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His Life

Thomas Patrick Murphy

July 10, 2017

My brother Tommy was born 5 years after me and I was being brought up by my grandparents because my mother and father were divorced, so I didn't see my brother Tom very often. Tom attended the public schools in Elmsford, NY where he lived with my Mom and his father. Tom married his wife Angie and they had two sons, Duke and Tommy.  My brother was a career Army man with the rank of Sargeant.  Upon his retirement from the Army, he and his family moved to Chula Vista, CA where they purchased a home.  A few years later, I moved to Laguna Hills and visited Tom and Angie quite often.  We developed a real sister/brother relationship for the first time.  Tom and Angie came to my son Don's  wedding in Manhattan Beach, CA and after the wedding, my sons Jeff and Jim and I visited their home in Chula Vista, CA for a little get together.  Upon leaving, as I walked to our car I waved farewell to Tom and he called, "Love you Audrey" and I called back, "Love you too, Tom" and that was the last I ever saw my brother, he passed away the following month.  I often think of him.  He was a handsome guy and loved to play cards.  He was very proud of his two sons and was a devoted husband to Angie.  Rest in peace dear Tommy.