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Share a special moment from Theodore's life.

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Watching The Dukes of Hazzard.

September 23, 2023
I remember as a kid that you loved watching the Dukes of Hazzard. I never heard you laugh so hard. Rosco P. Coltrane would crack you up constently. 

My Dad

July 11, 2017
Your wings were ready but my heart was not.  I never thought the day would come that I would be without you. How can the world go on? How can the birds sing and flowers grow without you? When does the hurt stop hurting?

In your final days you made me laugh so much. You were so funny, always cracking jokes and saying silly things. You also told me you loved me so many times. Those words will never leave my heart.

I know I shouldn't be sad, I should be happy. All your pain is gone. You're free now dad. No more doctor's, no more medication and no more pain. I know you're in heaven now and watching over me.  

Wish we had more time............


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