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This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Wayne Welch, 37, born on September 11, 1971 at 2am, passed away just before midnite January 8, 2009. We will remember him forever. Always in our hearts

January 7, 2011
January 7, 2011
Wayne gone to young u will be sadly missed but never forgotten love rob and jo
January 7, 2011
January 7, 2011
God it as gone fast already I can't believe its been 2yrs mate. Wayne u were one hell of a good mate and we all miss ur jokes, smile and ur shoulder to cry on. There was no reason y u had to go at a young age. Ever in our heart u will be sadly missed until the day we make a stairway up to heaven to meet again. Never forgotten mate
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January 10
January 10
Can't believe it's been 15yrs since you left a big hole in everyone heart still miss our crazy phone calls wish heaven a phone so we can hear your voices one more time and your jokes, there not a day goes by that I think you and my love ones that have passed away. Still we meet again party up hard there until it' my time to go
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
WOW Wayne it's hard to believe it's 14yrs since you left us, so much has happened over those years that we all wish you'd been here to see, to celebrate, to grieve with us. We have certainly lost a few really good people during that 14yrs, we have also had some new arrivals including your son becoming a Dad of two lovely children, your daughter got herself married, your nieces and nephew becoming parents and or getting married. Simon is living in Texas with his wife and Jimmy is in Brisbane area. We all miss you so much and wish you were here, love you heaps and heaps. As you know, I still talk to you all the time, just wish you were here.xxxxxxxxxxxx
December 22, 2021
December 22, 2021
I really miss you Waynebow so much. Can't believe it's been so long since you left us. There are so many who are missing you and many who will never get to know you. Come January it will be 13yrs since you left us, we still talk about you and to you, you are and always will be with us. love you heaps, from Mum
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February 15, 2013
I meet you at course ya always picked_ me up and dropped me off .we used to go ti night clubs together just so you knew i was safe. from the day nikayla and skyla were born ya classed ya self there uncle. you di,d a lot for them and aaron and chloe. ya spent christmas day with my family one year. you took me and the 2 girls to the beach before i meet jimmy. I'm thankful for the help ya gave me after health died if it wasn't for youon't know what would of happened you stuck by me the hole way i,.was lucky to meet you and even luckier to be apart of ya family and having my kids as a part of your family to love you always. ya always in my heart and always be in the kids heart miss you heaps xxx

my big brother

January 8, 2012

well i could just about write a book about the things we used to get up,so many good times i just wish life had of been kinnda to you then you may still be here life can be so unkind and you of all people did not deserve some of the shit you put up with, you the one who would go outta yr way to help where ever you could for anyone that was your nature im so proud to call you my brother,your niece and nephew miss you so very much but they lucky they have our gift and can talk with you when ever the need arises, im so grateful that you are watching over your babies and your nieces and nephew god bless you Wayne try not to play up to much hahaha i no you can't help yourself you with all our hearts sending you lots of warm fuzzies love from me ,Ben and Gracie xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox                                    

January 8, 2011

I remember when uncle was at my mums wedding and i did not know that he was there untill i turned around and saw him i ran towards him and gave him a huge hug. uncle wayne was the  biggest thing in my heart. uncle had a heart of gold. i remember when uncle lived in oamaru and i always went into his music room and we would always sit there and listen to his music and drawed pictures and we would always talk. I MISS YOU UNCLE AND I LOVE YOU ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN MY HEART.

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