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October 23, 2022
October 23, 2022
This man took on another man’s daughter as his own…me. He made it clear that I was just as much his child as his biological sons. Through many times in my life where I reacted and acted out in ways that were painful, my Dad loved and accepted me. He was an exemplary model for how a Dad can hold space for a daughter to be her own source of power and wisdom.

Even though it was clear he knew the answer to my life dilemma, he would not just tell me. He would ask me lots of questions that helped me realize it myself. (My clients who see this same trait in me…here is where that comes from.)

My Dad respected me, even when it got really, really challenging to hold that line because of how I was acting.

He never once put me down or dismissed me or called me names. He would never call me “a lost cause” even when it certainly appeared what I was. Instead, he looked deep into the center of me and called that part of me forward when it was clear my ego had me by the tail.

I’ve always been an intense and dramatic person, and my Dad helped me temper that without destroying my fire. He taught me how to restrain myself and bring the frenetic energy into stillness. How did he teach me? Through what I thought was torture at the time. He brought me and my mom sailing on our small sailboat every weekend the weather allowed it. All three of us would read books out on the boat in the quiet of the water, and then play gin rummy…

Which leads me to winning with grace. My Dad taught me not to gloat when I win. He could detect even the slightest hint of feeling better than the others, or being happy because I defeated everyone. If I was just happy with myself when I won, my Dad rewarded that with first pick out of the candy bag.

My Dad was such a powerfully special person that he can never be replaced by anything nor anyone. While I love everyone in my family, my Dad owns a piece of my heart that only he can fill.

Five years since you transitioned Dad. I miss you so much and think of you every single day. I feel you by my side, I hear your corny jokes and big belly laugh of delight, and I only wish I had more videos of you so I can recapture you living and breathing.

You are totally my hero.
October 19, 2022
October 19, 2022
My oh my, 5 years. I am now 2 years older than you when you threw the pillow across the hospital room signaling to Neyca it was time to let go. But you will always be my big brother. Big brothers torment their little brother, and they take care of them, and you did both.

So many adventures from making the front page of the Honolulu paper with our rafting exploit, (I like to think of it as our first cruise together!) To sailing Narragansett Bay, to playing with your Albin trawler. Lots of adventures.

 Your life stopped and mine goes on for now. So weird. But I will keep sailing until I can't; and then we'll get on that raft together again.

Little brother Rob
October 18, 2022
October 18, 2022
Yeah, I'm talking to you, Tom. I think of you often and miss you greatly, buddy. We who were Military Brats share a special kinship, which not many are even aware of these days. Necya keeps your spirit yet alive in these days of covid and Trump and is a safe harbor amid the storms of life.
October 18, 2020
October 18, 2020
A small, instinctive attribute, we three understood and used, but never had to actively acknowledge, was the power of our pauses in our conversations. 

It was a time to breathe, think and give time for the other person to thoughtfully respond. 

Our pauses made it easier for the one person to process and understand what the other was saying. 

As I remember, our pause lengths varied greatly, but were never uncomfortable. 

A meaningful, lasting conversation would be impossible with someone who never pauses. 

This has been a three year pause, Tom, but ...I'm comfortable with it ...and my lasting memories.
November 9, 2019
November 9, 2019
Tom was such a great guy, he had a warm sense of humor and a generous spirit. I miss seeing him, though that only happened occasionally after he and Necya and Kerry left Worcester. I miss his voice and his good nature. He actually tried to help me with Math, to which I'm allergic. Too young.
October 18, 2019
October 18, 2019
I remember having many conversations about sailing with Tom.

I miss those conversations. I miss Tom. I remember him fondly.
August 8, 2018
August 8, 2018
Tom is missed by all who knew him. He will never be forgotten by all. He was a part of our life and he was a pleasure to be around him. Hugs
November 21, 2017
November 21, 2017
11/21/2017  But Tom, where have you gone without me, who just got to know you on our New Canaan High School Class of 1965 Discussion Forum and never knew you in our class? I had come to rely on you just in these last six months to calm any little tensions which might have arisen as we old classmates discussed this and that. I guess your lovely wife and family and friends had years of your wisdom and unusually insightful as well as kindly personality-of course they did-- but many thanks from me to the Universe that I knew you a little AND that I recognized you well. Carry it on and may every blessing be with you and all of those who love you, Nancy NCHS Class 1965
November 10, 2017
November 10, 2017
I met Tom when he came to my crew meeting for the 2012 Texas 200. He was a pleasant man to talk with about sailing and life in general. Soon after that meeting we went out sailing on Frimi, my sailboat. He took the helm on a blustery day on Lake Travis, it was clear he really knew how to handle the boat and really enjoyed sailing. Tom was a lot of fun to talk to. It was sad when he had to bow out of crewing with me that year due to his illness. I didn't do the trip that year.

Through the years we kept in touch mostly by phone,. It was always pleasant to speak with. In 2013 while I worked at Dell, he came to my "Talk about Sailing over Lunch meetings". Where he would regale me with his tails of sailing off the new Jersey Shore.

My wife and I had a couple of meals with Necya and Tom which were very pleasant

Tom was a good man, a good friend. I miss him, wish I'd been able to spend more time with him, his friends and family.
November 9, 2017
November 9, 2017
Dear Necya,

Tom was synonymous to 'Joie de Vivre'.

He was a sweet man with a beautiful soul and a heart bigger than the world. He had magnificent stories to tell with a magical flow of words that took our mind away. Such a philosophical mind with a great sense of humour. Most of all he was totally in love with you Necya.

Thank you Tom and Necya for all the years of beautiful friendship with my forever missed sister Lucie and brother-in-law David. You felt part of our family through Lucie's stories and pictures. All the great Thanksgiving times you had together, Kerri's growing up stories, your great trip in Paris with Tom and David's daily quest for the best onion soup. This quest continued for Tom in Georgetown, Ontario while Andrea and I had a great diner time with Tom before returning to Montreal. The short time we spent together, we enjoyed Tom's wonderful company. We also enjoyed your sister like company Necya.

Our deepest sympathy from our family to yours.

Tom, have a blast with Lucie and David and may be my dad....
RIP my friend. Thank you for your kindness, generosity and great sense of humour. I will miss your e-mails, they always put a smile on my face.

Carole, Andrea, David,Thérèse
November 8, 2017
November 8, 2017
Dear Necya,

We are so sorry to hear about Tom's passing! We so much enjoyed Tom's sense of humor and genuine interest in hearing about the latest in our lives whenever we went out to have dinner together. Tom always made us laugh and come back home with joyful hearts thanks to his contagious smile, warmth, and care for us and all those who are blessed to have met him. Much of the fun we had with Tom obviously came from both of you together! You both have the gift of making others happy, telling funny and entertaining stories from a long life lived together, in so many ways so much alike, while at the same time poking fun at each other in the ways in which you were different! Thinking of you together, happy, laughing, and enjoying life during our dinner outings immediately brings back wonderful memories and a great feeling that we were indeed in the company of a match made in heaven!

Dear Tom, we will miss you dearly! Please start to check for good places to dine in heaven, and if we follow the example of how you lived your life hopefully we will also have done enough good to others on this Earth to dine with you again someday!

God bless you,

Suzana and Marcelo Azevedo
October 30, 2017
October 30, 2017
I never knew Thomas or your family but wanted to share some words of encouragement. From your comments I can see he really had a great impact on the lives of all those around him. He is proof of the scripture in Ecclesiastes 7:1 that a good name is important and the day of one’s death is better than the day of one’s birth because of a persons accomplishments. Although death just seems to be a part of life it doesn’t mean it is any easier to see our loved ones pass away. We can look forward to a time when John 5:28, 29 will be fulfilled and there will be a resurrection. Until that time deep sympathy—Julia
October 30, 2017
October 30, 2017
It made me very sad to learn of Tom's passing on to a better world on the other, brighter side of cosmos. Tom reported to me at Digital Equipment at Springfield and Enfield operations.....that said our personal relationship transcended our professional relationship by a million miles. We spent much time together in Galway, Ireland & Kaufbeuren, Germany......My My, I can't even begin to chronicle our marvelous adventures (and misadventures) together.....we both had a weird sense of humor and an appreciation of the absurd.....we made each other laugh so hard we had tears running down our cheeks. His charm, Charisma, wit, intelligence, compassion and generosity are beyond belief. The passing on of Tom brings to sharp relief the finite nature of human life on this blessed earth and the infinite nature of the legacy Tom has left behind for those of us who were fortunate enough to participate life together with him. Dear Necya, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Tom, I shall miss you my friend, nobody else can take your place in my heart. Peace. Vis Gowtham
October 29, 2017
October 29, 2017
The earth has lost a bright light .What a wonderful soul, and how lucky those of us who knew him. Just to be in his presence was calming and reassuring. Add his wit, his intelligence, his generosity, his caring, his wisdom and insights, his joy in life, and he was a rare man indeed. And a lucky man, to have Necya, who loved and supported him in an exceptional way, as he loved and supported her.

I know he is there on the other side, shining brightly, and still as vibrant, loving, giving, and curious as ever, even more so, for now he is whole and healthy and totally surrounded by unconditional love. On that Tom and I agreed strongly, as we agreed on reincarnation.

It is sad for us who will miss his wonderful presence, and my heart and my prayers are with you, Necya, especially. But hopefully, it helps to know he is only a thought away, and being together again is a certainty.
October 28, 2017
October 28, 2017
Dear Necya,
Ann Miracle Gray sent us an email about Tom's "graduation". I am so sorry for your loss and I hope that you are doing as well as can be expected during a time like this. Please reach out. I registered on this site, so you should be able to get my information.

Love and Prayers,
Charlotte and John
October 27, 2017
October 27, 2017
As dear friends, as neighbors, as fellow camping enthusiasts, Tom, along with Necya, have been the very best people we have ever had the good fortune of meeting and getting to know.  Tom's many words of wisdom came in handy at times when we needed some good advice. I am still having a hard time believing that he is no longer among us. Art and I will truly miss his always optimistic, bigger than life, self. My hope is that Tom's dogs Ellie, Barkley and others have found his lovely soul and joined him on his next great adventure.
October 25, 2017
October 25, 2017
Tom is still there in my mind as vibrant as ever. I remember his charming smile and his light, pleasant voice. He was wise and welcoming and so wonderfully smart! I always admired him, right from the first and was so happy to know him. When he and my husband hit it off so well I was over the moon with delight. He seemed to meet everyone as if they were going to become a good friend. He was the best.
October 25, 2017
October 25, 2017
When Tom and Necya moved to Oak Crest, we had just started to build a house next door to them. We are not your typical builders, who put up a house in 6 months with an army of contractors. We are more like grandpa building a rocking chair, very slow, careful, often working alone or with one or two people, sometimes children, friends, or people that really need work. Anyway, we were there a long time and got to know the Lawnsbys well, having a conversation regularly once a day. Necya, early in the morning, watering her plants, Tom later in the day, often enthusiastically involved in something.

I remember well one crisp morning when I was there alone removing the formwork from the front porch concrete placement. Taking the formwork off is always much more fun than setting it up. It is kind of like uncovering what you hope is good workmanship treasure. Tom came out and worked with me for a couple of hours, near as I can tell, just for the fun of it on a fine day.

I got to know him well. We exchanged numerous books, had many a lunch together, and shared views on technology, politics, and how the universe works. He was a believer in past lives, a tradition, that though is unusual here in Texas, is a bedrock belief of old India, with a billion believers.

I remember our last lunch together. I am an enthusiastic follower of the current world of neuroscience, where many mysteries about memory and cognition, and how the mind works now have good explanations. One interesting fallout of all that is that the neural basis of personality now has an explanation. There are a limited number of inherited characteristics that shape what we loosely call personality or tendency to behave in a certain manner. Thus among the 6 billion of us, there are many, many personality duplicates. My theory for how the Dalia Lama reincarnates is that on his death, his monks find a child with his personality duplicate, and then load it with the details of his memory. Personality duplication is one of the answers to how past life theory might work. The question I put to Tom, was how is memory transferred?

Tom did not have the technical answer I was hoping for. He just knew there were memories there in his head. And of course, though it is rare here, there are millions of people and countless documented examples of these cases in India. He asked me if I had ever experienced “déjà vu” and I told him I had. Long ago, when I was a teenager, I knew I would live where I currently do, on the river. In those days, it was a cattle ranch though. That is kind of where we left it. I am very sorry he left us before we could work on that one some more. But if he is right, maybe we will meet again.
October 25, 2017
October 25, 2017
Oh Thomas...
You will be missed, your corny jokes and big smile with a book in your hand every time you came in to get a haircut. I know your Necya is going to miss you so much...
I'm so very sorry and will keep all in my prayers ✝️
October 25, 2017
October 25, 2017
I was a stranger and Tom and Necya both took me in. 

Tom and I had a shared love of two Albin 25 Swedish mini trawlers and RVing. I needed a place to work on my RV and Tom and Necya invited me to stay for a few days in their guest cottage during my repairs. 

The best part of my visit were the dogs the delicious evening meals followed by far ranging, deep, and often humorous talks at the table. We were both military brats. Our shared music views were discussed. Our love of words and word play was bantered about. Two hours of discussion of books and politics could be best summed up with the two French phrases salon politique and salon litteraire.

We kept in contact by phone over the years. My conversations with Tom were delicious. I always felt more centered and balanced in this insane political world after talking to Tom. 

I miss Tom more than I can express. Part of me also died. I am a better person for having known you, Tom.

It may be a toast, but slightly altered, in my mind, it fits here: "Tom, here's to you and those like you....damn few left."

I love you, my buddy.
October 25, 2017
October 25, 2017
He was a wonderful friend.....such a great family.
He will be missed.

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