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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Oluwafeyikemi, 7 years old, born on April 1, 2015, and passed away on June 23, 2022. We will remember her forever.
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
It feels surreal to be writing this and to be writing about you in the past tense Feyi. You were such a joy to watch and read about hun. You brightened our days and I'm so grateful that your lovely mummy was kind to share you with us. Your passing hurts so much considering I never actually met you that I can't imagine your family's pain. I'm heartbroken for your mummy and Feranmi but I'm thankful that they have God and are in the company of supportive friends and family. You and your mum taught us about love and being cheerful in the face of difficulties. Glad to have experienced you, even if only for a short time. Rest well angel ❤

June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
Oluwafeyikemi, i felt like i was a part of your family with the way i saw your mum post pictures and videos of you. You were a gem, you were a force and you were an angel. You made us laugh and you gave us hope. You were deeply loved and for that, i am grateful. Keep resting in the bosom of the Lord, Deola's angel. ❤️❤️❤️
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
You were such a bubbly soul who showed love to everyone around you. Your videos were always a delight to see. Thank you for bringing your family so much joy in the midst of everything. It was just a few days ago that your hair was giving!! God rest your soul little angel and grant your mum, sister and loved ones comfort. Sleep well Feyikemi ♥️♥️
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
Feyikemi was such a bright light. She
brought so much joy to so many by just being
herself. She was loved from near and far, and will
always be. I am Grateful that we got to witness
her on earth and incredibly sad that she's no
longer physically present with us.
Deola - I am so sorry for your loss and I pray that
you keep finding a way to push through. I'll be
praying for you and your family.
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
Dear Angel Oluwafeyikemi

You were love, you were loved.
God knew and he gave you to Adeola an exceptional mother

Adeola, Thank you for sharing your story, Thank you for giving Feyikemi the best of everything. Deola you're the best.

We love Feyikemi and even though my heart is completely broken , I'm comforted that Feyikemi is Resting where there's no more pain, Feyikemi was Love.

Sending you and the family lots of love at this time
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
You brought joy not only to your family but your online family and I am honoured to have been a part of your online auntie.
I lived for your bullying towards shomo, the laughs, the fashion and your smile.
You're a fighter Feyi but God knows best
I will miss your smile on temi story
Thank you for sharing your time with us
Rest in Perfect Peace my love 

Heaven couldn't wait for you ❤
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
Feyi darling ♥  
You were an angel on earth cus you made us all smile whenever we saw your pics and videos. I'm glad your short stay on earth was filled with love cus you had the best mom anyone could ever ask for. A mum that showed you love and graciously shared you with us all. Thank you Deola for sharing Feyi with us.
Feyi, I know the heavens are rejoicing cus they now get to have a taste of your love like you gave us. Your bubbly smiles and chubby cheeks will forever be ingrained in the hearts of all who love you and help us bear your painful transition.
Rest well darling and Fluffy bear hugs from me to you  
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022

You were the full expression of God's love. Your smile can never be forgotten. You blew kisses and lit up the world around you. Your bubbly personality, your cute scowl, your gorgeous curls...

I'm grateful to your mom for sharing of you so freely. I feel so sorry for everyone who didn't get to experience you.

You are with your Heavenly Father now and you are solely missed. Please watch over your Mommy, Aunty Temi, Feranmi and Grandma.

Love you baby.
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
Feyi my baby, a big bundle of joy. Meeting you was one of the highlights of my year. Thank you for making me smile Feyi. I’ll always appreciate the time we shared. I’ll forever cherish the pictures and videos we have together. I pray for your family that God comforts and strengthens them. For you Feyi, keep being you in Heaven, disturb all those angels my dear, I trust you. I’ll always miss you ♥️
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022

I'll always see you in church with Mummy and Feranmi and you were always smiling and jumping about, so full of life and energy, also following your life on Temi's status with the kisses and love.

Rest with the Lord, angel Feyi, you'll be loved and missed.
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022

I'll always see you in church with Mummy and Feranmi and you were always smiling and jumping about, so full of life and energy, also following your life on Temi's status with the kisses and love.

Rest with the Lord, angel Feyi, you'll be loved and missed.
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
Feyikemi my President, you were such a light, a bright shining light, showing us how to live no matter what, I thank God your mum share you with us everyday, I always looked forward to videos of you disturbing her and eating all her food, and when you blew a kiss, my heart always melted, I’ve cried a lot in the last few days on the unfairness of it all, but I am sooo glad I got to know you even for this short time, please send your mum and Feranmi and your aunty daily hugs and kisses, I’m sure they miss you even more. Love you baby girl
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
Dear Feyikemi
You are and will always be a beautiful bright light. I’ll remember your beautiful smiles that your mum gracefully share with us. May you continue to rest with the angels. You’re absolutely one of them now
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
Feyi was beautiful, she had a mind of her own, she would insist she wasn’t having it and that was it! I remember one time when she was done with a session by herself, because that was it! She was just done! No contest! She asked she be taken downstairs immediately, then she would demand in that cute way of hers, that she wants to go through a neighbor’s door to see so and so person! God help you if you didn’t explain to her why she couldn’t!

She made me look forward to sessions with her because each one was a beautiful reveal of Feyi.

She taught us how to love without expectations. She was a force, and her smile was so beautiful!

I pray God comforts your mom, your sister, your aunt, your grandmother and everyone who experienced this beautiful soul that was Feyi.

Rest well beautiful one.

Good night.
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
Feyikemi, you were such a light. I remember you pulling off my wig whenever I came to your house, so I knew I always had to have neat hair.

I remember you playing in front of the mirror in your house whenever we stood there to do any work.

I pray for comfort for your mum, your sister, your grandma, your aunty and uncle and everyone that loved you.

Rest well, Feyikemi.
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
Feyi My Fave!!!

I fell in love with you over the Internet. Your sweet smile and dancing eyes… I always looked forward to seeing you on my timeline.. blowing kisses or chopping life!!.I never met you in person but I knew you and that is a gift enough.. You will be dearly missed my fave…
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
Feyikemi was such a light. She was the kindest and sweetest baby girl. She made us so happy and we thank God we were able to experience her. Always ready to share and give a warm hug or a kiss. You will surely be missed baby girl.❤️
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
I never met Deola or Feyi in person but I enjoyed watching Feyi and her numerous antics and prayed along when Deola would share some of her / their journey.

I loved how Feyikemi loved her food and how Deola used to say her money can never waste. I loved the way she kissed her mum and was so affectionate to little babies. I was sad to see her hair go in the course of her treatment and used to laugh when Deola would tease her cute bald head, so naturally I was so, so pleased to see her curly hair when it began to grow back.

Feyi was a bundle of joy. She was loved and knew love. Deola loved her so openly and so genuinely and we all fell in love with her too.

Rest in peace, little one. No more pain.

June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
I still can't find the words. For a child I never met, the love for you in all our hearts can't be quantified.

Hearing about your demise was such a hard pill to swallow sweet one.

You were truly loved and it showed in the way your expressed love.

I learned alot from the way your mother loved you....she was so expressive and she truly gave her all.

She really showed you off and you were such a delight.

If only wishes were horses Feyi, I will wish you back to the world without all the pains ofcourse .

As I type this, I can see you smiling and racing off happily....chasing a butterfly.....bending to smell each flower and taking all in.

You lived well Super star and your light shone on everyone who had the privilege to either meet you or read about you!!!

Your light will shine forever.
I love you so so much sweet child.

P.s: my elder sister's name is Feyikemi and my daughter is named Feyijimi.

I will always have you in my heart!!!!
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
Feyikemi was a precious child and I’m convinced she fulfilled her stay here on earth. I thought about her death so much that she showed up in my dreams, made me friends with you and your sister.

I was pregnant in the said dream and I ended up birthing a girl who was named Feyikemi thereafter ❤️
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
       Rest well Feyikemi . 
Greetings from Ghana!!! . We know you from here. I can't say much..... But

I hope the Angels welcome you with more Pizza.
I hope you get to teach them how to dance.
I hope you are allowed to give kisses.
I hope you love it there in heaven.
I hope you get to answer all your mama's calls(prayer).
I hope you get to do the things you couldn't do.

Rest well little one.
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
Seven years of perfection with a radiant personality. If you were a flavour, you'd be mint. Always refreshing and never tiring. Feyikemi, a blessing to everyone who got to experience you even in the slightest way. Flourish in paradise, God's own.
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
I know you don't know me really but from my TL I know your mum is a great person and mother. She is always smiling and also a strong person. She makes motherhood the easiest. Thank God for her. She always put pictures of you smiling or you eating 100 times in a day. We, as your twitter aunties, will always defend you from her. Our president, rest in peace. Thanks for riding with us in this life. Thanks for bringing your beautiful smile and being a wonderful daughter. We will miss you from your mum's mutuals.
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
I don't know you or you mum personally but, your mum was tour biggest cheerleader. Her stories on the tl about you also brightened even the darkest hearts. I pray your continue to radiate your light on her and your sister. Rest well baby girl, you were truly and incredibly loved by even those you never met.
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
She was my birthday mate. I always go to her mum's IG stories and videos just to let Feyikemi pour light to my world. You will be missed little one but never forgotten.
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
I have never met Feyikemi but I have followed you on Twitter since she was a baby.She was such a delightful and bubbly child.Her death broke me like I know her.Thank you for sharing feyi kenke with us.May God comfort you and yours.
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
I'm absolutely heartbroken.

I never met you Feyikemi but always saw you through your mum's eyes. I always looked forward to your mum's next tweet about you and I enjoyed every one of them. So I know you were absolutely adorable.

As a parent, I lack words but I pray for the repose of your beautiful soul. Dwell with the angels, enjoy the presence of the Everlasting Father. May God comfort and strengthen everyone in the family. @irepunited, may His peace rule your heart now and always.

June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
So little but lived to leave her impact. Ray of sunshine, I love you baby. You will be with the angels
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
Feyikemi❤️ The bubbly Angel I never met!!!
The uniqueness of your story made me follow your mum on twitter. I saw how you rocked life and made progress. Your videos were a delight to watch, every post about you made me smile and say words of prayers for you.

I was heartbroken when I saw tweets about your demise, I asked rhetorical questions…..
Well, God knows best.

I marveled at your Mum’s strength, thoughtfulness, sweetness and awesomeness. She did her absolute best!

May the Lord Almighty wrap his arms of comfort around her, your Sister and the entire family IJMN

We will miss you dearly ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
Feyikemi, my president, our angel!
I never met Feyikemi but it always felt like she was my niece, I loved to watch her videos, and she made me smile and laugh so much. I'm just glad that I came across Deola's page, and I got to share Feyikemi's happiness, and the joy she radiated.
Thank you for being the sweetest, and the funniest baby. I love you so much, and I pray that you keep resting and making the angels laugh ❤️.
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
My president...delightful human you were...adeola showed me how to mother a child're your mums more pains and misery for in peace super star presido
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
I remember logging in to twitter on Thursday and seeing tweets about Feyi and I just said No, it can't be! See, I only followed her mum and have never met her but it felt like she was a child I had met and shared real moments with. The tears flowed freely because the emotions felt too real for someone I had never met. I prayed for Deola and her family that day. I still pray for you , God will comfort you and yours and rest in the assurance that Feyi is giving the angels a good time. God bless our Feyi ❤
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
Feyi was one of my TL babies. I wasn’t even following her Mum but we had lots of mutuals, so one way or the other I would always find her videos or tweets about her on my TL. If I don’t see any tweet on some days, I go stalking just to see her beautiful face.
She was such a delight. A ray of sunlight. She brought so much joy to the TL. She was our president. President Feyi.

Everyone talked about how much she loved everyone around her and blew kisses all the time. Seeing her made me smile a lot and she was just so easy to love.

Typing about her and using “was” feels very weird. I pray the almighty grants her Mum, sister and loved ones the fortitude to bear the loss.
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
My baby Feyi, I’ve got plans of meeting you but God knows best.. May your sweet gentle soul Rest In Peace….
June 26, 2022
Feyikemi the Warrior, you inspired me in more ways than I can ever put in words. Such a fearless, bold and fiery precious one. I feel like you hugged me a million times when I fought the darkness even as I never actually met you.
You are love and your essence was felt in all ends of the earth, thank you for blessing us with all you are. Now the party in heaven would be unending….thank you for choosing your Mummy and sister as they are the best to have embodied all you are.
Till we actually have that hug, party hard darling and I’ll try to be even just a little as fearless as you were. Xoxo
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
Angel wings for your journey Feyikemi! You inspired me!! Rest easy in God's embrace.

~A fan!
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
Hello Feyi!

I know you’ll see this letter because you are up there with God.

It is hard knowing that I won’t see your smile in the many videos that mommy used to post. Those kisses and hugs…They gave mommy strength…I hope you are free from pain up there…We’ll miss you…But we know you are in a better place…

From one of your Twitter Uncle…
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
Dear Feyikemi,
I never met you but felt I knew you, I always looked forward to your mum's tweets about you cause it always brightened my day and made me smile.
Rest with the angels darling, you will forever be remembered watch over mummy and feranmi.

Rest well sweetie
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
The bravest little girl I know I was hoping for us to celebrate the finish line but God has the final say , I admired Deola so much , she took it all like a pro like it was nothing, she was so strong yet full of smiles may God give you and faree peace and comfort  may the light guild Feyi home and may the perpetual light shine upon her may Her sweet and blobby soul Rest In Peace amen 
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
Dear Feyikemi,
I never met you but I would always see your mum post a lot of beautiful things about you on the timeline and it felt like I knew you, I remember how happy I would get when I saw your mum posting videos of you smiling, I would always pray for God to heal you and I was looking forward to the day you became cancer free, I remember the day your mum posted a video of your hair growth journey, I was so happy you have left us now and you are resting with the lord, your memories will never be forgotten
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
I wasn’t sure at first if I should write also because I didn’t follow feyi’s mum on twitter, I’d just stumbled on the blog Deola used to write and spent an entire evening there in 2020. And since then I checked her page from time to time to see how feyi was doing. So that Thursday came as a shock to me. Feyi’s been described often as bubbly and I agree. She was an intelligent girl too. Dogged also. She was also well loved and loved in return. I will miss watching and reading updates about her. She was a fighter and I take comfort that she’s no longer in pain❤️
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
Dear Feyikemi,
I met you through your mum,and have followed you through your journey. I don't know why your journey resonated with me,right from your trip to India. That was my first encounter with you.
I later understood,my close friend had a child with autism. It was a challenging time for us. I introduced her to your mum and you. You were always a source of encouragement,hope and great delight.
You radiated love and light.
Rest with the angels. Kiss my Jasmine. I had lost an angel like you too.
My love to you Deola. I have never met you , but it feels like I know you for real. The Lord comfort you.
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
Dear Feyikemi❤,

Although, I didn't get to meet you irl but your mum's post on your remission anniversary was my first encounter with you. I spent hours on your mum's timeline that day reading her posts and I could tell you were a smart and bubbly child. I lowkey prayed that you heal totally, but your creator knows best. Even though your death came as a shock to us all, we would take solace in the fact that you have gone to rest, away from the pains. I pray The Almighty give your mum and the family the fortitude to bear your loss
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
Dear Feyikemi,
I got to know you not so long ago but it feels like I’ve know you a long time. I always looked forward to seeing pictures of you on your Mom’s page or tweets about how you were doing. I’m glad to have come across an Angel like you. I hope you keep smiling there in heaven and watch over Mummy and Feranmi. Rest In Peace Our President.
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
Feyikemi baby, I never met you but you made me smile. Your mum shared your journey with us and it really felt like I knew you personally. My president. I couldn't believe that you had left us. I sincerely thought it was a joke and not the Feyi I knew online. You were really a strong girl! I know you are in a very good place now. Your mum was (she still is) really a wonderful mum ❤️. Rest well baby girl and enjoy yourself to the fullest over there!❤️
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
Feyikemi, the brightest most bubbly baby, the giver of all kisses, the poser, i have been following your mum for 2 years n it was d best decision because i got to know you. You uplifted my spirit n i cldnt help but marvel at your strength. You are way stronger than alot of us. It almost felt like i was with you on a daily thanks to your mum. Thank you for gracing us with your presence, thank you for being amongst us, thank you for the smiles you put on our faces. You will be dearly missed by your family and online uncles and aunties.
Rest easy champ❤️
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
Hi Feyikemi,

I don't even follow your mum but I'm sure I've seen everything she posts about you. I see how much of a delight you are and how much joy you radiate. I've seen how internet uncles and aunties defend you. You didn't deserve the life you lived, yet you went through it with all joy and glee that we had to live through. I know you are going to add to that joy in heaven, I'm sure heaven having you is giving them an extra joy. I know that people will see you in dreams with halos and wings because what you are now is an angel and the entire Beyonce's internet is worthy to have you. Your memories will last.

I love you so much. Enjoy heaven ❤️
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
Feyikeke, my ever sweet girl. Although I did get the chance to meet you, but I was happy your mom shared your love with us on Twitter and Instagram. I remembered entering your mom's DM telling her you're always right,and the IG account is for you. I remember how you fight your sis feranmi, when you blow kisses to your mom,you have always been an happy children who loves bright things I guess that's why your favorite color was yellow, the love you shared with your sister, mom, aunty, and grandma was a unique one, and I know you're resting with the most beautiful and wonderful angel up there ❤️❤️

Love you my keke ️. Pls watch over your mom and everyone
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June 24
June 24
Keep resting Feyikemi! I hope you are having a blast in heaven.
June 24
Keep resting in the bosom of the Almighty.
Keep watching over Your mummy, your aunt and your sister.
June 23
June 23
I hope you're resting peacefully and giving the angels something to talk about. I miss seeing videos of you on your mummy's page.
We love you and you'll remain in our hearts forever.
Deola, Feranmi and Temi, may God continue to comfort and strengthen you.
Thank you Deola for sharing her with us.
You're always in my prayers
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My President!!

June 25, 2022
Feyi my president, overraw best in blowing kiss .

Feyikemi was such a bubbly child and  I loved watching her videos. Looool  she's trolling Deola one minute and blowing her kisses the next minute. It was so cute to watch. 

She was such a fighter and I absolutely loved her bond with Feranmi. 

I remember Deola sharing one story during the locked down how she purposely throws stuff down the balcony just so she could go downstairs. Loool such a smart child! 

Feyi was that TL baby that I never met but loved and prayed for .

Whew! I know my president is resting and grinning from ear to ear and blowing us kisses from above. 

Thank you for sharing Feyi's moments with us Deola. May God comfort you

I'm at peace knowing that she's resting beautifully away from all the  pains. 

May God rest your soul baby girl ️️

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