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April 28
April 28
Walker Williams had a profound impact on my life as a young female professional in D.C. through the 1990s, and as a friend and mentor in life in general. We worked on Caribbean agriculture at first then African health. I was so saddened and shocked when I learned of his death months after his passing - I did not see this site until now. I know I could never give to him all he’s given to me, but I strive to pay it forward. My 20 year old son has left toys behind, but I’ve kept the bear we named Walker that you gave us. Janice, I hope life has been kind over these years. I’m navigating widowhood myself far too soon. My gratitude for knowing Walker will remain with me for my entire life.
November 7, 2022
November 7, 2022
To Walker's dear family, I continue to feel a very deep loss... Walker was so very special to me from the time we met, following the loss of my Mom in 1989. He and Sandy Fauriol hired me to work with them to fundraise for the Black Revolutionary War Patriots Memorial. From then to his transition as a now ancestor, he was/is deeply and dearly treasured.

I do miss his presence in my life. With great love and gratitude, Pam (Durham, NC)
March 4, 2018
March 4, 2018
I just learned of Walker's passing. I was sad and shocked. Walker was my greatest mentor in life. My only friend wo dared to tell me what to do except for my own father. Ironically Walker passed away on the anniversery of my father's birthday. We had many intellectual adventures from banking to travel. It was a real trip. Also we were honored when Walker took us to the Carribean for one of his contracts. The man really worked hard. Rest in Peace
June 20, 2017
June 20, 2017
We first met Walker Williams about 8 years ago, in connection with a malaria project in Ghana. Our company, Phytica, had demonstrated in a small study that a tea made from an indigenous plant was effective in destroying the malaria parasite. 

We were fortunate enough to meet Walker, and he became an invaluable member of our team, joining as President of our US company and joining the Board of Phytica Ghana. 

Although we were a start up with no funding for salaries, Walker was fully committed to our cause. He made significant time for Phytica amidst his many other responsibilities, travelling to Ghana with us and connecting with our stakeholders.

From the outset, it was easy to see how Walker had been so successful in his other international endeavors. Walker’s calm, respectful style immediately put everyone at ease around a table. He quickly understood the business and political dynamics at play in our many interactions with key people. Whether we were meeting the Minister of Health in Ghana, or important funders of Phytica like Andrew Young, Walker’s warmth, natural sense of diplomacy and quiet confidence opened doors and drew others to him. 

We were looking forward to many more years of working together, but that was not to be. 

We will miss Walker’s leadership and international business skills. But much more than that, we will miss Walker as our colleague and friend.
Diane Winn, Founder, Phytica Inc.
Erich Eiselt, Board member, Phytica, Inc.
June 19, 2017
June 19, 2017
Walker, I know you are listening and watching over us all. I will miss your chuckle and smile. You made work fun and magical!

For you are like a seashell.

The tide recedes but leaves behind
bright seashells on the sand.
The sun goes down, but gentle
warmth still lingers on the land.

The music stops, and yet it echoes
on in sweet refrains.....

For every joy that passes,
something beautiful remains.
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
In Memory of Mr. Walker Williams a fierce advocate for trade and investment opportunities in Africa and the Caribbean. Walker set the path that others will follow in the achievement of the Diaspora's dream. May God rest his soul and comfort his family and friends.
Amb. Joseph Huggins and Margot Sullivan
June 12, 2017
June 12, 2017
A Labrador’s smile is a rare and fleeting event
A slight up turn of the lips, a momentary relaxation of the tail
When Mila Luna met Walker the smile was expansive, long lasting
Her body calm, relaxed, happy
Met by an equally broad and deep smile, she understood Walker’s kindness, grace and love
Our world became darker when we lost these smiles.
June 1, 2017
June 1, 2017
Walker was a "brother beloved" and a living testimony of the legacy of our African heritage, culture, and spirit. He is remembered in a special way and our hearts of love are open to his family and all who knew him well! Blessings in God's love, mercy, and grace! Philippians 1:3
May 23, 2017
May 23, 2017
Walker created a community around his love of and commitment to Africa. We celebrate his life and mission- which shall be carried on by all of us.
May 23, 2017
May 23, 2017
Walker was such a special person, a warm, kind person who was always available to help another person succeed. His legacy is truly one of aiding humanity and helping people.
May 22, 2017
May 22, 2017
Walker was such a kind and generous person, and someone that just made you smile when you ran into him. He will be missed.
May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017
I just learned of Walker's passing almost a month to the date. My deepest condolences to his family and friends, I am shocked and saddened by the news. May his soul rest in peace.
April 30, 2017
April 30, 2017
Walker Williams and Shehnaz were two of the first people I met when I moved to Washington from Los Angeles 12 years ago, and I saw him at every African-focused event I attended. I marveled at his knowledge of Africa, and his passion for working as part of the African Diaspora to help move the African continent forward. His presence, his passion for Africa and his brilliance will be sorely missed. To the family and friends, please accept my heartfelt condolences, and may Walker continue to live on through the lives of the many people he touched. May God continue bless and provide you with comfort. Sincerely, Julia Wilson & Wilson Global Communications
April 29, 2017
April 29, 2017
I am so sorry to hear of Walker's passing. He was always so nice
to me. Peace and love to the family.
April 24, 2017
April 24, 2017
Walker was full of wisdom that he was so willing and eager to share. My condolences to the Williams family and friends on their loss on such a tremendously wonderful man.
April 22, 2017
April 22, 2017
Walker was a business associate of mine when I was CEO of a national energy organization. Our association was always cordial and productive. He was one of the persons you meet in life and feel richer for it. I was deeply shocked and saddened to discover him pictured on the obituary page of the Post. May he rest in peace.
April 20, 2017
April 20, 2017
I had the privilege of working alongside Walker and Shehnaz in 2015 as an associate at Leadership Africa. Every morning, Walker would walk in the office and laugh, say "Good morning!" and illuminate the atmosphere with his kindness. Happiness radiated from Walker -- it was contagious. He knew how to make anyone feel respected, validated, and understood. I learned so much about the African community, Washington, and politics from Walker, but more importantly, I was privy to his sage advice on life and personal growth. As a side project, I often typed up Walker's funny quips and tidbits during the day and kept them in a word document. Walker was truly one of a kind.

I cannot express how grateful I am to Walker for every encouragement, favor, phone call, lesson, gift, and laugh. Reading through comments, it is apparent that Walker touched the lives of many. Through his example, I hope to one day emulate Walker's graciousness, kindness, and selflessness. His dedication to international development, trade, and education (among many other areas of interest) was also commendable.

My thoughts are with Walker's family, friends, colleagues, and Shehnaz. Walker will be greatly missed.
April 18, 2017
April 18, 2017
Walker Alexander Williams Jr. may your gentle soul rest in perfect peace! Thank you for your friendship, kind words of encouragement and accepting me as one of your own family member. I will forever remember how you have advised me to forge ahead without fears and remain strong to carry out anything I had my mind set in to do. I remembered joking with you about your younger brother being your Senior Brother. OMG, brother you will be so missed!!! My daily prayers goes to your entire family during this difficult period....
April 18, 2017
April 18, 2017
Walker was our neighbor - always such a pleasure to see him around the neighborhood. We wish we had known more about his amazing professional career, but even just through the limited contact we had with him, Walker's charisma and charm came through. We will miss him -- we know that those who knew him better will miss him even more. Our blessings and sympathy to Jan and to all his family.
April 18, 2017
April 18, 2017
we will miss walker's unique talent in dealing with difficult issues on many fronts with charm, insight and sense of fairness. it is not only Phytica's loss, but the world at large is a smaller place without him.
April 16, 2017
April 16, 2017
It was with profound shock and sadness that I learnt of the passing of Walker Williams.

As former Ambassador of the Republic of Malawi to the United States (2010 - 2015), I will remember Walker as a man of few words who strongly believed in action and in trade and investment and not just aid as an effective and sustainable means for ending poverty in Africa, and for helping the African continent transform into the next frontier for global economic growth.

This is exemplified, among other things, by his enormous and selfless contribution to the enactment and reauthorization of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). Walker's belief in the importance of AGOA to economic growth in eligible African countries distinguished him as a true friend of the African diplomatic corps.

On a personal note, my wife, Isabel and I will always remember Walker as a loving, compassionate and joyful friend. His humility was second to none. We have very fond memories of every encounter and conversation we had with him and we feel privileged to have known him. He will truly be missed by all those who knew him closely.

Deepest condolences to his family and to Shehnaz Rangwalla and the entire team at Leadership Global. May his soul rest in peace.
April 14, 2017
April 14, 2017
On behalf of the board, staff and members of the Foundation for Democracy in Africa, and members of the AGOA Civil Society Organization Network , I express our sincere heartfelt condolence to Mr. Walker William's family and friends, and to the staff of Leadership Africa on the passing of a dear colleague and leader. Walker Williams will be forever remember for his passion and contributions to advancing US-Africa trade, economic and cultural engagement. We pray that his Soul and the Soul of all other faithfully departed will Rest In Peace.
April 14, 2017
April 14, 2017
Walker has been my mentor and guide. I would go to Walker with the most complex issues and he had a seemingly innate ability to help build solutions. I am better, I am stronger, and OICI is stronger because of Walker.
April 14, 2017
April 14, 2017
Walker was the first person to hire me when I moved to D.C. He was unbelievably generous and kind. And forgiving. I remember typing up somebody's grant proposal and replacing the word 'ruminant' with 'rudiment' throughout the whole document, and he just laughed. (This was in the days before Search and Replace). I have counted him as among my friends for the last 35 years, and I can't believe he is gone.I will miss him greatly.
April 14, 2017
April 14, 2017
We will all always remember Walker as a major positive force in the development of Africa and the Caribbean and the uplifiting of people's lives. Our paths crossed so many times over so many years in so many places, and each time something more creative was being cooked up. We will sorely miss him and offer our prayers and thoughts to his loving family! May he Rest in Peace!
April 13, 2017
April 13, 2017
Walker was one of a kind. While his humility was self-evident, he was a beacon and inspiration to many. He touched many lives in different parts of the world. Walker was an ambassador of goodwill and of good works. I believe he finished his course superbly. Well done! Condolences to the immediate and extended family.
April 13, 2017
April 13, 2017
Walker was a lovely person with a global perspective and a gift for sensitive listening and constructive advice. I was lucky to work with Walker on DC’s Casey Trees’ board, where his leadership and wise counsel were respected and treasured. Walker was a special friend to many, and he set the standard for both reason and kindness. He was generous with his time, considerate in his actions and capable of relating effectively to people of every description. Walker was a leader by example, quietly moving any group or discussion in the right direction. His view was global, but his appeal was so very personal. I am so sad he is gone, but so glad to have been briefly in his orbit. Walker celebrated life and made it better for us all. I send my warmest condolences.
April 13, 2017
April 13, 2017
My dear, dear Walker will be so greatly and painfully missed! I've known Walker since 1990 when he hired me to help fundraise for the Black Revolutionary War Patriots Memorial. We remained friends and stayed in touch periodically. Walker was like a father, but more a dear, dear friend I could always count on for kind guidance, advice, counsel, and a grand laugh! I called Monday (4/10/17) for that kind guidance to learn that he is no longer... My heart is still stunned and longing for one last conversation.. His huge personality and heart is gracing the beauty of Heaven. I thank God for Walker's presence in my life... Thank you to his family for sharing him with the rest of us. I wish for you peace and acceptance of such a loss in the warm embrace of God's loving arms... Hugggggssssss to you all...
April 13, 2017
April 13, 2017
From Teddy Grant--

I send my condolences to his family and friends. Walker was one of the kindest and most knowledgeable people that I have ever met. He was always willing to listen and offer advice, and he made my time in D.C. memorable. He left an impression on everyone who came in contact with him.

He will truly be missed.
April 13, 2017
April 13, 2017
From Devon Black--

I was so sorry to hear the news about Walker. My internship at Leadership Africa USA remains a highlight of my post-secondary education, and I still find myself using skills I learned during that internship every day. Shehnaz and Walker were both amazing mentors and role models, and I know that Walker will be deeply missed. Please pass on my condolences to everyone at LA USA.

From what I see on social media, it seems that LA USA is still doing exceptional work. It always brightens my day when an update from LA USA shows up on my Facebook or Instagram feeds.
April 13, 2017
April 13, 2017
It is with profound sadness that I extend my deepest condolences to the family of Walker. From my first interaction with Walker he was consistently humble, warm and kind in both his words and actions. His legacy of striving to improve the lives of others will continue long into the future. May His Soul Rest in Eternal Peace...
April 12, 2017
April 12, 2017
From Ambassador Oliver Wonekha--
It is with great shock that we learn of the passing away of Mr. Walker Alexander Williams!

He was truly a friend of African and cherished engagement in global issues that affected us all.

On behalf of the staff of Uganda Embassy and my own behalf, I wish his family, relatives and friends our most sincere heartfelt condolences. May the Lord grant them strength and courage at this trying moment.

May his soul rest in eternal peace.
April 12, 2017
April 12, 2017
I will always remember Walker for his wisdom and humility.
A great man. He will certainly be missed.
April 12, 2017
April 12, 2017
So proud of Walker's commitment to the diaspora; so grateful to have called him my cousin. I will miss his laugh/smile and "Walker being Walker".
April 12, 2017
April 12, 2017
From Margot A. Sullivan--

As many of you know, it was the work of Walker and Shehnaz, as the Leadership Africa Team, in tandem with the African Dip Corps that resulted in the “Recommendations for the Re-Authorization of the African Growth and Opportunity Act” by the AGOA Ambassadors Working Group. The Working Group was established in January 2013 and, if my memory serves me right, the Recommendations were published in May 2013.

The Recommendations were seen by many interested parties on the Hill -- and I believe on both sides of the aisle -- as a sign of robust support from the African Dip Corps. This critical confirmation from the Continent enabled those of us who staffed HFAC, SFRC, Ways and Means and SFC to seriously start the process of meeting, discussing, arguing and putting down ideas, regarding the reauthorization of AGOA. The Recommendations also enabled our Congressmembers to coalesce around various ideas aimed at making AGOA stronger and more effective.

Much thanks must go to our dear friends Walker and Shehnaz for their efforts in this regard, as well as to so many of you and your predecessors. Your strong support for the timely reauthorization of AGOA resulted in the signing of the bill into law approximately two years later.

We will always remember Walker for his proven interest in Africa and the Caribbean.

Sincere condolences to his family and his friends.
April 12, 2017
April 12, 2017
My condolences to the Williams family. God bless Walker for all his contributions. He was such a kind, brilliant, and unselfish gentleman. May his legacy live on forever. I'm so blessed to have known him; worked with him; and to have met with him on energy issues in the US and in Africa, the Motherland.
Peace & Blessings!
April 12, 2017
April 12, 2017
From Somduth Soborun, former Ambassador of Mauritius--

It is with profound sorrow and sadness that I have learned the demise of our good friend, the one and only, Walker Williams. The elements of nature were so mixed in him that his presence always conveyed an aura of friendship full of sincerity and harmony. He was a friend to everybody and was the best of best. I came to know him shortly after my arrival in D.C in Jan.2011 while we were spearheading the advocacy for the urgent renewal of the Third Country Fabric Rule of AGOA. He has played a very significant role, together with his close associate Shehnaz in helping the African Diplomatic Corps in many fields, to raise the profile and stake of Africa with the U.S administration. I salute his support, cooperation, invaluable advice and mentoring. I must confess that he played a major role in bringing the African diplomats closer to the U.S lawmakers on the Hill. With time he became not only a personal friend of mine but also a family friend. He has been an honored and privileged guests several times at the official residence during my tenure. As a matter of fact the last dinner before I left Washington for Mauritius in July 2014, was together with him, Ms. Shehnaz Rangawalah and his brother Ken together with the members of my family. Over the past two and a half years I maintained a regular contact with him . In fact I last whatapped him on 30 March 2017. We had promised to see each other either in D.C or Mauritius. Unfortunately time did not favor us with this opportunity. His departure has ceated a vacuum which is difficult to be filled. He was of unique character and personality; always cheerful, cool, composed and caring. He was a Gentleman! My wife Mila, our son Yashvir and daughter Keshini join me in extending our heartfelt and deepest condolences on the passing of our dear Walker. our thoughts and prayers are with beloved wife, his children and the bereaved family and friends and to Ms. Shehnaz and Ken Williams. May His Soul Rest in Peace.
April 12, 2017
April 12, 2017
From Maya Harris-Cameron--

I was so sorry to hear about Walker’s passing. You have my most sincere condolences.

Be well.
April 12, 2017
April 12, 2017
From Melvin Foote--

The passing of Walker Williams this past weekend is a huge loss to the entire Africa-focused community in Washington. Walker was a fixture in the community, and engaged in a range of issues including trade, energy, education and healthcare. He also was very supportive of the Africa-focused community and at one point or another helped all of the key Africa-focused organizations including the Constituency for Africa, Africare, Transafrica, OIC International, the Africa Society and the Corporate Council on Africa. May his family be at peace in the knowledge that Walker is now resting in a better place with the Lord.
April 11, 2017
April 11, 2017
From Pat Dambe--

Friends, I was called on Saturday with this very sad news. Walker passed on Friday. We met in 1994 as we began the process of building the foundation of Thebe Investment Corporation alongside Vusi Khayile, Litha Nyhonyha, Moss Mashishi, Loren Braithwaite Kabosha, Zwelakhe Mankazana, Dawn Marole, Elizabeth Tryon, David Selvan and many others. It was a small but formidable team and people like Walker Williams became part of our small family that strived against many challenges to build Thebe to where it is today.

Kaya FM which I led the licence bid for and built from the ground up was one of the initiatives Walker played an instrumental role in guiding me through some of the challenges. He and Byron Lewis ( the founder of UniWorld, the first black advertising agency in the US which is now owned by WPP) were my mentors and introduced me to the Sutton family who owned WBLS.

If it hadn't been for Walker and Byron, I would not have met Given Mkari who was a student intern working at WBLS on my visit there and encouraged him to come home and be part of the first black owned commercial radio station which we launched in 1996. Given is a formidable media owner today and that meeting in New York was a result of Walker.

He became my mentor, a confidant on so many fronts, and a very, very close friend. He was there for me (and many others ) in every possible way, encouraging me to do the insurmountable...because in his words..."You are meant to."

It is hard to believe that this incredible person is gone. It is such a void in my life and many others.

He was a gentle giant. Full of laughter and consistency in everything he did and said.

Gone too soon Walker....I see your face, hear your gentle voice, your infectious laugh, your words of wisdom and reason. I was blessed to call you a dear friend. You are with God and Love now. Keep smiling my friend.
April 11, 2017
April 11, 2017
April 11, 2017
April 11, 2017
This news comes of course as a rude shock, since I think we all counted on having Walker as a colleague for years to come. My deepest sympathies to the family for the loss of this gentle and knolwedgable man.
April 11, 2017
April 11, 2017
I remember Walker supporting me with our US Africa Sister Cities Programs. He will be truly missed.
April 10, 2017
April 10, 2017
A lovely man with a heart and love ❤️ for the African and Caribbean Diaspora. God's Blessings to his family.
April 10, 2017
April 10, 2017
To a very kind hearted man, he always put others before himself. May God continue to use his life to bless many.
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