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September 27, 2020
September 27, 2020
What a wonderful memorial tribute to a very special person, Vera! I enjoyed looking at all the pictures of this beautiful woman's life. It is such a loss for the family and friends. Thinking of you all, Diane and Warren Bancroft 
September 20, 2020
September 20, 2020
From Fabienne Winkler

So many wonderful memories with Vera.
They go back to the late seventies in Folwell Hall at the University of Minnesota, in the family home, and of course at the famous lake cabin.
Vera comes so often by my side like I am sure she does for many of us when it comes to food - Vera is at her stove still teaching me how to make a perfect risotto alla milanese.
Vera comes to me every single time I open a book of Maryse Condé - we are still talking about francophone literature, philosophy, art … Life.
The Minnetonka mocassins we bought together many moons ago are still in my closet.
And, and…
I am very sad, but I am also happy; happy to have spent time again at the cabin with Vera two summers ago; very happy, Beautiful Vera, to have you in my life. Thank You.
My love to all.
September 19, 2020
September 19, 2020
Vera, a dear dear friend, whose boundless generosity and kindness we will never fully know. She gave so much to organizations and individuals... to me she was not only a colleague but a close friend, to my children she was Tía Vera.

Vera was there for many people but expected little from others. I doubt I will ever meet someone quite like her. Our dear and irreplaceable Vera.

We miss you now and will forever remember they way you touched our lives.
September 19, 2020
September 19, 2020
My first contact with Vera some 40 or so years ago was when she called my University office to inquire whether she could use a kitchenette in the basement of Tommy Hall to prepare a luncheon for a group of her colleagues. I soon discovered her heartful pattern of generosity and talent that characterized Vera's very thoughtful and considerate way of life. She went out of her way to welcome everyone and perhaps with a special eye for the needy and overlooked. Vera and Sy are nested deep in my heart with gratitude and respect and learning and I am profoundly grateful for the extraordinary blessing of their friendship and care. My heart goes out to Sy at 96 and family in this time of sadness and thanksgiving. Roman Paur OSB, St John's Abbey
September 17, 2020
September 17, 2020
Vera was not only a dear friend but a counselor and a mentor--as she was to many others, including countless CSB students. She was keenly affected by the pain and suffering of others and she helped raise people up, always generously, quietly and humbly. She walked the walk. Vera was an excellent, empathetic listener and some of her wise counsel included hard truths because she cared deeply. She was a classy, genuine, loving and kind soul, but could also be a real force of nature. She will be dearly missed.
September 16, 2020
September 16, 2020
The photographs are a beautiful tribute to your mother. I watched them over and over. 
September 16, 2020
September 16, 2020
Unmatched skill for languages and cultures; a star at work. A helping hand, a compassionate and generous heart; a humble role model with natural class and elegance; an extraordinary woman, our dearest and irreplaceable Vera.
September 14, 2020
September 14, 2020
Sy, Vera's children, Dona and Grandchildren:  I worked with Vera for many years in the Language Dept. I can say that without a doubt Vera was a mainstay of wisdom and caring love for her colleagues and students. I will never forget the time she and I moved from Aix-en-Provence to Cannes with all of the equipment, books and God knows what in a stuffed to the gills car. I was frustrated, hot and tired. Vera was calm, cool and kind. I will miss her very much, she was a dear friend. Fr. Jerome
September 14, 2020
September 14, 2020
I still have not realized that Vera is not with us anymore. Every time I go to the kitchen now I see her how with calm and professional hands she prepared wonderful meals and I feel so unfit.
Vera has always spread me with gifts from clothing, to household equipment, table cloths etc. and always when I use them I see her sweet happy satisfied smile of having another time just found what I wanted.
Always giving, always finding ways of making others feel well.
We have been very close cousins since infancy and she has been very important to me in happy and sad moments.
I so much am thankful to all the Theisen team of having been close to her in her last moments. 
I am sure that there was nothing more that she would have desired.
Thank you so so much also for this extraordinary memorial.
A very big hug to each and everyone, and a special hug to Sy
September 13, 2020
September 13, 2020
Our thoughts are with you all as we celebrate Vera's life.

Vera is someone I admired since I was a little girl... always in awe of her. She had such grace and presence about her... it was an honour to have shared in her life. I am so grateful to her for making us feel so welcomed by the Theisen family. I'll carry that feeling with me always. Peace to you all.
September 13, 2020
September 13, 2020
Vera was a role model for me, generous, inquisitive, and so energetic.
She and Sy welcomed us numerous times to their home and lake cabin. I will always remember our wonderful meals together. Whenever my energy flagged over the years, I would think of her cooking, teaching, knitting, gardening, swimming, and stoking the sauna. Her insatiable curiosity as evidenced by her interests in Buddhism, massage therapy, pottery, and numerous other pursuits was an inspiration. 
She was a great friend and will be dearly missed.
I extend my condolences to the entire Theisen family.
September 13, 2020
September 13, 2020
I just opened the memorial for the first time and am crying too much to speak but want to thank all of you. How thoughtful. I will take my time to look through it all.

A big big hug to all of you
September 12, 2020
September 12, 2020
Uncle Sylvester and family,

I am so sorry to hear about Vera. Our prayers are with you. This is not a good time because with can't be with you physically to give you comfort and a hug. Do know with care and feel with you. It sounds like Vera was not well for a while. I thought of you often and will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. God bless            Judy and Dan Johannes 
I will make sure the rest of my family knows. They do not all have or use internet

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