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Share a special moment from Thomas Boyd's life.

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June 28
  • Tom, I love and miss you more, and more everyday! I wish I could have one more day,one more moment and that still wouldn't be enough for a Mother and her baby. It just isn't right you before myself, and I think about it every day since you left. I'm just getting around to figuring out how to sign this , your sister Carla is helping me. I still till this day find it hard to believe you gone. God has you now and your in the good hands of our Lord and we'll meet again Son. As hard as it is to say because it still hurts me in my heart. I love you Son. R.I.P. Love Mom AKA Itty Bit!! 

A song that makes me think of you.

January 20, 2022
Your always in my heart! 
January 21, 2020

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