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This memorial website was created in the memory of our Loved Brother, Husband, Father, Grand Father & Great Grand Father, Hon Rtn. Chief Uba Ekeagbara Obasi, (PHF). Ochi-Oha 1 of Abiriba, born on September 20, 1927 and passed away on September 15, 2011 at the Age of 83 years (5 days Short of his 84th Birthday).

A Rare Gem of his Time, A Great Man and "A LEGEND". We will remember him forever.

October 2, 2011
October 2, 2011
"Grandpa, You were kind,you were joyful, you were entertaining,with all of your funny stories. You were always happy, especially when you ate cake and sweets. You were a good friend and my play mate. You were simply the best!!! I Love You and miss you",  Uba Obasi Uba Obasi 99.
October 1, 2011
October 1, 2011
The Great Uncle nd Father.The Ochi-Oha 1 of Abiriba.
Your impact nd Love which you gave to us,will always remain with used all you had to bring us together,especially your LOVE.The light which you kept in your time will never die."MAY YOUR GENTLE SOUL REST IN PEACE.AMEN
September 28, 2011
September 28, 2011
Great Dad,u were a man dat looked beyond ur immediate family and took all that came to u as ur own loving all thesame,u were a kind hearted man,one who loved God and humanitu,u valved education so u gave lots of people a great will always live in our hearts RIP
September 27, 2011
September 27, 2011
Papa,your death was a blow to me,sudden&very sad.I know you will be missed but never knew the extent till i read all these heart-felt tributes that brought me to tears.I wish i had more time to know you more but the little time i did,i am glad&proud to say i am your daughter.RIP!
September 27, 2011
September 27, 2011
Ogbo gi still comes back from school and says, "Ka GrandPa, Ka Grandma" even when he knows you are in heaven. I still have flashbacks to that faithful morning when God called you to rest...Still short of words. R.I.P
September 26, 2011
September 26, 2011
Papa nta you were a man who had first hand knowledge of history. Your graceful ball room dancing, heart felt sincere fatherly advice, willingness to assist and humor amongst other attributes will be sorely missed. The vacuum created can't be filled. Rest in perfect peace.
September 26, 2011
September 26, 2011
He was a very kind and wonderful man, a man of integrity.........
May your wonderful soul rest in peace
September 25, 2011
September 25, 2011
Papa,I will miss those'life changing' advice u give.Your now publicized saying of“Onye ukwu ma baba, onye nta ma baba”,should in my opinion now be published as one of the world’s top ten quotes of all times.You are a national legend,who cannot be replaced.Rest with the Lord Papa"
September 24, 2011
September 24, 2011
To a great uncle,father and a wonderful friend to all ,your compassionate,humble,truthful and gentle spirit will leave on.
The arms of the lord will greatly wrap around you amen .
September 24, 2011
September 24, 2011
Great man you were,you grew old gracefully packed with wisdom and yet remained youthful.,Patience was your name,you were always ready to listen and have fun with us your children.The JOY you spread is still drizzling.I will always wear a simile each time I think of U. PAPA R.I.P.
September 24, 2011
September 24, 2011
Of all that would be said of you, I believe the greatest would be that you were a Man of Peace. Your sacrifices to the cause of the unity of Abiriba Kingdom was all that was needed to inspire a great multitude of us to stay that course.Abiriba Kingdom will surelu miss you. Adieu
September 24, 2011
September 24, 2011
"I thank God for your life, Papa. Thank you for always being there for our family. You will be missed. May your soul rest in peace. Your legacy will live on.
September 24, 2011
September 24, 2011
Papa you are a father every one should dream of having,i miss you so much when i remember how you use to advise me,you are always in my mind.
September 24, 2011
September 24, 2011
you gave us memories to remember from my wedding to my graduation and my childrens christening papa you were there for me& i will surely miss you and i will always remember all the good things you have done for us your uba effiem and kalaria nta will always cherish youADIEU PAPA.
September 24, 2011
September 24, 2011
Dear granddad, You will be missed. I am grateful and blessed to spend this years with you and to be your grandson. Love Always. Ina Agbai Obasi
September 23, 2011
September 23, 2011
The one who lives with integrity lives securely, but whoever perverts his ways will be found out ... Prov 10: 9. How much I miss you Daddy. What a Cold Morning; In my Hands & Tears in my eyes, you passed on. Your Legacy, I shall Keep. You will be Forever Remembered. Love U Always
September 23, 2011
September 23, 2011
I miss you so much...your jokes, your laughter.
You lived a good life. You were a wonderful man. Humble, graceful, full of love and peace. I thank God for the honour and privillege of having you as a father.
September 23, 2011
September 23, 2011
Daddy, May your gentle soul rest in peace.
You will always be remembered because you were a father to all of us.
September 23, 2011
September 23, 2011
He was the grand dad I knew and he loved me so dearly. He treated me like one of his from the first day he held me as a baby and named me Uba, a name I've always been proud of. I couldn't have asked for a better God Father. May your gentle soul rest in peace. You will always be remembere
September 23, 2011
September 23, 2011
Papa nta,
As A CHILD,I saw you as an Honest, Hardworking Dad.As a TEENAGER, I saw you as a Lover of Family and Education. AS A YOUNG MAN, I saw you as a PeaceMaker and a Community Leader. NOW i see you as all the above +Philantropist
September 23, 2011
September 23, 2011
Papa nta-A Man Who Loved His Family & Community
Your Legacy of Love, Peace, and Unity will continue to shine in us and we pray for strength, wisdom, tolerance, love, Peace and unity so that we can live up to the std you and papa uku have set for us. We Miss you - Adieu!!
September 23, 2011
September 23, 2011
Grand dad I miss you so much, i had just talked to you not long ago and it really hurts to know you are not here with us anymore may your soul rest in peace. You will always be remembered
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Recent Tributes
September 21, 2023
September 21, 2023
Kaa Papa,
You have a Special Place in my heart. Continue to Rest in God’s Bosom….Amen
September 21, 2023
September 21, 2023
Papanta l missed you so much and you are forever in my heart, continue to rest in the lord.
September 20, 2023
September 20, 2023
Still Speechless
Though inevitable, but your departure happened so fast that I’m yet to sum up enough word to accept this loss.
Every day without you has been hard, but on this day especially I can’t help but think of you. You’re always in my heart ❤️
Gone But Never Forgotten.
Continue to rest peacefully in the bosom of our Lord
Recent stories

11th Anniversary of a Great Dad

September 17, 2022
Hon Rtn Chief Uba Ekeagbara Obasi (PHF)
Remembering your departure reminds me of so many courageous experiences and expectations.  The impact of Your Greatness and Humility still shines on us that you nurtured.  Your Goodwill alone which you normally told us you can’t finish is still uplifting us from the very position you graciously departed. We thank Almighty God for the life well spent, PAPA continue to rest in the bosom of the LORD.

Late Chief Uba E. Obasi — 11th year Remembrance

September 16, 2022

*No matter where I am, your Spirit will be beside me*

Today is your death anniversary and I pray to God for your continuedhappiness and peaceful repose of his Soul up there
Your Son,
Andy Uba Obasi

l weep in Honour.

September 17, 2014

My dear Uncle and father may the good Lord continue to bless your gentle soul and spirit as you are no more troubled by the sorrows and pains of this present world anymore that is already passing away everyday.
As l grow older everyday tears rolls down my eyes to realiaze that l have lost
someone so dear and precious to me as a child and as an adult but l bless
the Lord Jesus Christ who gave me the previledge of knowing him before you left this wicked and sinful generation.
l have nothing much to say further about you as many past and present tributes decribes the Lord's Jesus Christ l found in you knowing that God personally talked to me about you and how much he loves the heart in you simple blc you loved humanity in general and even extends love to those who hate you and your  family members.
You preached love and forgiveness and had never slept and woke up with the past and sometimes will not even rememebered what was said yesterday about you on any bad taste or issue.  .
l will always remain grateful to my grand-mum for producing you and all his chidren that are still outstanding characters and stars that we have benefited so much godly, royal and lovely wisdom we found in you all.
it is my present duty to manifest all that l learnt from you and the rest of your family members.
  The Love,kindness,grace,peace you have ex-tended to many in this world,never disciminated aganist anyone despite their status or situation,may get angry at ugly situations but have never deny anyone any help or support.
l sincerely pray that God will raise many more people who will go beyond their selfish greedy and lust in this world to carry on from where you people stopped as you and yor brother's life is a witness that is not easy to love and love all and that love is not laughter,living together,sharing the same faith,or being one family nor friendship is a thing of the mind,sincere,holy,selfless and only given from God that can only be pratcised by those who have and allowed it.
You life and your brothers was a sign of Christ as l have read and is reading the bible because before you people's eyes everyone is the same and deserves the right to exist thats why you two worked so hard to lift those who had nothing in their background and make them become kings they were not.
How l admire you people's courage and strength but was too young to understand now, that actually as l grow older l realized that my grand -mother the queen produced  these wonderful blessed mermories.
  This l rejoice in God and your legacies? who wouldn't be proud and rejoice over such testimonies.
May the good Lord give you and your brother late Chief lna ,E.OBASI the peace and rest your souls deserves as we will do no less but more to keep the family flag going in the name of Jesus Amen and Amen.     

Chidinma Eziyi (Niece,daughter)             

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