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Her Life

翁慧韻 Vivien YUNG (1950 - 2022)

March 28, 2022
  • 慧韻常感恩自幼在一個熱愛音樂的基督教家庭長大,深受父母親創辦及經營華聲琴行的薰陶。
  • 在大學時期確認她的信仰,委身基督,開始在自小長大的公理堂積極事奉,在教會內外參與青少年事工。
  • 在一次「突破機構」舉辦的音樂活動中,她認識了一群對音樂事工志同道合的朋友, 看到時代的需要,一同創立了ACM,開拓原創現代普及粵語基督教詩歌的事工,實踐異象。
  • 從此開始了她基督教音樂事工的生涯,除全力創作及填寫多首現代普及粵語基督教詩歌外,也創作了不少兒童及青年歌曲。慧韻更在期間,本著基督教外展的精神,成立「赤道」組合,推出「赤道」粵語流行曲大碟,進一步實踐以流行曲影響生命的異象。這些音樂到今天都受很多人喜歡,甚至成為經典,在香港及世界各地影響了許多人的生命…
  • 她的一生是神恩典的樂章...
偉微  偉琦  韻嫻

  • Vivien was always thankful for the love and inspirations of her parents, both music-loving Christians, who founded and ran the Excelsior Music Company in Hong Kong for many years.
  • She affirmed her personal faith in Christ during college. She started serving actively in her home church, China Congregational Church, with special focus on youth. She continued in youth ministry after college, serving as a member of the FES staff.
  • During one Breakthrough-sponsored music event, she got connected with a group of Christians who shared her vision in music ministry. Together, they founded ACM, to meet the need for good contemporary Cantonese Christian songs in Cantonese-speaking churches.
  • This started her lifelong Christian music ministry. She produced numerous pieces of wonderful works, as both a composer and lyricist. Among her works, we can also find Cantonese pops with underlying Christian themes, written especially for children and youths. Furthermore, during her time with ACM, due to her burden in evangelistic outreach, Vivien started the “Equator” singing group, and produced “Equator” Cantonese pop song albums.  This further realized her vision to impact lives through pop music.  Her works prove to be well-known and well-loved. They have become classics and have transformed many lives both in Hong Kong and many other places around the globe.
  • The life of Vivien is a melodious reflection of the Grace of God.
Jeremy,  Michael and Vanda

Music and Songs - Life Story of Vivien

March 30, 2022
Vivien's life is a story of songs and music. With ACM’s permission, we are sharing a dozen of songs (both the sound track and the lyrics) produced by them that were written by Vivien. These songs are listed under the “STORIES” tab. They can be played on demand but are also randomly played as background music of this website.