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September 3, 2023
September 3, 2023
On the 8th anniversary of his departure from this world, I miss Weldon and His kind outreach. Somehow I know he is watching and interceding for me in the Higher Realms. His Life and Dedicated Work will not be forgotten. I have more than once felt his spirit nearby. He was a true Jesus devotee: never quitted on a soul....Thank You, Weldon. And Thank You to all the JW, lamps of faith in such a derailed world..Your outreach by the door is greatly missed!
March 20, 2023
March 20, 2023
David H Perth Western Australia I email corresonded with Weldon in the late 1990's until 2000's when he just 'disappeared', so to speak.
It wasn't until Mar2023 that I was told by Kahty that he had died (he and Kahty shared a ministry desk at a University where they both lived). Weldon was certainly a bro to emulate as he was Jehovah and Kingdom oriented. The bro'hood has certainly been lessened by his demise! May we all see you in that Kingdom, Weldon!
December 11, 2022
December 11, 2022
Today I was notified by this website, as it does every year, that its been 7 years since Weldon passed away. Time has flown by. We miss him very much in our hall and will have so much to catch up with when we see him again….the world going from bad to worse, pandemics etc. Hope to see you on the other side in Paradise, Weldon. You are forever missed until I see you again.
December 11, 2022
December 11, 2022
My wife and I really enjoyed working the table at the college. It was great fun.
Like many we miss the newsletters, hearing from friends around the world.
Too many friends dying today, had another sisters memorial yesterday, she was fifth generation JW.
So we await the Resurrection, for Weldon, my wife, and many friends.
Stay safe, study hard, meditate, pray, and pioneer.
April 14, 2022
April 14, 2022
It is comforting to know that our Savior, Christ Jesus, is there calming his Father's frustration with us humans and being respectfully reminded to remember that we are only dust by our friend and advocate, Christ Jesus.

We, too, need to remember that each of us in the truth and not in the truth, including us, are only made from dust and we need to have respect and compassion for everyone.

Just think about how Christ Jesus could have abused his position under Jehovah God and gotten mad at us humans and let his Father who is in the heavens turn his rage against us. Not one of us would be here. There would hardly be anyone bearing witness to Him and his son.

We trust in a true and living God who does not lie! HE is the ONLY God that DOES NOT LIE as well as his First Born of All Creation, Christ Jesus, that does not lie.!

Let's not become jaded because our sense of time tells us the New System should already be here. We do not have Jehovah God's sense of time. One day is as 1,000 years to Jehovah God.

Many people think that when they die, they go to heaven and are angels. We know Jehovah God's standards and not just anyone can go and live in the heavens. Only those who have the hope of the resurrection and have the life acceptable to Jehovah God and his Son Christ Jesus can associate with those angels who are in the cleansed heavens.

I was with Mom, who is one of the Anointed Remnant, when she was on her death bed. I was crying and when I turned around, Mom was sitting up in bed and when she knew she had my eye contact, with her last breaths, she comforted me by saying to me, "it doesn't hurt"! Her last words and barely alive were to comfort me!

I am very emotional right now because my parents had 6 children and their first born recently died. She was 96, Mom's age when she died.

Our enemy death is starting to pick us off, too. Not just my siblings (I am #5 of 6 children), our friends we grew up with, too. This imperfect life requires being strong and trusting in Jehovah God because there is not anyone else that is advocating for us humans other than Jehovah God's first born of all Creation, Christ Jesus.

You can find me, Rebecca Sarantis Simon, on Facebook and at
February 14, 2022
February 14, 2022
Someone said something today that instantly reminded me of Weldon, and I had to share it. I never really got to know him well, though he sent his now famous Newsletters to me regularly after we 'met' on the Virtual Gathering Newsletter ages ago. 
When the pandemic started, I began sending out a daily Greeting to over a hundred people I know personally, to help them feel connected, and the list continues to grow. Today someone asked me "How do you know so many people?" I instantly thought of something Weldon said that has effected my whole life....When someone asked HIM how he had so many Good continuing friendships from around the world he said "I never let anyone go". He continued to mention how he appreciated everyone, and earnestly tried to stay in touch with EVERYone he met. That inspired me and I've tried to copy that ideal ever since. I can honestly say it's been one of the foremost blessings I've enjoyed in my service to Jehovah. ( John 13:35 ) I cannot wait to see Weldon again and tell him how his beautiful idea changed my life.
December 11, 2021
December 11, 2021
Miss our correspondence! Weldon was such an encouraging person to have known. Enjoyed our visit with him in Santa Barbara. Will see him again in the promised resurrection hope. :) 
July 13, 2021
July 13, 2021
6 years! I continue to meet people that have known him! He is dearly missed and loved as I can see at the amount of 'views', 32,144, at this moment in time anyway. There will be people elbowing their way in to see Weldon resurrected... lol I too enjoyed the letters that he sent, always something encouraging.
July 12, 2021
July 12, 2021
Weldon's love was always there for me no matter what I went through and what I would yet learn in life. I painted the blue walls in his place personally. We shared some very deep, encouraging moments as friends who knew each other since 1983.

I know he will be looking for all of his friends when he wakes up and is welcomed into Paradise under God's Kingdom. The funny thing is, he will be doing All The Asking of what he missed out on and no longer the one carrying the conversations!

Can you still hear his unique voice in your mind? I can. But There Is One Who Sees Him As Good As Alive! (John 5: 28,29)

I bless his memory and his personal impact upon my life.
December 11, 2020
December 11, 2020
My second husband and I ( my first one left me after I came into the truth) received our dear brother Weldon’s email for many years and because he knew a brother in Idaho who knew a brother in Marin County, CA, we were able to visit a newly baptized brother in San Quentin prison on Death Row. Due to the fact that my husband who learned the truth in a prison In Honolulu and then was in an Honor Camp in Hawaii and got baptized and came to California and and later met me in Santa Cruz and because my husband had changed his way of life from robbery and stealing, I contacted the warden at San Quentin and so my husband and I were allowed to visit the brother there in San Quentin many times. This new brother helped three others to baptism as he had become like a lamb. Again this was on account of knowing our brother from Santa Barbara, Weldon Howse. Weldon also told us about the older brother who showed movies about his life in Germany I believe, which were very upbuilding. We appreciated Weldon’s emails very much and know he will be very happy when he wakes up from his sleep to hear about the worldwide witness work and how it transpired after he died. Thanks for the opportunity to relate our story too. Nancy Mallory Aki, wife of the late Gabriel Aki, who was invited “upstairs” to be a participant of the coming Great War at Revelation 16:14,16; 19:11....P.S. if. Anyone would like to email me, I would be happy to share a couple stories. My email is (Yes, we lived in China and shared the “good news “ there several times.)1
December 11, 2020
December 11, 2020
I still remember Weldon's letter describing his morning not being well. That by the time we read his letter he would be asleep in death. He is still alive in his friends hearts and alive in Jehovah's Memorial tomb. At age 69 Weldon has been the only one ever to refer to me as "Princess" whenever he read my experiences from our need-greater service. Weldon's death has been the only loss I uncontrollably cried from sheer pain of heart. I know I will uncontrollably cry out of "Exquisite Delight" at his resurrection.
September 6, 2020
September 6, 2020
Our Dear Weldon gave the memorial talk for our son who died 15 years ago.
Some 300 attended with half of them being non witness and many of those were in law enforcement and the fire department. A tremendous witness was given that day. Look forward to seeing Weldon and our son in the new world with no more death, pain, nor sorrow.
September 5, 2020
September 5, 2020
Whenever I sat down to read one of Weldon's heartwarming news letters, it was like sitting next to a warm fire on a cold night, or like a ray of light shining through the darkness. So international! So comprehensive! So encouraging! I imagine Weldon in the paradise being one of those assigned to keep us all informed of the latest goings on.. (perhaps there will be announcements about who has just been resurrected?) That would be nice.
September 3, 2020
September 3, 2020
You are sorely missed....see you soon...
September 4, 2019
September 4, 2019
Miss brother Weldon's e-mails & the encouraging e-mails he forwarded on, not only to me but to many! Just think, this beautiful brother along with many of our loved one's will be brought back to life all whole and well. Although we all yearn for tomorrow, Jehovah will keep his promise no pain, no death, no sorrow! Acts 24:15. Agape ~ Rita :)
September 3, 2019
September 3, 2019
I miss our Brother's kindness and his fascinating newsletters filled with stories and experiences all over the world. His death is a great loss.

Jehovah be with you always.
September 3, 2019
September 3, 2019
It's nice to receive a reminder to think about our precious brother Weldon this day. I also am brought to tears reading many comments... May we all strive to imitate his love for Jehovah, people, and declaring the Good News. I had fallen into the age old pattern of assuming Weldon would always be here because we have eternity in our hearts, and forget how fragile and fleeting life can be. Imagine Weldon's enthusiasm carrying out all of Jehovah's work for us in the paradise. Our uniquely wonderful brother made everyone of us feel highly regarded as individuals, though we were one among hundreds! I continue to miss him greatly...
March 8, 2019
March 8, 2019
I agree with you all 3 years of missing our dear brother, he was a close fiend to many around the world, I am happy that he taught me to have friends -around the world as well in memory of our brother Weldon. Many I write to every day a little note , I use WhatsApp to do that . Modern technology-.
Our number to connect on WhatsApp is 814-881-5572  Send us a message if you would like. Also want to thank who ever it is that keeps this alive.
As this wonderful organization we belong to is moving so fast with so many changes we must keep us so when all is new and Jehovah starts the resurrection we can be there to welcome him back, the line will be long for all to see Weldon so we all will need patience to hug him. We send our love to you all, your brother Sparkie & Pam Edwards
March 5, 2019
March 5, 2019
I had a dream last night and Weldon was in it! So strange that 3 years have flown by already! Weldon would have been excited by all the changes in Jehovah's organization and on the world seen! We all really miss his encouraging emails, all of which I have saved to revisit from time to time. We all cannot wait to welcome our dear friend and brother back and fill him in on the exciting events. It is right around the corner!!
December 18, 2018
December 18, 2018
Like everyone else, I can't believe it has been 3 years! He was known for his encouraging E-mails and for me his bow tie! I know it will be a pleasure for Jehovah to see him actively praising Him again. A very unique Brother and dedicated servant....he is missed by all that knew him.
December 14, 2018
December 14, 2018
Wow 3 years have gone by so fast , Weldon was a wonderful friend and brother. My go to man in many things , we were so happy to have spent some time with him shortly before he died. Miss Him so much and looking forward to meeting him again on this wonderful Earth when Jehovah calls and he will listen. I know so many of you miss him too. Thank you for keeping this web site alive.
December 11, 2018
December 11, 2018
Never met Weldon in person but mutual friends always described him the exact way I imagined him to be. In the 3 years he has been gone, Weldon would be surprised and delighted to see all the changes taking place in the Truth!
December 11, 2018
December 11, 2018
It is 3 years since Weldon passed. It’s amazing how fast time flies. That’s 3 years closer to the end of this wicked system. I have a memory of Weldon when he visited Austin one time. My pioneer partner and I had the pleasure of taking him to the airport. We met for service and he was there. After leaving the hall the first thing he said was “find me a body” ! He wanted to talk to someone. Eunice and I were trying to think of where to take him when he suddenly said “there that gas station” he jumped out of the car and went to the pump where a man was pumping gas. He started talking, and the man pulled his car over and parked to continue the conversation. Weldon raided our book bags and placed literature. This was around the year 2000.
December 11, 2018
December 11, 2018
Aloha Friends!
We just enjoyed our "BE BOLD" assembly in Escondido, CA and it reminded me of how Weldon had no fear of talking to all in his path. He even picked up hitchhikers to share the Good News. He treated all, including us, as 'his best friend '... Remember Weldon and treat ALL without prejudice and equally as Weldon and Jehovah God does.
A Hui Ho
December 10, 2018
December 10, 2018
I never had the privilege of meeting Weldon face-to-face. For many years we wrote each other often and shared experiences, joys, heartaches and life together.
Weldon had the most positive view of life and the how Jehovah can assist us in every endeavor. I reread his letters and emails often just to feel his energy and be uplifted.
Each time I read his letters or visit here to read how he affected each of you, I am moved to tears. Surprisingly not tears of sorrow , but tears of joy knowing that Weldon card for each of us in imitation of Jehovah. What an example to follow!
I look forward to the day,soon, when i can meet and hug my dear bother.
Hans Bluehs
February 21, 2018
February 21, 2018
I first met Weldon after getting out of the Marines in the early 80s. Weldon was like a father to me. He helped to instill the pioneer spirit into my heart. I fell out of the truth for many years after my wife died of cancer, but I am attending meetings again. Even though I have been out of the truth for many years, that pioneer spirit is still there burning deep in my heart.
Thanks Weldon
Your friend and brother,
Matthew Henry
January 21, 2018
January 21, 2018
At this time of year, I'm still thinking of our dear brother and missing his comments in our hall (and of course, the emails.) I cannot wait to see you again and catch up,,,so much in such a short time.
December 11, 2017
December 11, 2017
As I sit I here in Pennsylvania and think of the terrible fires in California and as I spoke and text some friends out in Santa Barbara area we fear for them , but a little comfort our brother Weldon can sleep through it all.
We pray Jehovah will be with all the rest that are dealing with the disaster out that way. May Jehovah's kingdom come soon. Love to you all your brother Sparkie & Pam
December 11, 2017
December 11, 2017
Weldon you are missed. I miss all the emails from friends from all over. I enjoyed being with you at the table at the college. You would be so happy to see us with 6 lit carts and 2 A-frames in our congregation. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
September 3, 2017
September 3, 2017
Wow close to 2 years have passed since we lost a dear friend, bother and a wonderful man. He was a brother who had so many years helping different ones learn about our father Jehovah, My wife Pam and I are still using something we learned from Weldon and that is visiting the friends, you see every time we visited our brother we would go to the farmers market and get a little something as a gift and go visit some one from the congregation. We cherish that because we get a gift and Pam will make a pie and we will make a appointment and the two of us will go visit different ones in the congregation to let them know they are loved. If we wouldn't have met and visited our brother we would never have know that. Pay it forward is as is said and we are so happy to have learned that from our Dear Brother Weldon whom we all miss so much, but as this old system comes to its end, we know the day will come to welcome him back. May all of us copy Weldon's faith and win life forever to see him again. we send our love to all

Thank you for keeping this site alive.
December 31, 2016
December 31, 2016
Unlike most of the tributes, I didn't know Weldon. My very special friend, Eleanore Grigg forwarded his emails to me. I am disabled from
Lupus and am rarely able to leave my home. Receiving an email was like finding a gem. Hopefully I will meet and thank him in the coming paradise.
December 13, 2016
December 13, 2016
I can't believe a year has already passed. I miss his e-mails and all the encouragement he brought with them. Each day he is closer and closer to a Resurrection. I am going to be so happy to meet this Brother who brought so much joy to my heart.
December 12, 2016
December 12, 2016
It seems WAAAAAYYYY longer than a year! I have to say, I feel that my 'family' has opened up even more so than Weldon would have imagined. These notes about Weldon are actually an encouragement to me as well. I’m looking forward to seeing our loved ones again in Jehovah's New System. Much Agape’ to all...
December 12, 2016
December 12, 2016
Hardly a week goes by that we don't think of our dear brother and miss his warm & loving comments and experiences from brothers all over the world! And of course, those emails full of encouragement, photos, and so much love. Sage and I look forward to your resurrection party, dear Weldon! We will have so much to share from even this last year jam packed full of updates from the faithful slave. Until then, sleep well, dear brother. Warmest Christian Love, Debbie and Sage Garven
December 11, 2016
December 11, 2016
Hard to believe it is a year gone already. Weldon was a dear brother who gave love and comfort to many. I miss his emails.
December 11, 2016
December 11, 2016
I so miss receiving Weldon's encouraging e-mails. It is hard to believe that a year has gone by but that soon in Jehovah's New World we shall see him again. What a faithful brother he was and it was so obvious when I met him in Santa Barbara his sincere love for Jehovah! What a gracious man Weldon was, for when I sent Weldon crochet tea towels I would make for him to wipe his hands as he cooked for himself I would receive an enormous thanks. We were e-mail pals for many years from the time I lived in Alberta to British Columbia. As I received his beautiful encouraging e-mails I would send them along to others who appreciated the experiences from around the world. They all were sad when I no longer sent e-mails to them. The e-mails often lifted friends up who needed that spiritual shot in the arm so to speak!...yes indeed, Weldon is truly missed! :)
December 11, 2016
December 11, 2016
Weldon had that spark that made everyone around him better just for being there. He is truly missed by so many!! See you my friend when Jehovah finally says enough is enough!
December 11, 2016
December 11, 2016
I miss Weldon and all those emails and letters he sent out. I got the "bug" to do table witnessing from visiting him and working with him ONE day at the college. When the branch finally came out with the cart program I was overjoyed. It has been three years or is it four now and I am always excited by what happens at the carts. Does anyone still receive any of the emails from the friends all over the world? I wish these could still be received and sent out.
November 30, 2016
November 30, 2016
Hard to believe it has almost been a year since we lost such a caring man. Many times this year I have gone to my list of email addresses and looked at Weldons name popping up...wishing I could hear a cheerful message from him. We all look forward to the day we can once again listen to him give a talk at one of our conventions or read another report from him...and tell him how much he was missed!!!
November 30, 2016
November 30, 2016
If Weldon had so much energy in his imperfect state think of the energy Jehovah will impart in a perfect body,and when he awakens from this enemy death,and he will need this energy like the gazelle so he can spend a few thousand years with each and every individual he left his imprint with .
around the world like a gazelle,in his travels,many thousands of years one day I hope to meet Weldon,I want him to show me how to wash Windows without leaving a run at top .maybe we can take a few hundred years and share our experiences and years leading up to end of wicked world.what a wonderful time is ahead ,not only Weldon but all our loved ones,close friends in congregation who we long to welcome back.what a marvelous,loyal,full of integrity,and love, God we have, will abound,we are a happy people,we have a happy god Jehovah.
November 29, 2016
November 29, 2016
In less than two weeks Weldon will have been missing from this world for one year but certainly not our hearts. We have read and re-read the tributes, the stories, and looked at all the photos many times over and we find Weldon just as alive as one year ago. This is due in part to the many wonderful expression you, our dear brothers and sisters have shared with each of us of whom you have not known except that we all loved the same man and he inturn loved each of us. Makes you feel sorry for the rest doesn't it.
November 20, 2016
November 20, 2016
I am writing to thank our brother Dana Rossi for the continue hosting of this web site. Weldon was a wonderful brother and friend.
We all miss him and as this old world coming closer to its end when Jehovah and his son will make all things new, the clock will start ticking for the day when Jehovah's day to bring him back !! 
Thank you again our brother Rossi
Sincerely your brother Sparkie
September 3, 2016
September 3, 2016
Weldon was one of the best brothers I had, thank you Weldon, hope to see you at the resurrection
              your brother Darrel
September 3, 2016
September 3, 2016
My friendship began with Weldon some 66 years ago in a small town named Bishop Ca. where he came to help my grandmother who was Company Servant in that small Cong. He was the first one I shared in the Ministry with. Many years later I was in Bethel with him in the 50's,
I communicated with him both in person and phone and internet. We shared lunch with him when he would visit us in Tehachapi, Ca, I spoke with im and got a nice e-mail from him just two weeks before he died. He was a most encouraging spiritual brother and how I look forward to qualifying to meat him in Jehovah's righteous New World.

He worked hard and encouraged many and was well deserving to climb into that sleep compartment in that train that is speeding on to the New World. Have a nice rest dear brother and we will update you on all that you missed soon. Herb Silver.
June 1, 2016
June 1, 2016
Weldon Howze was a unique person and a fine portrait of dignity and compassion as in the core tradition of the Jehova's Witnesses.
Howze carved a special regard in my heart for God and His will.
With his occasional appearances and Bible references, in key moments of challenge in my Life, He reawakened me to hope and favored a deeper understanding of the tests I faced, and from which always emerging victorious and rescued and what's most important, more faithful than ever before.
If ever God sent angels to help me, and enlighten me, Weldon was one of the finest among them.
He tailored His life to a most unique and unforgettable biblical example and outreach to touch the world and bridge it back to Eden, choosing the brotherly and tidy style of the JW interpretation.
JW have always appeared in my Life in moments of great challenge, and each time I SURVIVED knowing that their appearance was a direct sign of God' reassurance that all was going to be OK.
With Weldon we often discussed the Laws of God and the difference Jesus made in this world.
His legacy to me and to all of You is to bring the importance of those Laws or Keys of Life to all those who need to know.
I was informed of Howze's departure only on June 1.
If anyone has further info about his last letter and where it can be read , please post it or let me know at:
Thanks to all of JW for their work of faith and compassion.
April 20, 2016
April 20, 2016
I am so saddened to hear of Weldon's death, he sounded an absolute dear and a really encouraging brother, I have only just read about this as I wasn't using my email for a few months.

Love to Weldon's family from Etty in the uk
March 13, 2016
March 13, 2016
As I was not able to make the memorial , living in Westbank British Columbia, does some one know how many were at the memorial for Weldon. and is that just at the place where it was held. There were many tie ins as well. I was at a 1 day convention in Vernon B C " Imitate their Faith" thank you bro Paul Lacny
March 13, 2016
March 13, 2016
How saddened I am to hear of this dear brothers passing.. Weldon's love for his brothers and sisters worldwide was extended in his emails bringing us all up to date with news from around the world, I so enjoyed this contact and I will miss those updates. I am so eager for that new system when the call to awaken will come for not only Weldon (hopefully I will be able to meet this dear brother) and all other family and friends who are gone. Sleep a while dear brother we will miss you.
March 12, 2016
March 12, 2016
We will miss our dear brother. We treasured his internet connections. See you in the new world under Gods Kingdom government that we pray for in the lords prayer to be right here on the earth as it already is in the heavens. So much hope in a hopeless world. Thank you Jehovah. See you again Brother Weldon. I just thought of something, Well done good and faithful slave, sounds like the Brother, who was always so encouraging. Extranaremos,Te vamos echar de menos, you will be missed. Vamos a vez, una vez mas, We will see you again.
March 12, 2016
March 12, 2016
Correction well done faithful brother.
Mitizie Watson and family.
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