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March 12
Hey Dad,
7 years have come and gone and not a day goes by that I don’t think of you. I miss you more than you could ever know. This past year has been a really tough one for me. I’ve been through so many changes. Kyle and I have gone our separate ways. I met someone new who has completely changed my life. You’d really love how he treats me dad. Zoe is finally working with me. You’d be so proud of her.
I know I need to see mom more. I promise to work on that. I hope you’re enjoying heaven, daddy. Save me a seat. I love you.
October 12, 2022
October 12, 2022
Happy Heavenly Birthday, Daddy. I miss you so much. So much has changed this year. I started a new job. A whole new career. I knew it was time and I’m making the best of it. It’s pretty stressful but I know I have your work drive. Kyle is doing amazing at his job. They even want to transfer us soon. It’s pretty terrifying but I know we will make it through it. I wish you were here. Life isn’t the same without you. I love you more than I could ever say. Please visit me in my dreams soon. I miss our visits. I love you , daddy. I hope you’re enjoying heaven. Save me a seat.
March 12, 2022
March 12, 2022
Well dad, it’s been 5 years today. 5 whole years. There’s been some major ups and downs this past year. Kyle almost joined you in heaven. I know you played a part in bringing him back to me. He’s a great man to me, daddy. He reminds me a lot of you. He takes great care of me and I know you’d really love that about him. I miss you so much. I wish I could turn back time and get you the help you needed to be here longer. I wish we could have caught it sooner. Things would be so different now. I enjoy my often dream visits. Please don’t ever stop. I hope I’m making you proud. I love you so much. Until we meet again, daddy.
October 12, 2021
October 12, 2021
Happy Heavenly Birthday, Daddy.
I would give anything to have you here today and celebrate. Kyle and I went through some really rough stuff this year. I know you played a big part in bringing him home to me after Covid almost took him from me.
I wish you were here to see Maddie. She’s growing up way too fast. We talk about you often. She’ll never forget you, dad. I promise.
I’m trying my best to take care of mama like I promised.
Dana has really been there for all of us this year. Please somehow make her come back home.
You’d be proud of all of us.
Still no babies for Kyle and I. I’m beginning to think it will never happen. If it doesn’t, I think I’m okay with it.
If it does, I only hope to be half the parent you were to me. I will always be grateful for our relationship.
I miss you dad, so much.
There’s so many things that were left unsaid and so many things left undone.
I’ll always love and miss you.
I’ll see you again someday.
Love you, Daddy.
March 12, 2021
March 12, 2021
Well dad, it’s been four years since you left us. It doesn’t seem real. There are so many times that I want to pick up the phone to tell you something or just talk about my day. You’d be so proud of all of us. Mom is doing really well. I’ve kept my promise, dad. I think I’ve taken good care of her. Zoe is getting her license this year. Lexi got asked to prom and is doing sooo good in school! Madison is just as wonderful as she always has been. She misses you so much. We all do. Matthew has been spending more time with all of us. It’s nice having my brother around ( most of the time haha) . Dana got married ! Can you believe it? Our sweet , shy , Dana moved across the country and fell in love! We miss her sooo much! Covid hit last year, and life hasn’t been the same. It’s been tough but we’re making it, dad. Kyle and I still haven’t had a baby so if you could put a good word in for us, we would really love that. I miss you, dad. I hope you’re here with me today. It’s not easy. I love you, daddy. Fly high up there. And save us all a seat.
October 12, 2020
October 12, 2020
I miss you more everyday Tony. I see you in every butterfly, in every flower, every smell. But especially in Shauna. You’d be so proud of her. She is amazing and she takes such good care of me. And everyone for that matter. Btw , her hair is past her butt. You’d be so proud. Maddie still remembers you. All 3 girls have grown so much. As for me, I get by. I hope you are saving me a spot. I can’t wait for you to just hold me and tell me everything will be ok. It’s so hard without you. Til we meet again, I keep you in my heart. And I’ll always love you  Elaine
October 12, 2020
October 12, 2020
Dad, you always made me proud to have you. You showed me what it takes to be a good person. You showed me how to be hardworking. I wish you could see me now. In the last three years so much has happened. I hope you would be proud of me daddy. No one tells you how hard it is to live life without your loved one especially your daddy. Life hasn’t been the same without you. I’d give anything to have you back. Even if it meant for one more day. It would only leave me wishing for just one more day. I hope heaven is everything you could have hoped for and imagined. Save me a spot. I’ll be looking for you. I’m taking care of mama just like I promised. I hope I’m not letting you down. Madison is growing up to be an amazing young lady. You’d be so proud. She misses you so much. Thank you for loving her like you did. I’ll always be your baby girl. I love you daddy, forever and ever. Love always, your sissy bug. 

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