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90 th Birthday

November 11, 2022
Thinking and smiling remembering our funny and fun times together! So many memories to share with the kids & grandkids! So many wonderful parts of your (and dad’s) lives have been shared with them-and in those-you are with us forever!  Love and miss you even more through the holidays-making shrimp and ravioli the night before Thanksgiving is one that Comes to mind-such a family affair. Love is eternal
July 16, 2017

a few of my favorite things

April 10, 2017

I couldn't narrow down all of my favorite Grandma Vicki stories to just I thought I'd start with a list of some of the memories that keep replaying in my mind over the past few days. 
- The nicknames that she called us: KatieLee, little Joe from Cocomo, Kelly Belly (that one stuck, sorry Kells)
-Her enthusiasm when you would tell her news. She was the best person to call when you had to share something because the reaction was always over-the-top. There was always a scream, yell and then you would hear her yell to Grandpa "Joe, Joe, you have to hear this". Chris and I would wait to share news until we could both be on speaker phone because her reactions were the best and we didn't want to miss it. 
- Her acceptance and open-arms to anyone and everyone. She could make friends anywhere and at any time. Family to her was both blood relatives and created family. She celebrated everyone's accomplishments and was genuinly interested in what you were doing, how things were going and your happiness.   
- Her catchy phrases, songs, rhymes, etc. "Alice where are you going" is a staple for three generations in the bath and pool; Joey and I enjoyed finally finding the lyrics to the song we learned in elementary school that she constantly wanted us to sing her, even into our 20's "Mr. Wilson had a cat". Come to find out it was a pretty depressing song...she would have laughed.  (Please post any of her sayings/phrases...I'm blanking right now, but she had some really good ones!)
- She and Grandpa came to every performance, graduation, dance recital, sports game and birthday they possibly could, despite living 5 hours away. She was always the loudest cheerer (? I'm allowed to make up words...) in the audience and the most embaressing. But you felt like a million bucks when she was there. 
-She was an athlete...she played golf until 10-15 years ago, tennis and dove off the diving board up until 3 years ago...I kid you not. Pointed toes and great form...amazing!
- Despite how many times she had tried a certain food, she would claim that she had NEVER eaten it before and would be shocked by how delicious it was. Imagine her delight when she tried shrimp cocktail (again) for the first time ever at the age of 82!    
- We were lucky enough to go on some amazing vacations with her. Our family trip to Italy in 2004 deserves its own post. Italy, Barbados, Jamaica, Florida, etc.
- She loved reading and Grandpa will tell you that when she stopped reading in the past year or so is when he knew that she was in a decline. Her coffee table has always consisted of stacks of books, crossword puzzles, a creepy coffee mug, an ashtray and a little bowl with a nail file and nail polish. I loved watching gymnastics or ice skating with her during our summer vacations in Cortland.
-She made the most simple, delicious Italian food. I swear her recipes have 1/3 of the ingrediants any recipe nowadays have, but they tasted so much better. Pasta fagioli, her sauce, fried cauliflower.    
-When I was younger we used to all run around the house cleaning before Grandma and Grandpa arrived. I would be so excited to show her any new clothes I got since her last visit; she was as excited for each and every $9.99 shirt from Marshall's as the last. 
- I always admired how much she loved my Grandpa. The admiration and love they have for one another is inspiring. "He's a handsome devil, Katielee".
- She went on this artisitic, painting kick later in life. We all have some original artwork from Grandma. We hope you enjoy the still life paintings that hang around our house as much as we do. Feel free to ask us to pull the portraits of ourselves out of the closets if you would like to see them...maybe not her strong suit.
- She loved any type of performance that we would, dance, acting. And as much as I resisted singing her favorite songs (Mira) around the piano at reunions and holidays, I would overcome my shy, bashful, fear of performing (maybe with some liquid courage too) because I knew how much she loved it. And her smile and praise during and afterwards made it worth it.

Grandma loved life and lived it to the fullest. I could not be luckier to be her granddaughter. I am so happy that she did not have to suffer long. I am thankful for all the wonderful gifts that she have given us; we will continue to live with these memories and share them as often as possible.

We love you forever and always Grandma.    

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