a mirage was on those long stretches of road, talked about growing up and your Dad, our Grandpa Okoye guard. Wonderful memories I will always cherish.

I remember your pride and sparkling eyes when you took me to collect my WAEC result. You offered to take my friends too so we did not go in an empty car ensuring they were all dropped off home. 

Can I forget your many journeys to Nsukka, sometimes first thing on a Sunday morning while I was sleeping off the morning after the Saturday night party, just to drop pocket money off and head back to Enugu - my friends always marvelled.

My Darling

July 4, 2021
 What is this you have done to me? Where have you gone? Why have you left me and the children at this time? This is the period for us to enjoy the fruit of our labour, now I am left to gather and nurture at this bad time. Words cannot describe how much I miss you.

I am inconsolable. My emotions all over the place.

When you were in the hospital you kept saying  my darling let us go home I don’t want to be in the hospital again. I always said you should get better so you can come home and finish the obi you were building, and you said to forget the obi. I never thought it would be this way, that you would not come home.

All your children did their best possible to see that you got well, that you came through providing whatever was requested. I tried my possible best to see that you came home. What more could we have done? We submit to the will of God. We cannot question God.

I miss you dearly but know that you are in a better place. Rest well my darling.

Your darling wife, Mrs. Reggy Okoye

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