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All East Coast Judo Championship

June 20
    • I was in the U. S. Navy Aviation branch attached to Andrews Air Force Base. I took care of four Piper Aztec aircraft for the Naval Aviation Officers at the Pentagon so they could stay flight certified enabling them to qualify for additional flight pay. 

    • While at Andrews Air Force Base I was looking to stay in good physical condition… I saw a Judo team working out in the Gym… Warren was a Black Belt teacher there… I knew nothing about Judo… they invited me to get involved… long story shortened… I attended the All East Coast Judo Championships that year… Warren was the reigning Black Belt Champion at the time… I competed as a White Belt… in my last match my collarbone was broken.. I continued and still was able to win the match… but they would not let me continue with the broken collarbone.. so I had to forfeit and settle for third place..

    • Warren Lost that year to a Marine from a Marine base in NC. 

    • The way I remember it was was… Warren was the personal Aide to the Andrews Air Force Base Commander.. when ever we had a scheduled Judo match.. Warren would tell his Base Commander about it and the Commander would call my Naval Commander and ask.. request… or order my presence … I am not sure which… 

    • All said and done… I did enjoy being on the Air Force base… my accommodations were much nicer than being on an aircraft carrier… 

    • Inccidently.. I was coming back from Lockhaven PA after attending a Lycoming Aircraft Engine school… on the freeway driving side by side next to me was a car with a window rolled down and a man was yelling at me to roll my window down… what he told me I will never forget… “J F KENNEDY has been shot!”!!
      Why it is that I can still remember the name WARREN MANAMI amazes me.. I am 82 years old right now.. I was born in 1942. I could add a few things.. but I have probably wore you out already… dave goswick 

My friend Warren

January 17, 2022
I was only privileged to know Warren during the final three years of his life when we served as the co-chairs of the campaign to elect his friend neighbor, Larry Brown, to the Pro Football Hall of Fame, but despite the differences in our backgrounds, ages, and political affiliations, Warren and I clicked.

Sure, we bonded over our desire to help Larry, but Warren and I also both loved sports, government, and language so we had freewheeling, informative discussions. 

His frequent trips to and lengthy stays at Suburban Hospital we're frustrating for Warren as was the ongoing failure of the Pro Football Hall of Fame voters to even consider Larry. But even during our last talk on New Year's Eve, Warren was thinking ahead about how we could move the proverbial ball forward.

Rest in peace, my friend. And rest assured that we'll do our very best to accomplish the mission as you would have.

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