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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, thomas leahy, 39 years old, born on June 11, 1973, and passed away on June 15, 2012. We will remember him forever.
March 27, 2016
March 27, 2016
Another easter without u tommy u are with Jesus on this special day oh how heaven and all u angels must be rejoicing I miss n love u so much such a caring heart n soul my son. Happy easter in heaven tommy god be with u. I'll remember u forever.until we meet again rip...forever your mom
March 20, 2016
March 20, 2016
Oh Tom....this breaks my heart. I just found this memorial. Tonite. I'm so shocked and lost. I had been looking for you randomly for a decade. I figured you had gotten outta Florence for good like we always talked about. I stayed on that stupid mountain for all that would be so mad! Crying as I type were my best Friend & Confidant and really and truly listened like no one else. Hate to put "personal stuff here but I know no one in your family to ask where you lay...I'm so sorry Dear One. I should have listened to you. You should have yelled at me instead of lectured sweetly. I was so naive. You should have never let me out of your car. Funny-every time i saw a black 2-Door--i thought it was you coming back to say" I told you so"..Only you know. I need My Friend right now. You always "got me"...and now with a pretty serious diagnosis-things just seem so different. I'm back in Florence now. Came back in April of 2012 and sifted thru Facebook just wondering if you had created a "snarky" profile....why didn't I look harder. I'm so sorry my Dear One. I found my beautiful Farm and have a beautiful Daughter. I named her Adia (remember how we would jam some Sarah M?) At least I get to enjoy these last days with her and my 5 acre corner! You would have loved it....and yes I'm surrounded by critters. Tom--I must tell you in this sadness, it just dawned on me: I kept Toast all those years and the strangest part is I had to put her down : get this: on June 18th 2012. Are you two hanging out? You were the only guy whose lap she would stay in...probably because you kittysat her reluctantly while I was in class. and I always hoped that our critters meet us the other side....if you two are....just know-I will be there soon. Leukemia man...go figure. My One and Only Dude Friend--I love and miss you. I will continue to write here randomly until I can no longer. Hugs tightly to Major Tom☆
June 15, 2014
June 15, 2014
Tommy, It has been 2 years since you passed and you are still missed and loved so much. R.I.P. Dear Tommy. Until we all meet again. Go with God..Love you...
July 4, 2013
July 4, 2013
my dearest tommy this is ur mom thinking of u honey as I do everyday but tobe happy i love and miss u always until we meet again RIP my special angel.we all miss u. xoxoxoxoxoday is the 4th of july and I want to say happy independence day to u in heaven I know the fireworks are the brightest in heaven kiss ur grandpop and grandmom and uncle Frankie for me and RIP
June 15, 2013
June 15, 2013
my dear son today is one yr since u went to heaven my heart is heavy today I hope u like the flowers we got for u I miss and love u forever RIP and always know u are respected and cherished so until we meet again rest easy tommy ur brothers and sister love u and ur mom holds u in her heart forever. god speed honey and tommy ur friends miss u also.I LOVE U your mom HUGS xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
June 15, 2013
June 15, 2013
Tommy, Today marks one year since you were taken from your family to live with God, and you are missed as much today as you were a year ago. I can only hope that you are at peace and watching over your family. Always in our hearts.
June 11, 2013
June 11, 2013
tommy its ur 40th birthday today and I miss u sooo much my heart still aches to see u again nick and I bought u some pretty sun flowers and some dolphins and some pretty purple flowers for sat which will be the sadest day of my life when u will   be gone to heaven 1 yr rip my son happy birthday and god be with u until we meet again RIP always loved and never forgotten love mom xoxoxoxoxo
June 11, 2013
June 11, 2013
Today is your 40th Birthday Tommy, and you are so missed and certainly still loved. Rest in gods loving arms.
Love ya
May 24, 2013
May 24, 2013
hello tommy its ur mom again and my heart is heavy as these next few weeks approach Monday is memorial day and than ur birthday and the one yr since we lost u. its all to overwhelming for me and I cant say goodbye and never woll I know u can hear me tommy so I will tell u how proud I am of u and how very much I appreciated ur loving caring and forgiving soul god bless u I love and miss u
May 24, 2013
May 24, 2013
tommy this is mom again I know its a bit early but I want to say thank u for ur service to our country the marines were blessed to have u. so happy memorial day son ill be thinking of u and on june 11th that very special day when u came into my life and heart and will never leave. a happy birthday.and then the sadest day of my life june 15th when went to heaven oh how I miss u god bless xo
April 30, 2013
April 30, 2013
I wanted to give an encouraging word to you and your family. I know at times it can be hard to find comfort, but the Bible is a big help. At Acts 24:15 it promises that there will be a resurrection. A chance to see our loved ones again. I look forward to that day and I hope that this scripture helps you look to the future for hope.
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June 15
June 15
Tommy, I can’t believe it’s been 12 years today since you went to live with God. Time doesn’t make the pain of losing you any less. We miss you and your Mom is so lost without you. I don’t know what I can do for her but I wish I could ease her pain. Seems that won’t happen until she is reunited with you. Go with God my wonderful nephew. I love you. ❤️
June 14
June 14
tonight will be Another year without you tommy, and they say it gets easier! For me it hasn't. Life has been so hard without you here on earth, and for so many other reasons. I miss you so much.I miss the caring respectful way you treated me and everyone . I ask why so often but we aren't supposed to know why! One day in Gods timing I believe we will.I've lost so many after I lost you and a few before my heart is so tired . I know all my ( your) loved ones with you in heaven and our lord and saviour are loving and taken care of you! That's what gets me through each day I have left on earth. Rest easy and in peace my angel. Ill be seeing you. Love and hugs mom
June 11
June 11
Well another birthday ill be spending without you my angel.the day you came into my life I knew you would be a blessing to me!!and you were and always will be.this week is bitter sweet tommy! It brings sweet memories of the day you were born and sad heartbreak of the day you you went to heaven... never let go of Gods/ Jesus hand I know you will be safe n loved . and all our loved ones that went on to heaven will be celebrating your 51st birthday.with you...tommy you are in my heart thoughts and prayers this week and forever more.happy and blessed birthday son I love and miss
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June 11, 2019

Happy Birthday Tommy, I wish you were here so you can celebrate with your Family. Everyone still misses you. Rest in peace. Love you xoxo

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