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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Victoria Zvidzayi, born on July 9, 1978, and passed unto glory on August 27, 2022. We will remember her forever.

1 Thess 4:13 (NIV)  Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. 14 For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. 
August 27
August 27
Wow! It’s been 2 years already. It seems like it was just months ago I heard of your passing. It’s said that time heals all wounds but this one is deep:
Missing you so much my friend. Just know that even though you’re gone, you will never be in my hearts .

Missing you my friend
August 27
August 27
It's been two years since you went to be with the Lord, yet your memory continues to inspire us.

We take solace in knowing you are in God’s presence, resting in the assurance of His word: "Absent from the body, present with the Lord. (2 cor 5:8 KJV)"

Rest on, until we meet again at the resurrection of the saints.
August 27, 2023
August 27, 2023
It's been 1 year, but your light and the memories of your impacts continue to shine in our hearts as you rest in eternal peace...

"....Blessed are the dead who die [a]in the Lord from henceforth: yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors.." Rev 14:13.
August 27, 2023
August 27, 2023
You make our hearts smile still! Your Light shines still!!!
I see you still!!!
Miss ya!
November 21, 2022
November 21, 2022
My dearest sweet Victoria. I just found out about your passing yesterday. My heart has shattered into pieces . I’m still in complete disbelief. I can’t believe you’re really gone . You were a one of kind person with one of the most genuine souls I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. We didn’t speak or see each other all the time, but when we did, we would talk for hours. I’m gonna miss our conversations, our laughs and most importantly, our hugs when we said goodbye .
Sleep in sweet peace my beautiful sister. You left this world too soon, but God knew why He called you home.

Until our souls meet again my friend…..
September 17, 2022
September 17, 2022
Dearest Nomsa, you have lived a wonderful life and have been a tremendous blessing to me and my family. Thank you for several words of prophecies and blessing spoken over my life and over my family. Your legacy will live on eternally and I look forward to joining you at the rapture. I love you dearly Nomsa
September 16, 2022
September 16, 2022
Good night Sis. Victoria, we’ll see you on that glorious morning.
September 16, 2022
September 16, 2022
...... Sis Victoria, You Are Far...
But You Have The Promise...
And Who Made To You That Promise..!

  .... ❤Sissy Queen...
September 15, 2022
September 15, 2022
Still in shock.
God knows best.
Continue to sing with the Angels.
Missing you already.
September 9, 2022
September 9, 2022
My dearest Victoria, I wish you had waited till Rapture, it is so near!!! The bond we shared as sisters will forever remain in my heart. You know…I still can’t believe you have transitioned! Honestly, I don’t think I will ever come to terms with it. You were a friend, turned sister. You are so easy to love…my goodness!!! I love you endlessly Victoria, you are one of the most selfless person I’ve ever met! You inspired me in so many ways, and you still inspire me, more ways than I can describe.

You are indeed a virtuous woman and a woman of great honour. I don’t want to use the term “were” because that is the Legacy you have left behind and it will remain who you are!! Thank you for those precious and inspiring moments we shared, the words of encouragements, prayers together, our late night talks…lol I remember how we met in Christ Embassy Brampton Brampton West with Pastor Ralph over 10 years ago. You were so bold and full of life. You were one of the first people to approach me, excitedly! 

I remember how excited I was to have met you and start my journey in Christ Embassy church. Years later, we started working together at a Call Centre called Maritz Canada with Deacon Godlove. It was so fun to have you as a co-worker as well. I remember those moments where we would giggle like high school girls during our 15 min breaks, go on lunch together, our short chats, and notes we used to send each other at work…hehe! I can go on and on. I have so many fond memories of you my sweet sis! Thank you for your always being genuine, thank you for over 10 years of friendship. Thank you for being a “stand-up” sister. Thank you for always being readily available for anything.

You are the only sister I know that will do my hair at 2am in the morning, despite being late, you would still take me without complaints…lol. Funny thing is, I had texted you just not to long ago saying I was going to be in town and would stop by your place so we could catch up. I wondered why I never received a response… little did I know that you had transitioned to be with the Lord. You know…every moment I shared with you is and ALWAYS will be greatly cherished.

Although your transition was sudden, I am pleased to know that you are NOW and FOREVER under the nurturing arms of our Lord. God has gained a true angel!! I know this is NOT goodbye!! We shall all meet again in celebration, worshiping with our Lord Jesus Christ!! I love you forever my precious, most loving Victoria!! ❤️❤️

Love you endlessly,
September 8, 2022
September 8, 2022
Sis Victoria has the best heart!! She loves people and loves God.

She helped me out in so many ways and always has a way of making everything okay. She’s one of the most creative people I know.

I love her so much and I’m so sad to know that she’s gone!
September 8, 2022
September 8, 2022
Victoria that I knew was a selfless woman. She was more interested in being a HELPER and as such she introduced a capable and interested individual to a business that she pioneered in Canada.
That legacy will never be forgotten.
Easy to do business with.
Uneasy to draw her into any drama, allowing those that knew her better do the explaining of whatever she's misunderstood in.
Victoria will be missed.
Philipa Laster
For Revoobit USA.
September 7, 2022
September 7, 2022
Dear Sis Victoria my sister in Christ. You will be missed but not forgotten. May you rest in peace until me meet again.
September 7, 2022
September 7, 2022
Sis Victoria you left too soon. I will miss your beautiful smile and kindness. Sleep on beloved Sis Victoria and take your rest. We love you but God loved you best.
September 4, 2022
September 4, 2022
Only found out about your passing yesterday. Sis Vicky you were a true child of God and i know you're resting in peace in the arms of God. You stood by my father during his sickness and till death & will always be grateful .

You were dedicated to your God and church ⛪️. The time i was in Canada, every single Sunday you would come to my father's house to pick us and take us to Church. You made me love Sinach's music and you also made my Dad be close to God in his last days on earth. Rest Easy Child Of God
September 3, 2022
September 3, 2022
Sis Victoria, the money magnet. Great woman of God. You will be missed. Just going through your messages. You were such a wonderful soul! Adieu dear sister Victoria.
September 2, 2022
September 2, 2022
Beloved sis Victoria. Your death was still like a dream. But my solace is in thy Lord because I truly believe you are with thy Lord Jesus Christ. In fact you are part of the reasons why we are still in Cebe with the beauty of God over your life. My sis as I used to called you. Was it the free rides without any complaints. Instead your sweet words of encouragement always drives me on. There’s lots that we shared together. In fact your daughter Bolaji’s really missing you. Because the investment you started together is still on. Am short of words. Continue to rest in thy bosom of our Lord. Adieu!!!
September 2, 2022
September 2, 2022
Sis Victoria you will forever be in our hearts, I know you have found peace where you are because the word of God says so. much love. rest in peace dear sister Victoria.
Mr and Mrs Imade
September 2, 2022
September 2, 2022
Then I heard [the distinct words of] a voice from heaven, saying, “Write, ‘Blessed (happy, prosperous, to be admired) are the dead who die in the Lord from now on!’” “Yes, [blessed indeed],” says the Spirit, “so that they may rest and have relief from their labors, for their deeds do follow them.” Revelation 14:13.
We are thankful to God for a life well spent in Christ. We celebrate you now and always
September 2, 2022
September 2, 2022
Sister Vee, no one has come in contact with you without having a positive thing to say about you. I am grateful that I shared time with you. When we speak about giving life a meaning, you are definitely a good definition of it. From when I met you when CEBE was still under the leadership of Pastor Ralph, you never stop fighting for the gospel till your last day on earth.

David had his mighty men and you were part of Pastor Ralph's mighty men. Your labor of faith is so strong, I hardly seen someone who is willing to put everything at ease to answer a call for God's work. As the property manager, you worked tirelessly until CEBE was beautified. What didn't you do for our church, you made it a responsibility that every Saturday night we will vacuum, mop and clean the entire church and still come to church 30 minutes early on Sunday morning to pray before service.

Sis Vee, remember when we use to pray in church when we just moved into our new building as we were building the podium. You never stopped encouraging me and wife to keep praying as we will come there just the three of us regularly to pray for at least one hour until my wife started speaking in tongues. 

Remember the day you told me brother Goodnews today you will speak in tongues and we prayed that day for a very long while in the current children's church until finally things started happening in the spirit.

Sister Vee, you are someone that is not afraid to distribute the Rhapsody for 1000km from door to door and still wake up the next morning to go pick up as many brethren as you can accommodate in your car to come to church.

I Remember when you called me that you want to buy a 7 passengers Mercedes-Benz and I asked why 7 though and you responded and the response was shocking. You told me that the reason for the 7 is to have more space for people to seat.

Sis Vee, I can go on and on but what you have done for the ministry and the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ will live forever. Rest on soldier for I know that you are with our Lord. We will forever love you.
September 1, 2022
September 1, 2022
Dear sis Victoria you were an honest, loyal humble,respectful hardworking especially in God’s house . You were faithful and never feared to venture into the unknown .You told me one day ‘ you try before you succeed or fail; not all storms come to disrupt your life ,some come to clear your paths’ Victoria thank God for a life well lived and we shall see again in Heaven.Rest in peace my angel ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️
September 1, 2022
September 1, 2022
The Disciple whom Jesus Loved !!!


.A soul Winner ,A giver to the core, A passionate and caring leader.Am proud of you .

You lived a life worth celebrating ✨️
I salute your love for the master .You are indeed the Disciple whom Jesus loved

August 31, 2022
August 31, 2022
I still can't wrap my head around the news that you're gone,you'll forever be missed. Your laughter that commands attention in a loving way.
We love you sister Victoria but God loves you more. ❤️.
August 31, 2022
August 31, 2022
Dear Sister Victoria,

I'm going to miss you so much. But I'm so glad that we had the chance to spend your best days together. We shared so many memories, and I will never forget them. You could always make any situation better with your humor and wit. And your faith in Christ was unshaken, even when things were bleakest. Your faith gave me the strength to keep going—not just in times like these but every day. You were a fashion icon: you dressed like no one else, and no one could ever come close to being as stylish as you were.

Ecclesiastes 3:20 says: “All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return." But now that you've gone on ahead of us all, I know that wherever you are now is a better place than the world you left behind. Rest on Beautiful❤️
August 31, 2022
August 31, 2022
Queen Victoria, I have not been able to find the right words to say about you on this platform because it is still like a dream to me. Two weeks ago when I gave you a ride from the church program, all you talked about was eternity and how we all have to be ready for the coming of Christ. You were ready and as much as we are not ready yet to part ways with a treasure like you, you are with the Lord. I can imagine you singing dancing and just resting with the Heavenly hosts. It is gain. There is no loss absolutely to die in Christ. Love you dearly ❤
August 31, 2022
August 31, 2022
My deepest condolences to the family, friends and loved ones of our dear sis Victoria. It's a bittersweet moment for me as I say goodbye to our dear friend and sister. I have known you for such a short time but you have been a great inspiration in our lives and the lives of so many countless people. You will be dearly missed and your good works will surely continue to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. We were privileged to have known you for the period of time that we had with you however short it was. We will take comfort in knowing that our heavenly father and our Lord Jesus Christ and personal saviour along with the holy spirit and a host of angels and heavenly beings are joyfully welcoming you home. Rest our dear sister and friend, rest in the perfect love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
August 30, 2022
August 30, 2022
Rest In Peace Sis Victoria! I can’t even remember the number of times you reached out to me to give me a ride after each choir rehearsals at Clayson.
You were just a blessing, always willing to bless the world.
The Lord comfort your family and all those you blessed with your beautiful personality.
August 30, 2022
August 30, 2022
I have only meet you two years ago but you whole a place in mu heart. I remember you told me "God has not forgotten you my sis and all will work out.
Sis Victoria your selflessness and  Dedication in the kingdom and to God's people will never go unnoticed you have fought a good fight and run a good race ,rest now until will meet again.
August 30, 2022
August 30, 2022
I’m still in shock!!! Little did I know that was going to be the last time we will be in contact. August 15th when you sent me a worship audio. I responded with a prayer emoji. You came to mind Saturday morning to reach out to you. Little did I know that you’ve left this world few hours before to meet your maker whom you so loved.

I only met you last year September via zooms and phone calls and it seemed I’ve known you forever! I can’t believe you are gone. I got so connected to you because you looked so much like a very good friend of mine. When I showed you her picture you were in shock so was my friend and that bond grew stronger between us. 

I asked God why you? But at the same time he knows best. We are all going to leave this world but no one knows the timing. No doubt we will surely meet again only in a little while.

I pray that God comforts and strengthen the entire family during this time. Rest In Peace dear till we meet and part no more
August 30, 2022
August 30, 2022
Rest in eternal peace Victoria, it was a pleasure knowing you. 
August 30, 2022
August 30, 2022
Munin'ina Queen Victoria.

Famba zvinyoronyoro munin'ina. Wakarwa kurwa kwakanaka ukatidzidzisa rudo runoshamisa. Wakatigamuchira muno muCanada nenzira yatisati tamboona pasirino. Ukatidzidzisa kushanda kunoitwa mhiri kwemakungwa. Vazhinji vakagamuchira Jesu nemabasa awayi ita. Mwari akudzwe nemabasa makuru awakaita munin'ina. Mbiri kunaShe
August 29, 2022
August 29, 2022
Sweetheart! You are a Wonder. It was always a delight sharing with you life as we have experienced it so far, sharing the Word of God and Songs of praise, sharing testimonies and all that talk about food! You are a very appreciative person; always quick to tell of every good deed, every act of love. I am glad for the many voice notes we shared. You fill my heart with warmth and smiles. Your generosity will always be fondly remembered. Our gistings, ever treasured.Thank you for the all round value you will always represent. My heart smiles.
Though the testimonies of men be great concerning you, God's testimony is greater!!!
Victorious Victoria, you won!
Great is your reward....
Great is your crown.....

August 29, 2022
August 29, 2022
Victoria, I met you for the first time at our old church location by Bramalea City Centre during Communion Service on November 3, 2013 and after that meeting, you made my pick up to and from church, your responsibility. You are a loving and very caring Sister and I miss you a lot already and always will. You are Heaven's gain. Rest on Sister.
August 29, 2022
August 29, 2022
For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Philippians 1: 21.
Victoria, You have indeed gained my sister and friend! you gained wings to be with the one your heart loved so much. I love you forever. Xoxo

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Recent Tributes
August 27
August 27
Wow! It’s been 2 years already. It seems like it was just months ago I heard of your passing. It’s said that time heals all wounds but this one is deep:
Missing you so much my friend. Just know that even though you’re gone, you will never be in my hearts .

Missing you my friend
August 27
August 27
It's been two years since you went to be with the Lord, yet your memory continues to inspire us.

We take solace in knowing you are in God’s presence, resting in the assurance of His word: "Absent from the body, present with the Lord. (2 cor 5:8 KJV)"

Rest on, until we meet again at the resurrection of the saints.
August 27, 2023
August 27, 2023
It's been 1 year, but your light and the memories of your impacts continue to shine in our hearts as you rest in eternal peace...

"....Blessed are the dead who die [a]in the Lord from henceforth: yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors.." Rev 14:13.
Recent stories
September 12, 2022

The Special Day When  I Meet You...  Around  The City,, Any Road.....Sister Victoria Queen.....

Conversation! On January 3,2019,Around 3PM..
Sis Sarah Hello, Excuse  Me Miss? Can I Say Some words To You? 
Sis Victoria: Hello, Yes,, Go Ahead!!!
Sis Sarah:  Good  Afternoon! well, Just Sharing  With You, Some  Of What I Am  Doing For Living  By The Moment .
Sister Victoria: Why? 
Sis  Sarah: The life, 
Sister Victoria: Why? Where Is Your Life? 
Sis Sarah:There,.. Is There, But I Don't Know Where. 
Sister  Victoria:  Let's  See!! , ....Ooh  What Is It?? Oh is Crochet!! Oooh  Baby Winter Hats, I Need One, I Know A  Baby..And I Will Buy One Baby Hat  From You,  But,  I Am Going To Your House Tonight  And I Will Buy It.!  See You Tonight! 
Sis Sarah: Thanks So Much!  I Appreciate It.!
Sister Victoria : You Are Welcome  My Love,  Let Me Pray For You....

Conversation On January 3,  2019,   Around  6: 45PM
Sister Victoria:  Where's My Hat,?. Thank You..
Sis Sarah: ...Who Is He?
Sister  Victoria: He Is Brother Isaiah.  
Sister Victoria: I Realy Coming  Here About  The Hat .... But More Than  The Baby Hat , The Real Reason That I Am Here , Is.... You,!    I Am Taking  You To Go  To Church Next Sunday.   See You At Sunday!!!

January 6, 2019.. Around 9AM On The Way To Church  In Your Car, Having Of Conversation 30% , Because The Radio OF your Car  In So High Volume... 90% , With  Praises  And Worship Songs,  Exalting The Name Of JESÚS.... And Suddenly... Arriving  To The Embassy Of Christ.... And Facing .. For First Time! .,..This  BEAUTIFUL  MINISTRY.... By You !! 

... I Give Glory  To God Forever!!!. Celebrating Your Beautiful Ministry And  Life...
My Sister Victoria Queen....

Sister Sarah                                                        ❤

Statement from Mom

August 31, 2022
".. Victoria was always victorious in difficult circumstances. Never gave up. Very strong character. Forever will keep her dreams alive..."  Mom.

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